Your first pet ever?

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Lysi » January 16th, 2012, 12:34 am

I joined shortly after BC. Someone had clued me in about this website. I looked at all the pets, and my first toon, my dwarf pally, decided she must have the white bunny! (Now all white, back then with some brown.) This is the cheapest pet in the game--I'd just happened to pick something that I could get to, and I could afford! She named her pet Fidget. Later she was quite in a quandary when Fidget earned the "Shave and a Haircut" acheivement--which bunny is Fidget now, the all white bunny, or the white and brown? In the end the original bunny, now white, kept the name Fidget, and the brown and white rabbit she calls Fidgety. My pally still loves bunnies and uses "the Noble" as her title.

My older toons are all very fond of their first pets, and I kind of miss this aspect of creating a new character. Now when I make a toon, many pets show up in the mail immediately, which is nice, but they don't really bond to one special pet the same way. Although pets acquired along the way can be special for various reasons. :D
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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Beegkitty » January 16th, 2012, 12:10 pm

My first toon was a Night Elf druid. I remember getting an owl. I quickly got rid of her because I could not stand the whispers. I then created a Dwarven priestess. She was my main for years. Positive her first was the rabbit. My current main is an Undead priestess. Her first was the White Kitten that I brought over from the black market trade. But I really started collecting/farming when I found the Main Coone that is now the black tabby.

My husband bought the Hippogryph Hatchling for my Dwarf. I want it on my Undead. He found some kid selling the Hatchling for gold in game. He paid some obsene amount of gold for it at the time - which I think now is a paltry sum. I even remember debating which toon I should give it to at the time. I chose the Dwarf....

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Cynfire » January 17th, 2012, 1:58 am

Hmmm my very first toon was a troll hunter, who's first pet was the red snake. I was like lvl 10 and asked some random lvl 50 orc warrior about her axe and where I could get one. She proceeded to run to the AH, brought me enough armor to last me to lvl 30, the red snake and gave me about 200g.

Then once that toon got to lvl 20 I got bored with her and made a draeine hunter. Her first pet was the white kitten. But at the time pets still took up bag space, so altho I wanted to be a pet collector, I decided it would be better to just have the kitten, the worg pup and the blueish spider from the burning stepps quests.

My next "main" was my first big collector, a rogue. I think she had close to 115 pets before I deleted her during wrath, which I'm still kicking myself over! /mumbles about ravenholdt and lockboxes.

My first pet on my current main, Cynfire, was Frosty the Wrath CE pet. I ran around with him out till about lvl 30 when I got the little fawn. I don't use him as often as I'd like cause the spinning got too annoying, but I still love the little guy.

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Poesy » January 28th, 2012, 8:08 pm

The story of my first-ever pet is sort of complicated...

My husband and I played in the vanilla beta. (I played Diablo, he played Starcraft, and we both played EQ, so this new game seemed right up our alley!) My first character was an undead priest, and when I discovered Mr. Payson under the UC bank stairs asking me "Wanna buy a cockroach?" I was like "HECK YES". Fifty silver at the time seemed like an insane amount of money, but I scraped up enough change to buy one. I named her ChaCha (a bit bummed that I couldn't actually name her (yet!)) and I giddily emoted to her for days. It was a tearful goodbye in the Brill graveyard when the beta world counted down it's final moments, but I promised ChaCha that I would come find her again as soon as I could.

Unfortunately, my husband's friend was dead set on rolling Alliance, and my husband in turn wanted to roll with him. Not wanting to be left without leveling partners, I reluctantly made a gnome mage at launch, and so technically, my first pet was the Panda Cub from the Collector's Edition. (Back when you could only pick one, of course, and small-and-cuddly seemed like a best fit.) That character soon acquired a mass of cats and owls and a mechanical squirrel that became her new default traveling companion. A pet collector was born, and bank space was always at a premium! :lol:

Later, when the aforementioned friend moved on, I happily rerolled an undead priest. The minute I had 50 silver, ChaCha and I were reunited! It makes me a bit sad how maligned the Cockroach is among pet collectors, but my darling ChaCha always has a special place in my heart, even if these days she doesn't often get a place at my side.

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Korinth » January 31st, 2012, 10:32 pm

My first pet ever was the Crimson Snake. :) It was a gift from my husband when I first started playing WoW. :) It wasn't until I discovered that you could have a Skunk (Yay STINKER!) that I started collecting hard core though. I wanted Stinker so bad my husband and I worked our butts off to get 50 pets. XD

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Pinkymac » February 14th, 2012, 8:54 pm

When I first started playing I was such a noob, I didn't know anything about WoW. My brother gave me the proto drake whelp, and was like "here's a little dragon that will follow you around!" I freaked out cuz I love dragons and I didn't even know about WoW pets! After that first pet, I couldn't stop collecting them!!

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Phantomflame97 » February 28th, 2012, 2:27 pm

Westfall Chicken! Saw the spread in the Official World of Warcraft Magazine and it showed you how to get a few simple ones. Being level 15, i didn't have experience or money to back me up, so it was a simple one to get. It was the first I ever knew about companions. And thats where it started...

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Quintessence » February 28th, 2012, 7:03 pm

I started playing during vanilla WoW, and on my first run through Deadmines with some guildmates (who were trying to power level me XD), the Siamese Cat dropped. Everyone had one already so I was defaulted the pet. Despite it being so common, I really enjoyed having a little critter follow me around. I wanted more so I did some researching and found that there were a whole bunch of pets I could get my hands on. Haven't looked back since! ^^
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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Sn4tch » April 5th, 2012, 5:12 pm

i think my first pet was the Saimease cat ( then i got the dark whelpling, im obsesed with dragons so thats what started my collection! )

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Ruzgofdi » April 5th, 2012, 8:00 pm

Murky most likely. At the very least, he's the first one I made a concious decision to keep. I don't recall if I was high enough level to have picked up a Worg Pup or Smolderweb Hatchling before Blizzcon 2005.

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Miggea » April 6th, 2012, 8:19 am

My first pet was the Siamese cat, I had started playing with my boyfriend at the time since we wanted to be able to play more games together without having to schedule hangout time around school .. W.O.W was perfect 'cause we could play together from home. Anyway he bought me the cat as a gift and that's when I started collecting!

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Dementron » April 14th, 2012, 7:01 pm

Back when I was but a wee noobling, I was soooooooo excited when I found the Prairie Dog vendor. Fifty silver seemed like a lot of money at the time, but I saved diligently to buy one. I even remember being at work thinking how awesome it was I'd be able to afford one that evening, and trying to decide on a name. I was terribly disappointed to find out I couldn't change its name and never did settle on one, but a friend cheered me up by giving me a Mechanical Squirrel schematic. :D

I actually had a Hyacinth Macaw drop once while questing in STV on my hunter, but that was long before pets were learnable and I didn't want it taking up bag space. I also had no idea just how rare it was. So I sold it for 300g, which seemed like an awful lot of money at the beginning of BC. I still mentally smack myself for this. I finally managed to get one for my collection a few months ago... for 15k on the auction house.

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Gaijin » April 14th, 2012, 8:58 pm

my 1st pet was the dead mine parrot, a friend of mine gave me a DM rush and the parrot dropped I didnt know about pets, how get them... he was my unique companion for a long time, until i met mojo and became pet adicted

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Kaiyou » April 16th, 2012, 9:16 pm

My very first pet was the Siamese cat. I got her, and the other cats except the white kitten and black tabby, as a gift from a random WoW player :) . I learned the siamese one first though once companions became spells, lol. I am forever thankful to that person(can't remember their name :cry: ) for helping me to start on my collection.

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Teasel » April 19th, 2012, 3:14 pm

The Bombay cat. I was a lv 16 druid on a mission to complete her sealion quest and whilst trying to find Westfall, I found the crazy cat lady. I'd only been playing a week or so and didn't have a clue about making money, so had to sell half my gear in order to raise the 40 silver (which seemed very expensive at the time).

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Rower » April 26th, 2012, 3:45 am

Mine was the Prairie Dog of Thunder Bluff :)

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Primmly » April 29th, 2012, 6:47 pm

My first pet was The Alliance Balloon. When I first got to SW everyone was running around with these balloons and so I asked around for how to get them, and about 10 minutes later I had my very own balloon! :D

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Plucky » May 2nd, 2012, 9:24 pm

My first ever pet was probably either a Chicken (seem to recall a friend handing me some feed once) or presumably the common cats from Elwynn Forest, rolled as a Mage with Tailoring and...Herbalism, oh the memories. :p

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Ryo » August 28th, 2012, 12:53 pm

I think the cockroach was my first, because my first character was a forsaken and the nearest vendor I saw was in undercity (but I got later the collector edition and created a new account to have the panda and friends).
Poesy wrote:Fifty silver at the time seemed like an insane amount of money
Ooooh yes :D
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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Syrrie » August 28th, 2012, 4:52 pm

My husband got me playing WoW sometime late BCish and only managed that because he told me I could have a tiger as a pet if I made a hunter. I had no idea about mini pets until he bought me an orange tabby cat, and that was the beginning of the obsession. (I also remember seeing the one Draenei in the starting area with Speedy and going "omg, can I get one of those as a pet?!" which was also part of the start of the obsession)

I always devoted at least half a bag to mini pets to travel around with me, and a good chunk of my bank space was taken up by mini pets, as I rarely had the heart to get rid of any, even the common vendor ones. I remember being ridiculously excited about mini pets becoming part of the spell book and stocking my bank alt's guild bank with all the BOE pets I could find before Wrath hit. I think the very first thing I did on 3.0 patch day was learn all my pets and squee about my new Stinker.

I've since collected a bunch on various other characters as well. I think I had 7 characters with stinker and 4 or 5 with the Lil' Fawn, but I'm most proud of the fact that I was able to get a third character to the Celestial Dragon a while before 5.0 hit. (I've also sunk as much money as I could afford into getting the TCG pets. The only reasonable one I've got left to get is the spectral tiger cub.)
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