Rematch 4.0

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » September 28th, 2015, 12:17 am

Tonight's build (beta-22) has send/receive fully implemented. You can send a team to another online Rematch user by right-clicking a team and choosing Share->Send Team, then entering their name (bnet or character name). It will send the team through a background addon channel where the other user will get a popup asking if they want to save the team.

It supports sending notes and preferences too. There's checkboxes to choose whether to send them just like in the export dialog. If you send a team with a lot of notes (4k character limit), it can take a few seconds to transmit but the send dialog will show its progress.

This should be forward/backward compatable across all versions of Rematch. Like export/import, the only difference is the old Rematch won't do anything with preferences or notes. It will treat the extra stuff as garbage and quietly ignore them.

Play around with it and let me know if you can figure out a way to break it!

This is the last major component I wanted to get in place before this goes live. So this week's focus will be stripping out beta-specific code, some optimizations, adding final remaining options (auto-adding pets to queue, may still make notes once per battle default, import PBT teams, etc), slathering tooltips over everything, and some minor aesthetic tweaks (making those little arrows to pullout the top point up/down instead of always down) and perhaps some artwork behind toolbar buttons and such. Once tooltips are done I'll run a script to pull out all the text for localization. We'll see if a help system is needed after tooltips too. I may tuck the little yellow i icon in the corner of the major windows and depending on what view you're on it can do the help plates for the various part of the visible UI. If it seems help would be needed, I may hold off on going live until that bit is done too.

After it goes live (and a little rest!) there will still be changes and updates of course. But overall I'm satisfied with the state of the addon, and you guys deserve a lot of the credit. It'd be a cryptic/inflexible addon without you guys. Thanks for all your help!
Delis wrote:I would like to see the Pet Toast any time a pet is swapped automatically because of the active swap or because of the leveling preferences caused a pet swap.
Tonight's build also hopefully addresses this too: instead of watching the top-most pet in the queue change, it watches for the top-picked pet in the queue changing; unless the change was some direct user intervention: moving pets in the queue, manually loading a team, etc. I haven't tested it as thoroughly as I'd like, but let me know if it doesn't work the way you expect.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Aranesh » September 29th, 2015, 3:28 pm

Hey Gello!
Completely unrelated to your post (sorry couldn't test the send/receive feature yet), I found another minor polishing thing. The first time you open the pet window, these yellow help-signs from blizzard will appear and lock the window until you click them away. With rematch installed, the size of the window changes though and makes the placement of these buttons incorrect. It also means you cannot get rid of them, until you close the window and reopen.
Guess it will only happen when people reinstall, download addons but don't import their old settings. Tiny minor thing, but wanted to mention it :-)

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » September 29th, 2015, 7:51 pm

Aranesh wrote:Hey Gello!
Completely unrelated to your post (sorry couldn't test the send/receive feature yet), I found another minor polishing thing. The first time you open the pet window, these yellow help-signs from blizzard will appear and lock the window until you click them away. With rematch installed, the size of the window changes though and makes the placement of these buttons incorrect. It also means you cannot get rid of them, until you close the window and reopen.
Guess it will only happen when people reinstall, download addons but don't import their old settings. Tiny minor thing, but wanted to mention it :-)
Thanks for the report! It should be fixed in next update later this week.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Delis » September 29th, 2015, 8:11 pm

Gello wrote:
Delis wrote:I would like to see the Pet Toast any time a pet is swapped automatically because of the active swap or because of the leveling preferences caused a pet swap.
Tonight's build also hopefully addresses this too: instead of watching the top-most pet in the queue change, it watches for the top-picked pet in the queue changing; unless the change was some direct user intervention: moving pets in the queue, manually loading a team, etc. I haven't tested it as thoroughly as I'd like, but let me know if it doesn't work the way you expect.
I downloaded and tested out the fix to the Pet Toast and it now fires even when there is a Leveling Preference and not all the pets in the queue are included at the end of the pet battle. However Is still noticed the following behavior:
  • 1. Did a pet battle where the Leveling Preference was set to pet level 10 or greater.

    2. After the pet battle ended a new leveling pet was updated and the toast appeared.

    3. Proceeded to the next pet battle where the leveling preference was set to pet level 1 or greater.

    4. Targeting the next pet battle team the pet was swapped out, but the toast did not appear letting me know that the pet had changed.
It seems when a team is targeted and a pet is swapped the toast is still not showing.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » September 30th, 2015, 4:11 am

Delis wrote:It seems when a team is targeted and a pet is swapped the toast is still not showing.
Thanks for taking the time to test it again. This may not be a universally desired behavior but it is intended behavior. Loading a team is intended to not trigger a toast due to preferences changing the leveling pet. If a user loads a team with preferences, they likely know the team has preferences and the leveling pet may change. I think toasts can get annoying if they become too common.

The behavior can change if there's a consensus it should do it more often. What do others think? Should it toast every time a team loads with different preferences? Auto load would get no special treatment.

As an aside: in 3.x it also toasted when a pet was automatically added to the queue. When this feature returns next build, it doesn't use a toast but instead has a yellow message following "[Pet link] has been added to your pet journal!" ("[Pet link] has also been added to your leveling queue!").

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Jerebear » September 30th, 2015, 7:38 am

I think they are saying they want the toast every time the levelling pet is swapped out, not so much the team itself. In their example, the pet was swapped after the end of a battle due to queue auto sort, but not when a new team loaded with a different preference and the preference forced the carry pet change. I don't think they wanted a toast for the "swapping team" event but for the "swapping levelling pet" event instead. This is a guess on my part, but I am willing to bet if the levelling pet didn't change but the team did, they wouldn't want a toast, just when the levelling pet changes. So even if a team loads with different preferences and the levelling pet doesn't change, then no toast, but if the levelling pet does change (for any team with new prefs or auto sort based), then they want the toast.

I don't know how easy or hard that is though.
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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Delis » September 30th, 2015, 2:17 pm

Jerebear wrote:I think they are saying they want the toast every time the levelling pet is swapped out, not so much the team itself. In their example, the pet was swapped after the end of a battle due to queue auto sort, but not when a new team loaded with a different preference and the preference forced the carry pet change. I don't think they wanted a toast for the "swapping team" event but for the "swapping levelling pet" event instead. This is a guess on my part, but I am willing to bet if the levelling pet didn't change but the team did, they wouldn't want a toast, just when the levelling pet changes. So even if a team loads with different preferences and the levelling pet doesn't change, then no toast, but if the levelling pet does change (for any team with new prefs or auto sort based), then they want the toast.

I don't know how easy or hard that is though.
Jerebear you are exactly right on how I would like to see it happen. Thanks for clarifying what I was trying to say.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » September 30th, 2015, 3:52 pm

We'll try it. Is it okay if a toast happens when a team without a leveling pet loads? Or should that be supressed? If you just finish fighting ashlei with preference maximum level 5, which toasted that a level 1 deeper in queue is the leveling pet, and then you load a menagerie team which has no leveling pet, should a toast happen to inform that the top-most pet is the leveling pet again?

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Delis » September 30th, 2015, 5:48 pm

Gello wrote:We'll try it. Is it okay if a toast happens when a team without a leveling pet loads? Or should that be supressed? If you just finish fighting ashlei with preference maximum level 5, which toasted that a level 1 deeper in queue is the leveling pet, and then you load a menagerie team which has no leveling pet, should a toast happen to inform that the top-most pet is the leveling pet again?
I think it should only toast if the current leveling pet changes to a new leveling pet. so if there is no level pet in the current team then there would not be a toast.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » September 30th, 2015, 6:20 pm

Delis wrote:I think it should only toast if the current leveling pet changes to a new leveling pet. so if there is no level pet in the current team then there would not be a toast.
Hmm this can get weird but I'll see what I can do. If a toast shouldn't happen, what about the next time you load a team with a leveling pet? Say you went from ashlei to menagerie, then you went to level some pets and a leveling pet is relevant again. Toast or no toast?

Is it tolerable to toast pets from manually rearranging pets in the queue?

I did notice a bug that it was toasting the wrong pet, btw. That should get fixed.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » October 1st, 2015, 8:28 pm

New build tonight (beta-23) has new toast behavior. Play around with it and let me know what you guys think. I personally dislike the potential for more than one toast to happen right after another when loading different teams. Something that frequent shouldn't be reported via toast. But I dunno. I may default it back to its original intended behavior (reporting when a leveling pet changed as a consequence of a pet gaining xp; not from the normal operation of the queue/teams loading) with an option to toast from the normal operation of the queue/teams loading.

This build also has a few remaining bits that were in the live version. While there's certainly more updates to come, I'm going to consider this the "ready for live" feature set. If I've missed anything let me know! If there's no major issues, I'm going to shoot for Monday to post this as a live version.

A localization template has been created also. It has over 400 strings ouch. There are a few over-zealous localizations (L["%s%s"] doesn't need translated), but I'll be going through it this weekend to "un-localize" those bits and see if there's any redundancies.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Superflypixie » October 2nd, 2015, 6:21 am

Hi! I'm new here, so hopefully I'm doing this right and abiding by guidelines. I just started getting really into pet battles over the last few months, and have been using PetBattle Teams to save my teams. Having done some research and learning that it is basically defunct, I started using Niggles: Pet Teams because it allowed me to import my team data from PBT, and save strategy notes.

After reading more about Rematch, it seems it would be much better suited to my needs (especially with what seem like these wonderful changes coming in 4.0). However, I'm concerned about being able to import my teams from the Niggles addon (I've done a lot of work on notes and setups; it would be a shame to lose it all!). I noticed in an earlier post you said you would implement imports from PBT sometime in the future (I believe you said not in 4.0), but is there any chance you will be able to support imports from other team addons as well?

I'll probably end up using Rematch anyway, but I'd like to know whether I should get the change over with as soon as you make 4.0 live, or if I should wait on a possible future build with added import functionality.

Thanks for all the hard work you're doing!

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » October 2nd, 2015, 7:11 am

The beta build uploaded yesterday can import from PetBattleTeams. But I'll have a look.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Aranesh » October 2nd, 2015, 10:28 am

Regarding the localization, do you already have a set of people to help you?

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » October 2nd, 2015, 2:30 pm

Small build posted today (beta-24) is mostly centered around ripping beta-specific stuff out in preparation for this going live on Monday.
Aranesh wrote:Regarding the localization, do you already have a set of people to help you?
At the moment I don't. If you were still interested, I'd love this localized! If there's a way I can make it easier, let me know. All I ask is that it gets tested with the default fonts. I have another update planned this weekend. I'll add a deDE file and in the toc.
Superflypixie wrote:if I should wait on a possible future build with added import functionality.
I had a look at it. I'd rather not commit to having an import be built in. That addon was just released a little over a month ago. It'd be kinda mean to scalp its users with an import before it has time to grow. (I even feel a little uncomfortable importing PBT teams, but since that addon seems to have gone into maintenance mode it's probably okay now.)

So we'll compromise: after you've installed rematch 4.0 (either monday when this goes live or at least beta-24 posted minutes ago), paste the following to [url][/url] and it will create an addon that adds a "Import From Niggles" to the Teams button as long as both Rematch and Niggles are enabled:

Code: Select all

-- This adds "Import From Niggles" to Rematch's Team button (beside the team
-- search box). It copies Niggles-PetTeams teams to the current Rematch tab.
-- Strategies are saved as Notes. Opponents are not saved. You can right-
-- click a Rematch team and Edit to give it a Target (Opponent).
-- Note: this will only work for 4.0.0-beta-24 or above!
local f=CreateFrame("Frame")
  if IsAddOnLoaded("Rematch") and IsAddOnLoaded("Niggles-PetTeams") then
    local rematch = Rematch
    C_Timer.After(1,function() -- letting rematch register its menus
      local menu = rematch:GetMenu("TeamOptions")
      tinsert(menu,{text="Import From Niggles",tooltipBody="Import teams from Niggles-PetTeams to the current Rematch team tab.",func=function()
        local tab = RematchSettings.SelectedTab>1 and RematchSettings.SelectedTab or nil
        for _,source in ipairs(NglPtDB.petTeams) do
          local team,key = rematch:SetSideline(,{tab=tab})
          for i=1,3 do -- add the three pets
            local petID = source.pets[i].guid
            team[i] = {petID}
            for j=1,3 do -- and the three abilites of each pet
              team[i][j+1] = source.pets[i].abilityId[j]
          if source.strategy and source.strategy:len()>0 then
            team.notes = source.strategy -- add notes
          rematch:MakeSidelineUnique() -- make name unique if needed
          rematch:PushSideline() -- and save the team

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Superflypixie » October 2nd, 2015, 10:05 pm

Gello wrote:So we'll compromise
Thanks so much for this, you are awesome. I installed the beta and this makeshift Niggles import addon, and everything seems to be working great! I'm still saving my teams with appropriate targets/leveling pet slots in Rematch, so I haven't been able to mess with other functionality much yet.

I do have a question (and it's probably just me being dense), but how do I revert a leveling pet slot to a normal slot? For example, I have a team saved for a tamer that will use a lava crab. I don't have it leveled yet (but it's in my queue), so when I put it on the team and saved, it made the crab's slot a leveling pet slot, when I would just like the crab saved there always.

A few (teeny, tiny, wee) things I have noticed/wondered so far:

Are there key bindings/shortcuts for editing teams (other than clicking through menus)? I'm sure this won't be as noticeable an issue for me once I'm done saving all the teams from Niggles into Rematch formats, but it can be a little tedious for editing multiple teams to go through all the right-click menus to edit.

In that same vein, are there (or can there be) any group action methods? E.g. Selecting multiple teams to move them to a new tab, or editing multiple notes at once.

Is it possible to include tamer/target location info (coords, town, zone, continent or any combination thereof), maybe in a mouseover of teams with saved targets or in the middle pane with the target info? Again, this is a tiny thing, since it's easy to just manually include locations in notes and such, but just a thought I had.

In some addons, when you are setting a target for a team, you can type the name (full or partial) of a target in a search field, which brings up suggestions you can click (rather than going through menu layers). This would be helpful for setting targets on teams in Rematch (as well as setting tabs!)

Sorry if any of these seem silly or are egregiously hard work for minor improvements. Your addon is wonderful and your work is appreciated =)

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » October 2nd, 2015, 11:17 pm

Superflypixie wrote:how do I revert a leveling pet slot to a normal slot? For example, I have a team saved for a tamer that will use a lava crab. I don't have it leveled yet (but it's in my queue), so when I put it on the team and saved, it made the crab's slot a leveling pet slot, when I would just like the crab saved there always.
For the moment you need to remove the lava crab from the queue and save the team. As you've noticed any pet in the queue will get saved as a leveling slot. There used to be an option to save leveling pets as themselves, but it caused some complications so it was dropped. I'll revisit adding it back.
Are there key bindings/shortcuts for editing teams (other than clicking through menus)? I'm sure this won't be as noticeable an issue for me once I'm done saving all the teams from Niggles into Rematch formats, but it can be a little tedious for editing multiple teams to go through all the right-click menus to edit.
For testing purposes I've been using mouseover macros to more easily delete teams. I can add some mouseover stuff to its slash command: "/rematch edit" "/rematch delete" or "/rematch notes" or "/rematch cage" and stuff to run on the mouseover team/pet.

For the time being, this macro will edit the team that's under the mouse:

Code: Select all

/run local key=GetMouseFocus().key if key then Rematch:SetSideline(key,RematchSaved[key]) Rematch:SetSidelineContext("deleteOriginal",true) C_Timer.After(0,function() Rematch:ShowSaveAsDialog("Edit Team") end) end
This will bring up the notes of the team under the mouse:

Code: Select all

/run local key=GetMouseFocus().key if key then C_Timer.After(0,function() Rematch.Notes.locked=true Rematch:ShowNotes("team",key,true) Rematch.Notes.Content.ScrollFrame.EditBox:SetFocus(true) end) end
This is what I've been using to delete teams under the mouse (no confirmation! be careful!):

Code: Select all

/run local key=GetMouseFocus().key if key then RematchSaved[key]=nil Rematch:UpdateUI() end
In that same vein, are there (or can there be) any group action methods? E.g. Selecting multiple teams to move them to a new tab, or editing multiple notes at once.
There is not, sorry. I would like a way to move multiple teams at once. But it would be a tremendous amount of code to create a multi-select system that would only be applicable for moving a group of teams. (Unless you wanted to add the same note to a bunch of teams at once, which seems like a very rare occurance) I enjoy creating new widgets and the coding would be fun, but one of the goals of this redesign is to rein in the gratuitous excess of code. Maybe "/rematch move [name of tab]" to help when there's a need to move a bunch of teams to a tab.
Is it possible to include tamer/target location info (coords, town, zone, continent or any combination thereof), maybe in a mouseover of teams with saved targets or in the middle pane with the target info? Again, this is a tiny thing, since it's easy to just manually include locations in notes and such, but just a thought I had.
This can be included in notes, yeah. No plans at the moment to create a system/space to automatically gather/store this info. Notes are a multi-purpose thing. They can be used for strategies, for tagging purposes (the search box looks through notes, so you can use #find in pets you want to find and then search "#find" to bring up all those pets; same for teams too), and for any other information the user wants.
In some addons, when you are setting a target for a team, you can type the name (full or partial) of a target in a search field, which brings up suggestions you can click (rather than going through menu layers). This would be helpful for setting targets on teams in Rematch (as well as setting tabs!)
I saw that in Niggles, that is pretty cool. I had thought of adding an editbox control to the menus for choosing a specific level, but it seemed to hit that gratuitous code thing again if it had just one purpose. I may revisit it for finding a tamer.

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Jerebear » October 3rd, 2015, 9:27 am

Gello wrote:
Is it possible to include tamer/target location info (coords, town, zone, continent or any combination thereof), maybe in a mouseover of teams with saved targets or in the middle pane with the target info? Again, this is a tiny thing, since it's easy to just manually include locations in notes and such, but just a thought I had.
This can be included in notes, yeah. No plans at the moment to create a system/space to automatically gather/store this info. Notes are a multi-purpose thing. They can be used for strategies, for tagging purposes (the search box looks through notes, so you can use #find in pets you want to find and then search "#find" to bring up all those pets; same for teams too), and for any other information the user wants.
This isn't exactly what the poster was asking for, but I wanted to at least toss this out there. Gello also has an addon that automatically adds locations to your map for each tamer (and removes them if you have done them for the day).

It's really useful. Doesn't cover the exact request, but may help some. It isn't linked to Rematch at all, but it might help some.
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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Superflypixie » October 3rd, 2015, 9:50 am

Jerebear wrote:This isn't exactly what the poster was asking for, but I wanted to at least toss this out there. Gello also has an addon that automatically adds locations to your map for each tamer (and removes them if you have done them for the day)l
Thanks! I have a similar one (or maybe a few, I think I'm running several addons with overlapping functionality at this point; I'm probably gonna need to weed through them). Mostly I was wondering because I'm trying to help a friend get into pet battles, and she's one of those people who will never remember where a tamer is, even if she's been there a hundred times, and I was trying to avoid telling her to download 15 different addons, ha. For the time being I'll probably just add location info to the top of my notes on all my target-saved teams, and export my teams to her.

And to Gello, thanks so much for your help and replies =) I've spent a few hours with the leveling queue and swapping pets, and everything seems to be working great. I saw in an earlier post that you're hesitant about adding stretchiness to the main window, but is it possible have the notes window be stretchy? (Or is it already and I've missed it?)

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Re: Rematch 4.0

Post by Gello » October 3rd, 2015, 10:57 am

The default UI has little green paws that mark the map the standard daily tamers, but not legendary pets.

And yeah notes are stretchy. Click into the notes so you get the red buttons across the bottom. There's a little resize grip in the corner beside the buttons. If you don't see it, click the lock button to unlock the notes and it should appear.

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