WTS/WTT Grunty for stuff [SOLD]

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WTS/WTT Grunty for stuff [SOLD]

Post by Charax » January 8th, 2015, 11:32 am

Hey everyone! Charax Silvershield here making a sexond pitch for my unscratched Grunty card.

Initial pitch was 400K on Emerald Dream. Since most of you dog fighting savages don't grace the magical lands of ED, I will consider a trade for comparable value TCG goods (mounts/tabards etc - no pets please).

Please list an inventory of your goods with reasonable fair market value attributed to it that you are willing to trade so that I can decide if it is of interest to me.


PS: I'll consider trading first if you have established a good reputation here, otherwise, you can trade first. This will be a clean transaction either way.

Edit: I'll also consider profession mounts that I don't have based on NPC cost of the MoP mat (the 18K one), and maybe the Alliance chopper, if you just want to throw a gold component at it.
Last edited by Charax on January 29th, 2015, 7:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: WTS/WTT Grunty for stuff

Post by Taerie » January 8th, 2015, 2:05 pm

Are you looking for tcg mounts with an unscratched card or are you looking to learn it on someone's server? If it's the latter do you have any particular preference in mount? Are there tcg mounts you already have? Don't want to waste your time with a lack luster offer =D

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Re: WTS/WTT Grunty for stuff

Post by Sibi » January 8th, 2015, 2:38 pm

You can check his Armory page Charax-Emerald Dream.

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Re: WTS/WTT Grunty for stuff

Post by Imoverated » January 8th, 2015, 3:08 pm

Some stuff i have besides pets:
200-250k illidan gold
Wooly white rhino (on a dead server) 150-200k
Sack of starfish (tcg toy) 75k

Let me know i can try to make more gold if you are interested

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Re: WTS/WTT Grunty for stuff

Post by Charax » January 8th, 2015, 4:45 pm

So, for those wanting to pitch gold on a server of their choice, I would want the gold converted into a manufactured profession mount. I would give credit as follows:

55k depleted-kyparium rocket
55k Geosynchronous World Spinner
18k Jade Panther
18k Ruby Panther

I would THINK about 100k for the Champion's Treadblade - but damn, what's the story with the wheels on that thing? It would certainly be a somewhat rare ride since who the heck would drop 100k on that?! But, I would consider it.

In terms of TCG mounts...I have to take a look and see what I like (sorry, should be more prepared). Also, I love tabards (have the white one already in my world famous mog...what do you mean you don't know what mog that is? What rock is your server under?)

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Re: WTS/WTT Grunty for stuff

Post by Yamum » January 8th, 2015, 4:53 pm

If you'll take mounts on my realm (and learn them on a DK) we might be able to work something out. Have a looksie here: https://theunderminejournal.com/#khazgoroth/category/companions

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Re: WTS/WTT Grunty for stuff

Post by Taerie » January 8th, 2015, 4:57 pm

Well I could offer 350k on Lightbringer Alliance. Light bringer- where all dreams come true (your dream may vary). Or I could offer some combination of savage raptor‚ ghastly charger's skull‚ amani dragonhawk‚ big battle bear or x-51 nether rocket x-treme.

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Re: WTS/WTT Grunty for stuff

Post by Sibi » January 8th, 2015, 5:42 pm

Taerie wrote:Light bringer- where all dreams come true (your dream may vary).
We already play on Emerald DREAM (or Nightmare, depending.) Charax fancies himself the Mog King of our little Dream. Debatable though.
(I played on LB for quite awhile back in Cata, Horde side though :p )

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Re: WTS/WTT Grunty for stuff

Post by Charax » January 8th, 2015, 8:11 pm

Probably a mount I would actually use is a spectral tiger.

US median price seems to sit right at my ask price. That might be fair, but I'd have to research it a bit more. TTYL - off to see The Hobbit in 3D IMAX. I so excite!

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Re: WTS/WTT Grunty for stuff

Post by Taerie » January 8th, 2015, 8:28 pm

Hmm hmm hmm. I'll scrounge around and see if I can find one. The rare one right? I think that's the one around that price point. Gold offer still stands too. Lightbringer... 50% more light than other realms guaranteed (your light experience may vary). We've no mog king on Lightbringer- so that position comes with the transaction too =D

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Re: WTS/WTT Grunty for stuff

Post by Charax » January 9th, 2015, 12:14 am

Taerie wrote:Hmm hmm hmm. I'll scrounge around and see if I can find one. The rare one right? I think that's the one around that price point. Gold offer still stands too. Lightbringer... 50% more light than other realms guaranteed (your light experience may vary). We've no mog king on Lightbringer- so that position comes with the transaction too =D
Yeah, the rare one should suffice, I think. Of course, if someone wants to trade the epic, the Mog Emperor would be pleased, and who wouldn't want to please the mog emperor?

I think I have an abandoned twink on Lightbringer.

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Re: WTS/WTT Grunty for stuff

Post by Yamum » January 11th, 2015, 10:39 pm

Grunty still available?

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Re: WTS/WTT Grunty for stuff [SOLD]

Post by Charax » January 29th, 2015, 7:55 pm

Hey, I just wanted to inform you all that I sold the code today. In order to provide guidance to future buyers/sellers, the code was sold for:

- Reins of the Spectral Tiger
- 85,000 gold (Emerald Dream)

There was a mini-bidding war with another player via e-mails today until we topped out with the above.

Code was sold to SIBI in a very safe and friendly transaction (she traded mount first unprompted, I provided code, she then traded gold).

Good luck to all of you in your collections!

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Re: WTS/WTT Grunty for stuff [SOLD]

Post by Sibi » January 29th, 2015, 8:03 pm

Indeed, it was a heated bidding war. Probably went a little higher than we should have ;)
I've wanted that mount since I first started playing, it was a hard choice to part with him lol I hope you enjoy it!
Thanks for the trade.
Time to go level up this guy and replenish my gold stock. lol

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Re: WTS/WTT Grunty for stuff [SOLD]

Post by Corbinxt » January 29th, 2015, 10:04 pm

Congratz!! Good find

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