Powerlevel strat: Rockbiter/ Stonechewer / Acidtooth

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Powerlevel strat: Rockbiter/ Stonechewer / Acidtooth

Post by Foxxi » January 14th, 2015, 11:27 am

Lowbie requirements: None
Necessary pets: Pandaren Water Spirit(1,2,2) and Stitched Pup (1,2,1)

Start with the water spirit

Rockbiter :
R1: Geyser
R2: Whirlpool
R3: Pass (you won’t hit him anyway)
R4+ Water Jet until dead

R1: Pass ( if your spirit has more than 550hp)
R2: Geyser
R3: Whirlpool
R4: Pass (if your spirit is still alive)

Bring out Stitched pup
R1: Howl
R2: Diseased Bite until Stonechewer dies


If your pup has at least 500 hp:
R1: Consume Corpse
R2: Pass
R3: Diseased Bite
R4: Howl
R5: Diseased Bite ( undead passive is triggered)
R6: Diseased Bite and Acidtooth dies
Lowbie pet reaps all the rewards

If your pup has less than 500 hp:
R1: consume corpse
R2: Diseased Bite
R3: Howl
R4: Diseased Bite ( undead passive is triggered)
R5: Diseased Bite and Acidtooth dies
Lowbie pet reaps all the rewards

EDIT: Further working comes up with another rare possibility. if your pup gets crit by bodyslam it will leave him in the 400-500 hp range rather than the 192, 700, or 1208 spots that are more common. I adjusted the numbers for HP levels to use depending on which side of that hp boundary you fall on (my first time seeing it I was at ~500 and tried to go with the second setup but it didn't work). I'll continue to update this if I see anymore anomalies

1) I didn't see the scenario where my pup only had 192 hp starting Acidtooth very often, so I didn't get as much testing on that set as the first one, but the few times it did come up, it worked for me.
2) You don't have to pass on the rounds with the Water Spirit if you don't want to, you can water jet. I choose not to because it makes no real difference due to the damage reduction buff, and it saves a little time since it doesn't do the attack animation.
3) Partial credit for this is due MullyGrubb and Listian for their posts on wowhead. Mully spelled out the PWS's role, and Listian suggested the Pup but didn't give any details, I figured out the precise order so that it would do enough damage and still die for the lowbie.
Last edited by Foxxi on January 14th, 2015, 1:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Powerlevel strat: Rockbiter/ Stonechewer / Acidtooth

Post by Darolyn » January 14th, 2015, 12:08 pm

I am so excited. For once, I have the team ready to go! Can't wait until I get home and can start leveling some of my pets! Thanks for the strat!
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Re: Powerlevel strat: Rockbiter/ Stonechewer / Acidtooth

Post by Rusti » January 14th, 2015, 3:00 pm

Darolyn wrote:I am so excited. For once, I have the team ready to go! Can't wait until I get home and can start leveling some of my pets! Thanks for the strat!
Darolyn, make sure to look up a strat for the daily for Friday as well. You will be able to power level against that set if I am not mistaken so today is a good day to level any pets you are missing for it. The team is Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481, & Protectron 011803.

EDIT: I am also going to note that I LOVE how at the end of the fight the lowbie pet runs forward as if to say "Yeah! I did it!" while his buddies lay dead near him...

LOL thanks for the strat! it works amazingly well!

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Re: Powerlevel strat: Rockbiter/ Stonechewer / Acidtooth

Post by Darolyn » January 14th, 2015, 3:42 pm

Rusti wrote:
Darolyn, make sure to look up a strat for the daily for Friday as well. You will be able to power level against that set if I am not mistaken so today is a good day to level any pets you are missing for it. The team is Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481, & Protectron 011803.
Thanks for the idea! I need to start prioritizing pet leveling, since I can't afford to pay for any more leveling, lol!
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Re: Powerlevel strat: Rockbiter/ Stonechewer / Acidtooth

Post by Abbotta » January 14th, 2015, 5:05 pm

I am a confirmed believe in the power of the Eternal Strider/Unborn Val'kyr against Rockbiter and gang

For Rockbiter just use any Strider type aquatic pet (I used my Eternal Strider which was a level 25 rare P/S). Hit Rocktbiter 4 times with pump and the last time with water jet and he's dead.

Out comes Stonechewer and there is a trick to doing this. He's going to put a shell on that will lower your hit power. So keep the strider out there long enough to wear that away. Usually I will do a Pump>Heal>Pump combination that will knock off about 500 on Stonechewer, kill the strider and finish the CD on Stonechewer's shield then out comes the Unborn Val'kyr and this is simple.

Shadow Shock him until he's dead, should take a couple of hits and put your Val-kyr down to about 100HP. Acidtooth will come out and you'll get about one or two more hit of Shadow Shock. When you get into that rez round for your Unborn then hit Acidtooth with Unholy Ascension and die. Bring out your leveling pet and finish off.

Few things with the leveling pet. Can't be weak against humanoids and it needs to have at least one good strong power hit against the opponent. But it's a good fight combo for all your mid-level pets around 12-15 to push them up to level 20 and above.

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Re: Powerlevel strat: Rockbiter/ Stonechewer / Acidtooth

Post by Rusti » January 14th, 2015, 5:19 pm

Darolyn wrote:
Rusti wrote:
Darolyn, make sure to look up a strat for the daily for Friday as well. You will be able to power level against that set if I am not mistaken so today is a good day to level any pets you are missing for it. The team is Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481, & Protectron 011803.
Thanks for the idea! I need to start prioritizing pet leveling, since I can't afford to pay for any more leveling, lol!
That's what I am doing. I looked up teams and strats for all of the other menagerie dailies so I can make sure to have the teams ready for them. If I miss one then I toss it into my pet tamer rounds for the day.

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Re: Powerlevel strat: Rockbiter/ Stonechewer / Acidtooth

Post by Morlis » January 14th, 2015, 5:40 pm

Friday's (1/16/15) Pet Battle, Strat largely borrowed from Jerebear with a few of my tweaks.

Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481, Protectron 011803

Need the following:
Sapphire Cub (Pounce, Screech, Prowl)
Electrified Razortooth (Rip, Blood in the Water, Devour)
Leveling pet (can be level 1, doesn’t even need to hit)

Blingtron 4999b (Start with Sapphire Cub)
R1 to R4 - Pounce
Blingtron dies

Protectron 022481
Decision time... Cub have more than 335 HP? Then do Plan A otherwise Plan B

Plan A
R5a - Screech
R6a - Prowl
R7a - Screech (Cub dies here)

Plan B
R5b - Pounce
R6b - Screech (Cub dies here) Skip to R8

R8 - Bring in Electrified Razortooth > Rip
R9 - Blood in the Water (022481 Fail-safe activates (mech Revives))
R10 - Devour (022481 dies)

Protectron 011803
R11 - Devour part 2 automatic
R12 - Rip
R13 - Rip
R14 - Blood in the Water (should activate 011803’s Fail-safe)
R15 - Pass or any attack (doesn't matter 011803 will use Ion Cannon first, razor dies)
R16 - Leveling Pet rotates in automatic, if it does 105+ damage 011803 dies
R17 - 011803 will die from bleed regardless of how much damage leveling pet does

Potential Problems:
If Blingtron does 3 Club attacks and 1 crits the Cub will die, it’s a do-over. (rare)
If Cub crits pounce on round 1 or 2, Blingtron will use Armageddon which could kill low level pets and possibly the Cub, another do-over. (very uncommon) Not a do-over if they both live.

My tweaks:
I added the Plan A and B options to avoid the Cub doing to much damage. As strange as that sounds, if the Cub does to much on the 2nd Bot it will activate ion cannon on the Razor and cause a serious break down in battle flow.
Also I added the second Rip at round 13, this ensured that the 3rd bot activated Fail-safe so the leveling pet could be level 1 and never take damage or even have to attack, the rip damage will kill it.

I will check back on Friday to make sure what I have here is my actual routine. I believe it is, but who knows with my memory and notes whether or not it is accurate.
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Re: Powerlevel strat: Rockbiter/ Stonechewer / Acidtooth

Post by Rusti » January 14th, 2015, 6:47 pm

Thanks Morlis! I'll have to level the cub so this is the perfect day to do that!

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Re: Powerlevel strat: Rockbiter/ Stonechewer / Acidtooth

Post by Winstonwaterston » January 14th, 2015, 11:30 pm

I gave the strategy in the first post a try today, leveling up pets for an hour while buffs from the Lesser Pet Treat and regular Pet Treat were active. Out of about 20 battles, I had four "lucky" ones (or "unlucky" depending on your perspective): if the Stitched Pup should crit on Acidtooth after the Howl, it's possible that it will still be alive (or in its Undead extra round) when Acidtooth dies. I always won, but for those battles the carry pet didn't level.

It's still a good strategy. Every time I saw the Stitched Pup fall in its Undead extra round just as Acidtooth died, I admired Foxxi's sense of timing.

Edit: After I read Rusti's post above mine, I realized that I also had to level my Sapphire Cub. So I did the battle a few more times. The only time I saw the Stitched Pup stay alive at the end of the battle was on the "If your pup has less than 500 hp" option. So I'd modify the strategy just a little bit: If you're on step R4, and Acidtooth has less than 850 HP left, then pass before the next Diseased Bite.
Last edited by Winstonwaterston on January 15th, 2015, 12:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Powerlevel strat: Rockbiter/ Stonechewer / Acidtooth

Post by Foxxi » January 14th, 2015, 11:50 pm

Yeah, as I've done this through the day I've noticed a couple of places a bad crit can throw a monkey-wrench into things - that's one of them. Another is if the pup crits even before the howl, do too much damage too early and it won't survive even one bite with howl in effect. It hasn't happened enough to me through the day for me to find a way around it, but I'm still trying.

The other which is just a battle over is during Stonechewer. Once you pass on that first round if Stonechewer crits the Water Spirit with bodyslam it can kill the spirit before you get whirlpool cast. For me at least this happened only twice today, and I've been doing this pretty much all day.

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Re: Powerlevel strat: Rockbiter/ Stonechewer / Acidtooth

Post by Darolyn » January 15th, 2015, 7:11 am

I saw all of that happen and more. I had battles where the Pup critted so much that Consume Corpse was wholly unnecessary. I had battles where PWS nearly finished off two of the opponents.

And I had dozens of battles where my carry pet got no experience because the pup's undead round was still going on.

If the carry was higher than say, level 16, I could usually pass on the pup and get the carry to finish off, but not always. Those were the only ones that I ever lost, the ones where the carry pet died trying to clean up.

Well, I got five pets leveled to 25. Considering I was only able to start at around 8 pm, that's not too bad, I guess. Got a bunch of achievements finished, and my Jade Tentacle, so that was nice.

Unfortunately, I passed out in the middle of leveling a pet I needed for Friday. Just my luck. Trainers, here I come.
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Re: Powerlevel strat: Rockbiter/ Stonechewer / Acidtooth

Post by Rendigar » January 15th, 2015, 7:32 am

Darolyn wrote:Unfortunately, I passed out in the middle of leveling a pet I needed for Friday. Just my luck. Trainers, here I come.
*chuckle* You know that's actually funny because I stopped levelling pets with this strat because it requires too much focus (long day at work and was dozing off, couldn't remember where in the timing I was).

It is a great strat (PWS needs 509 health, not 550, as it will get hit for 508 - or get crit and die at 509 or 550), and when you NEED to get a few more pets to 25 (I don't) it's awesome to have another day you can do it (stole this strat for my guide, BTW).

It's worth making a note, though, that if you cast Geyser/Whirlpool on StoneChewer R1/R2 because your PWS had < 509 health, that the odds are much lower to win cleanly (I think my carry pet just didn't get XP - but that may have been my exhaustion telling...).

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Re: Powerlevel strat: Rockbiter/ Stonechewer / Acidtooth

Post by Foxxi » January 15th, 2015, 1:10 pm

If PWS has to do that, one of two things happened most often to me: when the whirlpool/geyser combo goes off, even with howl in effect it leaves Stonechewer with still about half health due to the damage reduction buff in effect. My Pup would either need to give (and take) and extra hit leaving him at the 192 hp point mark and I'd follow the second part (not passing during Acidtooth) or he'd pull off a crit on Stonechewer and still have 700hp starting Acidtooth.

Crits are the potential downfall of any strategy that requires hp of pets to be at particular amounts at particular times sadly...some of them don't mess with this one too bad, others ruin it. Fortunately it didn't seem to ruin my attempts very often, I still successfully gained my pet exp way more often than I had issues, but RNG is RNG.

As for losing track of where you are in the rotation...I had lots of distractions myself as I did this yesterday and found while it would take me a moment to analyze it, I could figure out where I was in the rotation based on buffs and cooldowns. Acidtooth was where I questioned myself the most, trying to remember if I'd passed yet or not. Just look and see if you have the dot debuff on the pup, that gets applied during the pass round.

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Re: Powerlevel strat: Rockbiter/ Stonechewer / Acidtooth

Post by Kpb321 » January 15th, 2015, 5:01 pm

Yeah i tried the strat on two chars to beat the fight but I found it kinda picky for my taste. Part of the issue is with the reduce dmg by X and increase by x% work together. The flat damage reduction is done first and then the % multiplier happens next. It's why an undead pet can own the first pet on Aki without getting owned but it's also why your damage drops off so much if you can't pass on your PWS before the Geyser/Whirlpool. His already big reduction gets taken off before the damage gets doubled so the amount it reduces gets doubled. It does work but it wouldn't be my first choice for leveling a bunch of pets. I'd rather find a different strategy or wait for a different team.

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Re: Powerlevel strat: Rockbiter/ Stonechewer / Acidtooth

Post by Rendigar » January 16th, 2015, 9:30 am

Foxxi wrote:As for losing track of where you are in the rotation...I had lots of distractions myself as I did this yesterday and found while it would take me a moment to analyze it, I could figure out where I was in the rotation based on buffs and cooldowns.
LOL that is assuming entirely too much valid brain function if you think I was capable of that at the time. I could have even just switched to the pet battle tab in my chat and read where I was - that would always tell me exactly what state everything was in - but at the time I had about 3 firing brain cells (ever had one of those days at work when you're just DONE?).

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