Efficient Pet Leveling

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Efficient Pet Leveling

Post by Doji0412 » July 25th, 2016, 9:39 am

Hello people,

im kind of new and uninformed about battle pets in general, although i have gathered them for a long time.
I'd like to start leveling my pets in a more earnest way now, including stuff like the 50% bonus xp from the pet treats, but i don't really know how to level pets in an efficient way. Flying around from battle pet master to master sounds good for quick short xp bursts, but using a pet treat for that doesn't sound very good, given that i'd spend a long time flying between the masters.
So now im asking if anyone has a good idea or some tips on how to use the pet treats the best way, without wasting much time.

Greetings and thanks in advance

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Re: Efficient Pet Leveling

Post by Paladance » July 25th, 2016, 10:28 am


Do you have a garrison or not (and it wouldn't be reasonable to bother with it right now)?
For using pet treats, wait for Squirt the Wandering Trainer visiting the menagerie so you can repeat the battles without changing the place at all! Next time for EU is August the 1st if I calculate properly. :)

You can also look here:

Have fun. :)

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Re: Efficient Pet Leveling

Post by Doji0412 » July 25th, 2016, 1:37 pm


yes i do have a garrison and thank you very much for those tips, i'll definitely get on the leveling :)


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Re: Efficient Pet Leveling

Post by Uduwudu » July 28th, 2016, 10:18 pm


(sorry about being long ... and some folks might add/subtract some)

With the recent changes, being "efficient" merely means that you have to have a better idea which pets you need, and must have. For example, Anubiseth is used in many fights, and is an important player, as well as a strong arsenal of Whelplings, so make sure that you go farm out Dustwallow, for one, and include the Spawn of Onyxia (hard to get a Blue in any of these ... so be ready to use a rock!) and then march over to Feralas and farm another one. I imagine those are the easiest to do, even though they are a bit time consuming. The Spawn of Onyxia is a fight, so be ready for it.

The thing that has become the most important for me, is making sure that you do the daily at the Menagerie, and then go do the set of 6 dailies on the 6 trainers in Gorgrond, Nagrand, Talador, Frostfire, Shadowmoon and the Spires of Arak. That's 12 Charms right there, and plus the daily Menagerie that's 16 to 17 of them, and that allows for a Blue Rock daily to get the right pets upgraded, IF they are the right ones, which is another story. Don't (DO NOT) try some of these dailies if you do not have some of the basic required pets. And make sure that you get the Darkmoon Tonk and Zeppelin for sure.

Many of the strategies list the pet type ... B/B, or S/S, or P/P and many other variations. In general, some pets, you want the SPEED, and that means S/S is huge, specially in Whelplings. But others need the power and others need something else. Generally, if you have 2 of them, at least make sure they DIFFER in their stats so you can see the difference. The pet with the highest speed number, usually goes first, and you might be able to cancel out some punishment by being prepared.

One last bit, from me, and I am not the expert in this, is Pet Tracker. Aside from helping you chase pets in every zone, to get the Accomplishment, it also shows you the spells the pets are using against you, and that is handy, so you can tell you can do something else one more round, and then Burrow/Dive, so the big hit does not come, for example. In some ways, you want to learn to "mitigate" the damage, that is cut it down as much as possible, with the right counter pet, or at least the right ability at the right time.

This, of course, makes Pet Battles a bit more studious and interesting, than the regular game for me, which is the same all the time. Here, there are endless combinations and if you use the abilities correctly, you will be just fine.

One last bit ... beware your early days of using your preferred pet, and you end up getting beat up badly after a while, and possibly frustrated. In the meantime, try to get an Unborn Val'kyr, if you have the time, and check the area under Dalaran for the three spots marked on the Pet Tracker, and just be ready to fight a little Undead. She's cool and probably the best looking Pet of all of them! BUT, do not get discouraged by strategies that use her. There are many replacement Undead Pets that you can use in her place if you have to, or need to. Might not make as much damage, but the difference might be smaller than we think since most strategies listed with her are a waste of the rest of her abilities!

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Re: Efficient Pet Leveling

Post by Prettyheals » July 29th, 2016, 4:16 pm

As others have suggested, make a list prioritizing the pets you need to level first. I would prioritize any pets that are needed for the Legion pet masters and dailies first. People doing the beta have posted lists of pets they feel are needed to complete these already. Definitely take advantage of Squirt, as other people here have suggested. Even if you don't use a pet treat on Squirt, you can level as many as 30 pets in a few hours. Erris is another way to level a pet in your garrison. If you have the Safari helmet, she gives enough experience to get a pet from 1 to about lvl 11 or 12.

I usually level my pets is huge batches. First I go to Stormwind in the Cathedral courtyard. There is a spot there off to the right of the Cathedral where there are 4 rats. They respawn quickly, and you can move back and forth between them easily. I will level a huge batch of level 1's to level 5 this way. After they are level 5, I will use a pet treat and my safari hat and hit the Draenor trainers. A pet treat, and the safari hat should get a level 5 to about level 15 from one pet battle. I level about 5 pets, one at each trainer to level 15. After you finish, you should have about 30 minutes left on your treat. I have my hearth set to the Vale, so I hearth there and hit a circuit of as many Pandaren trainers as I can in 30 minutes. I use the remaining 30 minutes on my pet treat to get my level 15 pets to level 20. I hit Aki the Chosen first, then fly north to Thundering Pandaren Spirit, then to Courageous Yon in Kun-Lai, then fly back east to the Whispering Pandaren Spirit, and Hyuna of the Shrines in Jade Forest. My pet treat usually is used up at this point. You can use a second one, or complete the circuit without it. I usually use a second treat to finish the rest of the Pandaria tamers. If I do all this, I can level about 7-8 pets a day.

Once you have a batch at lvl 20, you can use a Fel-Touched battle training stone to get the pet from level 20 to 25. You get the Fel-Touched stones from the Tanaan Legendary pet battles. All of this takes several hours a day, so if you don't have time to do all this, just focus on Erris and Squirt. Erris is daily, and Squirt should pop up at least twice more before Legion drops on the 30th of August.

You will need a fair number of pets at level 25 to do the Draenor pet tamer, Pandaria pet tamers and the Tanaan tamers. A few guides you might find helpful are:

Pandaria Tamers: [url]http://www.wowhead.com/guide=2092/a-pet-battlers-guide-to-defeating-the-pandaren-battle-pet-dailies[/url]
Draenor Tamers: [url]http://www.wowhead.com/guide=2373/pet-battle-daily-quests-leveling-pets-optimization-and-you[/url]
Tanaan Legendary: [url]http://wow-petguide.com/index.php?m=Tanaan&s=66[/url]

I don't necessarily use these pet strategies listed here, but they seem to be a good start for what pets you will need. If you search Wowhead for each tamer individually, you are likely to find many strategies that work.

Pet Short List:

Anubisath Idol
Emerald Proto-Whelp
Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling
Zandalari Anklerender
Scourged Whelpling
Darkmoon Tonk
Darkmoon Zeppelin
Nether Fairie Dragon
Nexus Whelpling
Rapana Whelk
Gilnean Raven or Crow
Cogblade Raptor
Ruby Droplet (if you have, don't waste time trying to get one if you don't)
Fel Flame
Lava Crab
Draenei Micro Defender
Red Cricket
Magical Crawdad
Voodoo Figurine

If you have these pets, you should be able to complete all of the listed pet battles with no trouble. If you have been doing the garrison dailies, you probably already have most or all of these leveled.

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Re: Efficient Pet Leveling

Post by Uduwudu » July 31st, 2016, 9:56 pm

Prettyheals wrote: ...
Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling
Zandalari Anklerender
Darkmoon Tonk
Darkmoon Zeppelin
Nether Fairie Dragon
Cogblade Raptor
Fel Flame
Nice list ... the MPD is probably one of my favorites ... the Decoy is HUGE and you can sidestep many big hits. He doesn't exactly rip the throat like the Nether Faerie Dragon or the Nexus Whelpling, but he is steady and consistent.

The Zandalari's ... are worth having all 4 of them. I think (have to look) that they are two different types and there are 2 of each. I have substituted the Anklerender, until I got them all up. Footslasher is left for me.

The two Darkmoon's are indispensable and must haves.

NFD is a must ... its ability to equalize the hit points is huge! I even used him on Stitches once, and let me tell you ... he was not happy!

Cogblade Raptor ... easy to farm, and you can be picky about which you want in blue.

Fel Flame ... same as Cogblade. With only one bad thing. That Shadowmoon of yesteryear is a rip off. They do not give you the XP that you should have, and for their level, at 21-22, they are totally over powering your 23 and 24 blues in the fights ... you might even consider only using one lower level to PL it, and finish them with the 25 bigger hitters. This set of fights can be very frustrating ... where the heck ... that lava thing just did a 500 hit on a blue that is 3 levels higher? Something is not up to snuff here, so beware.

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