Over-use of comps in PVP battles killing interest

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Re: Over-use of comps in PVP battles killing interest

Post by Wootzy » February 12th, 2017, 7:14 am

Nagini wrote: Rather then negative enforcement of the current meta, perhaps with a little positive enforcement we could see a big improvement in our petPvP opponents. Think achievements such as family familliar (using three elementals etc in say, 10 wins?), potential rewards for a loss (lesser or at a reduced rate, perhaps, like in actual PvP) or simply incentives to get more people back into pet PvP, like what happens during the weekly sign of the critter.
I really like the family familiar idea for pvp achievement.
But you know what, I don't hate OP teams like most do. Just counter hard and scare them away.
Here's what I've been doing to keep the fun in pvp: I run teams with two pets of the same type that synergize really well, with a third pet for support. Often a weather-based team works excellent, and much more moves to play around with. Just start battling, try out different support pets. That's one way to beat the meta. And it's good fun!

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Re: Over-use of comps in PVP battles killing interest

Post by Wootzy » February 12th, 2017, 4:54 pm

I hear what you are saying mate. No move is perfect. I've been playing with Frostwolf Ghostpup, Death Adder, and Aquafly. High win rate. If you replace the Frostwolf for a Wicked Soul, you've got a stellar team. Not much guessing involved at all. IF you stay a step (or two) ahead, so much control. Great team, it's my favorite, it's great, it really is. :lol:

Concerning the Aquafly: against tero your first move(s) is alpha strike(s), not dodge. The fly has short cooldowns (you really want the p/s in above team). Tero can NOT out heal the damage, when he dodges, the fly dodges, and heals. Makes all the difference. ;)

edit: Death Adder s/s - Vicious Fang, Crouch, Blinding Poison (ramp up the damage)

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Re: Over-use of comps in PVP battles killing interest

Post by Uduwudu » February 16th, 2017, 4:18 pm


Weird set of information ... basically telling me that you only need 20 pets for PvP and a good computer?

A much bigger issue is in battlegrounds where it is fairly clear that at least 3 or 4 people are 2-boxing computers, but the title of this discussion does not seem to be what it is about for me.

Now I know why I don't PvP!

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Re: Over-use of comps in PVP battles killing interest

Post by Gráinne » February 16th, 2017, 11:13 pm

No, you just need 3 pets for PvP. See for example https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/17614632838 or any of Disco's "Very Best" videos. Sure, any team can be countered, with greater or lesser success, but at worst you can always queue-dodge or come back tomorrow.

For PvE, you need about 30, if you choose them carefully. I don't know where you're getting the need for a good computer, though. :)

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Re: Over-use of comps in PVP battles killing interest

Post by Ranok » February 18th, 2017, 1:20 am

Uduwudu wrote:Weird set of information ... basically telling me that you only need 20 pets for PvP and a good computer?
One of glorious things about pet battling, you do NOT need a good computer. Jeez, could probably use a dial-up line. It's turn-based, means you don't hafta hit keys fast, just need to think about what move to use next.

But yeah, do need to have a bunch of pets, and lot of specific ones, to stand much chance with the PvP crowd. Few of them just enjoying pet battling, most of them seem to be into winning with whatever OP team is big this week.

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Re: Over-use of comps in PVP battles killing interest

Post by Ranok » February 18th, 2017, 1:36 am

Uduwudu wrote:Weird set of information ... basically telling me that you only need 20 pets for PvP and a good computer?

A much bigger issue is in battlegrounds where it is fairly clear that at least 3 or 4 people are 2-boxing computers, but the title of this discussion does not seem to be what it is about for me.
Not sure if you're mixing non-pet Pvp into this discussion or bitching about PvP in general. Which could best be done elsewhere. Pet Pvp kills double-boxing because it's based on your battle.net account, not your WoW account. So same guy can't be working two pet battles at same time.

And yeah, how good your computer is doesn't matter here, is turn-based, no fast hitting of keys.

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Re: Over-use of comps in PVP battles killing interest

Post by Wootzy » February 18th, 2017, 3:59 am

Biscuit wrote: Wootzy, what's your counter to clonedance teams?

I recently started using Syd the Squid for the job.
-whirlpool round 1
-tidal wave his cyclone away
-bubble then continue to tidal wave
His jade dancer does less dmg to the magic squid.
You're doing more dmg to his elemental.
Hitting his undead bird on the back row.

Not the best, I know, but Syd is hardly ever used in PVP and I thought this was a great to fit him into a team.
Yes thats the way to go Biscuit, magic pets. Ofcourse it depends on his coverage pet. Howabout your lovely Calf?
I bring out Stone Armadillo/Wicked Soul/Enchanted Broom or my Consume Corps team with Court Scribe. I havent been playing much, but not so long ago I also won with my Aquafly team, so that works too. I ran into Syd a while ago, he did not do too bad. I like Squid, for dinner. :mrgreen:

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Re: Over-use of comps in PVP battles killing interest

Post by Uduwudu » February 18th, 2017, 7:50 pm

Ranok wrote: ...
Not sure if you're mixing non-pet Pvp into this discussion or bitching about PvP in general. Which could best be done elsewhere.

It was an honest question Ranok, however, as an old man with bad eye sight, I can not PvP much, as it is way too fast for my eyes to work with, and I endup hitting the incorrect keys. So I do not play PvP in any form, even if I simply wanted to farm artefacts for my characters 2nd and 3rd weapon.

The turn based thing would be good for me, but in general, PvP is just not for me at all. I think I left those thoughts behind in my youth days!

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Re: Over-use of comps in PVP battles killing interest

Post by Wootzy » March 3rd, 2017, 5:58 pm

[pet]Blood Boil[/pet] S/S - Diseased Bite, Expunge, Drain Blood
[pet]Ghastly Kid[/pet] - Hoof, Ethernal, Haunt
[pet]Arctic Fox[/pet] S/S - Flurry, Crouch, Dazzling Dance

Now you're faster and hard hitting both wicked, imp AND that ugly bird..in the face! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Blood Boil is a tank too, his racial pops more often because of drain blood (nukes).
If you have no need for speed, try the P/P breed. If you do not want to use haunt, take the crab.

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Re: Over-use of comps in PVP battles killing interest

Post by Wootzy » March 4th, 2017, 7:43 am

I can hardly believe it myself, but yesterday my Blood Boil solo'd entire team of Bloss.Ancient and two Sunflowers.
As in killing them all three. Draining their blood. 8-)

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Re: Over-use of comps in PVP battles killing interest

Post by Wootzy » March 4th, 2017, 1:39 pm

What's killing my interest in PvP battles, not only people who are over-using OP teams, but people who play mind games in the queue as well. Switching between these OP teams, but afraid to stay in and get countered. Then chicken out for a while, and now claming they have a 99% win rate, and never lose. I wish you could play ten battles in a row against the same player. :roll: End of rant.

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Re: Over-use of comps in PVP battles killing interest

Post by Wootzy » March 5th, 2017, 11:33 am

How did Blood Boil got nerved? It totaly escaped me. I only remember the Murky clone issue.

I'm looking for a cool third pet together with Fox and Blood, trying to improve the team. Something to counter Haunt.

Aquatic will do, like the Leviathan Hatchling. Having Primal Cry as another speed boost option is awesome.
Maybe the Slithershock Elver, he has Grasp, that sounds interesting too.

But I certainly want to win against triple Bones (jerks). So I came up with [pet]Skunky Alemental[/pet]
All of his moves sound perfect, decisions, decisions..what do you say Biscuit?

edit: I think I got it with the [pet]Darkmoon Rabbit[/pet] (Bleed, Dodge, Stampede)
Last edited by Wootzy on March 5th, 2017, 1:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Over-use of comps in PVP battles killing interest

Post by Wootzy » March 5th, 2017, 12:03 pm

If they let us pick the abilities on our team just before the battle starts, that could be interesting..think about it.

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Re: Over-use of comps in PVP battles killing interest

Post by Wootzy » March 6th, 2017, 11:46 am

I have left the pet battle game. No fun no more. Not worth my time or my money. Some of you I will miss.
We shared ideas, suggestions, teams, what not. Anything to make things better. But you won't find me in the queue anymore. I've had enough. Wootzy OUT.

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Re: Over-use of comps in PVP battles killing interest

Post by Minet » March 6th, 2017, 11:56 am

Wootzy wrote:I have left the pet battle game. No fun no more. Not worth my time or my money. Some of you I will miss.
We shared ideas, suggestions, teams, what not. Anything to make things better. But you won't find me in the queue anymore. I've had enough. Wootzy OUT.

I am sorry to hear this. I am fairly new to these boards and feel like I just found an awesome resource. Your posts were a big part of that. They are loaded with so many good ideas. It has made pet battling more fun for me.

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