Addon Rematch

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » May 2nd, 2015, 12:02 pm

FuxieDK wrote:Feature request: Weak Aura-style strings.

I imagine this is a rather big change, but I think it could prove extremely useful..

Weak Aura 2 can display a million different things on the screen. This is shared by exporting your setup to a string (of non-understandable characters), that other people can then import into their own WA2.

What I imagine is, when someone have made the "perfect" team for a pet fight, you can export it, post it in forum here (or elsewhere) and others can import it, and have an exact copy of the team, including NPCID, Min. Health/Max Level (for levelling pets), strategy notes etc etc etc. Basically, everything saved for the team in question.

And no, I don't have an idea what should happen, if you lack one (or more) of the pets in the string, when you import ;)
Actually, all you're asking is for notes and preferences to be included in the import/export strings. From the mid-term plans on the addon's description:
- Include notes and preferences in Import/Export/Send/Receive of teams.
I'd like to include breed also. The idea of exporting/importing as plain text as mentioned earlier in this thread has intrigued me too. Maybe a checkbox beside each pet to whether to mention breed or not (if you have a breed addon enabled). Only this past week I was looking at different compression algorithms.

If curious, when you import a team that includes pets you don't own, the pet is greyed out but keeps its spot (unless you save over the team with another pet in its place). Once you learn the pet, the next time you look at or load the team it will replace the greyed out pet with your new one. As it levels and abilities unlock it will have the same abilities as the original exported team.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by FuxieDK » May 2nd, 2015, 1:01 pm

Gello wrote:
FuxieDK wrote:Feature request: Weak Aura-style strings.

I imagine this is a rather big change, but I think it could prove extremely useful..

Weak Aura 2 can display a million different things on the screen. This is shared by exporting your setup to a string (of non-understandable characters), that other people can then import into their own WA2.

What I imagine is, when someone have made the "perfect" team for a pet fight, you can export it, post it in forum here (or elsewhere) and others can import it, and have an exact copy of the team, including NPCID, Min. Health/Max Level (for levelling pets), strategy notes etc etc etc. Basically, everything saved for the team in question.

And no, I don't have an idea what should happen, if you lack one (or more) of the pets in the string, when you import ;)
Actually, all you're asking is for notes and preferences to be included in the import/export strings. From the mid-term plans on the addon's description:
- Include notes and preferences in Import/Export/Send/Receive of teams.
I'd like to include breed also. The idea of exporting/importing as plain text as mentioned earlier in this thread has intrigued me too. Maybe a checkbox beside each pet to whether to mention breed or not (if you have a breed addon enabled). Only this past week I was looking at different compression algorithms.

If curious, when you import a team that includes pets you don't own, the pet is greyed out but keeps its spot (unless you save over the team with another pet in its place). Once you learn the pet, the next time you look at or load the team it will replace the greyed out pet with your new one. As it levels and abilities unlock it will have the same abilities as the original exported team.
I know you can send/receive teams to guildies/party members.... But is the import/export already also in?? If so, how do you do it?

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » May 2nd, 2015, 1:34 pm

It's been in for over a year, since 2.0.3.
  • To export a team, right-click any team in your team lists and choose "Export".
  • To import a team, click the "Import" button to the left of the team searchbox. (You can also choose "Import" from the right-click menu of a team in the lists.)
Here's an exported team:
Erris the Collector of Pocket Lint:91015:1601:1085:937:752:1152:110:362:593:1182:228:232:934:
Click Import and paste that into the editbox. If you have a team already saved for that version of her (this is the Enbi'see, Mal & Bones version of her) it will ask if you want to save as a new team or overwrite the existing one.

When importing a team it picks your highest level/rarity of pet. As I mentioned I'd like to get breed involved too. And it handles missing pets just fine. If you don't have any of those three, try to load the team. It will warn that pets are missing (unless you've disabled that warning) and mark the ones it didn't load.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » May 2nd, 2015, 1:49 pm

While I'm here, does anyone know where I can find the correct order of pets for all tamers/notable NPCs? (There are 109 of them by my reckoning.) Preferrably in a list format. I've finally got all 109 npcIDs and speciesIDs entered into a huge table, but the order of pets is taken from wowhead where I could get the speciesID--if anyone knows of another place where I could infer a speciesID that'd be cool too. I poked around on this site of course.

For instance, Aki the Chosen sends her pets to you in this order: Chirrup then Stormlash and Whiskers last.

Wowhead lists them in the order of Whiskers, Stormlash and Chirrup.
Quintessence's awesome guide here lists them as Stormlash, Chirrup and Whiskers.

It's not a very big deal. But if the addon is going to show you what pets you'll be fighting, it may be useful to have them in the right order so you can arrange your pets in an order to fight them.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » May 2nd, 2015, 3:06 pm

Are you looking for a website where you can get it from the API or just for someone to list them out in a post?

Also, do you care about the actual order or just the first pet? Lots of abilities can change the order you see the pets in.
Carry Pet Experience Reference Guide:

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Painbow » May 2nd, 2015, 3:25 pm

Gello wrote:
Would you be willing to add a feature to right click a pet to put on a dollar sign icon $ next to where the blue leveling queue arrow shows is on the pet list? Anything to mark quickly that instantly distinguishes it's a pet you're intending to sell or trade?
A definite plan is to add notes for pets like you can for teams now. It may work well for what you want. So you'll be able to tag pets by putting a "#AH" in their notes. (The "$" is a common formatting character for abilities and probably wouldn't be a good candidate as a tag.) Pets with notes will have a little note icon beside their name. You can mouseover the note icon to see the note (like teams), you can search for "#AH" to list pets with "#AH" in their notes (like you can with teams), etc.
I didn't mean a plain text $ as an icon but a graphical dollar sign icon like any other icon in your addon. A simple right click "Mark pet for sale" is much preferable to right click, add note, type in note, save.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » May 2nd, 2015, 4:13 pm

Jerebear wrote:Are you looking for a website where you can get it from the API or just for someone to list them out in a post?

Also, do you care about the actual order or just the first pet? Lots of abilities can change the order you see the pets in.
Just a list would be fine. Below is a list of 87 notable NPCs with more than one pet. There are lots of celestial tournament guides so those would be easy to rearrange. I can probably hunt down guides for the rest or fly there myself to get them in the right order too. There's no pressing concern that these be in the right order right away. I'm adding a "Save for" to the 3.x version of Rematch, but the existing UI won't have a way to conveniently view what you're fighting against. This is more of a project for down the road with the recent target panel showing the pets of who you recently targeted.

For the order, I was thinking the "typical" order would work best. 99% of the time, you get Chirrup, Stormlash and Whiskers in that order for Aki. When building a team against her, I agree the first pet is the only one that matters, and the order can change with some abilities, but it may help to consider that a beast that just killed a critter will likely be facing a mechanical next.

__ Eastern Kingdom __
Julia Stevens: Fangs, Slither
Old MacDonald: Clucks, Foe Reaper 800, Teensy
Lindsay: Dipsy, Flipsy, Flufftail
Eric Davidson: Blackfang, Darkwidow, Webwinder
Steven Lisbane: Nanners, Moonstalker, Emeralda
Bill Buckler: Eyegouger, Young Beaky, Burgle
David Kosse: Corpsefeeder, Plop, Subject 142
Deiza Plaguehorn: Bleakspinner, Carrion, Plaguebringer
Kortas Darkhammer: Garnestrasz, Obsidion, Veridia
Everessa: Anklor, Dampwing, Croaker
Durin Darkhammer: Comet, Ignious, Moltar
Lydia Accoste: Bishibosh, Jack, Nightstalker

__ Kalimdor __
Zunta: Mumtar, Spike
Analynn: Flutterby, Mister Pinch, Oozer
Merda Stronghoof: Ambershell, Bounder, Rockhide
Zonya the Sadist: Acidous, Constrictor, Odoron
Dagra the Fierce: Ripper, Longneck, Springtail
Traitor Gluk: Glimmer, Prancer, Rasp
Cassandra Kaboom: Cluckatron, Gizmo, Whirls
Elena Flutterfly: Lacewing, Beacon, Willow
Grazzle the Great: Blaze, Firetooth, Flameclaw
Kela Grimtotem: Cho'guana, Indigon, Plague
Zoltan: Beamer, Hatewalker, Ultramus
Stone Cold Trixxy: Frostmaw, Blizzy, Tinygos

__ Outland __
Bloodknight Antari: Arcanus, Jadefire, Netherbite
Nicki Tinytech: ED-005, Goliath, Sploder
Ras'an: Fungor, Glitterfly, Tripod
Narrok: Dramaticus, Prince Wart, Stompy
Morulu The Elder: Chomps, Cragmaw, Gnasher

__ Northrend __
Major Payne: Beakmaster X-225, Bloom, Grizzle
Gutretch: Cadavus, Blight, Fleshrender
Beegle Blastfuse: Dinner, Gobbles, Warble
Nearly Headless Jacob: Mort, Spooky Strangler, Stitch
Okrut Dragonwaste: Drogar, Rot, Sleet

__ Cataclysm __
Obalis: Clatter, Pyth, Spring
Brok: Kali, Incinderous, Ashtail
Goz Banefury: Amythel, Helios, Twilight
Bordin Steadyfist: Crystallus, Fracture, Ruby

__ Pandaria __
Farmer Nishi: Brood of Mothallus, Siren, Toothbreaker
Seeker Zusshi: Diamond, Mollus, Skimmer
Wastewalker Shu: Crusher, Mutilator, Pounder
Hyuna of the Shrines: Dor the Wall, Fangor, Skyshaper
Mo'ruk: Lightstalker, Needleback, Woodcarver
Aki the Chosen: Chirrup, Stormlash, Whiskers
Courageous Yon: Bleat, Lapin, Piqua
Burning Pandaren Spirit: Crimson, Glowy, Pandaren Fire Spirit
Thundering Pandaren Spirit: Darnak the Tunneler, Pandaren Earth Spirit, Sludgy
Flowing Pandaren Spirit: Marley, Pandaren Water Spirit, Tiptoe
Whispering Pandaren Spirit: Dusty, Pandaren Air Spirit, Whispertail

__ Celestial Tournament __
Lorewalker Cho: Knowledge, Patience, Wisdom
Dr. Ion Goldbloom: Chaos, Screamer, Trike
Sully "The Pickle" McLeary: Monte, Rikki, Socks
Taran Zhu: Bolo, Li, Yen
Chen Stormstout: Brewly, Chirps, Tonsa
Wrathion: Cindy, Alex, Dah'da
Wise Mari: Carpe Diem, River, Spirus
Blingtron 4000: Au, Lil' B, Banks
Shademaster Kiryn: Nairn, Stormoen, Summer

__ Draenor __
Cymre Brightblade: Gyrexle, the Eternal Mechanic, Idol of Decay, Wishbright Lantern
Gargra: Fangra, Wolfgar, Wolfus
Tarr the Terrible: Gladiator Deathy, Gladiator Murkalot, Gladiator Murkimus
Taralune: Atonement, Grace, Serendipity
Vesharr: Apexis Guardian, Darkwing, The Great Kaliri
Ashlei: Doodle, Pixiebell, Tally

__ Garrison __
Erris the Collector: Spores, Dusty, Salad
Erris the Collector: Moon, Mouthy, Carl
Erris the Collector: Enbi'see, Mal, Bones
Erris the Collector: Sprouts, Prince Charming, Runts
Erris the Collector: Nicodemus, Brisby, Jenner
Kura Thunderhoof: Spores, Dusty, Salad
Kura Thunderhoof: Moon, Mouthy, Carl
Kura Thunderhoof: Enbi'see, Mal, Bones
Kura Thunderhoof: Sprouts, Prince Charming, Runts
Kura Thunderhoof: Nicodemus, Brisby, Jenner

__ Menagerie __
Challenge Post: Tirs, Fiero
Challenge Post: Rockbiter, Stonechewer, Acidtooth
Challenge Post: Blingtron 4999b, Protectron 022481, Protectron 011803
Challenge Post: Manos, Hanos, Fatos
Squirt: Deebs, Tyri, Puzzle
Challenge Post: Brutus, Rukus
Challenge Post: Mr. Terrible, Carroteye, Sloppus
Challenge Post: Queen Floret, King Floret
Challenge Post: Kromli, Gromli
Challenge Post: Grubbles, Scrags, Stings
Challenge Post: Jahan, Samm, Archimedes

__ Other __
Jeremy Feasel: Honky-Tonk, Judgement, Fezwick
Christoph VonFeasel: Otto, Mr. Pointy, Syd
Painbow wrote:I didn't mean a plain text $ as an icon but a graphical dollar sign icon like any other icon in your addon. A simple right click "Mark pet for sale" is much preferable to right click, add note, type in note, save.
Oh sorry, I understood you were looking for an icon. I was just thinking aloud in how to translate your suggestion into a pet notes system.

There have been many suggestions for tagging pets for different purposes. Some want an alternate favorites. Some want to tag pets to level without putting them in the queue. Some want to mark pets to trade like you do. Some want to mark pets they plan to stone. A general-purpose tagging system would accomplish all of those and any other grouping a user wants.

I'm open to ideas in how to implement a tagging system in a different way too. One idea was a 'Create tag' dialog where you pick a name and icon, and then on pet menus it'd add a 'Add/Remove (name)'. But then there's the necessary tag management (create/delete/edit tags), filter management, exponentially greater table space and such and the resources used would be drastically greater. I'm not opposed to the idea if there's resistance to the notes concept. But it would be a lot more bloat that every user would have to carry around, whereas notes would really only affect those that want to use it.

edit: We can compromise. I can make it so a mouseover macro will let you toggle whether a pet has a specific tag in their notes. No clicking or dialogs or saving required.

Joined:February 28th, 2015
Pet Score:3021

Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Zandorian » May 3rd, 2015, 11:41 pm

How about five to ten customizable tags or flags. The user decides what to name those five to ten flags. You (Gello) preset what these flag icons look like, say dollar sign, square, circle, star, triangle, 1, 2, 3, etc. Then you just right click to flag a pet or team with those flags. Hoovering over the flag would show the flag name, i.e sell, or favorites group 2.

The more I think about pet notes, the more I like the idea. I could add notes of how to best use the pet in a fight, or a note to sell it, or to level it then give to a friend.

I hope you make the flags and pet notes searchable and/or filterable.

Good luck on the text compression. It is hard to compress a small text 'file'. You could table all the pet ability names though. A word frequency count of Wowheads pet battlers comments might help add more words to a compression table. Not an easy task over all though.

Maybe this will help wowpets(dot)wikidot(dot)com/pet-battle-daily
BTW, I know that with 6.1 the normal pet battlers pet order changed. Which is why some guides will show different pet orders. And I would guess with other patches pet order has changed. It might be a hassle to keep this updated.

Joined:February 28th, 2015
Pet Score:3021

Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Zandorian » May 5th, 2015, 3:31 pm

Got an error today.

Hovering over "Race MiniZep" got this

Date: 2015-05-05 13:28:15
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\Rematch\floatingpetcard.lua line 371:
bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
[C]: ?
[C]: pairs()
Rematch\floatingpetcard.lua:371: FillBreedTable()
Rematch\floatingpetcard.lua:324: ShowBreedTable()
[string "*:OnEnter"]:1:
[string "*:OnEnter"]:1

Swatter, v5.21c.5521 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
ACP, v3.4.15
AddonUsage, v2.0.7
AlarBGHelper, v4.4.4
Altoholic, vr159
Archy, v6.1.2.4
Arh, v1.4.3
AskMrRobot, v20
Atlas, v1.31.01
AtlasDungeonLocs, v1.31.01
AucAdvanced, v5.21c.5521 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
AucFilterBasic, v5.21c.5521 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
AucFilterOutlier, v5.21c.5521.5459(5.21c/embedded)
AucMatchUndercut, v5.21c.5521.5507(5.21c/embedded)
AucScanData, v5.21c.5521 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
AucStatHistogram, v5.21c.5521 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
AucStatiLevel, v5.21c.5521 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
AucStatPurchased, v5.21c.5521 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
AucStatSales, v5.21c.5521.5476(5.21c/embedded)
AucStatSimple, v5.21c.5521 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
AucStatStdDev, v5.21c.5521 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
AucStatWOWEcon, v5.21c.5521.5323(5.21c/embedded)
AucUtilAHWindowControl, v5.21c.5521.5347(5.21c/embedded)
AucUtilAppraiser, v5.21c.5521.5495(5.21c/embedded)
AucUtilAskPrice, v5.21c.5521.5447(5.21c/embedded)
AucUtilAutoMagic, v5.21c.5521.5443(5.21c/embedded)
AucUtilCompactUI, v5.21c.5521.5496(5.21c/embedded)
AucUtilEasyBuyout, v5.21c.5521.5507(5.21c/embedded)
AucUtilFixAH, v5.21c.5521 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
AucUtilItemSuggest, v5.21c.5521.5417(5.21c/embedded)
AucUtilPriceLevel, v5.21c.5521.5458(5.21c/embedded)
AucUtilScanButton, v5.21c.5521.5403(5.21c/embedded)
AucUtilScanFinish, v5.21c.5521.5515(5.21c/embedded)
AucUtilScanProgress, v5.21c.5521.4979(5.21c/embedded)
AucUtilScanStart, v5.21c.5521.5347(5.21c/embedded)
AucUtilSearchUI, v5.21c.5521.5515(5.21c/embedded)
AucUtilSimpleAuction, v5.21c.5521.5514(5.21c/embedded)
AucUtilVendMarkup, v5.21c.5521.4828(5.21c/embedded)
AutoSafariHat, v1.6.1
Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.332(/embedded)
BattlePetDailyTamer, v1.4.8
BeanCounter, v5.21c.5521 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
BodyguardHealth, vv2.1.2
Claw, v6.0.3-11
CollectMe, v2.7.1
Configator, v5.1.DEV.376(/embedded)
DataStore, vr54
DataStoreAchievements, vr39
DataStoreAgenda, vr21
DataStoreAuctions, v6.0.001
DataStoreCharacters, vr33
DataStoreContainers, vr50
DataStoreCrafts, vr66
DataStoreCurrencies, vr29
DataStoreGarrisons, vr12
DataStoreInventory, vr42
DataStoreMails, vr42
DataStorePets, vr37
DataStoreQuests, vr34
DataStoreReputations, vr35
DataStoreSpells, vr25
DataStoreStats, vr24
DataStoreTalents, vr50
DBMCore, v
DBMDefaultSkin, v
DBMGarrisonInvasions, v
DBMStatusBarTimers, v
DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.337(/embedded)
ElvUI, v7.99
ElvUIChannelAlerts, v3.07
ElvUIExtraActionBars, v2.25
ElvUIPvPDatatext, v1.21
Enchantrix, v5.21c.5521 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
EnchantrixBarker, v5.21c.5521 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
FollowerLocationInfo, v0.7-beta6
GoingPriceUS, v6.1.1430784000
GoingPriceUSSilvermoon, v6.1.1428568061
GTFO, v4.36.1
HandyNotes, vv1.3.3
HandyNotesDraenorTreasures, v1.11
HandyNotesTimelessIsleRareElites, v2.32
Informant, v5.21c.5521 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
LibExtraTip, v5.12.DEV.363(/embedded)
MacroToolkit, vv6.1.0.0
MacroToolkitMacroBox, vv6.0.3.0
Mapster, v1.6.2
MasterPlan, v0.44
MasterPlanA, v
MikScrollingBattleText, v5.7.142
MonkeySpeed, vv3.3.3
OmniCC, v6.1.0
PetBattleMaster, v2.1.1
PetJournalEnhanced, v2.9.16
PetTracker, v6.1.3
PetTrackerBreeds, v
PetTrackerConfig, v
PetTrackerJournal, v
PetTrackerSwitcher, v
PetTrackerUpgrades, v
PokemonTrainer, v6.1.1
Postal, v3.5.4
Rarity, v1.0
RarityOptions, v
Rematch, v3.4.6
SimpleILevel, v3.2.17
SimpleILevelGroup, v3.2.17
SimpleILevelResilience, v3.2.17
SimpleILevelSocial, v3.2.17
Skada, v1.4-30
SlideBar, v5.21c.5521 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
SpeedyGonzales, v1.7.4
StealthAlerter, v0.99.22
Stubby, v5.21c.5521 (SanctimoniousSwamprat)
TipHelper, v5.12.DEV.351(/embedded)
TomTom, vv60100-1.0.0
TomTomPing, v1.2 r030
ToyBoxQ, v1.6
TradeSkillMaster, vv2.10.22
TradeSkillMasterAccounting, vv2.4.4
TradeSkillMasterAppHelper, vv2.0.3
TradeSkillMasterAuctionDB, vv2.7
TradeSkillMasterAuctioning, vv2.4.5
TradeSkillMasterCrafting, vv2.6.18
TradeSkillMasterItemTracker, vv2.1.3
TradeSkillMasterShopping, vv2.4.5
TradeSkillMasterWoWuction, vv2.5.2
WeakAuras, v2.1.0.2
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v6.1.2.60100 <none>

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Pet Score:9171

Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » May 5th, 2015, 4:09 pm

Zandorian wrote:Got an error today.

Hovering over "Race MiniZep" got this

Date: 2015-05-05 13:28:15
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\Rematch\floatingpetcard.lua line 371:
bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
Thanks for the report! I'll have a fix up later this week as part of a larger update.

If PetTracker_Breeds gets updated this week (it looks like you're on the most recent version) it may fix itself too. The Race MiniZap doesn't have any breed data and Rematch is choking on that.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Daktar » May 12th, 2015, 12:36 am

Not sure if this is a bug or just not implemented.

I was sending teams to a friend other day and she said she got my notes with teams.

Today when I sent my teams to another friend she did not get the notes or the leveling preferences.

PS: I would like to add that this is by far the best pet addon ever and I love that the creator is active and using ideas from the pet community.

Joined:January 23rd, 2014
Pet Score:9171

Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » May 12th, 2015, 6:01 am

Daktar wrote:Not sure if this is a bug or just not implemented.

I was sending teams to a friend other day and she said she got my notes with teams.

Today when I sent my teams to another friend she did not get the notes or the leveling preferences.
At the moment notes don't send with a team. It's definitely on the to-do list. Maybe your first friend was being overly courteous or she was looking at notes for a different team she thought she just received.
PS: I would like to add that this is by far the best pet addon ever and I love that the creator is active and using ideas from the pet community.
Thanks! A lot of the credit goes to the pet community too for their ideas. Most recent example: I whined and resisted making a table of tamers/npc's for months. But I think after finally making it, the whole targeting system feels 1000% better than the npcID-in-a-team business that wasn't very friendly to use.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Daktar » May 12th, 2015, 12:58 pm

Gello wrote:Thanks! A lot of the credit goes to the pet community too for their ideas. Most recent example: I whined and resisted making a table of tamers/npc's for months. But I think after finally making it, the whole targeting system feels 1000% better than the npcID-in-a-team business that wasn't very friendly to use.
When I was helping the friend last night I was trying to explain the preferences to her and she was like I don't see them. After about 10 mins of explaining I asked what version she had and I realized she had a newer one than me. So when I updated I noticed this change here. The only issue I have with the new targeting system vs the old npcid version is with the garrison dailies. Before I had my garrison dailies set to the leftmost pet for the garrison dailies so it would autoload. But after changing all to the new way (with the challenge posts) the teams are not auto loading anymore when I click on the post. Not sure what could be done to make this and it isnt gamebreaking but just a observation I saw. Also thanks for the quick reply and keep up the good work.
Sinistra03 wrote: I still search for pets in the main pet window though.
And I thought it was just me. Must be habit and familiarity with the normal window that maybe someday I can break away from.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » May 12th, 2015, 2:33 pm

I think ya'll miss out using the main window. Rematch has a really good search that the main window cannot compete with. With Rematch, you can search based on stats, ability names, ability text, and level in addition to the various family/type filters (tough,strong,type). You can search for all pets strong vs critters with health>=1400 speed>300 and that have the dodge ability. It's very versatile.

You can even right click a pet and tell it to "Find Similar" and it will list all pets with 3 or more of the same abilities.
Carry Pet Experience Reference Guide:

Joined:February 28th, 2015
Pet Score:3021

Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Zandorian » May 13th, 2015, 5:05 pm

Jerebear wrote:I think ya'll miss out using the main window. Rematch has a really good search that the main window cannot compete with. With Rematch, you can search based on stats, ability names, ability text, and level in addition to the various family/type filters (tough,strong,type). You can search for all pets strong vs critters with health>=1400 speed>300 and that have the dodge ability. It's very versatile.

You can even right click a pet and tell it to "Find Similar" and it will list all pets with 3 or more of the same abilities.
I second this. The search, and filters, are one of the great features of Rematch. In fact I can't think of something I wish it would search for that it doesn't. The search/filter ability alone makes this a recommended addon.

The only time I use the old, Blizzard, pet window is when I need to use another addon to look up breed possibilities since I find Rematch confusing for breed possibilities.

PS - I also tried the saving the team under the menagerie post, but it didn't seem to work. Didn't test it more than once though, just continued using one of the pets to save under.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Jerebear » May 13th, 2015, 5:51 pm

Zandorian wrote: The only time I use the old, Blizzard, pet window is when I need to use another addon to look up breed possibilities since I find Rematch confusing for breed possibilities.
As a note, Rematch doesn't keep track of breed possibilities at all. That's another of your addons that integrates into Rematch...probably pet tracker or battle pet breed ID.
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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Zandorian » May 13th, 2015, 10:18 pm

Jerebear wrote:
Zandorian wrote: The only time I use the old, Blizzard, pet window is when I need to use another addon to look up breed possibilities since I find Rematch confusing for breed possibilities.
As a note, Rematch doesn't keep track of breed possibilities at all. That's another of your addons that integrates into Rematch...probably pet tracker or battle pet breed ID.
That is interesting. To add, My other addon just shows a list of possibilities, HP, PP, SB, etc. Rematch shows a grid of percentiles. I like the percentiles better, but what confuses me is the numbers don't add up to 100%, and I don't know how the balance pets fit into the grid.

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Re: Addon Rematch

Post by Gello » May 14th, 2015, 10:20 am

Daktar wrote:The only issue I have with the new targeting system vs the old npcid version is with the garrison dailies. Before I had my garrison dailies set to the leftmost pet for the garrison dailies so it would autoload. But after changing all to the new way (with the challenge posts) the teams are not auto loading anymore when I click on the post. Not sure what could be done to make this and it isnt gamebreaking but just a observation I saw. Also thanks for the quick reply and keep up the good work.
If you prefer targeting the left-most pet, I recommend continuing to do that for now. You can target the pet and then save a team to that target and it will behave as before.

I may add a table to equate those pets around the posts to the post itself (and erris and kura for any wondering). But it gets weird to have a target not be your target. We'll see.
Sinistra03 wrote: I still search for pets in the main pet window though.
And I thought it was just me. Must be habit and familiarity with the normal window that maybe someday I can break away from.
A total integration with the default journal is coming eventually. The pet list/search will take up the same space as the default's pet list, with more space/less dense than Rematch has now, so it will hopefully ease the "transition".
Zandorian wrote:PS - I also tried the saving the team under the menagerie post, but it didn't seem to work. Didn't test it more than once though, just continued using one of the pets to save under.
This may be from how we can't target the posts. You probably don't use auto load (which is fine) or have "On target only" for it.

This weekend is very busy for me but I'll see if I can come up with a solution before the end of next week. In the meantime as you say sticking with the old method should work.
Zandorian wrote:
Jerebear wrote:
Zandorian wrote: The only time I use the old, Blizzard, pet window is when I need to use another addon to look up breed possibilities since I find Rematch confusing for breed possibilities.
As a note, Rematch doesn't keep track of breed possibilities at all. That's another of your addons that integrates into Rematch...probably pet tracker or battle pet breed ID.
That is interesting. To add, My other addon just shows a list of possibilities, HP, PP, SB, etc. Rematch shows a grid of percentiles. I like the percentiles better, but what confuses me is the numbers don't add up to 100%, and I don't know how the balance pets fit into the grid.
Those percentiles are pulled from PetTracker. It's also the percentiles wowhead uses. If you use Battle Pet Breed ID you get actual numbers:

(And I just noticed the bug that it's not highlighting the current breed with PetTracker data woops)

If you have both BPBID and PetTracker enabled it should be pulling numbers from BPBID.

On those percentiles, with PetTracker you also see those percentiles when you mouseover the breed of a pet in the top-middle part of the default journal, where it gives the breed a name. It's the same system wowhead uses. A H/H pet has 100% of its stats allocated to health. A B/B pet has 25% to health, 25% to power and 25% to speed. That's why B/B is typically an undesired breed. A B/B has 75% stats where a H/H has 100%.

What other addon do you use for breeds? It's pretty trivial to grab breed data from another addon. (Managing breeds is definitely non-trivial so I leave it to other addons to handle.)

edit: I'll add credit to those breed addons in that little window. I think it'd help clear up where the numbers are from and those addons deserve credit for keeping up with that crazy amount of data.
Last edited by Gello on May 14th, 2015, 10:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

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