by Uduwudu » April 15th, 2017, 9:15 am
I keep thinking that the chances that two pets will both have the same starting number, is not likely and that the programmers will probably safeguard against that, since it might interfere with the ability to succeed, in the long run. I kinda think that the majority of pets have a number, and regardless of the opponents, they will stand up ... like trying to take that turkey in Dalaran, that almost one shots you right at the start ... it doesn't care if you are fast or slow, he will always gets his shot in and if you are not prepared ... close the fight now!
For some pets, like Anubiseth, it is only a matter of a few hit points, and they are not major usually. Sandstorm gives some of it back. Same thing with the Whelks. Against the Murlocs, I prefer to go 2nd so I know the sequence and the order and will be prepared for the newbie at the right time, and have the shell and dive when the jumping turkey wants to take off. You know right away which key to press and the continuing strategy. AND, sometimes, that is much easier than to have guess things, as would likely be the case in PvP, where I would imagine that everyone wants a big/fast one right at the start?