Family familiar notes

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Drudatz » January 28th, 2017, 6:29 pm

Uduwudu wrote:Please make sure it is a true and tried thing, as it appears that some of these listed here were simply copied from Wowhead and other locations, and I am not convinced that they were tried.
Tnh I rather trust wowhead over this thread :D

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by GormanGhaste » January 29th, 2017, 8:08 am

Reading comprehension 101: the name of this thread is Family familiar notes, which means it is simply a journal of one player's journey through the achievement. If you want a tested guide, go to Xu Fu's website.
Mingyao on Madoran

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » January 29th, 2017, 5:44 pm

GormanGhaste wrote: which means it is simply a journal of one player's journey through the achievement.
"Two beers this genteman!" "beer""beer"

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » January 29th, 2017, 5:57 pm

Sir Galveston vs Elemental family

1. [pet]Ashstone core[/pet] - Feedback/Stoneskin/Crystal prison
2. [pet]Forest sproutling[/pet] - Club/Leech seed/Sons of root
3. [pet]Blossoming antient[/pet] - Ironbark

Team isn't too great but I haven't 2d chance to improve it. Ashstone can hold murloc in prison before and after bird, so it is great start any way. Prison-Feedback-Stoneskin-Feedback*... bird dies, Prison-Feedback till Ashstone dies. Flower just Club's drake to death. After murloc comes back to field - Sons-Leech-Club*.... After flower dies, tree just kills murloc with few Ironbarks.

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » January 30th, 2017, 3:55 pm

Aulier vs Dragonkin family

1. [pet]Emerald proto-whelp[/pet] - Emerald bite/Emerald presence/Emerald dream
2-3. Any dragonkin pets.

With right timing proto-whelp gets whole team.
1. Bite-Presence-Bite*3 - bird dies.
2. Bite-Presence-Dream-Bite*3-Presence-Dream-Bite - eye dies.
3. Bite - Presence - Bite - Dream - Bite* - sea pony dies.

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » February 2nd, 2017, 5:49 pm

Xorvasc vs Mechanical family

1. [pet]Darkmoon tonk[/pet] - Charge/Shock and Awe/Ion cannon
2. [pet]Darkmoon zeppelin[/pet] - Missile/Explode/Decoy
3. [pet]Lifelike toad[/pet] - Water jet/Healing wave/Frog kiss

Replay fight with [pet]Lifelike toad[/pet]. Team works wery well. Got few heavy crits and still won.
Ion cannon-swaped on Zepp- Missle till imp dies - Decoy - Missle till 1st death - Explode- back to tonk - Shock and awe - Charge-till tonk dies- toad Frog kiss-Water jet rotation - gg.

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » February 3rd, 2017, 5:13 pm

Robert Craig vs Mechanical family

1. Rocket chicken - Missile/Toxic smoke/Launch
2. Darkmoon zeppelin - Missile/Explode/Decoy
3. Darkmoon tonk - Missile/Shock and Ave/Ion cannon

Easy game, easy win.

Robert Craig done on all families.

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » February 4th, 2017, 5:10 pm

Odrogg vs Dragonkin family

1. [pet]Chrominius[/pet] - Bite/Ancient blessing/Ravage
2-3. Any dragonkin pets.

Actualy, Chrominius can eat them solo. But I was unlucky and it get stunned on some point. Still I was needed to make only 1 more hit to finish last pet. So, Bite-Blessing-pass*2-Bite... Just need to use Blessing every cd and Ravage to finish pets.

Varenne vs Magic family

1. [pet]Abyssius[/pet] - Immolation/Flamethrower/Volcano
2. [pet]Harmonious Porcupette[/pet] - Claw/Celestial blessing/Tranquility
3. [pet]Jade owl[/pet] - Thrash/Adrenaline rush/Lift-off

Just take first in list magic pets with elemental, beast, flying abilities and win. Main problem for this team - frog's bubble, so I desided to save Abyssius after it Volcano-Immolation-Flamethrower for DoTing frog by Immolation. Also Trash forr this fight is better Slicing wings.

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » February 5th, 2017, 4:45 pm

Amalia vs Dragonkin family

1. [pet]Wild golden hatchling[/pet] - Breath/Call lightning/Ciclone
2. [pet]Stormborne whelpling[/pet] - Frost breath/Mana surge/Arcane storm
3. [pet]Yu'la, broodling or Yu'lon[/pet] - Breath/Emerald presence/Life ehchange

I created a fun fight schime, but fogot to change abilities and used wrong pet. After I started and founded it I was confused and made few missplays. Still won from first atempt... :?

Dragonkin family done.

Trapper Jarrum vs Mechanical family

1. [pet]Lifelike toad[/pet] - Tongue lash/Healing wave/Frog kiss
2. [pet]Darkmoon zeppelin[/pet] - Missile/Explode/Decoy
3. [pet]Pet bombing[/pet] - Batter/Toxic smoke/Screeching gears

Actualy, this had be 2 pets fight - toad+zepp. Still was unlucky and 3d pet was also in deal. So, Lash-Healing wave-Lash*... till spirit uses Phase chift 2d time (better, if it aleady dies for this moment. If no it is still Ok), Healing wave and switch on Darkmoon zeppelin. If spirit already dead, it makes all much easier, but any way Zepp starts from Decoy-Missile*...Decoy. If crab dies before zepp, we just use Explode on dog, and toad comes back to field. If no, we uses 3d pet, almost any, who just fast enouth and can do some dmg.

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » February 6th, 2017, 4:41 pm

Amalia vs Magic family

1. [pet]Enchanted broom[/pet] - Batter/Sweep/Wind-up
2. [pet]Disgusting oozerling[/pet] - Absorb/Creeping ooze/Acidic goo
3. [pet]Filthling[/pet] - Absorb/Expunge/Creeping ooze

Easy fight. Broom kills 2 beasts, 2 oozes kill elemental. So, Sweep-Wind-up (1) -Batter*... untill dog dies, Wind-up (2)-Batter - second dog dies, - Batter - broom dies, and two oozes just spam Creeping ooze.

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » February 7th, 2017, 5:29 pm

Aulier vs Magic family

1. [pet]Enchanted broom[/pet] - Batter/Sweep/Wind-up
2. [pet]Disgusting oozeling[/pet] - Absorb/Creeping ooze/Acidic goo
3. [pet]Filthling[/pet] - Absorb/Expunge/Creeping ooze

I was too lazy to change pet team after Amalia, so just won with same team. So, Wind-up (1)-Sweep-Batter*... sea pony to death, Wind-ip (2)-Sweep-Batter*... eye till broom death. Oozeling starts Acidic goo-Absorb*... till eye dies, Acidic goo-Creeping ooze-Absorb on bird. If it dies before, Filthling just Expunge bird.

Amalia vs Mechanical family

1. [pet]Mechanical pandaren dragonling[/pet] - Breath/Thunderbolt/Decoy
2. [pet]Lil'Bling[/pet] - SMCKTHAT.EXE/Blingtron gift package/Make it rain
3. [pet]Stonegrinder[/pet] - Screeching gears/Thunderbolt/Clean-up

Easy fight, no pets dies. Decoy-swap on Lil'Bling-SMCKTHAT.EXE till first dog dies. Make it rain-SMCKTHAT.EXE-Blingtron gift package on 2d dog. After elemental dog comes to fight, swap on Stonegrinder-Clean-up-swap on dragonling - Decoy-Thunderbolt-Breath*... and Lil'Bling finishes it with Gift.

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » February 8th, 2017, 4:42 pm

Bredda Tenderhide vs Mechanical family

1. [pet]Lil'Bling[/pet] - SMCKTHAT.EXE/Blingtron gift package/Make it rain
2. [pet]Mechanical pandaren dragonling[/pet] - Breath/Thunderbolt/Decoy
3. [pet]Stonegrinder[/pet] - Screeching gears/Thunderbolt/Clean-up

Just used same team like again Amalia. Easy win.

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Waynebrady » February 9th, 2017, 11:46 am

Master Tamer Flummox vs Undead Family

1. Unborn Val'kyr - Shadow Shock, Curse of Doom, Unholy Ascension
2. Blighted Squirrel - Woodchipper, Crouch, Stampede
3. Crawling Claw - Shadow Slash, Ancient Blessing, Rot

Start with Unborn, Curse of Doom, Unholy Ascension, swap to Blighted Squirrel, Crouch, Stampede until dead (may need to cast Stampede twice), bring in Crawling Claw, Shadow Slashx2

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » February 9th, 2017, 6:03 pm

Master tamer Flummox vs Magic family

1. [pet]Minfernal[/pet] - Immolate/Immolation/Explode
2. [pet]Hunderling claw[/pet] - Shadow shock/Curse of doom/Call darkness
3. [pet]Nightmare bell[/pet] - Shadow shock/Call darkness/Dark rebirth

Main problem is selfheal so we have prevent it by Call darkness.
Immolate-Explode (first pet dies)-Call darkness-Curse of doom-Shadow shock-(2d pet dies)-Shadow shock-Shadow shock-Call darkness-Shadow shock -Flummox dies.

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » February 15th, 2017, 5:14 pm

Master tamer Flummox vs Mechanical family

1. [pet]Mechanical scorpid[/pet] - Wind-up/Blind poison/Black claw
2. [pet]Mechanical pandaren dragonling[/pet] - Breath/Thunderbolt/Explode
3. [pet]Darkmoon zeppelin[/pet] - Missile/Explode/Decoy

Blind poison-Wind-up (1)-switch on dragonling - Thunderbolt-Explode-zeppelin - Decoy-Missile-Missile-Explode-scorp -Blind poison - Wind-up*3 GG

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » February 16th, 2017, 5:56 pm

Sir Galveston vs Mechanical family

1. [pet]Mechanical scorpid[/pet] - Wind-up/Blind poison/Black claw
2. [pet]Mechanical pandaren dragonling[/pet] - Breath/Thunderbolt/Explode
3. [pet]Darkmoon zeppelin[/pet] - Missile/Explode/Decoy

Was too lazy to change team, so had to win this one. Fight is easy but needs for good timing. So, Blind - Wind-up*4-Blind-Wind-up*4-Blind... after Scorpid dies, dragonkin starts - Thunderbolt-Breath*..., after black dragon dies - Explode. You have to hit bird with Explode. If you miss you still win. Zepp starts from Decoy and finishes bird and murlok with Missile.

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » February 21st, 2017, 3:16 pm

Varenne vs Mechanical family

1. [pet]Blackfuse bombling[/pet] - Burn/Bombing run/Armageddon
2. [pet]Amodized robo cub[/pet] - Bite/Rebuild/Maul
3. [pet]Rocket chicken[/pet] - Peck/Squawk/Launch

Easy linear win with only 2 pets used.

Mech family done. Achievement done. [pet]Nightmare treant[/pet] is mine.

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » February 24th, 2017, 1:46 pm

Finishes fights I didn't do yet.

Aulier vs Mechanical family

1. S[pet]unreaver Micro-sentry[/pet] - laser/Extra plating/Supercharge
2. [pet]Mechanical pandaren dragonling[/pet] - Breath/Thunderbolt/Decoy
3. [pet]Rocket chicken[/pet] - Peck/Squawk/Launch

Did it in 2 pets. Supercharge-Lazer*... till bird dies and or micro-sentry dies. Decoy-Breath*... till eye dies - Thunderbolt-Breath*... GG

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Re: Family familiar notes

Post by Papazol » February 24th, 2017, 4:21 pm

Odrogg vs Mechanical family

1. [pet]Fluxfire feline[/pet] - Pounce/Flux/Prowl
2. [pet]Cogblade raptor[/pet] - Bite/Screech/Exposed wounds
3. [pet]De-weaponized mechanical companion[/pet] - Thrash/Overtune/Repair

Easy fight, fast win.

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