Safari Hat?

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Re: Safari Hat?

Post by Constrictor » December 10th, 2012, 5:22 am

Quintessence wrote: Developers are still trying to pin down the problem and fix it. They haven't forgotten about us, but it seems like it's an especially tricky bug, so the most we can do is hang in there and wait a bit more.
Emetai wrote:I got a generic answer back from the GM, be prepared for that lol...
If they try to give you the run around, threatening to stop paying your subscription always works a treat. Also mention you are at an unfair advantage since others have received it but you haven't.
The GM told me blizzard has hotfixed this and the safari hat was mailed in the first char i logged in the game. But i logged in all of my 13 chars and don´t have a single safari hat.

So i re-open the ticket telling all history again and now i have 15 hours to get a answer :( - If i was a gm i just check all chars of the consumer and mail him the hat. So easy to do.

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Re: Safari Hat?

Post by Constrictor » December 10th, 2012, 5:37 am

So, the GM contact me in game now and send to me the SAFARI HAT :) Now i can level up until my death in 12/21/2012!

So my sugestion is, if possible, manage to talk with a gm online!

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Re: Safari Hat?

Post by Constants » December 10th, 2012, 9:20 am

I finally got my hat on the third try with a GM. When I mentioned my buddy had received one from a GM and I was confused why he could get it but I was told to wait around for a hot patch :)

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Re: Safari Hat?

Post by Linaomine » December 10th, 2012, 9:31 am

A weird thing that happened to me: I got the hat on my main last week. On Saturday I transferred an alt of mine to the server I have been playing on for about 2 months and suddenly I had another safari hat in my mail on that toon. Before the transfer only my main had received the hat, bit odd =/

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Re: Safari Hat?

Post by Darky28 » December 10th, 2012, 9:47 am

I got the same response yesterday. Still no hat :-(

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Re: Safari Hat?

Post by Warlock » December 11th, 2012, 2:43 am

I finally got mine in the mail tonight. yay :D

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Re: Safari Hat?

Post by Mohdar » December 11th, 2012, 3:47 am

To all who have the achievement but still no hat - try to get into raid instance with title Tamer on.

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Re: Safari Hat?

Post by Syrrie » December 11th, 2012, 4:07 am

I got my first hat a while back with the first hot fix, then today I zoned into Gruul's (to try for that beautiful shield for my paladin) and not only got a second hat in the mail, but spammed several achievements I already had (loremaster and a few pet ones, like 200 pet battle achievement points) and got another loremaster's colours in the mail as well.

Sadly no other characters of mine have gotten a hat yet, only these two on the same character. At least my old main can sport a styling safari hat now.

Also, a bit off topic, does anyone else desperately want the safari hat to be useable for transmog? >_>
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Re: Safari Hat?

Post by Valielina » December 11th, 2012, 4:35 am

I was finally sent mine 3 days ago. After not receiving it when I completed the achieve I opened a ticket and got an automated response :( . Thankfully I eventually did get the Safari hat mailed to me. It was sent to my main and just one alt, which I found odd. Oh well, I am happy to have it.

On another note a friend of mine who has completed all the tamer battles (including the spirit tamers) did not receive the achieve or the hat. She did do the battles on different characters. Not sure if that is a bug, and a hotfix will give her the achieve or if that achievement is not account wide.

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Re: Safari Hat?

Post by GormanGhaste » December 11th, 2012, 7:46 am

Theaah wrote:Also, does anyone else desperately want the safari hat to be useable for transmog?
I do!
Mingyao on Madoran

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Re: Safari Hat?

Post by Hellomynameis » December 12th, 2012, 5:04 am

Main(when 5.1 patch came): Entered Stormstout Brewery, got an achi I already had, and recieved a mail with the hat.
Alt 1(today): entered Karazhan, got an achi I already had(Big City Pet Brawler), and recieved a mail with the hat.
Alt 2(today): Signed up for random Panda dungeon as lvl85, got an achi I already had(same as Alt 1), and recieved a mail with the hat.
Alt 3(today): Signed up for random Panda dungeon as lvl85, got an achi I already had(same as Alt 1 and 2), and recieved a mail with the hat.

Seems to be fixed..or atleast doable now.

Edit: Funny, I just did the procedure on my main, and I got a second hat on that char.
Last edited by Hellomynameis on December 12th, 2012, 5:37 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Safari Hat?

Post by Syrrie » December 12th, 2012, 5:22 am

I got hats mailed to all my alts today, quite happy.

(As well as Loremaster's Colours to them all.)
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Re: Safari Hat?

Post by Puluz » December 12th, 2012, 9:13 am

Didn't get the hat right after beating Aki (got the gold satchel tho) but popped into Mogu'shan Palace since it was the closest instance and the hat got mailed to me upon entering, along 2 older pet battle achis, big city brawler and some other that i've had for some time now already. So no need to go to a *raid* necessary nor have the tamer title visible, atleast not in my case.

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Re: Safari Hat?

Post by Zaelo » December 12th, 2012, 11:32 am

Theaah wrote:I got hats mailed to all my alts today, quite happy.

(As well as Loremaster's Colours to them all.)
same here, althought I had already gotten my hat after filing a ticket
oh well, too many hats is better than no hats :D

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Re: Safari Hat?

Post by Radnok » December 14th, 2012, 1:24 pm

Theaah wrote:I got hats mailed to all my alts today, quite happy.

(As well as Loremaster's Colours to them all.)
I did as well. Glad to have them on both of the servers I am playing on, and I agree about how it would be nice if they were mogable.

They also go well with the guild tabard.
Radnok (Alliance/Kilrogg)
Igasho/Pandirella (Horde/Madoran)

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Re: Safari Hat?

Post by Adamsavage » December 16th, 2012, 1:51 pm

I got my hat right away from completing the achievement.. However the achievement itself was bugged, I had to make a horde toon and go pick up a quest from the battle pet trainer. Then I switched over to my main toon and flew over to the quest location, defeated the guy and got the achievement. I didn't know at the time, that it got mailed to all your toons. Had I known I would of just done it on the horde toon.

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Re: Safari Hat?

Post by Frozenpets » December 18th, 2012, 10:09 am

its actually quite funny for me

mine was bugged initially and I didnt get one, then I did the instance thing, and got one on every single character over level 20. then, they mailed one to each of my characters, so I have 2 on 6 different characters. guess if I ever make an alt it will have a cap, but if it also mails it to them, then I have a lot of extra safari hat's.

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