Thundering Serpent Hatchling was on BMAH tonight

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Thundering Serpent Hatchling was on BMAH tonight

Post by Harpooha » March 7th, 2023, 11:55 pm

I have read that it can be looted from the Unclaimed Black Market Container, but this is the first time I saw it listed as an item by itself. I don't check the BMAH every day because I work nights and auctions are over before I get home. It may have happened before, but it's a first for me.

Sold for 800K. It's a lot, but better than dumping 200K+ on a container with only a vague hope that it drops.

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Re: Thundering Serpent Hatchling was on BMAH tonight

Post by Darkchyld » March 9th, 2023, 9:23 pm

Yeah. I tried to pick one up off the BMAH, I saw a completed listing on my server for over 2 million during Shadowlands. I checked 2 servers, main server and a small server that I sold a pet for 300k in hopes I could pick one up for cheap, but I never even saw it again.

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Re: Thundering Serpent Hatchling was on BMAH tonight

Post by Harpooha » January 11th, 2025, 12:39 am

I work nights, so checking the BMAH is mostly an exercise in futility

They closed work today because of snow and I saw it was up on the BMAH tonight. Pooled all the gold I had and put a bid on it. It wasn't enough. Over 600K. I had around 575K.

Just not meant to be

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Re: Thundering Serpent Hatchling was on BMAH tonight

Post by Durkmenistan » January 11th, 2025, 11:30 am

Wow- thanks for the information, even if you couldn't get it yourself. This means it's probably the same rarity as the original brutosaur, if I had to guess. At least it's theoretically possible to get without gambling, though I guess I need to level alts on every server now...

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Re: Thundering Serpent Hatchling was on BMAH tonight

Post by Jwb » January 12th, 2025, 5:59 am

I went to extreme measures to get it, back during Dragonflight. I had been patiently checking black market daily for at least a year, and never saw it. So I bought a six-pack of character transfers and popped six alts to different realms, plus I used a free boost to get another character on an 8th realm. I then checked all 8 realms daily for about a month before I found it. I got in a bidding war and paid 2.5 million for it, which is probably too much. But I was so sick of looking at it I went ahead and spent the gold. No regrets!

Upshot is: it's incredibly rarely seen on black market, and if you ever see it, you should snap it up. Good luck to the seekers!

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Re: Thundering Serpent Hatchling was on BMAH tonight

Post by Devondi » January 13th, 2025, 12:58 am

Good to know that it does actually exist on the BMAH! I have been checking 3 servers every day for almost a year, but still no luck.

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Re: Thundering Serpent Hatchling was on BMAH tonight

Post by Guccia » January 14th, 2025, 3:11 pm

does anyone know if you got the pet when it was current if you can still buy it from a guild that completed the challenge? i would like to get 3

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Re: Thundering Serpent Hatchling was on BMAH tonight

Post by Devondi » January 21st, 2025, 11:46 am

Thundering Serpent Hatchling spawned on the Moon Guard BMAH on January 19th, 2025.

Got it for 2 million gold.

As OP stated it was the actual pet, not a container.

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Re: Thundering Serpent Hatchling was on BMAH tonight

Post by Durkmenistan » January 23rd, 2025, 10:52 pm

Lost a bid for a TSH on Darkspear-US on 01/17 for >1M, then won one today for 600K on Bladefist-US. If you're serious about obtaining this pet, I suggest hiring a BMAH spotter on the WoW Market Discord. I was able to hire one named Tyler to spot for 50K, and then hired someone named Orijade to boost a new alt to 70 for 100K. Another booster named Blesns offered the same, though I did not use their service. You can use the BMAH at levels 70 and 80, but not in between.

Hope that helps people get the pet! I'm sorry I didn't post this earlier, but these bidding wars are a pain and I didn't want to make it harder on myself.

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