Glory of the Tomb Raider - Late Tues - US alli - LAST WEEK

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Glory of the Tomb Raider - Late Tues - US alli - LAST WEEK

Post by Baldulf » September 21st, 2017, 1:34 pm

I am starting this separate thread to invite WCP forum members to my guild's weekly Normal Tomb of Sargeras runs, in which we will work toward the Glory of the Tomb Raider meta-achievement in the weeks remaining before the new raid.
  • The guild is Radikal Faeries (US-Suramar (Alliance)), and we run on Tuesdays from 8:30-11pm Pacific Time.
  • My RealID is Baldulf#1663.
  • Anyone is welcome, but ideally participants will be ilvl 900+.
  • Please prepare as much as possible by watching vids, reading guides, practicing LFR/with your own guild, etc.
  • We use VentriloPro as a guild, but depending on how many people participate, might switch to Discord.
We will likely NOT try to down all nine achievements in any single given night, but will plan to work on a few each night. We expect to do some of the earlier, easier achieves multiple times for multiple people, however.

I'm sure I'm forgetting other important things to post, so please ask if you have any questions, and I'll update as we go along.

My experience with every single person involved with WCP in any way has been fantastic, but it would not be fair to my guild if I didn't post the following: Radikal Faeries is open to all genders, races, nationalities, religions, and sexual preferences. Please respect others while you are our guests. Thanks.
Last edited by Baldulf on November 14th, 2017, 12:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Glory of the Tomb Raider - Late Tues (weekly) - US allia

Post by Baldulf » September 25th, 2017, 12:40 pm

Hey, collectors. Just a reminder that you are invited to our guild run tomorrow night (Tues, Sep 26, 8:30-11pm PDT).

I think our focus is going to be getting the Mistress Sass'zine and Desolate Host achieves done. If there are players present who need Goroth, Harjatan, or Sisters of the Moon, those are pretty easy, so we can knock those off on the way. Depending on time and personnel, we may also go pop KJ or hit a couple heroic bosses for funsies. Alternately, if we're really clicking, we might start working on the Inquisition or Maiden achieves (both of which are a step up in difficulty.

If you would like to come, just add me (Baldulf#1663) and send me a tell between 8:15 and 8:30 while I'm doing invites. It would also help if you would post here or /w me when I'm online so I know to look for you.

Thanks, and hope to see some of you tomorrow night!

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Re: Glory of the Tomb Raider - Late Tues (weekly) - US allia

Post by Salus » September 26th, 2017, 12:31 am

added you, Hooligan#1449

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Re: Glory of the Tomb Raider - Late Tues (weekly) - US allia

Post by Talmar » September 26th, 2017, 6:53 am

This is so awesome of you. I'm travelling for work today but hope to he home tonight. I'll friend you as soon as I can get on.

I have a lot of high end progression raiding experience prior to legion as well.

Looking forward to hopefully achieving a lot with you all.

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Re: Glory of the Tomb Raider - Late Tues (weekly) - US allia

Post by Baldulf » September 26th, 2017, 9:11 am

Great! Glad to have you both! And Talmar, even if you don’t make it tonight, we run weekly, and everyone is welcome for the rest of this raid tier.

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Re: Glory of the Tomb Raider - Late Tues (weekly) - US allia

Post by Silverstarr » September 26th, 2017, 2:52 pm

I'll send a friend request: Silver#1258. I'd love to get this pet. The times are late so may not be able to join every week. Thanks for this opportunity!

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Re: Glory of the Tomb Raider - Late Tues (weekly) - US allia

Post by Maizing » September 26th, 2017, 11:34 pm

Sending you a friend request. I didn't see this until just now.

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Re: Glory of the Tomb Raider - Late Tues (weekly) - US allia

Post by Baldulf » September 27th, 2017, 1:16 am

Very nice run tonight, thank you to everyone who joined. We re-did the Goroth, Harjatan, and Sisters of the Moon achieves for those who hadn't previously completed them, and completed the Mistress Sass'zine achieve, which was new for all of us. Great group; everyone was patient and worked perfectly together.

Next week we are going to focus on the Desolate Host achievement (Great Soul, Great Purpose), which seems like it's going to be a challenge for the players who are tasked with catching the spirit. If you have time before then, please check out the tips and video for that achieve at the Glory of Tomb Raider strategy guide on wowhead:
If we can manage to knock that one off, we'll move on to Inquisition and/or Maiden.

We're happy to re-do Goroth and Sisters on the way to Desolate Host.

Thanks again, and we hope to see you again next week!

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Re: Glory of the Tomb Raider - Late Tues (weekly) - US allia

Post by Maizing » September 28th, 2017, 2:02 am

Thank you so very much. I had sent you the friend request so late that I had thought that I would have to miss it this week. I really appreciate that you were able to fit me in for at least part of the run.

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Re: Glory of the Tomb Raider - Late Tues (weekly) - US allia

Post by Baldulf » October 2nd, 2017, 4:03 pm

Hey, collectors. Just a reminder that you are again invited to our Tuesday night guild run (Tues, Oct 3, 8:30-11pm PDT).

Our focus this week is going to be getting the Desolate Host achieve done. If there are players present who need Goroth or Sisters of the Moon, those are pretty easy, so we can knock those off on the way. Depending on time and personnel, we may also go pop KJ or hit a couple heroic bosses for funsies. Alternately, if we're really clicking, we might start working on the Inquisition or Maiden achieves (both of which are a step up in difficulty).

If you would like to come, just add me (Baldulf#1663) and send me a tell between 8:15 and 8:30 while I'm doing invites. It would also help if you would post here or /w me when I'm online so I know to look for you.

Thanks, and hope to see some of you tomorrow night!

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Re: Glory of the Tomb Raider - Late Tues (weekly) - US allia

Post by Baldulf » October 4th, 2017, 1:57 pm

Thanks again to forum members GilroyKilroy, Silverstarr, and Salus for joining last night. It's always nice to raid with reasonable, skilled, and patient players.

We did not quite crack the Desolate Host achieve, but we had gotten the hang of it by the end of the raid. If we can get the same people back next week (plus perhaps some extra dps), I feel confident that we can knock it out and move on to Inquisition and Maiden.

See you then!

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Re: Glory of the Tomb Raider - Late Tues (weekly) - US allia

Post by Baldulf » October 10th, 2017, 1:03 pm

Hey, collectors. Just a reminder that you are again invited to our Tuesday night guild run (Tues, Oct 10, 8:30-11pm PDT).

Hopefully, we will be able to cash in on our hard work last week and knock off the Desolate Host achieve reasonably quickly. I'm crossing my fingers that our four soul-catchers are able to join us again, along with all the dps we can get (or healers or tanks to free up dual-specced dps).

Inquisition is a lot more straightforward--just being clean with timing and burst damage--then on to aerobatics for Maiden!

Hope to see you online!

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Re: Glory of the Tomb Raider - Late Tues (weekly) - US allia

Post by Baldulf » October 17th, 2017, 12:19 pm

Hey, collectors. Just a weekly reminder that you are invited to our Tomb of Sargeras run (Tues, Oct 17)!

PLEASE NOTE: I have houseguests, so I'm not confident of being online by 8:30. As such, let's plan to start at 9pm (and still finish at 11pm). If I make it online earlier and can gather a partial raid, we'll go ahead and clear Goroth.

We were SO CLOSE on the Inquisition achieve last week (ONE toon at ~94/100 torment when they went down), I feel sure we can get it this week. Assuming enough time, we can hopefully knock off the Host achieve, as well.

I'm gone next week, and the following week is Halloween, so this is IT until November. Come join us!

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Re: Glory of the Tomb Raider - Late Tues (weekly) - US allia

Post by Winterundies » October 17th, 2017, 7:38 pm

Friend request sent. Luv 'cheives. Micronax is one of the only two I'm missing. Please help me get'r done.

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Re: Glory of the Tomb Raider - Late Tues (weekly) - US allia

Post by Minivivi » October 17th, 2017, 9:02 pm

Sent a friend request! Thank you so much for offering this opportunity.

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Re: Glory of the Tomb Raider - Late Tues (weekly) - US allia

Post by Escalus » October 17th, 2017, 9:54 pm

I'm interested, also added you ArcZothael#1570

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Re: Glory of the Tomb Raider - Late Tues (weekly) - US allia

Post by Baldulf » October 18th, 2017, 1:04 am

Success! Even with a short raid time, we got the Inquisition achieve done. It was very challenging!

Thanks to GilroyKilroy and Silverstar, both of whom have put in four weeks. Thanks also to new additions Winterundies, Minivivi, and Escalus.

I’m out of town next week, and Halloween is the week after that, but we’ll reconvene NOVEMBER 7 if the new raid isn’t out yet. See you then!

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Re: Glory of the Tomb Raider - Late Tues (weekly) - US allia

Post by Minivivi » October 18th, 2017, 3:57 pm

Last night was so much fun!
Learned so much about the encounters.
Best part? Meeting all of you.
Can't wait to raid with you all again.
Thank you, thank you.

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Re: Glory of the Tomb Raider - Late Tues (weekly) - US allia

Post by Bloodrain » October 22nd, 2017, 5:13 pm

Bloodrain#1465 - added you today - will be online nov. 7 if you are still doing this

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