Graves source revealed. Is this bad?

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Re: Graves source revealed. Is this bad?

Post by Tekulve2012 » May 14th, 2015, 6:57 pm

I played a few more hours of Training mode today - I'd say 6-7 hours invested so far (with stimpack bought at lvl1) and I'm at lvl 11.

It takes 15-20 minutes per game in Training. Playing solo requires 3-4 games per level from what I see. All this to say that it should take 16-20 hours of playing to get to lvl 20 as far as I can tell. I'd love to group up ..I play Li Li - with very little finesse 8-) but If it helps anyone, supposedly the bots are not so tough

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Re: Graves source revealed. Is this bad?

Post by Voskres » May 14th, 2015, 9:15 pm

Ok well in that case does anyone who is coop-ing, too want to friend me and we can do them with +50%?

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Re: Graves source revealed. Is this bad?

Post by Voskres » May 15th, 2015, 10:19 pm

So I have been playing a little bit. It is ok fun, a little annoying you have to start at zero every game but that levels the field to a certain extent.

I have several friends from here and in addition you can ask in chat for people who want to friend and play for the xp bonus and I must have 4 or 5 of them that way. Even more, you can ask once you get in a group if anyone wants to friend and do it that way.

I sort of liken the game a little bit to a Civ or Age of Empires game except you are building a toon and not a city or empire. You pick various talents that make you do things and for the most part can't go wrong with any, they are just trees for more this or better that.

Few hours, I'm up to 13 and a little at a time without binging, should be 20 in decently short order.

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Re: Graves source revealed. Is this bad?

Post by Baldulf » May 18th, 2015, 1:27 pm

I had been invited to the alpha, but hadn't even installed the game until I saw the Graves confirmation. I did my tutorials Friday and have now played a couple Vs. AI matches. I'll probably be tooling along with a match a day on lunch break until I get my pet. If anyone is interested in teaming up for the +50% XP buff in the vicinity of 1pm Pacific Time, US servers, hit up Baldulf#1663. I got the starter pack, so I'm happy to play Malfurion, Raynor, or Muradin.

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Re: Graves source revealed. Is this bad?

Post by Khorah » May 18th, 2015, 5:28 pm

I wouldnt mind some folks to tag along with if you have some room. Typically on during the day..
btag is over there <--- someplace 8-)

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Re: Graves source revealed. Is this bad?

Post by Voskres » May 19th, 2015, 2:20 am

I made it up to 20.

I found the best advice is to friend everyone, ask in general chat if anyone wants to group with xp bonus, and keep looking for group checked.

I know there has been must number crunching on the AI vs people xp numbers, but I found you generally always win vs AI so most groups go there.

Work hard to get to level 6 overall because then you get a daily (usually play 2 games with a WoW, SC or D character). These give you extra gold.

If you aren't going to play later, no reason to hoard gold; however, I like to be prepared so I hit all the marks for getting gold and never spent any.

Don't go and buy any for your gold, because they might have those same toon you want to by free in the rotation next week and if you play them maybe you find you don't like them. I saved all my gold and have somewhere around 15k.

Take each of your available toons and play them to level 5, then do the next. You unlock a good amount of the higher abilities, you get 500g for reaching 5, and you have a good idea if that's a good toon or not. Make sure you do the free ones first because they go away in a week if. You get bonus toons (unlock extra free ones) at 12 and 15 (I think).

I wasn't going to spend any money but I did buy the starter pack which was on sale for 5 bucks. You get Raynor (who even tho you play him in training you don't get him as a toon to play reg game), Malf and Muradin.

I found Malf to be my fave healer (over LiLI and Uther), Valla to be my fave DPS with Sgt Hammer right behind, and wasn't real impressed with my melee choices but would take ETC over others.

New free toons come out later today, I was hoping that Arthas and Sylvanas were in them, I played against some really good ones, but I saw posted online someone says they are Raynor, Muradin, Anub'arak, Brightwing, Kerrigan, Nazeebo (12), Lost Vikings (15). Its a Reddit post of someone claiming to know.

Don't buy any mounts or color swaps or skins or other toons until you are for certain you are going to play past getting to 20. It has major potential to be a huge cash dump, especially since to spend you money you just click buy and confirm and poof you just paid for it. They have a toon bundle of 10 or 12 toons for 40 bucks.. that's how they are going to get you.

The game is a fun time waster, I like it better than Hearthstone.

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Re: Graves source revealed. Is this bad?

Post by Adumbledore » May 19th, 2015, 8:04 pm

I'm playing Jaina/Malfurion if anyone wants to group up. I have a stimpack too. :D

If you want to group up, add my battletag.

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Re: Graves source revealed. Is this bad?

Post by Luciandk » May 20th, 2015, 4:46 am ... did=161662

Looks like Hots have gone into open beta. So anyone without closed beta access, can start leveling up for Graves.

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Re: Graves source revealed. Is this bad?

Post by Ilostmahbucket » May 20th, 2015, 12:50 pm

C9 pro team's great resource on which heroes might be stronger than others, and how to build them:

I've used this for Illidan and Muradin, to great effect!

ORylai#1412 if you want to team up with an experienced MOBA-er :D

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Re: Graves source revealed. Is this bad?

Post by Ravnhawk » May 20th, 2015, 2:43 pm

I played this the other day to see how hard it is. Doesn't seem very hard. My issue is I have a heck of a time moving the toon around.

My btag is ravnhawk#1272

Add me for teaming up for extra xp. As long as you don't expect me to be perfect and I can't guarantee we'll win. LOL at least we'll gt the 50% xp bonus. (I am embarrassed to say I totally suck.) But I really want that pet. The good news is even if you suck you'll eventually get to level 20.

LOL I'm not even to level 2 yet. (sigh)

Oh man I need to buy a stimpack. That'll help alot.

Does anyone know if you just have to get one toon to level 20? or overall toons level 20?

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Re: Graves source revealed. Is this bad?

Post by Badpathing » May 20th, 2015, 3:42 pm

I usually play solo queue, but in the interest of pushing lvl 20, I am thinking of playing some AI games. I'd like to find 1 or 2 other players who'd like to join up for the XP bonus.

If that's you, find me @ BadPathing#1360

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Re: Graves source revealed. Is this bad?

Post by Badpathing » May 20th, 2015, 3:43 pm

Ravnhawk wrote:Does anyone know if you just have to get one toon to level 20? or overall toons level 20?
Just your player level, doesn't matter what toon you play.

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Re: Graves source revealed. Is this bad?

Post by Luciandk » May 20th, 2015, 3:55 pm

Individual characters caps out at lvl 10. Players caps out at lvl 40, but only player lvl 20 is needed for Graves.

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Re: Graves source revealed. Is this bad?

Post by Voskres » May 20th, 2015, 7:19 pm

I have also used Heros Nexus for build suggestions

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Re: Graves source revealed. Is this bad?

Post by Arshadi » May 21st, 2015, 10:43 am

Just to be crystal-clear because I haven't played HOTS before (and suspect I won't be interested in continuing, but you never know) - can someone clarify for me whether you can reach level 20 by only playing solo and only playing against the AI? Folks in my guild who play are pretty advanced, so I am not going to ask them to group with me. I am going to be doing this in fits and starts just to get the pet and have absolutely zero interest in grouping with strangers or playing against real people (I played a little LoL in the past and that community was so toxic that it really killed my interest in public groups).

So - can I do this solo? If I am understanding some of the comments in this thread, it looks like maybe I can, but I'd like to be sure. Many thanks in advance for any clarification!

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Re: Graves source revealed. Is this bad?

Post by Luciandk » May 21st, 2015, 10:53 am

You can play vs Ai, but you are limited to 2.5 million xp every 24 hours. Resets 24 hours after you cap out.

Pvp matches has no such limitation. So yes, you can do it, just takes a bit longer. Took me exactly 4 days of binging hots to get 1-20, though I did do a bunch of pvp matches in the downtime periods. The early vs ai matches I queued with a friend from here, the game filling out the rest of our team with real players, vs AIs. But vs AI matches is a lot less relaxed unlike real pvp matches. Only once met a toxic blabbermouth. But you can turn off party chat..

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Re: Graves source revealed. Is this bad?

Post by Elmarc » May 21st, 2015, 1:58 pm

@ Arshadi: its not a problem to play solo at all and get to level 20. At level 10 you get a stimpack which will give you bonus xp. I have played to level 9 or 10 only with AI team-mates against an AI-team. In all fairness, that got me a little bored, so i went to do play-mode with random people vs AI. Both ways are extremely easy and you can always turn off chat so you dont get bothered. I didnt have any knowledge of these sort of games whatsoever, and enjoyed this quite a bit even though i probably could have done better. I made it to 20 and probably gonna keep playing every now and again. It took me about a week and a half to get there. Only hit the xp-cap once and the next morning it wasn't there anymore (could be because i played with random people instead of AI-team.

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Re: Graves source revealed. Is this bad?

Post by Nyorai » May 21st, 2015, 10:48 pm

I think Im level 8 and I tend to use melee characters ( SONYA!!! ) but add me and if Im on I will group up for a few matches. ^_^


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Re: Graves source revealed. Is this bad?

Post by FuxieDK » May 22nd, 2015, 3:10 am

Are there no EU players who want to team up for Graves?

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Re: Graves source revealed. Is this bad?

Post by Dakaf » May 23rd, 2015, 5:38 am

I've been playing a lot as of late. I'm up to level 23 now! I think there's a special award for getting to 25 during beta, so I'm going to at least hit that mark.

As bad as it sounds, my favorites so far are Muradin, Thrall and Murky! That little murloc is hilarious when he dies!
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