Lightning struck twice, got 2x Lil' Leftovers today

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Lightning struck twice, got 2x Lil' Leftovers today

Post by Colar » January 14th, 2015, 4:26 pm

After fishing for so long my eyes are bleeding, I had enough fish to make almost 350 batches of Frosty Strew (meat and herb were cheap so I skipped farming those :lol: )

So yeah a lot of new frosty stews for me to unload but during the process I managed to score 2 Lil' Leftovers.

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Re: Lightning struck twice, got 2x Lil' Leftovers today

Post by Darolyn » January 14th, 2015, 4:39 pm

In the spirit of friendly pet collecting, I won't say I hate you, but...

The meat for frosty stew is 4-5g apiece on my server. I have to wait until it goes to 20 resources on the trading post to buy, and then, my bags are so full of random soulbound crud I can't get rid of for some reason that I can only do small batches.

I am bound and determined to get 2X LIl' Leftovers myself. No buying, no trading, just cooking. I will succeed!

Congrats on yours, that's really awesome!


Edited: mailed all my food stuffs to an alt with a Trading Post with a TON of garrison resources, and finally got a Leftovers last night. Was so happy that I changed my status to LEFTOVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by Darolyn on January 17th, 2015, 2:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Thaliana#1794 - My WoW account has 50 toons, so I would so greatly appreciate people creating toons on Kael'Thas or Ghostlands to trade with me. <3

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Re: Lightning struck twice, got 2x Lil' Leftovers today

Post by Colar » January 14th, 2015, 4:43 pm

I wish there was an easy way to sell cross realm. Frosty stew is going about 50s a pop on mine. I guess there are quite a few pet collectors on Emerald Dream who made so much frosty stews we killed the market.

Fortunately they don't go bad, I could dump em all to my alt and wait a few months. Then they may be worth more.


Re: Lightning struck twice, got 2x Lil' Leftovers today

Post by Guest » January 14th, 2015, 6:00 pm

Colar wrote:After fishing for so long my eyes are bleeding, I had enough fish to make almost 350 batches of Frosty Strew (meat and herb were cheap so I skipped farming those :lol: )

So yeah a lot of new frosty stews for me to unload but during the process I managed to score 2 Lil' Leftovers.
What I am wondering is how many gnomes you had to sacrifice to the RNG.

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Re: Lightning struck twice, got 2x Lil' Leftovers today

Post by Desi » January 14th, 2015, 7:05 pm

Congrats, that's some good luck there :D

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Re: Lightning struck twice, got 2x Lil' Leftovers today

Post by Kendrah » January 15th, 2015, 12:02 pm

Darolyn wrote:In the spirit of friendly pet collecting, I won't say I hate you, but...
It's cool. I'll say it. I have chu~ :lol: Grats man! I just got my barn to level 3. This is my next pet on the this. Now I just need to figure out how to get the two fishing pets. :lol:

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Re: Lightning struck twice, got 2x Lil' Leftovers today

Post by Stella3 » January 16th, 2015, 8:04 pm

Well congrats, if you are feeling generous here is a girl who will take the burden of the extra lil leftover from you...

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Re: Lightning struck twice, got 2x Lil' Leftovers today

Post by Hootstwo » January 17th, 2015, 12:49 pm

I've created two as well, but I did a heck of a lot more than 350 batches! I can't even imagine how many +100 stat foods I've created now - definitely in the 10s of thousands.

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Re: Lightning struck twice, got 2x Lil' Leftovers today

Post by Youkaiyume » January 22nd, 2015, 10:08 pm

can i just cry in a corner and bang my head against the wall? 9 toons max cooking and over 8000 feasts/100 stat food cooked and i still don't have one.....

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