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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Guest » February 13th, 2013, 9:45 pm

Gregarious Grell: The Grell is one of my favourite pets; he is both a good damage dealer and a sturdy tank.

One neat combo that not many Grell users have noticed is how Immolate works with the Humanoid Racial. Whenever Immolate does damage, it triggers the humanoid racial, which heals the pet for 4% of it's total health. This almost makes the Grell have it's own hot! For example, you could use Immolate on the enemy and then switch out... being a dot, Immolte will still do damage, so the racial will proc and heal the Grell - even if he's not the active pet! The dot also comes in handy when you decide to use Cauterize. Since it's not a damaging attack, Cauterize won't proc the racial... but if the opponent is afected by immolate, the racial will still proc, giving the Grell extra heals.

I highly recommend them!

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Sangwyn » February 13th, 2013, 10:04 pm

The Enchanted Broom is a great utility pet for starting a team for wild pet battles. By level 4 it will have strong attacks against Dragon, Aquatic and Flying types. The Sandstorm attack (gained at level 2) is a weather effect, useful for overriding an opponent's weather, and the Clean-Up attack (gained at level 4) sweeps items off of the battle field - useful for getting rid of those annoying cyclones. By level 20 it will also gain Batter and Wind-Up, making it a strong counter to Beast types.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Shibadiva » February 13th, 2013, 10:46 pm

Just caught a rare Crimson Geode thanks to a handy tip! With the geode's affinity to suicide, I read about putting it to sleep with Food Coma. Good thing I did that, because it took my Pristine Trap FOUR tries to capture it! To get it down to trapping health, I passed a few rounds until it damaged itself down to the right percentage, since I was afraid I'd hit it and it would immediately finish itself off.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Zeraphole » February 13th, 2013, 11:10 pm

Rapana Whelk: The Ultimate Elemental Killer

I have found that Rapana Whelk is by far the best pet to use against elementals, particularly the Pandaria spirit dailies, because as far as I have seen, it is the only critter pet with aquatic abilities. This means it takes minimal damage against elemental attacks, while doing maximum damage. Start by applying Acidic Goo, then hit it with Dive. This combo gets me through most of the dailies that involve Elemental pets.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Ronkuby » February 13th, 2013, 11:20 pm

When you have to decide which elusive wild pets to persistently camp for a rare, the decision should be based on the number of uncommon vendor/event pets within the family of the wild in question.

For example, if you need rares for both Tiny Twister and Coral Adder pets, the adder is a much more worthwhile camp. If you do the trainer dailies, you will run out of vendor elementals to upgrade long before you run out of beasts. The time spent finding a rare twister will thus be wasted since you will have extraneous elemental stones.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Namic » February 13th, 2013, 11:31 pm

Anubisath Idol

If you are a melee heavy class you can still loot both bosses and increase your chances of having this pet drop. During the fight use a Goblin Dragon Gun, Mark II on Emperor Vek'lor during the fight a few times. This will damage the boss who is immune to melee attacks and allow you to loot him along with Emperor Vek'nilash.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Maximohess » February 14th, 2013, 12:22 am

Finite and my experience with Tamer Rage

I'd like to talk about my use of Finite, my rare Infinite Whelpling, against Bloodknight Antari, the Master Tamer of Outland, but particularly, I want to discuss Tamer Rage. Tamer rage is not exclusive to my use of Finite by any means, but this serves as a great example of it.

I'm sure that many of you have experienced what I'm about to describe here and will no doubt know exactly what I'm talking about. To be clear, I'm not talking about the rage you feel when you get clobbered by a Rare, Epic or Legendary Tamer-team when visiting them for the first time. I suppose this could also be called Tamer Rage, but I'm about to describe a completely different matter. What I would like to hash-out is the rage the Tamers often display toward your team of pets when you bring a lowbie pet into the battle. Is it just me, or have you experienced this too?

For this example:

Finite using Sleeping Gas Healing Flame Early Advantage

Flayer-youngling using Blitz Reflection Rampage

Dancing Water Skimmer using Water Jet Healing Wave Pump

(Note special appearance by Siamese Cat)

Day 1 my Rare level 25 team destroys Bloodknight Antari's team... to put it mildly he was PWND. In fact, getting lucky on several casts of Sleeping Gas in a row, Finite almost solos Antari's pet team by himself. Flayer-youngling comes in at the very end to finish off Netherbite with a couple well placed Blitz attacks and it's all over.

The next several days work out in much the same way.

Day 5 you decide to bring in a lowbie pet, it doesn't really matter which one, you're just doing it in order to gain the tremendous amount of bonus experience that your Siamese Cat gains from Beating a Tamer. Now, low and behold Antari's pet team kicks the living BEEP out of your team. The battle looks something like this: miss miss, miss, hit, miss from your side; and on Antari's side it looks something like: hit, dodge, crit, extra turn, dodge, ability that should be on cooldown, dodge, crit, crit, wipe (sigh).

Ooked in the Jinkin’ Dooker again!

Ok, maybe this is a slight exaggeration (and hopefully a little amusing), but this is sure what it feels likes sometimes. And this is the same fight that was all but soloed the last few days. What gives? The only thing I can seem to attribute this to is Tamer Rage! They hate us bringing in pets to be leveled!!

-Maximohess (Max)

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Panduh » February 14th, 2013, 12:23 am

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Oltanya » February 14th, 2013, 12:26 am

Fel Flame

Though Immolate doesn't say it, both of his middle abilities cause the Burning debuff, which combined with Conflagrate does silly amounts of damage - a great help for leveling your low pets.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Metztli » February 14th, 2013, 12:28 am

Ethereal Soul-Trader

This poor guy got shrunk in MoP, but have no fear! Using a Magical Pet Biscuit or Papa Hummel's Old-Fashioned Pet Biscuit on him will restore him to his former glory!

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Warlock » February 14th, 2013, 1:00 am

Onyxian Whelpling: This pet makes a fantastic all-purpose fighter for handling many different pet families and abilities. Be sure to pick Tail Sweep, Healing Flame, and Lift-Off as your abilities. As a Dragonkin, you gain the advantage of your pet only being weak to Humanoid abilities (which tend to be rarer amongst the Pet Tamer dailies), Flying abilities are weak against your pet (which are somewhat more common), and you get a special damage buff for two rounds when your opponent hits 25% hp or less.

Some tips for effectively using your abilities:
Tail Sweep - This should be your main attack. The Onyxian Whelpling should be high attack, low speed, which means most often you will be slower than an equal-level opponent pet, causing this to hit twice. The main hit does quite a bit of damage for an attack with no round cooldown and the second hit deals a little less than half of that. Times when this move is particularly beneficial are if the opponent is using a one-hit shield (ex: Cocoon Strike) as the first hit will take out the shield and the second will do a little bit of damage to the enemy pet, helping to negate some of the benefit it got from that shield. It's also useful during a Lightning Storm as both hits will cause extra lightning damage on the enemy.

Healing Flame - This is the real skill that makes the Onyxian Whelping a great all-purpose pet. This fantastic heal will restore a fairly significant amount of health, plus half of the last attack. A great time to use this is if you can anticipate a large incoming hit (ex: Burrow, Whirlpool) as the large amount of healing you'll receive will almost totally negate the massive damage you just took. Overall, try to use this on cooldown if you are taking a lot of damage.

Lift-Off - The great thing about this ability is not the damage it deals, but the air phase beforehand. Most massive damage attacks are on predicable cooldowns and the Pet Tamer AI loves to repeat the same series of attacks. So if you can anticipate the enemy using something like Burrow in the same round, you can totally avoid the damage from that attack. For multi-round debuffs that tick when they run out, such as Whirlpool, make sure you activate this when there is 1 round remaining on the debuff. As far as damage goes, this ability can be useful for dealing a large amount, especially vs. Aquatic pets. And to get maximum damage - if you ever kill a pet without activating your extra damage Dragonkin buff (that is, you take them from above 25% to 0% in one attack), use this on the very first round against the next pet to get the benefit of that buff multiplied by the large amount of damage this move does. But likewise, don't waste your buff if you managed to activate it while the last enemy was still alive - you'll use the 2nd round to fly in the air and it will disappear by the time the attack lands. In those cases, you're better off using Tail Sweep.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Nereus » February 14th, 2013, 1:08 am

Corefire Imp

Start your fight with this pet, but when he gets low health, put on his Immolation again so it has its full duration ready (9 rounds). Then put the pet on your bench. Immolation will continue to deal damage to the enemy team's front pet every turn, which will allow Corefire Imp's Humanoid passive to proc 9 times, healing it for 36% of it's maximum health for free while its benched!

Bring it back out, Cauterize once and it'll almost be back at full health again!

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Dragonstorm » February 14th, 2013, 1:12 am

Gilnean Raven

The combination of Call Darkness and Nocturnal Strike is a powerful series of attacks against most opponents and can often one-shot aquatic type opponents.


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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Eudaemonic » February 14th, 2013, 1:16 am

Did you know that Murky brings you more good luck than the "Three Wolves, One Moon" shirt? It's true! I didn't even have to pull out his Lucky Dance and I had some hot Tauren beef chatting with me wanting to know if I wanted to raid with them. All of the auctions I put up with him were bought out within five minutes and I even had Reins of the Raven Lord drop when we took out Anzu together. I think he's going through puberty right now cause his voice has changed but he's still one of the best things to happen to me in Warcraft.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by FuxieDK » February 14th, 2013, 1:32 am

My new favorite is Mr. Bigglesworth.
He's obtained by farming AQ40, BWL, Naxx (10 or 25) and MC.
While AQ40, BWL and MC is easily soloable by all classes, Gluth in Naxx will require a tank-spec to get past Patchwerk..
All in all, an easypet to get, but can be quite time consuming.. However extra pets on the road to Mr. Big sells for 2-3k each o. AH.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Whytdragon » February 14th, 2013, 1:42 am

[pet]Lil' Deathwing[/pet] - First move toss out his Elementium Bolt then Roll. While you're cackling evilly about the impending doom, toss in a Tail Sweep (Because Lil' Deathwing is almost always slower!) and enjoy the show!

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Cascioli81 » February 14th, 2013, 1:58 am

Silithid Hatchling

You must wait for a Sand Storm to capture a Silithid Hatchling. This can take a while so make sure you bring something t play with like your Willy.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Celellach » February 14th, 2013, 2:07 am

Mojo - Made his first appearance in The Burning Crusade expansion with the Zul'Aman raid, was kept in the revamped Cataclysm dungeon.

Since the instance is heroic only, using the dungeon finder with a Cataclysm level character (80-85), can give you more tries per day to get this pet!

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Aingealwroth » February 14th, 2013, 2:34 am

Because sorting through all the replies to see if these were already done would take me longer than the contest is up for, I am post two different pets and tips/comments.

1: Singing Sunflower First of all, one of my favorite pets all around, heal + aoe = yay. Secondly, and more importantly, this is a great pet to use for capturing others. Both same level and lower! With the Sunlight you increase all pet HP and healing done, added to Photosynthesis which does double duty HoT in the Sunlight condition, this pet stays alive quite well.
Also, because the Sunlight increases pet HP, it means that you have a larger % window for capturing other pets. Instead of needing to get a pet down to only about 100 HP at some points, you can pop Sunlight and need more around 200, leaving you a bigger gap for crits, mistakes, and extra attacks!

2: Tolai Hare Pup Not a real tip here, more a comment for those who desire the 'perfect' pet for each of their characters! The Pup is one of the few small pets that does not look totally ridiculous with the smaller races Gnomes/Goblins look normal sized with their Pups in tow.
On the other end of that, your larger races look like Godzilla (esp with some size inhancing potions being used) next to it!
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Fenris (Horde-US) 'Main': Miach, Undead Holy/Shadow Priest.

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Re: CONTEST: Pet Tips for Mini Tyrael!

Post by Fredme98 » February 14th, 2013, 2:43 am

Creepy Crate It's Death Grip ability is a great way to prevent you dealing too much damage to pet you want to catch. However it does do "DATA ERROR" damages, so be careful.

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