Suggest me a third pet for this lineup!

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Suggest me a third pet for this lineup!

Post by Navena » December 31st, 2016, 12:35 pm

Hey guys!

First timer on the forum, please be gentle :) I'm thinking about a pet team for PvP with [pet] Corefire Imp [/pet] and [pet]Fiendish Imp[/pet], what third pet would you suggest, also which abilities should I go with?

P.S: An other question just came to my mind: Which abilities of [pet]Lil' Ragnaros[/pet] are strong? Mine is below 20, still I never really felt that he is that strong in PvE battles.

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Re: Suggest me a third pet for this lineup!

Post by Soleric » December 31st, 2016, 2:13 pm

I dont have a lot of experience in PvP but I see Teroclaw and Bone Serpent recommended alot.

Pvp pet battles has a cool little tier list for Legion, but I think your right in asking for synergies... Im sure some more experienced players will offer you better advice. Good Luck

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Re: Suggest me a third pet for this lineup!

Post by Grolorm » December 31st, 2016, 4:04 pm

I want to say that team set up used corefire and two fiendish imps for the combo,but the prevalence of the weebom valkyr heal bomb thing might make it tough to use. When the weekly was up I was using triple anubisaths with crush, sandstorm, and rupture. It worked surprisingly well, sandstorm shuts down a lot of things.

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Re: Suggest me a third pet for this lineup!

Post by Rabbia73 » January 1st, 2017, 12:25 am

(This is being typed very gently)

So you want an Imp-fest. It may be this is because of a relatively limited pool of pets? I'd really not recommend that pairing because: (1) both Humanoids, so if you come across an Undead (frequent) you can be cut down fast; a (2) it's monosyllabic - heavy on Elemental damage - too much of the one thing, and if you get an Aquatic (frequent) you will be lacking firepower; (3) with both Imps, you will be looking to park them for extended periods on the backline so as to heal up via Immolate. This can be done, sure, but quite often it may prove to be a bit tricky to pull off and might place significant pressure on the 3rd pet; and finally (4) I'm really not a fan of Corefire Imp anyway - its relatively slow, has lowish health, with a total moveset that doesn’t thrill me – not a pet I’d use for PVP. The Fiendish Imp is very good, much better than the Corefire, and if you have that, you don't NEED the other in a PVP team. But of course it’s your party, your call.

Anyway if you want or need to have them together, then you want something that can hit what they can't, plus be able to stall. So I'd say Teroclaw Hatchling.

I think you should get your Lil' Rag to 25 and see what you think then, but must admit I don't think much of it. It is the highest power rated pet in the game, and it can really hit, BUT only if it’s given the chance - bear it mind it’s VERY slow so the opponent is almost guaranteed to be able to dictate terms and it is quite predictable. But I only mean ‘quite predictable’ ONCE you know what moves you are up against, which isn’t clear cut at all – depends on how you want to play. In every slot, both choices are viable. So slot1 – do you want insurance against a trap etcetera, or a big hitting move. Slot 2 – do you want to be able to put down a trap yourself, or hit BIG (possibly, depends on your opponent and his/her team). Slot 3 – well if you chose Conflag in slot 2, you have to take Burn here. I more often see opponents using Sons of the Flame, but I’m not sure I’d play it that way if I used this pet regularly myself. Overall, I’d say Rag CAN be good, but it will take an experienced player, to be able to use it to good effect. Even then it will be a bit iffy.

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Re: Suggest me a third pet for this lineup!

Post by Gráinne » January 1st, 2017, 1:58 pm

Rabbia wrote a great post. I see your Fiendish Imp is an S/S. Excellent!

Just to expand on what Rabbia said, the Imp/Teroclaw pairing is one of the strongest in the game right now. The Imp gates out the opponent at whatever time it will be most disruptive, sets up Immolate, stays long enough to take a bit of damage, then retires to the back row to heal up passively from the Immolate damage while the Teroclaw goes out front and stalls. When refreshed, the Imp comes back in, the Teroclaw has its Nature's Ward healing it on the back line, and the cycle repeats.

Anything goes well with that pairing. However, the Corefire Imp is too much like the Fiendish Imp. You will get more mileage from varying your options.

Personally, and especially for a PvP beginner, I think a heavy hitter like Lil' Rag or your Iron Starlette would be an entirely appropriate third.

(and yes, I also presume Rabbia meant Critter. Both Imps will be weak against Critters. Hazving said that, so will Lil' Rag.)

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Re: Suggest me a third pet for this lineup!

Post by Navena » January 1st, 2017, 4:18 pm

Thanks for all the great suggestions, I feel now that the imp gang isn't working :) I picked up the Teroclaw today, and man this guy is op :o I also thought about bolstering my ranks with a critter, to combat the undead, is the [pet]Dust Bunny[/pet] any good for that?

One more thing: Since I like to distrupt my opponents so much, I also thought using two [ability]Blinding Poison[/ability] users along with something, should I just stick a Teroclaw along with them. I guess you can never go wrong with that guy :mrgreen:

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Re: Suggest me a third pet for this lineup!

Post by Gráinne » January 1st, 2017, 4:54 pm

One of a good trick - good.

Two of a good trick - too many eggs in one basket.

Rabbits, including Dust Bunnies, are great, as long as they're faster than their opponent. Also Blinding Poison users. Remember, flyers will ALWAYS be faster than your ground-based pets, and if you are relying on speed only, they're going to hand you a bad day.

Do yourself a favour: watch these two videos. You will see Imps and Teroclaws, among others, in action.

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Re: Suggest me a third pet for this lineup!

Post by Rabbia73 » January 3rd, 2017, 11:02 am

Oh damn that annoys me actually, as I can't fudge it, that is just a plain error and I KNEW it was Critters, but I somehow 'transposed' the damage dealt consideration for the damage taken, if you follow me. Good lord this even continued into my remarks on the Teroclaw. Ah well, I'm not getting any younger obviously. My apology there.

In mitigation, the rest of my post above looks solid on re-reading and to repeat my main point there, which has now been said twice already: too much of the same thing is not advisable. So I can sleep soundly, I think. Reasonably.

As for the rest:

The Dust Bunny is a very good Rabbit/Hare, like quite a number of others in the overall family, IF it is SS breed. As a 'rule of thumb' you always want to be faster, BUT ideally only fast to the extent that you precede your opponent's pet(s). That's the ideal, but in practice in PVP it's very hard to rely on, if you are 'shaving' speed - cutting it close in other words. With a Rabbit/Hare, this applies even more so, as they are v good but only good if they are faster. Every classic move you'll use - Flurry/Dodge/Burrow - relies on going first to be good, so I'd tend to suggest go SS with that one, to be sure. To put that another way: if you are going to err, err on the side of caution with a Rabbit/Hare. The SS has 357 Speed, compared to the other breeds 322. 325 on up is the notional 'benchmark', for what could be considered fast. The other breeds MIGHT work in a particular battle or battles, but when they don't you'll be shot to pieces. Yes Critters are generally excellent for Undead (which are most often slow or at least slowish, admittedly).

Look you could stick a Teroclaw with anything and it will bring a lot to the table, as it's a very strong pet. I'm not sure I'd go double blind, as again it might be too much of one thing. Might be better say, to have something which can tick, like a Haunt, or even a Trap, say. But in any event, if you are going to Blind, AGAIN make sure you are FAST.

To say more than that at this point opens up more than I have time for. In the end, there is no substitute for just getting into the arena, trying this and that, and learning from each battle. Don't worry about losing - big deal, honestly. Well at least for a while. Just really try to figure out WHAT HAPPENED, each time - how you anticipated your opponent, the matchups, what when and how abilities were used (including swaps), what you could have done, look at the math, and so on.

All the best with it.

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