Rematch 4.0

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gráinne » August 21st, 2015, 12:56 pm

I see the same as Flohsakk on the "Put levelling pet here".

When I right-click the name of the pet in the slot, I get the "Put levelling pet here" option, but when I right-click the icon, I get the rest of the menu, but not that option. It had me going for a minute, trying to understand what the difference was.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Iibis » August 21st, 2015, 1:42 pm

Hi! I haven't tried the beta version because I can't live do pet battles without my notes. Hopefully that will come soon so I can start testing the new version. :)

I'm still missing the option to add multiple teams per noteworthy targets (which is great btw!). If I've saved multiple teams to an NPC, Rematch could have a pop-up asking which team I'd like to use this time. Have you considered adding this option?

This is actually about the old version of Rematch: A note I made after coming back to WoW and rebuilding all teams from scratch, was that the note from the previous team got saved with a new team. I think leveling pet settings also got saved for a new team. It was quite annoying actually, because I'd forget about it and then all the teams would have the same note. Especially when creating the same team against all the Tiny Terrors, but a couple of them had small variations in the strategies, so I would only check the note for those. And then there were a couple of tamer teams I saved and noticed later that there were leveling pet requirements from a previous team that required those settings. Does that behavior still exist in Rematch 4.0 and is it intended?

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » August 21st, 2015, 4:14 pm

Flohsakk wrote:Ah okay, the "Put leveling pet here" option is in my maxed window but there's a problem:

When I do the rightclick on the pet's icon I don't see the pet card and "Put leveling pet here" is missing, if I move the mouse out of the icon and the pet card pops, the right click context menu has this option.
Oops that's a bug. Thanks for pointing it out!

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » August 21st, 2015, 4:21 pm

Iibis wrote:Hi! I haven't tried the beta version because I can't live do pet battles without my notes. Hopefully that will come soon so I can start testing the new version. :)

I'm still missing the option to add multiple teams per noteworthy targets (which is great btw!). If I've saved multiple teams to an NPC, Rematch could have a pop-up asking which team I'd like to use this time. Have you considered adding this option?

This is actually about the old version of Rematch: A note I made after coming back to WoW and rebuilding all teams from scratch, was that the note from the previous team got saved with a new team. I think leveling pet settings also got saved for a new team. It was quite annoying actually, because I'd forget about it and then all the teams would have the same note. Especially when creating the same team against all the Tiny Terrors, but a couple of them had small variations in the strategies, so I would only check the note for those. And then there were a couple of tamer teams I saved and noticed later that there were leveling pet requirements from a previous team that required those settings. Does that behavior still exist in Rematch 4.0 and is it intended?
Notes will be there this weekend or early-middle of next week.

The ability to save/load multiple teams for the same noteworthy target will be a while still I'm afraid. Probably saving a single team team across multiple targets will happen first. But realistically that's a while still.

And the notes transferring business should not still exist in 4.0.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Ironwolfe » August 22nd, 2015, 10:39 am

So far I like what you've done and here is my first comment... when viewing a new pet from the chat window and then selecting "view pet in pet journal" the pet does not show; you have to search for it. Perhaps it's only mine due to other addons, so, I'd like to ask now if there are any known issues with other pet addons?

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Flohsakk » August 22nd, 2015, 12:04 pm

Ironwolfe wrote:Perhaps it's only mine due to other addons, so, I'd like to ask now if there are any known issues with other pet addons?
Same for me, if I uncheck Rematch integration, journal is reacting correctly.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » August 22nd, 2015, 1:19 pm

The "view pet in pet journal" from a linked pet will get fixed next update (probably tomorrow). Thanks!

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gráinne » August 22nd, 2015, 1:22 pm

It's holding up very well. I'm sorry I don't have more bad news to give you!

I think I have one minor and uncommon bug to report.

I had just done Skitterer, and was on to Mo'ruk.

On loading my team for Mo'ruk, the first pet did not load into the lead slot.

I'm too new to post a link, alas. I have created one if you need a screenshot. It's 1eYt4Ea on imgur.


- My team for Skitterer was Ikky, Raven, Raven. Ikky died during that battle.
- My team for Mo'ruk is Zeppelin, Chrominius, Levelling Pet, and Zepp was dead from an earlier battle.
When I came to Mo'ruk, the other two slots correctly filled with the appropriate pets, but the lead slot did not fill with my Dead Zeppelin. :)

This is a daily situation for me, since it's part of my regular Pandaria route, so I'm pretty sure this has changed from v.3. I usually res the Zepp at Mo'ruk when I remember it's dead. When I Revived Pets, and did a Load, the Zepp correctly came into slot #1.

Other observations:

- I still keep ticking Rematch off to get at the full pet "card" with the breed/stat list in the original Journal
- I love the auto-load on Target. Maybe that was already in 3.0 and I missed it, but it's great!
- I miss the Check/Uncheck All toggle in filters
- Filters: Breed/New - no idea what that's for
- Filters: Level/Without any 25s - I would have killed for that a couple of months ago.
- Filters: Level - I sort of miss a separate filter for level 1s (minor).

A thought about target notes, when they get there. Can they be imported? I imagine sites like wow-petguide might offer their strats as notes.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gráinne » August 22nd, 2015, 2:13 pm

Just found another unexpected, er, feature?

Without Rematch, when I queue for a PvP battle, my team is shaded out and I am not allowed to change the slots.

With Rematch, I can change the slot selections while queued, though not the pets. I've just done it twice, and the change carried through to the battle. Nice.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » August 22nd, 2015, 5:10 pm

Gráinne wrote:Details:

- My team for Skitterer was Ikky, Raven, Raven. Ikky died during that battle.
- My team for Mo'ruk is Zeppelin, Chrominius, Levelling Pet, and Zepp was dead from an earlier battle.
When I came to Mo'ruk, the other two slots correctly filled with the appropriate pets, but the lead slot did not fill with my Dead Zeppelin. :)

This is a daily situation for me, since it's part of my regular Pandaria route, so I'm pretty sure this has changed from v.3. I usually res the Zepp at Mo'ruk when I remember it's dead. When I Revived Pets, and did a Load, the Zepp correctly came into slot #1.
Thanks for the details. It appears dead pets are not loading properly (they should be loading). I'll get this fixed this weekend.
- I still keep ticking Rematch off to get at the full pet "card" with the breed/stat list in the original Journal
The most recent version posted this morning has the stats of all breeds when you mouseover Possible Breeds.
- I miss the Check/Uncheck All toggle in filters
Is it the inability to check all and then unselect something? You can Shift+Click an item and it will check everything except what you clicked. You can also Alt+Click an item and it will uncheck everything except what you check. There needs to be a better way to communicate this, or something.
- Filters: Breed/New - no idea what that's for
The NEW breed is a breed that has no data from the breed addon you use (Battle Pet Breed ID or PetTracker). When Blizzard adds new pets, nobody knows what breeds exists until people go out in the world and play and report back stats for Simca et al to plug into the tables. For some pets the breed addon can make an educated guess and it'll have a breed assigned but no known possible breeds (the Blazing Cindercrawler on my older version of BPBID has breed P/P and unknown possible breeds), for others it has no data at all (Blazing Firehawk is NEW and unknown possible breeds). As the breed addons get updated, those values should update to the most recent information. Rematch does not curate any breed data at all. It just passes along what the breed addon is reporting for a pet.
- Filters: Level - I sort of miss a separate filter for level 1s (minor).
You can search "level=1", or "level<2" or "level=1-2" in the search box to refine the levels down to a single level. But level 1 is unique enough I may add that.
A thought about target notes, when they get there. Can they be imported? I imagine sites like wow-petguide might offer their strats as notes.
It will not when 4.0 leaves beta, but it's a definite goal for the addon afterwards. (it was a high priority goal before this rewrite, but the rewrite took priority so it got pushed to the back burner)

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Maizing » August 22nd, 2015, 5:16 pm

Flohsakk wrote:Favorite team on minimap button sounds good, with new content patches and wild pet additions I always wanted a "when I finished a battle (vs. a target with a saved team) give me a quick option to load my Level&Capture team so I don't have to load/search that team from my list"
This! Very much this!

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Kayhos » August 22nd, 2015, 5:46 pm

Any bugs or unexpected behavior you encounter.
Noting Yet, except the major UI changes, It might be a good idea to add a splash screen explaining all the new layout a bit like when there's a new patch by Blizz.

Is the standalone window too big? Any other feedback on the UI?
I think the full pet journal is a bit crowded, but I think you've added as many features as could possibily fit in that window :P

Is there anything that's confusing or you don't understand what it's for?
See my point 1. Love the new compact window, maybe set this compact window by default for previous users ? Let them discover the expanded version by clickin instead of forcing the expanded version.

Is there anything you miss from the live version of Rematch that this version needs?
Notes! They're essential to my pet grinding :P I think the summon/dismiss buttons in the compact UI are unecessary.

Do you use any addons that are overlapping the Rematch checkbox beside the "Summon" button in the journal? If so let me know what addon.
Noting I can see.

Any other addon conflict issues? I want Rematch to coexist flawlessly with all other battle pet addons.
Noting I can see.

  • Track win/loose/draw per team ?
    Keep an history of pvp teams you encounter
    Easily go back to a specific team after being autochanged from mouseover.
    Multiple team assigned to a target with a prompt maybe ?
    PVE pet battles in the mini map
    Auto-click through the pet battle dialogs "à la" Auto-Safari Hat. (Only using ASH for that feature)
Thanks a million time for this awesome awesome addon and all your hard work!

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » August 23rd, 2015, 6:58 pm

Kayhos wrote: Any bugs or unexpected behavior you encounter.
Noting Yet, except the major UI changes, It might be a good idea to add a splash screen explaining all the new layout a bit like when there's a new patch by Blizz.
Yeah this may be needed. I think instead of a splash screen I may favor the "info" button like the default pet journal has.
  • Track win/loose/draw per team ?
    Keep an history of pvp teams you encounter
    Easily go back to a specific team after being autochanged from mouseover.
    Multiple team assigned to a target with a prompt maybe ?
    PVE pet battles in the mini map
    Auto-click through the pet battle dialogs "à la" Auto-Safari Hat. (Only using ASH for that feature)
This addon will likely never track pvp teams you encounter, pve battles on the minimap or autoclicking through dialogs, sorry! I'm not opposed to making separate addons to do these things. (Battle Pet Daily Tamer puts paws on the world maps/flight maps; Quest Bindings binds keys to dialog windows for more quickly healing pets at stable masters, starting fights, doing quest pickup/turnins, etc). Rematch's scope is a journal replacement/team manager with a focus on teams for pve targets.

But multiple teams assigned to a target is something I'd like to do one day. Win/lose/draw is interesting but realistically would be in far future if it happens. And I really like the "undo" an autoload idea. That one is a real possibility!

edit: Forgot to mention, a build with notes probably won't make it tonight. :( I've run across an issue that will require a bit of work to get it done properly.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Aurae » August 23rd, 2015, 7:43 pm

Gello wrote:But multiple teams assigned to a target is something I'd like to do one day. Win/lose/draw is interesting but realistically would be in far future if it happens. And I really like the "undo" an autoload idea. That one is a real possibility.
What about multiple targets to a team? Or did I overlook the ability to do that? :o

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Merana » August 23rd, 2015, 7:49 pm

Is the custom sorting for teams gone? I made very extensive use of that as opposed to target to load so I'd be a bit disappointed to see a, in my opinion, very useful feature go.

I really like the dismiss pet button, but one of the main selling points for me was how compact the addon window was in the previous versions.

I don't know if you've ninja updated it since the previous round of feedback, but my minimap button was there after installing the beta version.

Is the standalone window too big? Any other feedback on the UI?
I think it's too big. The pet journal integration is great, but making a stand alone window that is almost as big as the regular pet journal is a bit too much in my opinion. I really liked how the previous UI window was really small and compact and I used it a lot to switch teams during travelling from one NPC to the next, with a really large window the loading a team while travelling becomes more difficult I think.
Last edited by Merana on August 23rd, 2015, 9:31 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Simrock » August 23rd, 2015, 7:52 pm

A couple cents more for the pot...

Tested with Beta07
Any bugs or unexpected behavior you encounter.
  • The standalone/minimized version does not reappear after closing the pet-journal.
    Reproduction: Open Rematch with /rematch ; switch to stand-alone or minimized; open pet-journal => stand-alone/minimized disappears; close pet-journal => no rematch at all left on screen
  • All my cats (as in found with " cat" in the search part) seem to have a earned a "Note"-Icon, which seems strange as i did not see an option to add a note to a pet
  • In the "Teams" overview, if you have more teams than can be displayed, the last entry does not appear until you hit the bottom of the list.
  • When saving a target for a team, neither notes nor preferences are transferred, or if that's working as intended (as it well may be iirc) it's creating a new, identical, team.
  • Only having set a minimum-level in the leveling preferences, does not add the blue preferences icon to the team overview
  • When switching between teams with different leveling preferences quickly (i.e. Ashlei set for 2 pet leveling with min-level at 24 and some other team for a low-level pet) the queue(?) may get confused and pick one or no pet correctly and the other pet(s) according to the old preferences
    (It seems as if the queue selection is computed while you're changing teams back and forth, but if you're quick enough to change teams before the first computation is done it will pick from this wrong one instead of recomputing the correct one)
Is the standalone window too big? Any other feedback on the UI?
  • I love the pet-journal integration, that one looks brilliant
  • Stand-Alone Frame
    • The placement of the Pet-Frame (3 selected Pets) is a little inconsistent ("Pets"-Tab right side, all other tabs left side)
    • The "Queue"-Tab seems redundant as all (imho) relevant tasks available here can be performed in the "Pets+Queue" tab, as well as adding new pets to the queue
    • Would it be possible to add an option to swap the group tabs in "Teams" to the left side? I have my Rematch window placed on the right side and had the tabs moved off screen. If the tabs are not displayed, you're wasting screen space this way.
    • It may be nice to have the right click menu for a team as well on the name of the team (directly above the 3 current pets) to reduce searching for the team when it's auto-loaded to make changes
  • Minimized Window
    • Pretty much the same as for group-tabs, would it be possible to have an option to switch the direction of the "toolbar", as the most used buttons (heals for me) are the furthest away
    • I'm missing a display/hover/quick-access option for notes (NYI, i know^^) and leveling-conditions. Currently you need to maximize the window, switch to teams, find the selected team, then edit from there.
    • I happen to have bad eyesight, so the smaller minimized window is a little too small to my taste. If some more people think it may be warranted, would it be possible to add an option to make it a little bigger again?
Is there anything you miss from the live version of Rematch that this version needs?
  • The live version has the option to display 1 or 2 on the pet-skills, which would be nice to have again :)
Any other addon conflict issues? I want Rematch to coexist flawlessly with all other battle pet addons.
  • Not exactly a pet battle addon, but Rematch now is on the same Strata as my bag addon, which kind of flow together now, which doesn't happen with 3.5. But you mentioned that the strata-level may be made adjustable?

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Jerebear » August 23rd, 2015, 9:53 pm

I like the changes to the default journal so far. The standalone is a bit quirky for me (at least compared to the 3.x version):

1. you used to be able to toggle between minimized and maximized by clicking the current tab, now it only maximizes. Not a huge deal, but it would be nice if it would minimize if you clicked the current tab.

2. I know you mentioned this above, but I want to throw in my preference. I used the minimized standalone version 95% of the time. Being able to do the few queue options by right clicking the levelling pet was amazing for me saving time on 1 hour (buff food timer) runs. I really do miss this feature from 3.x

3. The new way it interacts with bags is not as good for me with a small UI. It can either be behind everything or in front of everything. Most addons I use are on top when you last used it or behind anything new you clicked on (like bags). If I hide it behind bags, it also puts it behind my chat window, which makes it useless unless I uncheck that option. This wasn't as much of an issue in 3.x when the standalone version was smaller than it was (but I do like the bigger size regardless).

4. Some of the pet level searches don't work:
=1-24 doesn't work
level=1-24 does work
<25 does work

5. when minimized, I miss being able to reload the team. I sometimes try out a new team config, minimize the window, battle, and go back to the saved team using the right click reload in 3.x. Can't do it in the minimized 4.x

6. I agree with the above poster that the "queue" tab is redundant vs the "pets+queue" tab. I would keep the pets+queue tab but name it queue. You are able to set levelling slots on the other tabs with right clicking. If this seems to hidden, maybe consider a button on the slots in the team to convert it to a levelling slot. Include a tooltip and maybe a confirmation box to avoid slip clicks.

Don't get me wrong, I do like the changes overall. Just some things I noted. No bugs for me so far other than the level search mentioned above.
Carry Pet Experience Reference Guide:

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Flohsakk » August 23rd, 2015, 11:50 pm

Jerebear wrote: 4. Some of the pet level searches don't work:
=1-24 doesn't work
level=1-24 does work
<25 does work
Hmm... I think it I never used "=x-y" to search pets from level x to level y, it was always "x-y"

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » August 24th, 2015, 6:46 am

As always thanks for feedback. Keep them coming!
Merana wrote:Is the custom sorting for teams gone? I made very extensive use of that as opposed to target to load so I'd be a bit disappointed to see a, in my opinion, very useful feature go.
It's just NYI, like notes. The order of teams is still in there, it's just not implemented yet. (I was on the fence for not re-implementing the dragging of teams--it's a lot of code for what it does--but am leaning now to putting it back.)
Simrock wrote:The standalone/minimized version does not reappear after closing the pet-journal.
This behavior is intended but it can change if there's greater demand.
All my cats (as in found with " cat" in the search part) seem to have a earned a "Note"-Icon, which seems strange as i did not see an option to add a note to a pet
This will be gone in next update. Those were there as a placeholder while pet notes are implemented.
In the "Teams" overview, if you have more teams than can be displayed, the last entry does not appear until you hit the bottom of the list.
Can you rephrase this? I don't understand what you're describing.
When saving a target for a team, neither notes nor preferences are transferred, or if that's working as intended (as it well may be iirc) it's creating a new, identical, team.
This is working as intended but will probably become an option via a checkbox in the save dialog. (Some people want notes and preferences tied to a target and never overwriten; some want notes and preferences tied to the pets and want it to overwrite when saving over targets)
Only having set a minimum-level in the leveling preferences, does not add the blue preferences icon to the team overview
Fixed in next build, thanks for pointing it out!
When switching between teams with different leveling preferences quickly (i.e. Ashlei set for 2 pet leveling with min-level at 24 and some other team for a low-level pet) the queue(?) may get confused and pick one or no pet correctly and the other pet(s) according to the old preferences
I'll look into this and not totally surprised. There are all sorts of issues client/server/addon that just snarls when so many swaps are made at once. I may force a "GCD" of a second for team loads to prevent this behavior.
The placement of the Pet-Frame (3 selected Pets) is a little inconsistent ("Pets"-Tab right side, all other tabs left side)
There's a few reasons for this that will make it very unlikely to change:
- The default pet journal has the list of pets on the left and loadout pets on the right. This is a familiar orientation to many.
- Moving the list of pets to the right would then require either moving queue or pets to the left in the pets+queue tab. This would be inconsistent too.
- The pets and queue lists look nearly identical so it's important that one never share space with the other to reduce to confusion of which panel a user is looking at.
- Keeping the list of pets always on the left and the queue always on the right will help "muscle memory" when dealing with their intended function.
The "Queue"-Tab seems redundant as all (imho) relevant tasks available here can be performed in the "Pets+Queue" tab, as well as adding new pets to the queue
I've considered this but it seems that when someone goes to the queue tab to choose a new leveling pet from the queue, it's because they have a team loaded and they want a different pet in its slot. We'll see.
Would it be possible to add an option to swap the group tabs in "Teams" to the left side? I have my Rematch window placed on the right side and had the tabs moved off screen. If the tabs are not displayed, you're wasting screen space this way.
I'll put it on my notes to make it an option but it may not make it before this leaves beta.
It may be nice to have the right click menu for a team as well on the name of the team (directly above the 3 current pets) to reduce searching for the team when it's auto-loaded to make changes
This can certainly be done.
Pretty much the same as for group-tabs, would it be possible to have an option to switch the direction of the "toolbar", as the most used buttons (heals for me) are the furthest away
I'll get back to this one later (definitely not in time before this leaves beta). There are people wanting to add/remove buttons from the toolbar. I may end up going with some customization over what can go there. And then a person can order them however they want.
I'm missing a display/hover/quick-access option for notes (NYI, i know^^) and leveling-conditions. Currently you need to maximize the window, switch to teams, find the selected team, then edit from there.
Notes will be viewable from the minimized view (and the loaded team header above the loadout slots). I'm going to leave preferences off the minimized view to prevent clutter (that minimized window is getting too crowded) but those can be viewed in the queue panel, viewed and edited from the pullout loaded team in the team panel and (not yet, but soon) the loaded team header over the loadout slots. edit: Actually, preferences button will be there too along with notes. Going with a slight redesign of the minimized window.
I happen to have bad eyesight, so the smaller minimized window is a little too small to my taste. If some more people think it may be warranted, would it be possible to add an option to make it a little bigger again?
I'll check back on this one later. The minimized window may be seeing some changes.
The live version has the option to display 1 or 2 on the pet-skills, which would be nice to have again :)
Not exactly a pet battle addon, but Rematch now is on the same Strata as my bag addon, which kind of flow together now, which doesn't happen with 3.5. But you mentioned that the strata-level may be made adjustable?
It's under options Standlone Window Options -> Lower Window Behind UI
Jerebear wrote:1. you used to be able to toggle between minimized and maximized by clicking the current tab, now it only maximizes. Not a huge deal, but it would be nice if it would minimize if you clicked the current tab.
This would require creating custom tab templates and rebuilding the tabs. I'm not opposed to this. Since tabs that look this way in every part of the default UI and every other addon never "revert" or do anything when a selected tab is clicked again, it seemed a more consistent UI behavior.
I know you mentioned this above, but I want to throw in my preference. I used the minimized standalone version 95% of the time. Being able to do the few queue options by right clicking the levelling pet was amazing for me saving time on 1 hour (buff food timer) runs. I really do miss this feature from 3.x
Everything you could do in 3.x from right-click of a minimized leveling pet can be done in 4.0. If something is missing let me know.

The only exception while minized was the little button that opened a dialog to choose another leveling pet. The leveling carousel is removed and very unlikely to return in that form. It was a lot of code/frames for what it did and that form of selection had issues when a team has two leveling pets. Was it this specifically? I'm not opposed to looking for other solutions.

Also I'd like to make the addon totally usable in its minimzied state. For instance those without auto load will notice the window expands slightly with a "mini target panel" with a load button when they target something with a saved team, instead of a prompt.
3. The new way it interacts with bags is not as good for me with a small UI. It can either be behind everything or in front of everything. Most addons I use are on top when you last used it or behind anything new you clicked on (like bags). If I hide it behind bags, it also puts it behind my chat window, which makes it useless unless I uncheck that option. This wasn't as much of an issue in 3.x when the standalone version was smaller than it was (but I do like the bigger size regardless).
I'll try a toplevel flag on a trial basis (that makes windows appear on top if they're shown or clicked) though that rather scares me from the havoc it can play on frame levels and the race conditions it causes when moving frames fight other frames for a frame level.

edit: in the next build the "Lower Window Behind UI" option will go to a medium framestrata (instead of low as it does now) and also enable the toplevel flag so the frame appears above other medium-strata frames when shown or clicked. When unchecked the frame will be in the high framestrata without a toplevel flag. We'll see how this works.
Some of the pet level searches don't work:
=1-24 doesn't work
level=1-24 does work
<25 does work
=1-24 was dropped. I had hoped nobody would notice! You can use 1-24 still. (or 1-1 for level 1 pets)

I had considered dropping more of those "legacy" operations, especially with specific filters for some level ranges. But if there's great demand I can add it back.
when minimized, I miss being able to reload the team. I sometimes try out a new team config, minimize the window, battle, and go back to the saved team using the right click reload in 3.x. Can't do it in the minimized 4.x
This will be possible in a future build.
I agree with the above poster that the "queue" tab is redundant vs the "pets+queue" tab. I would keep the pets+queue tab but name it queue. You are able to set levelling slots on the other tabs with right clicking. If this seems to hidden, maybe consider a button on the slots in the team to convert it to a levelling slot. Include a tooltip and maybe a confirmation box to avoid slip clicks.
As I mentioned above, when someone is going to the queue tab because they don't like the pet that loaded for their current team, it seems they'll want to see the loadout pets.

Or maybe it's just me and my testing methods. Before when I had the queue and didn't see loadout pets, it drove me crazy having to click back and forth to see what loaded.

That said, if you were on pets+queue before, and you click the queue tab while minimized, it returns to pets+queue again.
Last edited by Gello on August 24th, 2015, 10:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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