Check Please is selling invites for CMod Pet AND Glory Mount

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Check Please is selling invites for CMod Pet AND Glory Mount

Post by Warstar » May 5th, 2015, 2:53 am

Hello all!

Durotan/Ysera Guild <Check Please> is selling invites for not only the Warlords of Draenor Challenge Mode: Gold Pet Deathwatch Hatchling, but also the Blacksteel Battleboar!

The Blacksteel Battleboar mount is only available for guilds that have achieved Guild Glory of the Draenor Raider, which requires a guild group to kill both Mythic Imperator and Mythic Blackhand.

You already know what is needed for Check Please to offer the Deathwatch Hatchling!

Cost of guild invite: 10,000g

The mount requires Exalted reputation to purchase and costs 4,000g from the guild vendor, and once you buy your mount, you're welcome to stay in the guild and hang out with us.

The pet also requires Exalted reputation to purchase, but only costs 300g from the guild vendor.

Additional Rewards!!!

<Check Please> has an extensive history, and the guild vendor has many rewards available for members, including:

Reins of the Thundering Jade Cloud Serpent (Guild Glory of the Pandaria Raider)
Reins of the Dark Phoenix (Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Raider)
Lil' Tarecgosa (Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest - Guild Edition)
Dark Phoenix Hatchling (United Nations)

As well as all BoA items, including Heirloom Legs, Helm, and Cloak- AND we cover 5000g in daily repairs.

Contact Ambermist (ambermist#1266) or KinasXYZ (Chris#11507) to buy your invite today!

By the way, Horde friends, we accept gold Horde-side as well. You can easily get exalted with the guild by creating an Alliance DK, putting on the guild reputation tabard, and completing the starting zone!


For those worried about money and time, there's an easy way to get gold to your toons and to get Exalted with Check Please fast!

First: Get all the Heirloom Gear you can for a Plate Wearer. It will make life easy!

Second: Get either an Illustrious Guild Tabard or a Renowned Guild Tabard from your current guild vendor. These are account-bound, and will let you get rep MUCH faster with the guild.

Third: Make an Alliance Death Knight on Durotan (easiest way to avoid any possible bugs with Ysera/conjoined realms)

Fourth: Buy your guild invite from Check Please! (Easiest way to 10K+ is purchase a WoW Game Time Token and sell it on the Durotan AH! See info below!)

Fifth: Equip-up and quest! THEN- Get either a Standard of Unity or a Battle Standard of Coordination from the guild vendor a soon as you reach Friendly with Check Please- they will let you get rep MUCH faster with the guild.

Usually by the time you are done with the DK starting area, you are only a few quests away from Exalted with Check Please. The whole thing takes maybe 3 hours!

Now? You need CASH!

There are a few ways to get it, but 10K can take some time.

SO- here are some ways to make fast cash on Durotan to buy your guild invite or pay for rewards from the guild vendor!

1. WOW Game Time Tokens! Around $20 for 20K+ guaranteed? Go for it! You can use the other gold for the other rewards listed above!

As soon as you get your 10K for the invite, Check Please will invite you!

2. Every Timeless Isle token is BoE and 5 gold a piece. You can farm a ton of them with your mains now quite easily and mail them to your alt for gold! Still 2000 tokens is crazy...SO-

3. Flawless Battle-Stones. They easily sell for 2K-3K gold all the time, every time.

4. PETS! The following pets sell well on Durotan/Ysera:

Darkmoon Rabbit
Anubisath Idol
Darkmoon Tonk
Darkmoon Zeppelin
Crawling Claw
Death Adder Hatchling
Jademist Dancer
Son of Animus
Ruby Droplet
Jadefire Spirit

-Any Siege of Ogrimmar Pet
-Any Apexis Crystal Pet (Worth varies greatly on these though)
-Any Pet from Nat Pagle (guaranteed to sell if you price it at 10K)

It's easy if you put your mind to it! Good luck!

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Re: Check Please is selling invites for CMod Pet AND Glory M

Post by Taleranor » May 5th, 2015, 11:29 pm

So hypothetically, if I was a member of Check Please during your earlier open-membership period, and reached Exalted for the pet, if I rejoined, where would my guild rep be? (And do I get a discount for being a returning customer? Heheh)

Not that I -need- that mount, but it's tempting...

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Re: Check Please is selling invites for CMod Pet AND Glory M

Post by Merana » May 6th, 2015, 6:54 am

Taleranor wrote:if I rejoined, where would my guild rep be?
Guild reputation resets back to zero after being unguilded for a month, if you're in another guild and are Exalted and want to rejoin this here guild (Check Please) the guild rep will go down to Revered.

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Re: Check Please is selling invites for CMod Pet AND Glory M

Post by Warstar » May 17th, 2015, 4:42 am

I have had a few questions in private messages so here goes:

Part of the reason Check Please is charging for invites now is due to the Blacksteel Battleboar mount. It took the guild 169 attempts to beat Mythic Blackhand and become U.S. 68th in downing him. Each attempt cost the guild bank in repairs anywhere from 3K-5K. Doing the math at the low side 3,000 gold X 169 attempts = 507,000 gold! It would take the guild inviting 50+ people at 10K a piece to make up for those repair costs alone! And we put that gold right back into the guild bank to cover up to 5,000 gold a day for members in repairs!

While it's true we did allow free invites in December last year for the Deathwatch Hatchling, 10,000 gold for access to everything Check Please has to offer now is still a good deal- we're letting people stay in the guild this time (as compared to removing people in December) and that means access to all the past guild rewards like Reins of the Thundering Jade Cloud Serpent (Guild Glory of the Pandaria Raider), Reins of the Dark Phoenix (Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Raider), Lil' Tarecgosa (Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest - Guild Edition), Dark Phoenix Hatchling (United Nations), BoE's etc.

Keep the questions coming!

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