How do you decide what pets to level?

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Re: How do you decide what pets to level?

Post by Saasan » June 13th, 2015, 7:30 pm

Quintessence wrote:
Mastr wrote:Every week there will be a 3x bonus for a day that will really help.
The Pet Battle Bonus Event in 6.2 occurs only 4 consecutive days each month, not every week. Example: June 19 through June 22.
Wow that will be nice. Thank you for the clarification, too. I will keep up my grind of "two pets a day" that I am doing right now, but I will not kill myself (with effort) until 6.2. Thanks for the heads up.

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Re: How do you decide what pets to level?

Post by Shikon01 » June 13th, 2015, 10:04 pm

I try to keep a balance of all pet families, but I do try to focus on what's hot in battles to make sure I have pets level for what I see the most of in battles. Still working on various achievements so its all go. I must Say I tend to favor pets that provide so type of healing benefit.

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Re: How do you decide what pets to level?

Post by Avalee » June 15th, 2015, 1:34 pm

I'm not really bothered with level or rarity. Just having the pet is good enough for me. However, I'm currently leveling a lot of pets. Reason is the Celestial Tournament. I only level the pets that I neeed to beat it, so I can FINALLY get those 4 pets.

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Re: How do you decide what pets to level?

Post by Arrowstar » July 9th, 2015, 8:30 am

First I leveled every pet I needed to get through the tamers and dailies. Then I started leveling up every blue pet to at least level 7. After that I began leveling only unique blue pets. Eventually all my pets were blue. I am still leveling unique pets and attempt to level new pets straight up to 25 the day I get them. Some day I will get back to my "Dupes" and level them........some day.......

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Re: How do you decide what pets to level?

Post by Corah » July 9th, 2015, 9:03 am

I leveled the ones I needed to complete the dailies first. After that I just went through and leveled by level starting from the bottom. So I leveled everything (not duplicates) that was level 1, then everything level 2 and on up. I think I've got everything at 14 or above now, with the exception of some of the new pets. I only use my yellow tokens on pets that are above level 20 and I tried to upgrade and uplevel pets as much as possible when out hunting for new pets. Oftentimes you can find a higher level rat.

I'm also not a fast leveler, I only level on Squirt days. But I use the hat and both treats on those days.

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Re: How do you decide what pets to level?

Post by Cardee » July 9th, 2015, 8:19 pm

I used a bunch of different criteria when I was leveling pets.

- First I leveled pets so that all families have an equal number of 25s
- Cats
- Time-specific pets
- Pets with not-empty XP bars. You know how pets that have never battled before have empty XP bars, and those that did have some XP on their bars? Yeah. The latter made my OCD flare up. This took a while because I had a lot of these pets.
- Those pets that share a certain look, like the pandaren spirits
- Pets that were hard to get
- Cute pets
- Pets that were recommended by users who PvP
- All 23s
- All pets that have levels in the single digits
- Pets whose names start with A

Towards the end, I was left with mice and lizards. Now I level pets as I get them. :3

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Re: How do you decide what pets to level?

Post by Aurae » July 9th, 2015, 8:58 pm

I leveled the teams I needed to do carries. Now it's Rematch's reverse sort by level. Doesn't really matter to me who gets leveled next.

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Re: How do you decide what pets to level?

Post by Mehetabel » July 10th, 2015, 4:55 pm

Now that I've leveled all the pets I need for various pet dailies I just level the ones I like the most first.

Of course that does mean that I'm going to be left with a bunch of rabbits, frogs, moths and squirrels to level at the end lol :roll: :lol:

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Re: How do you decide what pets to level?

Post by Maizing » July 10th, 2015, 7:52 pm

Back when I was working on my entire collection, I would work on whichever of my pets was the lowest level first. I use Rematch, and I set my pet leveling queue to choose whichever pet was the lowest level... so each time I did a leveling battle, I would often switch the leveling pet for the next one.

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Re: How do you decide what pets to level?

Post by Endaira » July 11th, 2015, 1:16 am

I started by leveling what I needed for achievements.
Then I leveled 75 pets for the celestial tournament.
Now I start by leveling any level 24s, then 23s, etc, unless I
Am fighting Ashlei, then I randomly choose a level 1.
Sometimes I get bored and work on leveling groups of ugly things, like snakes or polygon frogs or roaches.
Other times I was leveling toons by peveling pets, so I just chose random level 1s and worked
Them all the way up to 25 then chose another one.

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Re: How do you decide what pets to level?

Post by Anarchitect » July 13th, 2015, 8:52 pm

I'm more concerned with the level of the pets I choose to level than anything else.

- Pets who are a level that I don't like to a level that I do like (level them to 10, 15, 20 or 25).
- Non-cageable pets to 25 (keeping the above in mind, I make sure I stop at one of the pre-approved numbers).
- Cageable pets to 25 (haven't really gotten to this one yet, still working on the above).

My thought behind the last two is that I could see a level 25 cheap on the AH and buy it or pay someone to level it, or pay someone to use their stone on it. I can't do that with the pets that can't be traded.

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