A pet per class in Legion?

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Re: A pet per class in Legion?

Post by GilroyKilroy » June 11th, 2016, 6:47 pm

Hmmm. My main is a Druid so go that covered. I do have a max warlock so that will be OK. And I guess now I know what I need to use the 100 level boost I haven't used yet that I got for the Legion upgrade :)

Still 600k short of the million gold though...

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Re: A pet per class in Legion?

Post by Graven » June 12th, 2016, 5:51 am

Drudatz wrote:Im fine with it I leveled every class to max for the free level-your-pet-to-25-stones anyway (and a few more :))
so no big deal imho.
Wow, you really leveled characters to 100, taking dozens of hours, to get a free 25-stone that saves you 20 minutes of pet battling? :lol:

For me, I have almost every character at max (no DK) but that is just because I am a regular altoholic and also like to have all the tradeskills. I still think this pet thing sounds like a bad idea though - the "cageable but only one per character" idea seems like the most sensible suggestion. Perhaps they can make it require max level to buy, if they are worried about them being too common.

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Re: A pet per class in Legion?

Post by Ishildur » June 12th, 2016, 10:19 pm

I have mixed emotions. I mean it doesn't affect me personally, I have more alts than I even care to have at lvl 100 already (we needed a panda warrior, so I leveled a panda warrior). But at the same time that doesn't mean I feel others should necessarily be forced to do the same. A part of me would prefer they be cageable just so others don't have to be like me. I recognize that would be a good thing, and it would let the crazy people like me sell off our spare pets to the saner.

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Re: A pet per class in Legion?

Post by Nagini » June 13th, 2016, 6:37 am

Disclaimer: I might be a little bit biased by the fact that Druid and Shaman are the only two classes I don't have maxed. (I have 5 warlocks, though =p)
They really are encouraging having a lot of alts... I wouldn't be surprised if they added in an achievement to level one toon of each class to max. I understand them wanting us to see all the different weapons and class halls, so we get to experience all the available content, but I don't think this is the way to do it. People have favorite classes for a reason, making someone try out a class isn't a terrible idea but a maxed toon takes some significant time investment and can be quite the grind if you don't like the class.

I think a one-time cageable pet would be a good idea. I don't think we'd see fishy/left-shark like scenarios with thousands of them flooding the AH, because they wouldn't be part of a mandatory questline, nor would you be able to obtain them (multiple times) on all your max alts.

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Re: A pet per class in Legion?

Post by Riddley » June 13th, 2016, 3:28 pm

I cannot believe they're going to make me play a Shaman. Terrible.

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Re: A pet per class in Legion?

Post by Digem » June 13th, 2016, 3:48 pm

Riddley wrote:I cannot believe they're going to make me play a Shaman. Terrible.

Well shaman dps classes will be getting the hunter focus style of play, as they are taking it away from hunters, so one ability will build it while others use it. Which I like as a play style as their is always something to do/hit instead of waiting for things to build up. So that should make shamans more fun to play.

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Re: A pet per class in Legion?

Post by Gráinne » June 14th, 2016, 2:09 am

Peanutty wrote:I'd take a different approach. Make them cageable, but like the racial pets (Gilnean Raven, Jade Crane Chick), each toon is only eligible to buy/obtain the pet once. To get another, they'd have to level another toon or obtain a caged one from someone else.
That might work, but I think only if the battle to get them is not trivial.

If every level 110 Shaman gets one "for free" there will be too many, and remember that every level 100 gets a free level 25 Blue pet, one way or another, so if the battle is very easy, like the current Pets vs Pests, that pet will be near enough "for free" to every Shaman.

If, OTOH, earning the pet needs a fairly specific team, a lot of non-pet people won't bother, and it will keep the pet from becoming so common as to worthless.

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Re: A pet per class in Legion?

Post by Peanutty » June 15th, 2016, 3:21 pm

Gráinne wrote:
Peanutty wrote:I'd take a different approach. Make them cageable, but like the racial pets (Gilnean Raven, Jade Crane Chick), each toon is only eligible to buy/obtain the pet once. To get another, they'd have to level another toon or obtain a caged one from someone else.
That might work, but I think only if the battle to get them is not trivial.

If every level 110 Shaman gets one "for free" there will be too many, and remember that every level 100 gets a free level 25 Blue pet, one way or another, so if the battle is very easy, like the current Pets vs Pests, that pet will be near enough "for free" to every Shaman.

If, OTOH, earning the pet needs a fairly specific team, a lot of non-pet people won't bother, and it will keep the pet from becoming so common as to worthless.
I don't see a reason why these pets shouldn't be common (and common doesn't mean worthless, of course). Not everyone would choose to sell theirs. And at least at the start of the xpac, these pets would have some value since most people will only level one toon at a time and maybe want the pet(s) immediately.

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Re: A pet per class in Legion?

Post by Gráinne » June 16th, 2016, 2:29 am

Peanutty wrote:I don't see a reason why these pets shouldn't be common (and common doesn't mean worthless, of course). Not everyone would choose to sell theirs. And at least at the start of the xpac, these pets would have some value since most people will only level one toon at a time and maybe want the pet(s) immediately.
Well, I have to admit it'd be nice if they'd take that approach with the pet earned from attaining PvP prestige rank.

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Re: A pet per class in Legion?

Post by Uduwudu » August 29th, 2016, 9:33 pm


(A bit long wind'ed!)

Kinda strange and weird if you ask me. I did not level/create different characters because of any reason, other than wanting to do so, and try something different. That would mean, I have to do another Paladin. Warrior and Rogue all the way again, and I'm not sure I need that again. When I could also collect Pet Charms, every day, with them, it made sense I guess, and gave me nearly 75 to 80 PC's daily, which is now nerf'd so you can only really get 15 of them ... plus a few stragglers here and there if you are inquisitive enough (do the buggers in the Jungle) ... other than that, I did not, originally, build my different characters other than just learning more about each ability and sometimes, to make me self dependant on materials for most work/raid events in the game.

For example, it was really hard, specially in the old days, to gain enough materials to be able to get the right stuff to get the flasks that you needed to raid once or twice weekly, specially when it was a bunch, not just one, since in those days, you fell and had to rebuff, a heck of a lot more than you do these days ... today, the game does not even have/need that kind of organization and control/command of the players that was the original function, and design of many of these games. WoW, invented the independent game, the one where you can still get the gear without doing a single raid. You could not do that 10 years ago. The best gear was in Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, and such, and you needed stuff from there to be able to get it. And MC, in those days, took 16 hours to clear, and you did it on two days. Today, this is redundant and stupid, and no one will bother, since the reward is not worth it, anyway. AND, I seriously doubt the utility of the Pets for each race, when most of them are casual and worthless and not useful on a daily basis. That's an achievement, like the hunger crap games ... and we're too stupid and happy with things thrown down our throats that are meaningless in the end. That reality, in your life, will not last long if you realize that! And a game is not an excuse for nothing!

In many ways, the ALT's were created mostly out of boredom and most of us not having anything else to do on that character anymore, thus rewarding us for that is OK with me, but I do not see it as a reason to upset or punish the players that are not in it for just the equivalent of an hour or two weekly and do not feel the need to level things to the "top" (that imaginary achievement!!!) so you think you are a better adult for it!

It made sense at one time a lot more, and bought you some independence, but not today, when the upper level game is a joke. This was much harder 10 years ago and nearly impossible as it took forever to move a notch. I ended up with two accounts, and a warrior and priest came up together from the start, for example, and it was nice. Today, this is a joke! And of course, the game found a way to nerf your two accounts with one login, and other issues, to ensure that they could make sure you did not gain more than you should.

I, still, have not purchased the new expansion, and honestly, I am almost inclined to think that I am almost through after something like 12 to 15 years, or something. First it was EQ, and then WOW, and there have never been other games. I usually wait for the amount of bad and unchecked errors to get cut down, before bothering, and since my guilds don't raid anymore (there is no need in it!), I don't see it as so important anymore. The initial amount of wrong stuff in every single new this or that, was always a total headache.

And btw, don't ever mention that Alliance never had a Shammie, or the Horde a Paladin! That used to make PvP'rs furious when it opened up some more, and they changed that to get rid of the "differences". But it also killed something else that was much more important in the game, and that was a vital definition between two sides, which no longer exists. It's all the same now, just different, and mostly worthless, numbers!

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