Looking for Tips: How to Master the Celestial Tournament and Come Out Victorious

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Looking for Tips: How to Master the Celestial Tournament and Come Out Victorious

Post by Guest » March 17th, 2024, 11:24 pm

Hello everyone,
I've been diving deep into the Celestial Tournament in World of Warcraft and could use some advice from fellow pet battlers. I've made it through a few rounds, but I'm struggling to defeat some of the tougher opponents in the tournament. Specifically, I'm having trouble with Xu-Fu, Zao, and Chi-Chi.
I've tried various pet combinations and strategies, but nothing seems to work consistently. Does anyone have any tips or team compositions that have proven successful against these celestial adversaries? I'd love to hear about your experiences and any tactics you've found effective.
Thanks in advance for your help!

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Joined:July 7th, 2015
Pet Score:13747

Re: Looking for Tips: How to Master the Celestial Tournament and Come Out Victorious

Post by Gráinne » March 18th, 2024, 4:50 am

I remember the Celestial Tournament with great fondness. It's still the greatest content in the pet game - an eternal beautiful Sunday afternoon with a great variety of opponents. :D

The four Celestials themselves are actually the easiest battles, because you can use Bleed-and-Stampede strats without having to hold anything in reserve for backline pets.

Xu-Fu's Pet Guides is the site you want, for strategies for these and all other battles. It lists 20 or more dtrategies for each of the four. Check it out here:

https://www.wow-petguide.com/Section/8/ ... Tournament

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