No wonder nobody pvps

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Re: No wonder nobody pvps

Post by Gráinne » July 11th, 2017, 10:17 am

I can't find that option, Maizing. I do see a Summon option for random pet, but not a slot option. Update: I installed the latest Rematch and now do see that option. That addon just keeps getting wonderfuller and wonderfuller!

I suspect that a true random selection wouldn't be satisfying, though, since you would not be selecting for synergy and coverage. Disco did a sort of random choice thing in his last vid. I tried that too, got [pet]Leviathan Hatchling[/pet], [pet]Ancient Nest Guardian[/pet], [pet]Landro's Lichling[/pet]. Not terrible. Played one, won it.

I just made a team of three greens that I happened not to have deleted at 22 and 23. P/S [pet]Ashwing Moth[/pet], H/H [pet]Ironclaw Scuttler[/pet], [pet]Toxic Wasteling[/pet]. Stoned them to 25, but left them Green. Named them "Smile", "This Should", "Be Fun". Named the team "I'm Losing It". Popped into the queue, and lost 0-30, though I actually had to forfeit 5 to keep my unbroken record. I aimed to kill two of the opposing team to keep it interesting. Usually did, too. :)

I'm happy to say that 25 of the 30 were deserving cases, including teams with things like a Zepp with Explode, a green Fel Flame, and a Wretched Servant with the delightful name of Ser Sniffsalot (who disappeared after I met him two or three times, so I hope he got his quota).

Two were Doubles Guy, and three were legit Tier-1 teams.

A special shout-out to Erôgïs from Grim Batol for good sportsmanship. He has all achieves except the 5K, and he's 2.2K into that, but he was playing a distinctly Tier-2 team, though he certainly could have been playing Tier-1, and quite competently. How did I identify my opponent, you ask? Extra-Sensory Perception? Bribing a GM? Well, apart from my Sherlockian intellect, it helped that he named his pets "Erôgïs", "from", and "Grim Batol". :) Thanks for the battles, Erôgïs, and I hope your remaining 2.8K wins (/shudder) are happy ones!

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Re: No wonder nobody pvps

Post by Sprung » July 13th, 2017, 9:54 am

I think Blizz should restrict PvP teams so that you cannot play with x3 of the same Pet or x3 of the same Breed.

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Re: No wonder nobody pvps

Post by Spinning » July 13th, 2017, 9:22 pm

Biscuit wrote:
Rosqo wrote:Rosqoe, I love your videos, but man, you NEVER want to give any kind of credit to your opponents.
Brawler, if you look at the today´s video from Rosqo ("We´ll Get There"), you will see that it is hard to give any credit to a person who is playing Soul, Terroclaw, Serpent and manages to LOSE to death adder, h/h crusher and FoA.

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Re: No wonder nobody pvps

Post by Rosqo » July 14th, 2017, 6:52 am

When I said that it's easily to outplay them 99% of the time I'm referring to players who play triple teams not everyone mate.

I play a lot and watch a lot of videos there isn't a constant stream of the top tier one teams. I know a lot of people have expanded the tier 1 bracket to any half decent pet or team but there's not that many real top tier teams.

I probably should be kinder to my opponents but rng and being out played are two different things. You say I don't give my opponent credit but I don't think I go round saying I've just out played them massively there.

A lot of the teams I play are also just one bad rng away from loosing which can often cause a bit of frustration especially when the opponent is using the strongest pets.

I dunno brawler I don't often gear up my teams to deliberately face roll opponents quite as bad as some or use the strongest combos but I'm glad you enjoy multiple people on YouTube.

I'll try to be kinder to my sunny day peers

Edit: also remember us British are a bit more miserable than the US and other regions I'm not intentionally not giving my opponents credit and had been trying to a bit more since you said last time

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Re: No wonder nobody pvps

Post by Drudatz » July 14th, 2017, 1:12 pm

Sprung wrote:I think Blizz should restrict PvP teams so that you cannot play with x3 of the same Pet or x3 of the same Breed.
which could be easily done by saying for example "Call Darkness" can only be ONE of your teams 9 moves and the other 8 have to be 100% different.

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Re: No wonder nobody pvps

Post by Rosqo » July 14th, 2017, 6:54 pm

Drudatz wrote:
Sprung wrote:I think Blizz should restrict PvP teams so that you cannot play with x3 of the same Pet or x3 of the same Breed.
which could be easily done by saying for example "Call Darkness" can only be ONE of your teams 9 moves and the other 8 have to be 100% different.
I agree it should be 1 of the same pet each team for sure.

Its harder with the abilities as some weather effects provide the same buffs with different names Acid Rain & Cleansing Rain and Sunlight & Illuminate provide the same weather buff where there is only one Sandstorm or Call Darkness. It would really devalue some weather effects.

Although having less Darkness teams around doesn't sound like a bad idea its the self synergy most have that makes those pets strong.

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Re: No wonder nobody pvps

Post by Vakeetah » July 15th, 2017, 7:47 am

It is true that [ability]Call Darkness[/ability] provides amazing self-sinergy with [ability]Nocturnal Strike[/ability], but same could be said about [ability]Scorched Earth[/ability] + [ability]Conflagrate[/ability] (hard-hitting weather effect + massive nuke). So why isn't [pet]Fel Flame[/pet] a problem? And why aren't [pet]Nexus Whelpling[/pet] as much of a problem as Darkness, despite being just as cheesy and self-sinergistic?

Same with duplicates. Are they really a problem? Only in a select few cases. For example, when was the last time you saw a triple [pet]Crow[/pet] team? Because that's using both duplicate pets AND Darkness, yet it's nowhere to be found. Why?

Because the problem is neither triple teams, nor Darkness teams, but 3x[pet]Bone Serpent[/pet] teams. So why start adding complex artificial constraints to team building, when the culprit is so obvious? Just nerf them to oblivion, only need to switch their abilities around like they did with PWS and Graves.
- Thanks to Paladance for the sig!

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Re: No wonder nobody pvps

Post by Rosqo » July 15th, 2017, 8:27 am

Nocturnal strike/call darkness strength is due to the current meta. Without going too much into it a lot of those other combos are on slower pets. Unlike darkness when taking the flying racial on the crows etc into it. Coupled with the overtuned Bon Serpent. The healing reduction is a very strong counter to a lot of teams also.

I see the odd triple crow team and a few triple nexus whelpling teams and they are strong albeit one dimensional.

Sorry for the quick response I will edit it later

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Re: No wonder nobody pvps

Post by Wootzy » July 15th, 2017, 3:16 pm

Brainfart: what if every pet gets a tier rating (or a rating by %), with two or three matching queue's?

edit: I agree with Vakeetah that nerving the bone serpent is the easiest solution. That ugly bird as well.
Not nerving them into the ground, but just enough. Problem solved.

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Re: No wonder nobody pvps

Post by Wootzy » July 15th, 2017, 3:54 pm

Spinning wrote:Brawler, if you look at the today´s video from Rosqo ("We´ll Get There"), you will see that it is hard to give any credit to a person who is playing Soul, Terroclaw, Serpent and manages to LOSE to death adder, h/h crusher and FoA.
That battle made my day!

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