Any pets that will be unattainable with BfA?

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Any pets that will be unattainable with BfA?

Post by Yaafm » July 16th, 2018, 12:21 pm

Just coming back for the expansion. Been gone since before Argus unlocked at all. That island to the south was the newest content.

Will there be any pets that are no longer attainable with the release of the new expansion? Anything specific I should focus on getting now?

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Re: Any pets that will be unattainable with BfA?

Post by Gráinne » July 16th, 2018, 8:18 pm

Nope. No pets are being removed. You're safe.

Might be harder to get a group for Poor Unfortunate Souls to get [pet]Lagan[/pet], but it's not lilke they're popping up everywhere now.

Pre-patch is probably a good time to go for [pet]Trashy[/pet], since there won't be a lot to do, so fishing groups ought to be plentiful.

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Re: Any pets that will be unattainable with BfA?

Post by Peanutty » July 17th, 2018, 2:51 pm

Brawler's Guild rewards would be the only thing I could think of, though the way it usually works is Brawler's Guild goes inactive at the start of an xpac, and is retooled and revived later on. No guarantees the same rewards will be available.

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