Quintessence wrote:
I'd create a proper feedback thread in the 7.2 PTR Bnet forums, but I'm honestly exhausted at this point.
I feel like I've been yelling into the void and/or created an echo chamber around myself. (Am I simply being unreasonable thinking that these class pets are going too far? Is my point of view held by the majority? Or am I part of the vocal minority? I really can't tell anymore.)
And your efforts are very much appreciated, and I am sure that you take the members' information here with you.
As I mentioned before, and when seeing these things listed, it is fairly obvious that no one at Blizzard even plays the game, otherwise they would not have the DK have all three weapons maximized before one could get a pet ... that's downright sadistic and pathetic and someone needs to lose their job for trying to be funny!
I also mentioned that Blizzard, and many other software companies, think they are above the law and they can do anything they want. I filed a complaint with the State Attorney General against Blizzard and their intentionally disabling the mouse controls on the game in Legion, and their reply came back about something 3 months earlier, which the State AG ignored, by saying that they can do nothing about it.
Even the law, is not protecting the consumer anymore, and many of these companies create something called "EULA", and then think they can hold you to it. No "EULA" can stand up in court, first of all they are not filed anywhere, and second of all, there is no legal standing when they change it whenever they feel like it, and think that you are too stupid to even bother reading it.
Worse yet, is that at least 2 gaming magazines, intentionally, ignored my letters and copies and it pretty much shows who owns them, and why those magazines are there ... to support their games and trade outs ... and no game EVER has anything wrong with them! It's all about sales and steal as much as you can!
I doubt that the Pet Battle Game, will improve much, and that these folks even have any idea what they are doing, and how screwed up they are being in doing this, and some day, someone has to call their bluff and I hope on that day, that one million players quit, so that some bigger guns in Blizzard will start firing people that did not listen, and intentionally ignored folks and some good logic, and created malicious intent, rather that a game for everyone.
Having been here since the start (minus a month or two), I almost doubt I will be here too much longer, comparatively speaking, specially when I read things like what "Q" posted, and go ... you gotta be kidding me ... and I can see "Q" just about double over and cry in pain, and find this whole thing just sick ... as do I and others who play the class and then realize what they have to go through to get it done. I, myself, am NOT planning on touching my DK who is at 100, and I now seriously doubt that I will even take him up one level, and will likely delete him ... I'm getting tired of insults by Blizzard, and empty promises.
I do not expect the game to give me vanilla content, but neither do I need, or want any kind of emergency room content and behavior ... they can take their game with a flying ____ and I will wish them good luck at that point, but I will tell you, that in the past 30 years, the companies/groups I have left, have gone down, and almost died. Why? They did not honor the good in their work, and did not respect the folks involved. In my book, they deserved to die, and lose the large amount of business they lost.
In the end, employees do matter, and the customers are of utmost importance, and disrespect should not be allowed and watched carefully. A programmer saying that about a DK, is showing that he has never played a single class in this game without the cheat codes, and brought a single weapon to its fullest in any class. In shor, he's a total ash-hole and should not be allowed to speak for the game!
Sorry Blizzard, but it's your game to lose, not mine. And if you are not big enough to talk to your players ... you do not deserve the game!