LF flying/beast/mech stones
Looking for stones:
Flying x 4
Beast x 5
Mechanical x 1
Have to trade:
Dark whelpling
Enchanted broom
Jade owl
Sea pony
Giant sewer rat
Jade crane chick (B/B and H/B)
Mulgore hatchling
Durotar scorpion
Teldrassil sproutling
Tirisfal batling
Rustberg gull
Toxic wasteling
Voodoo figurine
Proto-drake whelp x 3 (uncommon)
Sapphire cub (uncommon)
Fossilized hatchling x 2
Elementium geode x 2
BoE flawless stone (will trade for 2 species-specific stones)
Elemental stone x 2
Dragonkin stone x 1
Humanoid x 1
Holiday pets
Toxic wasteling
Pint-sized pink pachyderm
Spring rabbit
Winter's little helper
Tiny snowman
Blue clockwork rocket bot
Raid pets
Mini mindslayer x 3
Corefire imp
Rep pets
Crimson lasher
Hyjal bear cub
Nether ray fry
Tiny Goldfish
My battletag is Etul#6173, hit me up if you're interested in trading.
Flying x 4
Beast x 5
Mechanical x 1
Have to trade:
Dark whelpling
Enchanted broom
Jade owl
Sea pony
Giant sewer rat
Jade crane chick (B/B and H/B)
Mulgore hatchling
Durotar scorpion
Teldrassil sproutling
Tirisfal batling
Rustberg gull
Toxic wasteling
Voodoo figurine
Proto-drake whelp x 3 (uncommon)
Sapphire cub (uncommon)
Fossilized hatchling x 2
Elementium geode x 2
BoE flawless stone (will trade for 2 species-specific stones)
Elemental stone x 2
Dragonkin stone x 1
Humanoid x 1
Holiday pets
Toxic wasteling
Pint-sized pink pachyderm
Spring rabbit
Winter's little helper
Tiny snowman
Blue clockwork rocket bot
Raid pets
Mini mindslayer x 3
Corefire imp
Rep pets
Crimson lasher
Hyjal bear cub
Nether ray fry
Tiny Goldfish
My battletag is Etul#6173, hit me up if you're interested in trading.
Last edited by Lunarific on March 4th, 2013, 12:03 am, edited 111 times in total.
Re: LF stones
I have a Critter stone.. would you be able to post petsear.ch/Pets link so I could see what breedid you the pets you have available for trade are?
My Btag is Bigjay#1372 I'll be on at around 5ish for 30mins then I won't be able to be back on until around 10pm.
My Btag is Bigjay#1372 I'll be on at around 5ish for 30mins then I won't be able to be back on until around 10pm.
Re: LF stones
Here ya go! http://petsear.ch/Pets/US/Madoran/lunarific
Re: LF stones
Traded Crimson Lasher + Hyjal Bear Cub + Jade Crane Chick for Beast and Undead stones, thanks Razelkrol 

- Neuropathy
- Posts:107
- Joined:June 13th, 2010
- Pet Score:6696
- Realm:Ursin-us
- Contact:
Re: LF stones
Sent friend request, I have Dragon/Undead/Elemental 

Re: LF stones
I have a hummanoid stone ill trade for the durator scorpion
Re: LF stones
@Neuropathy - Friend request accepted, hope to catch you online soon!
@Qwertgod - Sounds good to me, add me on Etul#6173
@Qwertgod - Sounds good to me, add me on Etul#6173

Re: LF stones
Traded aquatic stone for elemental stone, thanks again Neuropathy 

Re: LF stones
Dang it!!!Lunarific wrote:Traded aquatic stone for elemental stone, thanks again Neuropathy
I still have Critter stone available. Could you update the list of what you have available for trade now?!

Re: LF stones
Thanks for the trade Qwertgod!
@Notamonk - I did a more extensive search and found more duplicate pets which I added to the list, it's up-to-date now.
@Notamonk - I did a more extensive search and found more duplicate pets which I added to the list, it's up-to-date now.

Re: WTT pets for stones
Added Legs, also updated what I'm looking for.
Re: WTT pets for stones
Traded Legs for aquatic stone, thanks Nodoom! 

Re: WTT pets for stones
Traded Peanut for a critter stone, thanks Odessa 

Re: WTT pets for stones
I have a dragon stone I would trade for the durotar scorpion if you still have one.
Re: WTT pets for stones
@Koneko - Yup I still do, added ya 

Re: WTT pets/aquatic stone for other stones
Have a spare aquatic stone, list updated.
Re: WTT pets/aquatic stone for other stones
Added you, haven't seen you online yet.
I should be on later this afternoon after work.
I should be on later this afternoon after work.
Re: WTT pets/aquatic stone for other stones
Sorry I haven't been able to catch you online yet, I'm in an oceanic timezone and don't have much time to get on wow during the weekdays. If you're still interested in trading by the weekend though, perhaps we'll be able to trade then!
Re: WTT pets/aquatic stone for other stones
Sure, sounds good.
I've been reserving that stone for you. =^.^=
I've been reserving that stone for you. =^.^=
Re: WTT pets/aquatic stone for other stones
Thanks for the trade Koneko! 
List updated, also got an Anubisath Idol up for trade now.

List updated, also got an Anubisath Idol up for trade now.