Family familiar notes

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » December 30th, 2016, 5:29 pm

Nightwatcher Merail vs Elemental family

1. [pet]Jadefire spirit[/pet] - Jade breath/Immolate/Fade
2. [pet]lil'Ragnaros[/pet] - Sulfuras Smash/Magma trap/Sons of the Flame
3. [pet]Blossoming anсient[/pet] - Ironbark/Photosintesis/Sunlight

Jadefire spirit kills book with 4 Jade breaths. After undead spirit comes to fight it uses Fade, so it doesn't take dmg from Doom and avoid another Foom. Ragnaros comes to field. Magma trap+Smash. We save Sons to stun or undead res, so Rag avoid Moth dust and Counterspell. So after spirit dies or gets stun from Magma trap, Rag uses Sons of the Flame and smashes Moth and spirit after moth dies. I did it on 2 pets.

Bredda Tenderhide vs Elemental family

1. [pet]Blossoming anсient[/pet] - Ironbark/Photosintesis/Sunlight
2. [pet]Jadefire spirit[/pet] - Jade breath/Immolate/Fade
3. [pet]lil'Ragnaros[/pet] - Sulfuras Smash/Magma trap/Sons of the Flame

Ancient wins undead totem with almost no health and dies from 2d pet's first atack. It isn't easy, you have realy know how to tank on Ancient. Or may use another pet. I was just too lazy to make another team for this fight ;) and won from 1st atempt.
Jadefire spirit kills 2d pet in few hits and uses Fade for Lift-off 2d round. Rag uses Trap+Sons on eagle and finishes in few Smashes.

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » January 2nd, 2017, 6:06 am

Grixis Tinipop vs Dragonkin family

1. [pet]Sprite darter hatchling[/pet] - Slicing wind/Life exchange/Moonfire
2. [pet]Golden dragonhawk hatchling[/pet] (s/s) - Quills/Conflagrate/Flame breath
3. [pet]Proto-drake whelp[/pet] - Bite/Ancient blessing/Proto-strike

Sprite easy kills frog with Slicing wind. After Egsellent comes to fight uses Life exchange and few Winds before critter FDs. Bomb kills Sprite from 1st atack. Golden dragonhawk uses Flame breath-Conflagrate-Flame breath till bomb uses Armagedon. After it proto-drake eats Egsellents every last drop.

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » January 3rd, 2017, 6:23 am

Nightwatcher Merail vs Magic family

1. [pet]Enchanted broom[/pet] - Batter/Sweep/Wind-Op
2. [pet]Hyjal wisp[/pet] - Feedback/Evanescence/Wish
3. Any magic pet.

Broom starts from Wind-up (1)-Batter-Sweep, so book doesn't do any dmg. After spirit comes to field - Wind-up (2)-Wind up (1)-Batter - till it dies. After book returns - Wind-ip (2)-Batter-Sweep. Moth kills broom from first hit. Wisp starts from Wish and kills moth and finishes book. This way book doesn't do any dmg at all and we minimise dmg to backline pets.

Nightwatcher Merail done on all families.

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » January 3rd, 2017, 4:13 pm

Robert Craig vs Undead family

1. [pet]Unborn Val'kyr[/pet] - Shadow slash/Curse of Doom/Haunt
2. [pet]Giant bone spider[/pet] - Poison spit/Siphon life/Death grip
3. [pet]Graves[/pet] - Skull toss/Grave destruction/Consume corpse

Strategy is clear if you play this pets before. Val'kir - Doom-Haunt. Spider - Grip, basilisk is on field, - Siphon life-Poison spit-Grip- tusk back to field - Poison spit, spider dies. Val'kir - Slash, tusk dies, hyppo is active pet, Slash - Doom, Val'kir dies. Graves - Destruction-Skull toss*... till hippo dies, - Consume corpse - Destruction. GG.
Stuns and crits do not matter.

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » January 4th, 2017, 7:49 pm

Horvasc vs Undead family

1. [pet]Ghostly skull[/pet] - Death coil/Ghostly bite/Siphon life
2. [pet]Giant bone spider[/pet] - Poison spit/Siphon life/Death grip
3. [pet]Graves[/pet] - Skull toss/Grave destruction/Consume corpse

Was lazy to make new team for this fight, so just changed Val'kir to Ghostly skull and started from Ghostly bite. Easy win.

Oddrog vs Critter family

1. [pet]Blind rat[/pet] - Sneak atack/Crouch/Call darkness
2. [pet]Armadillo pup[/pet] - Thrash/Shell shield/Powerball
3. [pet]Perky pug[/pet] - Comeback/Perk Up/Trample

Simple fight, what you can do on first 2 pets. I just was too unlacky, so Perky pug had to do one atack. So, we jsut start from Call darkness-pass-pass-Crouch-Sneack atack*...Call darkness-Sneack atack*... Blind rat kills first and halfes or so second snail. Armadillo starts from Shield and Trash*... till last pets dies. If Armadillo dies before Perky pug just Trample last pet to trash.

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » January 6th, 2017, 3:22 am

Bodhi Sunwayver vs Critter family

1. [pet]Lovebird hatchling[/pet] - Peck/Lovestuck/Pheromones
2. [pet]Armadillo pup[/pet] - Thrash/Shell shield/Infected claw
3. Any critter pet

Lovebird kills crab with Peck, stuns bird, and atacks murloc with Peck untill dies. Armadillo finishes murloc with Infected claw-Shell shield-Infected claw till bird dies. GG

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » January 8th, 2017, 6:24 pm

Xorvask vs Elemental family

1. [pet]Pandaren water spirit[/pet] - Water jet/Dive/Whirlpool
2. [pet]Molten Corgi[/pet] - Flamethrower/Cauterize/Puppies of the Flame
3. [pet]Blazing cindercrawler[/pet] - Flamethrower/Brittle webbing/Cauterize

Brute force win. Pandaren spirit kills imp, Corgi kills ooze, spider kills lasher. Only thing is Dive first round.

Bredda Tenderhide vs Undead family

1. [pet]Frostwolf ghostpup[/pet] - Scratch/Refuge/Frolick
2.[pet]Scourged whelpling[/pet] - Tail sweep/Death and Decay/Plagued blood
3. [pet]Graves[/pet] - Skull toss/Grave destruction/Consume corpse

Same brute force win. Ghostpup kills mask with Scratch*4, Whelpling kills magic pet with Tail sweep*3-Death and Decay-Plagued blood-Tail sweep*2 and Graves just finishes fight with Grave destruction.

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » January 9th, 2017, 5:07 pm

Masterr tamer Flummox vs Critter family

1. [pet]Beetle[/pet] - Scratch/Survival/Apocalypse
2. [pet]Alpine hare[/pet] - Scratch/Dodge/Burrow
3. [pet]Artic hare[/pet] - Scratch/Dodge/Burrow

Only 1 elite pet means what we can use Apocalypse. So we just need 1 insect and 2 rabbits , what are faster than 273. GG

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Shmoooey » January 12th, 2017, 7:03 pm

Master tamer Flummox vs Beast family

[pet]Feline Familiar[/pet] - Onyx Bite/Call Darkness/Devour
[pet]Zandalari Anklerender[/pet] - Hunting Party/Leap/Black Claw

I cast darkness, switched to Zandalari, Black Claw then Hunting Party, finished him off with one Leap.

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » January 15th, 2017, 8:57 am

Xorvasc vs Magic family

1. [pet]Festival lantern[/pet] - Beam/Flash/Light
2. [pet]Disgusting oozerling[/pet] - Absorb/Corruption/Expunge
3. [pet]Filthling[/pet] - Absorb/Expunge/Creeping ooze

Fight is about luck. We starts from Flash and it has protect lantern from Nether gate switch. If it does, we win. If Lantern is switched we restart fight. I did it from 1st atempt.

Grixis Tinypop vs Mechanical family

1. [pet]Rocket chicken[/pet] - Peck/Squawk/Launch
2. [pet]Anodized robo cub[/pet] - Bite/Rebuild/Maul
3. Any mech pet. I used Clock'em but it isn't matter.

Rocket chicken kills frog. Anodized robo cub kills or almost kills Egsellent and demages bomb to Armagedon. Last pet finishes Egsellent from 1-2 hits, if Robo cub didn't do it.

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » January 15th, 2017, 10:27 am

Varenne vs Critter family

1. [pet]Lava bettle[/pet] - Burn/Cauterize/Apocalypce
2. [pet]Lucky Quilen Cub[/pet] - Bite/Perk up/Trample
3. [pet]Bush chicken[/pet] - Flock/Squawk/Headbutt

Burn-Cauterize-Burn...-Cauterize-Burn-...Bite-Perk up-Bite...-Perk up -Bite...- Flock... GG
If you haven't Quilen cub you can use [pet]Perky pug[/pet] with same abilities.

Critter family done.

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » January 16th, 2017, 12:39 pm

Painbow wrote: Didn't work.
Ok I dont need Durian on any family so just checked my strategy again.

Durian Strongfruit vs Mechanical family

1. [pet]Darkmoon zeppelin[/pet] - Missile/Explode/Decoy
2. [pet]Lifelike toad[/pet] - Water jet/Healing wave/Frog kiss
3. [pet]Stonegrinder[/pet] - Screeching gears/Thunderbolt/Clean-up

2d time I did it with only 2 pets - Zeppelin and Toad.
- Missle-Decoy-switch on Toad - Jet until sunflower dies. Healing wave+Frog kiss*... tree. On some point tree dies or be froged. Healing wave+Frog kiss*... hypo. If frog dies too early, Zep is back to fight. In my cases, Zepp just needs 1 Missle to finish hypo.

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » January 21st, 2017, 5:17 am

Bredda Tenderhide vs Dragonkin family

1. [pet]Dream whelpling[/pet] - Emerald bite/Emerald presence/Healing flame
2. [pet]Bronze whelpling[/pet] - Tail sweep/Early advantage/Lift-off
3. [pet]Emerald proto-whelp[/pet] - Emerald bite/Emerald presence/Emerald dream

Queastion is only about first undead pet. If he hits with many crits, we may repeat fight. Another way just - Healing flame-Emerald presence-Emerald bite till woodoo dies. Bronze kills magic pet with Tail sweep*3, Proto-whelp kills eagle with Emerald bite*3.

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » January 21st, 2017, 5:22 pm

Sir Galveston vs Undead family

1. [pet]Clawling claw[/pet] - Shadow slash/Death grip/Curse of doom
2. [pet]Scourged whelpling[/pet] - Tail sweep/Call darkness/Plagued blood
3. [pet]Graves[/pet] - Skull toss/Grave destruction/Consume corpse

Curse-Grip-Slash till death. Whelpling starts from Call darkness-Tail sweep till it dies. Graves finishes bird.

Xorvasc vs Dragonkin family

1. [pet]Spirit of competition[/pet] - Tail sweep/Antient blessing/Lift-off
2. [pet]Lanticore spawnling[/pet] - Sleeping gas/Cataclism/Antien blessing
3. Any dragonkin pet

This is 2 pets fight. First dragon should have Lift-off, Tail sweep and like 1600+ hp. Second - high dmg done. You may use any combination like [pet]Wind jade hatchling[/pet]+[pet]Nexus whelpling[/pet] etc.
So we starts from Lift-off to avoid Nether gate and continue Tail sweep till first 2 pets dies. After it we have 2 dragons to finish lasher, what eats corpse on some point.

Xorvasc done on all families.

Grixis Tinypop vs magic family

1. [pet]Jade owl[/pet] - Slicing wind/Adrenaline rush/Lift-off
2. [pet]Brightpaw[/pet] - Bite/Arcane dash/Cute face
3. [pet]Enchanted latern[/pet] - Burn/Flash/Light

This team is about chances. You can win easy or even easier ;) Owl starts from Adrenaline rash-Slicing wind*2-Lift-off. If it kills frog (depends wind procs) fight stays easier. If no, just finish frog with wind.
After Egsellent kills owl, Brightpaw downs it less than half hp with Bite (1-3 hits depends on fight before), uses Cute face in time Egsellent FD and Arcane dash after it. If Brightpaw stuns bomb, fight stays even easier than before. If no, it still goes good. After bomb kills Brightpaw, Enchanted latern binds it with Flash and kills with Burn. If Egsellend doesnt die before this moment, latern finishes it too.

Grixis Tinytop done on all families.

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » January 22nd, 2017, 1:48 pm

Trapper Jarrum vs Undead family

1. [pet]Graves[/pet] - Skull toss/Grave destruction/Clobber
2. [pet]Blighted squirrel[/pet] - Woodchipper/Crouch/Stampede
3. [pet]Spirit crab[/pet] - Snap/Surge/Shell shield

Undead vs undead is a little borring, so to make it better I used stun rotation. So we started from Clobber-Grave destruction-Skull toss*... till Crawdead is almost dies and Crobber it. In time it switches Grave destruction, so it dies on back line. After Graves dies, squirrel just Crouch-Woodchipper-Stampede spirit to death, and repeat it for dog. After squirrel dies, spirit crab kills dog from one surge.

Undead family done.

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Uduwudu » January 23rd, 2017, 7:05 am


I think I'm going to try and create a spreadsheet for all these replies and see how each Battlemaster is doing and how we're doing, and which ones seem to be missing.

Only ONE request.

Please make sure it is a true and tried thing, as it appears that some of these listed here were simply copied from Wowhead and other locations, and I am not convinced that they were tried.

I will work strictly on the information posted here, and will make it available by private email, rather than posting it on the forum, since Blizzard has a tendency to play bad loser and change things under our words and comments.

In the mean time, one funny thing happened on the way to the forum of daily fights ... on one particular Battlemaster, I was getting bored with the strategy, and started doing that one with a different set on each character of mine, and I have 7 of them doing these battlemasters/worldquests ... so for all intents and purposes I can try 7 different ways in one day, and I will do my best to test all of these suggestions here, although I am sure that several of the members here have posted really good strats all around.

Kinda having a bit more fun with these things ... and learn more along the way.

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » January 24th, 2017, 4:27 pm

Uduwudu wrote: Please make sure it is a true and tried thing, as it appears that some of these listed here were simply copied from Wowhead and other locations, and I am not convinced that they were tried.
It was a bit rude. :evil:
I never posted plagiarism before, so why I have to do it now? I like this part of game and like to create my own teams for most fights. For example, after howl-bomb nerf, my team still works for Little terrors of Tanaan. Any way you always may check my achievs in armory and see do I realy done what I wrote here.

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » January 24th, 2017, 5:38 pm

Varenne vs Elemental team

1. [pet]Lil'Ragnaros[/pet] - Sulfuras smash/Magma trap/Sons of the flame
2. [pet]Stout alemental[/pet] - Barrel toss/Inebriate/Bubble
3. [pet]Tiny Twister[/pet] - Wild winds/Bash/Ciclone

Main keys - Magma trap for stuns and Barrel toss to prevent Survival. So, Magma trap+Sons-Sulfuras.... On some point mech pet get trap's proc, stun and swaps on rat. Sulfuras smash it to less than 1250 hp (Barrel toss dmg), swap on Stout - Bubble-Barrel toss*2-Inebriate. If you do all right, barrel toss kills rat, and mech in few hits kills Stout. If mech misses once, Stout may use barrel toss one more time. Rag back to fight and repeats Magma trap+Sons-Sulfuras*... it kills mech and kills frog. If in some point frog kills Rag with Frog kiss, we can use Tiny Twister, what finishes frog fast. It was my plan. But Rag killed frog too.

Master tamer Flummox vs Elemental team

1. [pet]Crazy carrot[/pet] - Ironbark/Aged Yolk/Blistering cold
2. [pet]Tiny Twister[/pet] (H/S) - Wild winds/Bash/Call lightning
3. [pet]Droplet of Y'Shaary[/pet] - Corrosion/Expunge/Curse of doom

Fight is a little long, cose Flummox needs time to burn ;)
1. Blistering cold-Ironbark-Aged yolk-Blistering cold- Carrot dies.
2. Call lightning-Bash- Tiny twister swaps on Droplet.
3. Corrosion-Curse of doom-Corrosion-Corrosion - Droplet dies.
4. Bash-Call of lightning.

NB! This strategy works for h/s breed Tiny Twister! Don't think, it will work for any another breed.

Fight is realy close, so your pets have not receive critical hits or you lose. But it is cool, always wanted to play something like it.

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » January 25th, 2017, 4:51 pm

Bredda Tenderhide vs Magic family

1. [pet]Harmonious porcupette[/pet] - Scratch/Celestial blessing/Tranquility
2. [pet]Disgusting oozerling[/pet] - Absorb/Corrosion/Acidic goo
3. Any magic pet with magic atack.

Fight is linear. Scratch before voodoo dies, Celestial blessing in round it ressurected. Oozerling uses both dots - Acidic goo-Corrosion-Absorb*2 and 2d pet dies. Repeat on eagle. If oozerling dies, any magic atack finishes eagle under 2 debuffs.

Robert Craig vs Magic family

1. [pet]Enchanted broom[/pet] - Batter/Sweep/Wind-Up
2. [pet]Zeradar[/pet] - Arcane slash/Psionic storm/Portal
3. [pet]Arcane eye[/pet] - Focused beams/Drain power/Mana surge

Magic family covers beasts like bull covers sheep. You may use like half from magic family for this fight. I desided to use some pets, what I never used, like Zeradar, just for fun. So broom starts from Sweep, Batter hippos until it uses Hibernation, Wind-Up*... before hippos dies. After 1st pet comes back we may instant Sweep it, or if Broom still has more 500 hp - do some dmg. Sweep on basilisk, get stun, switch on Zeradar, Psionic storm-Portal, Arcane Eye comes to field. Mana surge - basilisk dies. Drain power-Focused beams on last pet. If Eye dies, broom comes back and kills it.

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » January 28th, 2017, 5:21 am

Varrene vs Dragonkin family

1. [pet]Blue dragonhawk hatchling[/pet] - Claw/Conflagrate/Flame breath
2. [pet]Dark whelpling[/pet] - Tail sweep/Call darkness/Lift-off
3. [pet]Celestial dragon[/pet] - Flamethrower/Ancient blessing/Moonfire

Linear fight, just use Lift-off to prevent Survival.

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