top 20-50 battle pets

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top 20-50 battle pets

Post by Drubie » December 2nd, 2016, 1:16 pm

I love the list that shows the top 20 battle, pets, got the ones I can get,

whats the top 20-50? How do we find out?

I have seen the top 20 speed/power/health but that does not translate to top 20-50 battle.

Does this list exist?

Also is there a warcraft pets discord?

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Re: top 20-50 battle pets

Post by Quintessence » December 2nd, 2016, 2:45 pm

The top 20 pets list (for battling, as determined/voted by our wonderful community) can be found here:
Feel free to browse through my pet collecting blog:

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Re: top 20-50 battle pets

Post by Gráinne » December 2nd, 2016, 7:40 pm

You can get to it from the Pets / Filter Pets by.. menu above

and choose Sort by Battle Rating.

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Re: top 20-50 battle pets

Post by Gráinne » December 3rd, 2016, 7:23 am

Based on PvE? I'm not sure what it's based on. Whatever individual people felt like when they voted, I guess.

I see Mischief is in the top 50, and [pet]Mischief[/pet] wasn't even available until yesterday.

[pet]Graves[/pet] was never much used in PvE strats. The [pet]Pandaren Water Spirit[/pet] is still in there at #5, though its nerfing has made it much less useful. How does [pet]Son of Animus[/pet] fit in the top 20?

It's a good list, but I wouldn't rely on it entirely for any specific purpose.

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Re: top 20-50 battle pets

Post by Wootzy » December 3rd, 2016, 1:37 pm

Biscuit wrote: And you should try Graves more often against NPCs. Especially Tarr the Terrible.
Hey, I do. Paired with the Kid of course. :D

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Re: top 20-50 battle pets

Post by Gráinne » December 4th, 2016, 9:23 am

Biscuit wrote:You advocate the list and tell people where they can find it, but then shoot it down and say it actually doesn't make any sense haha.

I agree with you though, there's no method to that madness.
But I still view it as a PVE (tamers, wild pets, etc) list.
I'm not shooting down the list, and we're not disagreeing. :)

Most crowdsourced lists will end up good, but not very targeted or specialised. Naturally enough. people vote for what they know, and not many people do PvP, so PvE dominates. If someone wanted a specific current best PvE list, I'd point them to the simple adding up of counts from the strats on Aranesh's site: ... 91#p131412
Biscuit wrote:And you should try Graves more often against NPCs. Especially Tarr the Terrible.
I will never have Graves, I'm afraid.

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Re: top 20-50 battle pets

Post by Rabbia73 » December 27th, 2016, 11:32 am

Look I'm saying this respectfully, but I really struggle to understand what is being voted on, in this Top 20 list, AND the rest.

It has to be primarily PVE, being voted on, or it makes no sense at all. Two of the best PVP pets in the game currrently, probably both in the top 3, don't seem to appear even in the Top 20 for heaven's sake? (Teroclaw and Wicked Soul). Plus there are others that are MILES better than other highly ranked pets. Chrominius is NOT good for PVP, for example.

But even if it is a PVE based vote I don't get it, not very well. Again, the Teroclaw MUST be well up there, for example. So what is being voted on? Looks? 'Fun'? 'Coolness'? It can't be totally Utility, from the rankings I see there.

It seems to me that the list is such a 'mixture', in terms of where people who voted are coming from, that it should be treated with a large grain of salt So again, with respect, to any beginner I'd really suggest you bear this mind.

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Re: top 20-50 battle pets

Post by Peanutty » December 27th, 2016, 3:18 pm

The rating is based on the opinion of many players, some PVE only and some PVE and PVP. And as opinion no one's going to quite agree with one another. But everyone's allowed to put in their vote if they wish.

So yes I would caution taking the list of "top pets" too literally, but really all it is is an averaging out of the opinions of those who chose to cast a vote.

I've never rated any pets (cause it feels like an overwhelming task!) but just looking at the list, I disagree with some stuff simply because I personally don't use those pets. Xu-Fu is a super popular pet... I never use it. I think Son of Animus is overrated (I've completely cut it out of my teams). But those are just my opinions, that doesn't mean those pets don't work wonderfully for other people's strategies.

Also Chrominius is rated high because of the old howl bomb strat. The high votes from before don't get wiped out just because the strat no longer works as it used to.

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Re: top 20-50 battle pets

Post by Rabbia73 » December 27th, 2016, 8:56 pm

Well yes Peanutty I agree with most of what you say, but it all only confirms what I say above. What you describe as "averaging" though - while that is true I don't consider it helps very much, in terms of my point. My point to any beginner or even intermediate is, I would NOT take that list as any real 'guide', if you are asking about a 'Must Have' list, which is a question that comes up very often. The list is subjective, as you say (as I did), and the parameters for any vote are too vague to be of much assistance ultimately.

A player could let another player take every pet in that Top 20 there, as a pool from which to create teams for PVP, while they were confined to 20 pets outside that list. I don't think the supposed Top 20 player would win very often if at all, over 100 battles, not against a PVP-er with any kind of nous. But alright, that's PVP. Even for PVE though, the list is too skewed to be very helpful. If for example, as you say correctly, votes cast at a certain point in time endure, then obviously it is not taking into account major nerfs, or changes to the meta, requirements for the latest PVE achieve, or whatever. A vote cast is very soon out of date, in other words. (Unless you think we should have voted for JFK in the last election). But there are even more flaws to it still, which I won't go into now.

There are..."wonderful strategies", and personally I experiment quite frequently, in this regard. But no strategy can ignore that certain pets are inherently stronger, or more useful overall (for PVE or PVP, whatever), than others. Plus any strategy can be countered, as you know very well I'm sure. So the strategy can't justify a ranking above another pet, when it clearly isn't as good per se. In my assessment, (and this is only an example), there are only about 4-6 pets in that Top 20 that I'd rate for PVP, and others much stronger. For PVE, I'd say about 7-10. The Anub Idol is a very good pet, and yes a "must have", but it's not #1.

Anyway look, IF you want a "Must Have" list, at this point in time, I'd say you start with the list someone has already provided, going off the Xu Fu site's list (the site, not the pet), THEN add in any pet you'd still need for the Celestial Tourney, as I'd think most would agree that is something really fun to do, a good achieve, and besides you won't get your supposed #3 (absolutely ridiculous if utility is paramount) - Xu Fu pet- until then. Then any pets still needed for the Elekk Plushy achieve. There are lists for all those. Add them up, and you'd ALMOST be there, in terms of 'must haves'. You'd also want Stardust and the Celestial Calf, for example. Both very good, those two. Then there's the honor points pets, also good. Wyrmy Tunkins, very good. There will be others as well, to come. So hard to pin down yes, and it's very much a moving feast, but not impossible.

Enough on this, I'd think. As for Chrominius, I made it pretty clear I was referring to PVP there. And it's totally useless, that pet, and that strat, in PVP. You can see it coming a mile away and it's very easily avoided or mitigated. Any time I see Chrom in a team I'm facing I know right there I'm going to win, as in all honesty I have never lost to a team that included it.

As a postscript, I should mention that DiscoDoggy puts out a 'Tier List' on his website periodically, and you could do a lot worse than give it careful reading. He has top-notch PVP-ers who take issue with his assessments from time to time it seems, but I find I agree with his views, most of the time, which might be a worry. It is PVP based.


Looking at Disco's Legion Tier List right now, I'd say it's a very good list actually. The only adjustment I'd make, and I'm pretty sure Disco would make it himself but just hasn't gotten around to it yet (he did this list a while ago), is that Wicked Soul should be promoted to Tier 1 (But ONLY the S/S breed, I mean). If Fiendish Imp is Tier 1, it's hard to argue otherwise, on the Wicked. Of course there will be some contention, but overall I'd say it's close to as spot on as you are going to find at this point, for PVP - first rate analysis. Oh but also, while I think further: maybe some ranking of some other pets I mentioned, like the Honor Points Pet(s) - Alliance/Horde Fanatic, Stardust, Celestial Calf, Wyrmy T., maybe one or two others I've forgotten, should also be included. I expect these weren't taken into consideration at the time of publication.

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Re: top 20-50 battle pets

Post by Pommie » April 26th, 2017, 12:34 pm

Drubie wrote:Also is there a warcraft pets discord?
There sure is!

Find us at

We don't bite! (Our pets might, though.)

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Re: top 20-50 battle pets

Post by Johanitea » April 26th, 2017, 5:09 pm

Looks like finally I have a good reason to start using discord 8-)

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