Looking For Muskflank Calf or Barnaby

Arrange pet trades on US and Oceanic servers.
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Joined:September 9th, 2013
Pet Score:10104
Looking For Muskflank Calf or Barnaby

Post by Askania » September 25th, 2018, 1:18 pm

I have to trade: Wolpetinger, Cinder Pup, Elekk Plushie, 2 Nursery Spiders, 2 Red Moth and a Sunscale Hatchling (Island Expeditions). I can add a vendor pet worth 50 shiny tokens (older) if needs be too.

Willing to trade all of these for one or the other and can trade on the following realms:
Saurfang - Horde
Illidan - Horde
Dathremar - Horde or Alliance
Khaz'goroth - Alliance.

I have based my trade on AH Prices on Illidan where I do the majority of my selling and buying.

If anyone can help please add Askania#2319. I am on nearly everyday for several hours so your bound to catch me at some point.

Thanks in advance if you can help. :D

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