Is there a perfect Celestial Tournament guide?

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Is there a perfect Celestial Tournament guide?

Post by Painbow » March 18th, 2015, 4:32 am

For the last month it's taken me 4+ hours to finish the Celestial Tournement each week due to the horrible guides out there. Despite me following them perfectly 1:1 with no alterations or wrong breeds, my team frequently gets stomped.

I'm looking for a guide that's as perfect as this one:

Clear, concise, tells you which pets and breeds, gets right to the point in the explanation, and best of all, tells you which spells to use with [5-S/S] (1,2,1) instead of naming all the spells and writing a novel for each fight. It's as perfect a wowguide I've ever seen. I'd like to find one this good for the Celestial Tournament with the latest 6.1 pets in mind if at all possible.

Here are the terrible Celestial Tournament guides that don't work (including the alternate and cageable pets in the first guide)

It takes me so long each week because I'm having to read wowhead comments for each individual fight looking for a team that actually works. I understand RNG, but not so RNG that you might as well not even have a guide when you can fail 50%+ of the time. There has to be a better guide out there.

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Re: Is there a perfect Celestial Tournament guide?

Post by Quintessence » March 18th, 2015, 6:53 am

[profile]Kpb321[/profile] wrote up a [url=]Celestial Tournament guide[/url] a while back, and I don't know about "perfect" but it does offer strategies using "easy to get" pets plus detailed explanations. Alternate teams are provided too.

It doesn't list "round 1 use X, round 2 use Y" quite like the other guide you linked, but I think that's unavoidable since the pets in the CE don't all have perfectly scripted moves like normal trainers. Even so, it's a handy guide that might help.
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Re: Is there a perfect Celestial Tournament guide?

Post by Abbotta » March 18th, 2015, 10:02 am

I don't think there are ANY perfect Celestial Tournament guides but there are many many great ones out there.

In the end I have found we all just get so worked up the first time going in there because it's like 'OH MY GAWWWWD I NEED ALL THESE PETS AT THIS CERTAIN BREEDS AND I CAN NEVER HEAL AND I CAN"T DO THIS'

As the Nike ad would say - JUST DO IT

Sometimes even going in there and failing means you can find out where your weakness is so you can get the right pets that work. There are 700+ pets out there which means every one of those tamers has dozens of different ways to die - just need to find the right combination to kill using what you have.

Before my first Celestials was done I'd go in there 1-2 times a week and just see how far I would get until I'd wipe out. I'd figure out what I might still need or how I could have done it better. I actually had the Celestial Pet Tamer achievement done before I completed my first Celestials (achievement for killing all the 10 of the first round tamers which takes a few weeks to do since you only see 3 of them any given week).

BTW a few pets I would strongly recommend you do have either a Cricket or Turnip or other pet that has AoE heal. At least one of the first 3 pet tamers is a 'Healing Tamer' which means their opening move would allow you to cast an AoE heal to heal all 3 pets and forfeit with no damage to your pets. You setup your battle with damaged pets from previous battles and the cricket and you Heal/Forfeit till all your pets are healed. Also I did find a good use for the S/S Alpine Foxling. Day to day pet battles he hardly gets a peak (I do use him to open for Kura and her 3 mice). But he's awesome in Celestials.

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Re: Is there a perfect Celestial Tournament guide?

Post by Buruan » March 18th, 2015, 10:23 am

Painbow wrote:Here are the terrible Celestial Tournament guides that don't work (including the alternate and cageable pets in the first guide)

It takes me so long each week because I'm having to read wowhead comments for each individual fight looking for a team that actually works. I understand RNG, but not so RNG that you might as well not even have a guide when you can fail 50%+ of the time. There has to be a better guide out there.
I have used the middle guide (18 pets) many times and have not had any issues with it, he even describes the potential failure points. I have failed once, when Chrominius died, so I leveled a second one, have not had issues since.
If it doesnt work for you, there are probably small changes you can make to suceed.

If a fool proof step by step guide is what you seek, why not create one yourself, you're going out to wowhead anyway to look up the battles, consolidate it and post it. Pretty sure if you have the problem others do to and could use your help.

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Re: Is there a perfect Celestial Tournament guide?

Post by Aurae » March 18th, 2015, 11:20 am

I have different teams of pets for the Challenger groups (two pet teams from having done the Elekk carries) than the middle guide does, but I've used it for the Celestials/Healing aspects without any trouble at all. Although, I think some of my two pet teams are similar in move sets to what are listed there.

Reminds me though, I do need to go do that for the week. :D

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Re: Is there a perfect Celestial Tournament guide?

Post by Tekulve2012 » March 18th, 2015, 12:08 pm

I had a thread here ages back for the CT...many of the OP comps work well...I bumped it to page 1 of this forum for you

The thread took a life of it's own for discussion but the original post has 1 or 2 team ideas per fight..I used it for more than a year with little trouble..nothing is perfect due to RNG imo

I realize some pets are tough to get ..maybe combine kpb's thread ideas with those teams

Good luck and even better RNG to you


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Re: Is there a perfect Celestial Tournament guide?

Post by Pettea » March 19th, 2015, 6:54 am

Just the addon 'Rematch' and save your team for each trainer. Makes having the right pets for the right trainer much more enjoyable.

And you can try invent some strategies yourself, too :) (And save them in Rematch for next time!)

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Re: Is there a perfect Celestial Tournament guide?

Post by Abbotta » March 19th, 2015, 9:45 am

Pettea wrote:
And you can try invent some strategies yourself, too :) (And save them in Rematch for next time!)
I think that's half the fun of it.

Why bother doing pet tamers if you are just doing what others have done. Lately I make it a point to do tamers with new setups just to see how other pets work. There are probably a handful of 'must-have' pets for Celestials but if a pet collector has over 150 rare level 25 top quality pets they should be able to muddle their way through Celestials as long as they have that handful of 'must-have' pets.

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Re: Is there a perfect Celestial Tournament guide?

Post by Pettea » March 20th, 2015, 3:36 am

Abbotta wrote:
Pettea wrote:
And you can try invent some strategies yourself, too :) (And save them in Rematch for next time!)
I think that's half the fun of it.

Why bother doing pet tamers if you are just doing what others have done. Lately I make it a point to do tamers with new setups just to see how other pets work. There are probably a handful of 'must-have' pets for Celestials but if a pet collector has over 150 rare level 25 top quality pets they should be able to muddle their way through Celestials as long as they have that handful of 'must-have' pets.
All PvE encounters are beatable by using either: double counters, avoidance for encounters with sporadic damage output, shields for encounters with lots of low damage.

Howl + the previous options for bosses.

Howl bomb for OP bosses.

I am kind of making it look unfun. On that note I was really hoping that the Daily pet battle NPC in the garrison would actually have a random team, so you could have fun going in with a well-rounded team to beat it.

Battle pets may actually benefit from gaining a fourth ability slot to add some depth.

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Re: Is there a perfect Celestial Tournament guide?

Post by Digem » March 20th, 2015, 7:00 am

No thier isn't a perfect CT guide.
Any guide worth it's salt will tell you with the RNG of crits and misses nothing can be perfect.
Remeber the crits always seem to side on the opponents side anyway.
If you go into the tourney with the bare minimum of pets you are going to struggle.
Thier is no easy mode for the CT it is suppose to be the end game toughest part of pet battling
How do you make it easier?
Have as many pets as possible at level 25 so random RNG doesn't kill you.
I have always used the Elfuego guide on wow pet battles and the CT takes me 30 to maybe an hour tops if RNG is bad that day.

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Re: Is there a perfect Celestial Tournament guide?

Post by Pettea » March 20th, 2015, 7:40 am

Ironically perhaps, the Celestials themselves are the easiest to beat. Not necessarily mechanically, but RNG wise. There are multiple solid strategies to take them down without fail.

3x snail, Touch Goo Dive
(goo, touch, dive, then dive on the round Chi-Ji's dodge comes up and always keep goo up)

Sunreaver Micro Sentry, ignite and call lightning
little bling, money rain and inflation
occasionally needed: any mechanical cleanup pet with strong attack vs beast
(ignite, call lightning, swap2bling, money rain, inflation, cleanup if needed)

Glowing bull thing
Sunreaver Micro Sentry, ignite and call lightning
(fast) raptor with black claw and hunting party
(never needed) anything with a stampede type ability
(ignite, call lightning, swap2raptor, claw, hunting party)

Dragon thingy
Anything undead with that sacrifice ability and something to spam and or hard hitting, ghostly skull / unborn are favorites
Any humanoid vs dragons, preferably with a dodge (Anubisath is a favorite)
Any humanoid vs dragons, same as above
(Spam until undead round, sacrifice for damage increase, use anti-dragon ability and try to dodge the fly up thing she does; if you have somehting like bonkers / pandaren monk - they can practically solo her if they're faster.)

It can't fail, but they're fairly obvious solutions. If only blizzard wasn't such an asshole about the pet journal and removed all limits from the journal, you could have even more fun here. For some encounters you want faster pets, for others slower ones etc. For instance vs. the pandaren water spirit (not tournament), you can use the jade owl P/S, speed it up first round vs. the second pet, the speed will fall off in your fly-up ability, allowing you to dodge an extra ability since the enemy pet is now suddenly faster.

As soon as you realize how the mechanics work, you can beat any PvE encounter. Easily once you understand how to use speed and speedups etc. to your advantage.

PS. If you're still having difficulty, just think about how pets work. Just start a fight in the tournament, look at the pet type you're fighting (write it down?), look at the abilities it has, and see if it has two of the same type ability. Then simply pick a pet from your collection against who those abilities are weak, but has strong attacks vs. that pet.

Like, if the enemy pet is a beast with magic attacks, you want to get a mechanical with mechanical attacks. If the enemy pet is an aquatic with flyer attacks, you'd want a dragon with flyer attacks. And so forth.

PPS. The AI doesn't account for anything. You can ruin PvE opponents with overpowered strategies from PvP (blizzard counters this by using stupidly strong pets generally). As long as you don't stun the enemy pet, they'll stay for anything. You can bleed it and then maul it to oblivion. You can ignite it and then disintegrate for all eternity. The Ai is blind to everything (sadly).

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Re: Is there a perfect Celestial Tournament guide?

Post by Moonie1 » March 20th, 2015, 3:31 pm

I sent you a PM with some info Painbow, hope it helps. :)

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Re: Is there a perfect Celestial Tournament guide?

Post by Drudatz » March 23rd, 2015, 3:30 pm

Abbotta wrote:I don't think there are ANY perfect Celestial Tournament guides but there are many many great ones out there.
Nope thanks to the retards at blizzard there ain't anymore because pet battles no have 3 layers of RNG:
1st) dmg rng - genious idea to make it rng how much damage you do
2nd) stupid crit rng
3rd) hit or miss rng

If you'd want a good advise: DON'T waste your time on the celestial tournament it offers nothing thats worth it.

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Re: Is there a perfect Celestial Tournament guide?

Post by Drudatz » March 23rd, 2015, 3:34 pm

Pettea wrote:Dragon thingy
that pet imho is the biggest JOKE ever of a PVE encounter. I used to to this fight with one(!) Mr. Bigglesworth using [Claw] [Ice Barrier] and [Ice Tomb]...

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Re: Is there a perfect Celestial Tournament guide?

Post by Kpb321 » March 23rd, 2015, 3:39 pm

Drudatz wrote:
Abbotta wrote:I don't think there are ANY perfect Celestial Tournament guides but there are many many great ones out there.
Nope thanks to the retards at blizzard there ain't anymore because pet battles no have 3 layers of RNG:
1st) dmg rng - genious idea to make it rng how much damage you do
2nd) stupid crit rng
3rd) hit or miss rng

If you'd want a good advise: DON'T waste your time on the celestial tournament it offers nothing thats worth it.
In most cases it is either 1 or 3 now as almost all abilities have 100% chance to hit now. Of the few that don't have 100% chance to hit most of those are of the always hits if bleeding,blind, etc variety which you can plan for and make 100% chance to hit. The only time you really should be seeing random misses is when dealing with debuffs.

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Re: Is there a perfect Celestial Tournament guide?

Post by Jchertudi86 » March 23rd, 2015, 6:47 pm

If you're merely a pet collecting enthusiast who derives no satisfaction from battling, I can understand the desire for a 100% foolproof guide. Otherwise I don't understand what the point is of guides that spell out exactly what spells to use and when. What happiness is there from winning the tournament if you don't do anything from yourself?

The tournament is difficult, but not so bad that only a tiny number of working pets/strategies exist. For example, I remember a lot of people finding Shademaster Kiryn very difficult, but I've always 2-petted her using a Lesser Voidcaller and the Teldrassil Sproutling. Of course when the Trunks achievement came along this was very handy, but the point was simply that I looked at the enemy's pets, saw ways to counter with mine, and then tried it out. Even if it means spending hours, the Celestial Tournament is still "end game" for pet battle PVE. Taking your time with it is OK.

One of the things I love best about WoD is that it didn't make the Tournament any easier. It's still as challenging as before. Even though I've long had all the celestial pets, it's still fun to go in, come up with new teams using new WoD pets, and try them out. Sometimes it's a home run, often it's back to the drawing board. Occasionally I get frustrated and just go back to the "tried and true."

My latest success was using the Voodoo Figurine and Gu'chi Swarmling on Chi-chi. I got the idea of using Rot from a wowhead comment, but I don't recall what it wanted me to do from there. So I just looked through my pets and saw the Gu'chi swarmling and had an idea. As long as I timed it for Chi-chi's evasion ability, a chew+swarm combo would waste him in two turns. Quite a bit more fun than boring old howl bomb if you ask me.

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Re: Is there a perfect Celestial Tournament guide?

Post by Chibimass » October 14th, 2016, 6:49 am

there are many more strategies than what i have just listed. all pets that are listed have their respected chosen set of moves. this is what i have found to be the easiest and quickest way for me to get through the tournament. i started off with week 3 because this is where we are at the time of this posting of mine. and this is not posting as i see it on my screen, i am sorry. there is are 3 names followed by 9 pets; each name is grouped with 3 pets. so 1st name, 1st row of pets, 2nd name, 2nd row of pets, 3rd name and 3rd row of pets. if you have any questions, please feel free to send me a note.
good luck and take care,
~chibimass :D


Wise Mari: Blingtron 4000: Shademaster Kiryn:

Crow(122) Dancing Water Skimmer(112) Lesser Void Caller(111)
Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling(122) Amethyst Spiderling(222) Living Sandling(212)
Sifang Otter(112) Fel Flame(211) Darkmoon Zeppelin(112)


Cho: Ion: Sully
Lil'Tarecgosa(211) Emerald Proto Whelp(221) Huge toad(212)
Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling(122) Tranquil Mechanical Yeti(112) Flayer Youngling(222)
Curious Oricle Hatchling(121) Tundra Penguin(121) Jade Crane Chick(122)


Zhu: Chen: Wrathion:

Ruby Droplet(222) Cogblade Raptor(211) Leopard Tree Frog(222)
Fossilized Hatchling(222) Amethyst Spiderling(222) Anubish idol(121)
Voodoo Figuring(122) Mirror Strider(112) Kun-Lai Runt(222)

Yu'la (Dragon): Zao (Ox):

Gregarious Grell(121) Zandalari Kneebiter(222)
Hopling(121) Zandalari Anklerender(212)
Moonkin Hatchling (122) Zandalari Foot Lasher(111)

Chi-Ji (Crane): Xu-Fu (Tiger)

Rusty Snail(111) Tranquil Mechanical Yeti(112)
Silkbead Snail(111) Szechuan Chicken(112)
Rapana Whelk(111) Darkmoon Tonk(112)

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