It's perfect for finding the perfect pet to send against any other pet, may they be wild pets, other players pets, or NPC pets (currently up to date with 5.1).
Please take the time to read the first part, because the reference table is quite huge and overwhelming at first..
Like stated on the page itself, I welcome all comments and suggestions. I'd like to find a way to present all that information that would be a little easier to use, but for now it will have to do.
Also, the html file hosting site that I found doesn't allow me to update the page once posted, so if I make updates, I will be updating the URL in this post, make sure you check up for updates here.
P.S.: I have an old I.E. at work and the page doesn't display properly at all.. (the host's frame takes up 80% of the page, instead of like 5%.. but hopefully I'm the only one stuck with a crappy browser like IE7!