(US) S/T: Pets & Codes
Hello, fellow collectors!
I'm opening up trades again, and as I am making changes about what is available and adding details up front, I'm spinning up a new thread instead of resurrecting my old one (here).
If you are trading for codes, all codes will be sent through BNet chat, redeemable on Battle.Net under Games & Codes > Code Redemption (here).
OPEN sections I am currently taking offers and accepting trades for.
CLOSED sections I am not currently accepting trades for, typically because I've hit my monthly budget allocation. Offers are still welcome, but I am unlikely to make trades until the next billing cycle.
What I have to offer
Pets: OPEN
I use The Undermine Journal US median value. If you wish to use a different standard, please include your preference when requesting a trade.
BlizzCon, Collector's Edition, & TCG Codes: OPEN
I will take gold on most US, Oceanic, Latin America, or Brazilian servers. However, I prefer:
Thanks for looking!
Last Edit Sep 8th: Pet list updates.
I'm opening up trades again, and as I am making changes about what is available and adding details up front, I'm spinning up a new thread instead of resurrecting my old one (here).
If you are trading for codes, all codes will be sent through BNet chat, redeemable on Battle.Net under Games & Codes > Code Redemption (here).
OPEN sections I am currently taking offers and accepting trades for.
CLOSED sections I am not currently accepting trades for, typically because I've hit my monthly budget allocation. Offers are still welcome, but I am unlikely to make trades until the next billing cycle.
What I have to offer
Pets: OPEN
I use The Undermine Journal US median value. If you wish to use a different standard, please include your preference when requesting a trade.
- Albino Buzzard (H/S) x2 | (H/H)
- Ashleaf Spriteling (B/B) x2 | (P/B)
- Azure Whelpling x3
- Bananas x3
- Blackfuse Bombling (P/P) | (H/P) x2
- Black Tabby x3
- Blazing Cindercrawler x3
- Bronze Whelpling x3
- Bush Chicken x5
- Crimson Whelpling x3
- Darkmoon Rabbit (S/S) x2
- Dragon Kite x2
- Droplet of Y'shaarj (P/P) | (P/B)
- Emerald Whelpling x3
- Ethereal Soul-Trader x3
- Everliving Spore x3
- Eye of Observation x3
- Eye of the Legion x3
- Feline Familiar x2
- Firefly (S/S) x3 | (H/B)
- Fox Kit x3
- Gilnean Raven (S/S) x3
- Gooey Sha-ling (H/H) | (P/P) | (S/S)
- Gregarious Grell x3
- Guardian Cub x3
- Gundrak Hatchling x3
- Gusting Grimoire x3
- Hatespark the Tiny x3
- Hippogryph Hatchling x3
- Hyacinth Macaw x2
- Jadefire Spirit x3
- Ji-Kun Hatchling (P/B) x3
- Knockoff Blingtron
- Kovok (H/S) x2 | (H/H)
- Landro's Lichling x3
- Landro's Lil'XT x3
- Land Shark x5
- Lanticore Spawnling x2
- Living Fluid x3
- Magical Crawdad x3
- Moon Moon (P/S) | (S/S)
- Naxxy x3
- Nightmare Bell x4
- Nightsaber Cub x3
- Pierre x3
- Porcupette x3
- Purple Puffer x3
- Pygmy Direhorn x3
- Rascal-Bot (S/B) x2 | (P/B) x2
- Razzashi Hatchling x3
- Rocket Chicken x3
- Ruby Droplet (H/B) | (H/P) | (H/H)
- Sand Scarab x3
- Savage Cub x2
- Seaborne Spore x3
- Searing Scorchling x2
- Son of Animus x2
- Spectral Tiger Cub x3
- Sprite Darter Hatchling x2
- Stout Alemental x3
- Syd the Squid x4
- Thistleleaf Adventurer x2
- Tiny Blue Carp x4
- Tiny Red Carp x3
- Tiny White Carp x3
- Tuskarr Kite x2
- Viscous Horror x3
- Widget the Departed x3
BlizzCon, Collector's Edition, & TCG Codes: OPEN
- I am willing to obtain codes provided they are available on eBay.
- Price for items $0 - $100: K/$ of a WoW token + 5%.
- Price for items $100 - $200: K/$ of a WoW token + 10%.
- Price for items $200 - $300: K/$ of a WoW token + 20%.
- Price for items $300+: Up for discussion
- For current WoW token ($20 USD) value, see https://wowtoken.info/
- You will be charged for total cost (including shipping/taxes, if applicable)
- If we've traded before, I expect payment when the items are received. Otherwise, I expect payment first.
- Shipping information will need to be provided if you want any physical items.
- This includes only Gryphon Hatchling and Wind Rider Cub.
- Price: K/$ of a WoW token. For current WoW token ($20 USD) value, see https://wowtoken.info/
- You will be charged for total cost (including shipping/taxes, if applicable).
- If we've traded before, I expect payment when the items are received. Otherwise, I expect payment first.
- Shipping information will need to be provided if you want any physical items. For a shipping estimate, go to the Gear Store, add any item to your cart, and then check your cart for a Shipping Estimate form. (This form is unavailable if your cart is empty.)
- If you only want the code, the plush will be donated.
I will take gold on most US, Oceanic, Latin America, or Brazilian servers. However, I prefer:
- Aegwynn, Bonechewer, Daggerspine, Gurubashi, and Hakkar (H)
- Agamaggan, Archimonde, Jaedenar, and The Underbog (H)
- Akama, Dragonmaw, and Mug'thol (A)
- Area52 (H)
- Argent Dawn, The Scryers (A)
- Azralon (H)
- Azuremyst, Staghelm (A)
- Barthilas (H)
- Black Dragonflight, Gul'dan, Skullcrusher (H)
- Blackhand, Galakrond (H)
- Blackwing Lair, Dethecus, Detheroc, Lethon, and Haomarush (H)
- Bleeding Hollow (H)
- Bloodscalp, Boulderfist, Dunemaul, Maiev, and Stonemaul (H)
- Cenarion Circle, Sisters of Elune (A|H)
- Coilfang, Dark Iron, Dalvengyr, and Demon Soul (H)
- Draenor, Echo Isles (A)
- Eldre’Thalas, Korialstrasz (A)
- Frostmourne (A)
- Frostwolf, Vashj (A|H)
- Greymane, Tanaris (A)
- Gundrak, Jubei'Thos (H)
- Hellscream, Zangarmarsh (A|H)
- Hyjal (H)
- Icecrown, Malygos (A|H)
- Illidan (H)
- Kel'Thuzad (A)
- Kil'jaeden (A|H)
- Kilrogg, Winterhoof (A|H)
- Mal'ganis (H)
- Misha, Rexxar (A)
- Nazgrel, Nesingwary, Vek'nilash (A)
- Ravencrest, Uldaman (A)
- Ravenholdt, Twisting Nether (H)
- Sargeras (A)
- Stormrage (A)
- Thrall (H)
- Tichondrius (A|H)
- Turalyon (A|H)
- Wyrmrest Accord (H)
- Zul'jin(H)
- I use The Undermine Journal US median value. If you wish to use a different standard, please include your preference when requesting a trade.
- I will take any pet worth 10K+, with the following exceptions:
- All BFA pets. Due to how new they are, prices are unstable.
- Pets I have 3+ of in the "offering" list above, as I have too many of them already.
- Pets that are part of Raiding with Leashes, as they do not retain value over time.
- Albino Buzzard (H/P)
- Cavern Moccasin (H/S) or (S/B)
- Shore Crawler (B/B) or (H/P)
- I collect toys and mounts only casually, but if I don't have it I may want it
- I have most BoE mounts already. Those I don't have are on Armory.
- Feel free to ask if you have a question about something specific you'd like to trade.
Thanks for looking!
Last Edit Sep 8th: Pet list updates.
Last edited by Auryona on September 8th, 2018, 7:22 pm, edited 72 times in total.
- Wowkemon
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Re: (US) S/T: Pets & Codes
Hi there! would love to chat with you about a few things. Gracie#1814. Hit me up when you have a minute hun.
Interested in maybe a few c.e i am missing and some blizzcon codes . I would be offering gold and or at the ratio you posted or we discuss.
Interested in maybe a few c.e i am missing and some blizzcon codes . I would be offering gold and or at the ratio you posted or we discuss.
- Sam918
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Re: (US) S/T: Pets & Codes
i will have to bug you on the weekend about a blizzcon ticket 

Re: (US) S/T: Pets & Codes
We traded before, and I'd love to trade again. I think my PM went through, but the short version is... I'm looking for stuff I don't have (gifted helms, bnet, maybe a ce/blizzcon). I have a ton of good pets (a few toys and xmogs too), and I don't mind giving you higher rates than the ones you posted.
Re: (US) S/T: Pets & Codes
Thank you Auryona for such a pleasant and quick trade!
- Wowkemon
- Posts:183
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- Pet Score:14138
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Re: (US) S/T: Pets & Codes
Just traded Auryona for Cata C.E. Smooth, painless. will def use again! tyvm!
- Fyasko
- Posts:40
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Re: (US) S/T: Pets & Codes
Interested in Bnet Balance, and possibly a Flag of Ownership (TCG). Please add me, thanks!
- Faelar
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Re: (US) S/T: Pets & Codes
Sweet, I'll message you later today interested in a few things.
Re: (US) S/T: Pets & Codes
Quick post to vouch for anyone considering to trade with Auryona - I've done several trades that have always been more than fair.
Re: (US) S/T: Pets & Codes
Also posting to vouch Auryona as an excellent trader. Never had an issue with trades in the past and Auryona has been extremely trustworthy and trusting as well.
- Katnipssc
- Posts:21
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Re: (US) S/T: Pets & Codes
Looking for a Digital Legion pre-order code, have lots of gold + rare pets for trade. Hit me up @ VeritaNostra#1673. I'm off work tonight and tomorrow so I'll be around on Bnet.
Re: (US) S/T: Pets & Codes
Wowkemon wrote:Just traded Auryona for Cata C.E. Smooth, painless. will def use again! tyvm!
Thank you both for the trades! Hope you enjoy your itemsBelyea wrote:Thank you Auryona for such a pleasant and quick trade!

Nomadd wrote:Quick post to vouch for anyone considering to trade with Auryona - I've done several trades that have always been more than fair.
Awww, thanks! Glad you are satisfied with the trades we've done!Aldi wrote:Also posting to vouch Auryona as an excellent trader. Never had an issue with trades in the past and Auryona has been extremely trustworthy and trusting as well.
Legion isn't currently giftable, you'll need to buy BNet and purchase it for yourself if you are looking to buy it since it can't be gifted, sorry!Katnipssc wrote:Looking for a Digital Legion pre-order code, have lots of gold + rare pets for trade. Hit me up @ VeritaNostra#1673. I'm off work tonight and tomorrow so I'll be around on Bnet.

- Faelar
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Re: (US) S/T: Pets & Codes
Thanks very much for the fast trade Auryona
Got my Bnet codes instantly and very happy to have them!

Re: (US) S/T: Pets & Codes
Thank you again! Friendly, quick, great trades 

- Fyasko
- Posts:40
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Re: (US) S/T: Pets & Codes
Thank you so much for the trade this evening, as well as the one in about a week! Super easy to deal with!
Re: (US) S/T: Pets & Codes
Another great trade with Auryona. Will trade again soon! TYTY
- Katnipssc
- Posts:21
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Re: (US) S/T: Pets & Codes
Legion isn't currently giftable, you'll need to buy BNet and purchase it for yourself if you are looking to buy it since it can't be gifted, sorry! 
Thats okay by me, however it works. I just need a copy before the 9th. XD

Thats okay by me, however it works. I just need a copy before the 9th. XD
- Athan
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Re: (US) S/T: Pets & Codes
Would you take a Spineclaw Crab (P/P), Hatespark The Tiny (25), and 20,000 Horde Gold on Tichondrius for 2 $20 USD Battlenet Balance Codes? I have loads of other pets too, contact Athan#1951 if you want to work something out
- Bubbleoseven
- Posts:30
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Re: (US) S/T: Pets & Codes
Thought I would drop in to give a vouch for Auryona. I have done a fair amount of trading with Auryona in the past and and each one has been professional, quick, and friendly. An excellent trader all around!