RWL5 PVP pet analysis

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Re: RWL5 PVP pet analysis

Post by Paladance » July 26th, 2017, 6:41 am

Tinytron: I think [pet]Ghostshell Crab[/pet] has had a double shield, though without damage on the second part. So that doesn't undermine the novelty of the mentioned combination; I only wish one of abilities had a different source.
(I just wanted to outspeed more picky people, mind you?)

Faceless Minion: This Void Portal sounds like someone has read certain ramblings on [ability]Haunt[/ability] ;) or worse, got to Blizz App messages of someone.

Twilight Clutch-Sister: I really hope the lvl 10 ability is an aquatic move, possibly [ability]Acid Touch[/ability], and her minimum speed is 262.
That would be all I need.

Thank you for mentioning there is a new double counter.

Of all things, I'm afraid/hopeful (depends on the degree of disturbance) that the breeds granted to these pets will be the exact opposite of what would be needed here. Blah

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Re: RWL5 PVP pet analysis

Post by Vakeetah » July 26th, 2017, 11:32 am

Interesting analysis, Biscuit! However, as much as I like the hype-train, I think it'd be best to remain wary about datamined stuff... at least when it's still early.

For example, Poison Protocol is absurd with the current values - I'm ok with the concept, being AoE DoT and status effect - but with a total "power" of 35 per pet, it greatly surpasses any other ability in game (105 power in a single cast). [ability]Kovok[/ability], in its prime, had a massive 80 power - which was ridiculous and was nerfed. If Poison Protocol remains, I'd expect a nerf to its damage and/or duration, as well as possibly removing the initial damage component. Or *gasp* becoming single-target, a copy of [ability]Poisoned Fang[/ability]. By comparison Pyreclaw's Great Sting seems to follow a similar principle, while offering a much more balanced 36 power.

Reanimate is another concerning ability. If [ability]Nature's Ward[/ability] and [ability]Photosynthesis[/ability] looked like too much, this one heals for even more. Sure, it has a cooldown, but for something that heals more than [ability]Repair[/ability] or [ability]Emerald Dream[/ability] without stunning, I'd say it's damn good.

That said, I do like most of the new abilities, and hope they get them working before release this time!

Aside of that, some pets seem to have missing abilities or placeholders. Twilight Clutch-Sister still lacks an ability; and from the looks of it, Amplify and Meteor won't be compatible (bye, ludicrous damage!). Also, as much sense as it makes for Surger to have [ability]Surge[/ability], I don't think Aquatic damage will stick. And whoever thought that [ability]Uncertainty[/ability] can compete with [ability]Inner Vision[/ability] deserves to be fired immediately :p Wouldn't be surprising to see them slowly fall in place over the course of the following weeks...

As for Bound Stream, [pet]Sea Pony[/pet] also offers [ability]Pump[/ability]+[ability]Tidal Wave[/ability], along with [ability]Cleansing Rain[/ability] for maximum Aquatic pain. Not really RWL:V related, but certainly takes hurts the little interest Bound Stream could have generated :)
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Re: RWL5 PVP pet analysis

Post by Rosqo » July 26th, 2017, 12:58 pm

The blazehound with magma trap will be decent simply as traps are strong.

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Re: RWL5 PVP pet analysis

Post by Wootzy » July 26th, 2017, 2:32 pm

New pets, new abilities, cool models, great! But I am scared of Rattlejaw from what I've seen so far..
Exited about Cinderweb Recluse on the other hand. Pairing him with the two new dragons sounds fun.

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Re: RWL5 PVP pet analysis

Post by Drlambda » July 27th, 2017, 10:12 am

While i love the idea of an AOE dot, Poison Protocol is way over the top and i hope that it gets nerfed like Vakeetah said. We discussed it in our discord channel, and to put it into comparison: You can expect Bonestorm levels of damage if used on CD, with an additional 30% on top of that if not used on CD, without damaging your own pet. Considering how long mechanicals can survive, i really don't want to see it go live with the current values. I hope it stays a 5-round DOT, but at way lower damage, because you can do a lot of fun synergistic stuff with that.

Didn't even realize that Great Sting was another team DOT. Sadly, ticking for only two rounds makes it way harder to use with another ability. Best use would probably to set up a Lightning Storm before that.

Rattlejaw also scares me a bit, because the heal is so big. You can pretty much AOE, ramp up a bit, maybe AOE again, and then send him to the back where he will heal to almost full for another round.

About Discarded Experiment: If i see it correctly, Slime has a 1-round CD. It's still quite a lot of damage. Draconic Remedy would obviously be better on a non-dragonkin pet, much like Healing Stream.

Blazehound: A trap and a forced switch on a pet that has 293 speed on the B/B breed - this one seems to have artifically increased speed, so i expect a fast breed here. If it gets into Imp territory, we're talking about one hell of a pet here.
*edit: I also forgot to include the obvious synergy of a beast moveset and a trap so opponents don't try to wait for the trap on a critter.

Drafty: Again, pretty high speed on the B/B breed. Thanks god that Wing Buffet and Cyclone share a slot.

Corrupted Blood: I think the whole point of this pet is to show everyone that you're a madman that soloed Spine for multiple weeks.
CloseToZero - Watch me lose on youtube with bad pets! :D

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Re: RWL5 PVP pet analysis

Post by Vakeetah » July 27th, 2017, 3:47 pm

Biscuit wrote:Someone brought up a good point about Surger that I didn't mention and that being it has both Stone Rush and Bodyslam. Both do self-inflicted damage, true, but coupled with a Celestial Blessing pet(will half all damage, even the recoil), this pet could lead to some pretty fun/fast fights.
[pet]Crimson Geode[/pet] comes to mind. Rather than having two "slams", it has one, but doubles its damage every other round with [ability]Crystal Overload[/ability]. Give it a shot, it's fun! :P
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Re: RWL5 PVP pet analysis

Post by Paladance » August 9th, 2017, 6:38 am

It seems that TCS has a Twilight Fire as her formerly missing ability.
There the hopes are crushed.

"At least it's a DoT" Yeah, but with a cooldown. Quite likely a Bone Serpent syndrome.

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Re: RWL5 PVP pet analysis

Post by Quintessence » August 9th, 2017, 9:35 am

Should note that as of yesterday's PTR build, quite a few 7.3 pets (some from RWLV) received some moveset updates/changes. I can't remember all of them, but it might be worth taking another look for possible re-evaluation.
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