Heal Macro Help

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Heal Macro Help

Post by Vapid » June 23rd, 2015, 2:01 am

Does anyone know how to make a macro that would target the pet menagerie healer and then heal your pets? Just wondering if such a macro could be made. Thanks

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Re: Heal Macro Help

Post by Ranok » June 23rd, 2015, 2:36 am

Sort of doubt it. Also seems a bit unnecessary.

You have to get close enough to her to click on her (or him if you're horde) then mouse down and click on Heal and Revive. A macro isn't going to eliminate need to get within range. Once you've gotten close enough, almost as easy to move mouse and click as it would be to hit a macro key.

With their macros and APIs, Blizzard seems to restrict most anything that bypasses mouse clicks. You'll notice can't remap right or left mouse clicks to keyboard with Key Binding option. Makes sense I guess, this forces players to exert some effort plus makes it harder for bots to work.

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Re: Heal Macro Help

Post by Painbow » June 24th, 2015, 8:52 am

Yes. You use an addon called "Turnin" http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/turn-in

You type /turnin window
Make sure it's on and that it automatically adds NPCs. Click Serr'ah in your garrison or whatever her name is and then type /turnin window again. You'll see her name. Check the box on her name and click her name and check the text below. It will auto click that text from now on when you right click her. Hold shift to prevent it.

Make sure to uncheck "Auto add NPCs" after you're done or you'll have an addon full of names you don't care about.


Edit: While this won't target her, you can make a quick macro for that with /tar. To interact with her, I'm not sure how to make that macro but there has to be one. Something like
/tar Serr'ah

And because you have Turn In set up, it will do the rest. So it's a one-button solution or theoretically should be that you could set to F12 or something. If you have Click to Move enabled, it SHOULD run to her as well if you're too far away if you have such a macro set up.

Turnin is one of the most useful addons I've used. Saves so much annoying clicking that takes a lot of time.

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Re: Heal Macro Help

Post by Vapid » June 24th, 2015, 8:21 pm

You sir are fantastic. Much obliged.

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