At Blizzcon, the devs promised to get back to some questions they ran out of time for. This is one. From ... -questions
So they're thinking about thinking about doing something with PvP. While it's very non-committal, that's more hope than PvP fans have had in the past.What can you tell us about your future plans for pet battles?
Pet battles continue to be a fun system layered on top of the core WoW experience. As we introduce new zones and content, there will be new pets to tame or earn as reward. For players who are looking for a new challenge to overcome, we’re adding a new Gnomeregan pet battle dungeon in Tides of Vengeance. Beyond that, in the long-term, we’d like to take a fresh look at “PvP” pet battles to see if we can add a more structure to that system and elevate it beyond what is currently a niche pursuit.
OTOH, when the devs say they're going to "take a fresh look at" any part of the game, the people who like that part of the game have every right to be nervous.