New Carps

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Re: New Carps

Post by Angelcat2887 » March 13th, 2013, 2:29 am

Well think i got lucky then, got my little green carp while doing daily's for the angelers, cute little thing tho. :D

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Re: New Carps

Post by Basti » March 13th, 2013, 4:37 am

I finally got my Tiny Blue Carp. No charms used, only the Dragon Fishing Pole from The Anglers. After fishing up 19 Golden Carps, 8 Jewel Danios, 1 Flying Tiger Gourami I tabbed out to visit this site to check on some posts. I tabbed back to Wow to cast my fishing pole and I heard this beautiful "clink" sound. It was the pet, finally! I fished it up from the pool directly west of the Shrine of Seven Stars. I positioned myself right on top of the marker that CollectMe has placed on my map. After doing 2,000 attempts yesterday to catch the green one I am pleasantly surprised that I caught this one easily.

Edit: I also got my Tiny Green Carp today, a total of 193 casts. I caught it in the river behind Stormstout Brewery, again right on top of the spot marked by CollectMe.
Last edited by Basti on March 13th, 2013, 6:29 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: New Carps

Post by Gromagrim » March 13th, 2013, 5:10 am

Waveryn wrote:...created so many fish feasts I had a semi hauling them around...
Whatever does it for you, dude. :lol:

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Re: New Carps

Post by Gwenolyn » March 13th, 2013, 9:53 am

Ok, people who have got the red one: where was it? Was it in a pool or open water? I just fear I'm wasting hours fishing at the wrong place.

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Re: New Carps

Post by Shmoooey » March 13th, 2013, 11:14 am

I fished up over 600 Redbelly Mandarin the other day, no carp. I did manage to get the White carp after about 100 casts though.

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Re: New Carps

Post by Zythehealer » March 13th, 2013, 12:16 pm

Last night I got three of the four carps in about an hour of fishing. I think I used up all my panda luck to be honest (six days of dailies, I've only gotten two snowy pandas and three of the days I've gotten nothing but grey vendor trash). I used Chibipriest's advice in the "Tiny Carp Pets" thread on the WoW Battle Pets forum (I can't link, haven't posted enough yet).

First I got the Tiny Blue Carp. I was at the southern lake nearest Shrine of the Seven Stars in VoEB. Open water, used my beloved Kalu'ak Fishing Pole, Weather Beaten Fishing Hat (altho I wasn't OCD about keeping the buff up) and the Pandaren Fishing Charm. I had spent about an hour on it yesterday afternoon and then the realms went down, got it during my second attempt in the evening. In total I did 200ish casts for the Blue Carp, around half of those during the first attempt and half in the attempt I got the carp.

Immediately after getting my blue carp I headed to Fish Fellreed's dock in VotFW. Same pole/hat/charm setup. Got the Tiny Green Carp after exactly 27 casts in open water.

Finally I headed to the small lake north of Niuzao Temple. Stood on one of the rocks sticking out of the water to avoid the mobs that pat on the shores of the lake. Same pole/hat/charm again. Got the Tiny Red Carp after 50ish casts in open water.

I'll be trying for the White Carp sometime today or tomorrow probably. Will post if/when I get it.

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Re: New Carps

Post by Jalad » March 13th, 2013, 12:24 pm

It sounds like so many people have been so lucky with these. I have probably 1500 casts in, and nothing at all. I sort of expected it, but with so many of you reporting getting them fairly easy, it *does* introduce the creeping doubt that I'm not in a good spot :lol:

EDIT: The solution to not getting stuff is always to post or to talk to guildies about not getting it... then it drops to make you look silly. Tiny Blue carp at the lake in Niuzao, out of a fish of the day pool. My 164th cast of the day in this area.

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Re: New Carps

Post by Ryazan » March 13th, 2013, 1:46 pm

Few possibly useful fishing macros I'm using with explanations BUT first I'll explain some things which you see in the macros:
  • Itemsets (you can rename them to your own liking but mind if they are too long, the macro won't fit):
    • Weapons - An equipset which equips only your weapons, nothing else.
    • PvE - A set of your Pve (or PvP) items you normally use.
    • Fishing - A set of items you use to boost your fishing like fishing rod naturally, boots, gloves, hat etc.
    Bag slot references (i.e. /use 4 23):
    • Basically these just tell macros where your item lies in your bags. First number indicates the bag, left-most bag in the default UI is 4, then 3, 2, 1 and finally 0 is the backbag. The latter number indicates the slot from the respective bag. The slots are numbered starting at 1 going left to right and top to bottom.

      For example, /use 4 3 would use the item in the first slot of the second row in the left-most bag if the bag has only 10 slots (slots 1 and 2 are on the incomplete first row).

1. Equipment macro:
/equipset [combat] Weapons
/stopmacro [combat]
/equipset [noworn:Fishing Pole,nomod] Fishing; [worn:Fishing Pole,nomod] PvE
/use [mod:alt] 4 15
/use [mod:alt] 16
/use [mod:shift] Heat-Treated Spinning Lure
/use [mod:shift] 16
  • This macro is meant to handle your every day fishing equipment. Bolded parts are the ones you need to change for your own details. It's pretty straight-forward but lets see the breakdown anyway:
    • Lines 1 and 2 - These are there for the pesky mobs and players who interrupt your fishing. Basically if you are caught off-guard, you can press the macro to quickly equip your weapon(s). The second line just stops the macro going further when in combat.
    • Line 3 - The default keypress feature, swaps between your normal gear and fishing gear.
    • Lines 4 and 5 - If you have the Ancident Pandaren Fishing Charm, using the macro key with Alt will cast it to your fishing pole. Again, change the bag slot ref for your own.
    • Lines 6 and 7 - Pressing the macro while Shift pressed down will apply the lure in line 8 to your fishing pole.

2. Fishing macro with items and a class ability:
/dismount [mounted]
/equipset [combat, worn:Fishing Pole] Weapons
/startattack [nomod]
/use [mod: ctrl] 4 19
/cast [mod:shift, outdoors, nocombat] Azure Water Strider; [nocombat, worn:Fishing Pole] Fishing; [nomod] Fan of Knives
  • With this macro, you can bind fishing, a mount, an item and a class ability of your choice behind a single key (in theory you could add a second skill too but then you probably face the problem of hitting the macro character limit). Explanation of my macro:
    • If no modifier is pressed, it will cast Fan of Knives and start auto-attacking BUT if ouf of combat and have a fishing pole is equipped, it will cast Fishing instead.
    • If macro is used with Shift down, Water Strider will be cast (could be changed for flying mount for example).
    • If macro is used with Ctrl down, Anglers Fishing Raft will be cast.
    • Dismounts if mounted (needed in order to get Raft cast working).
    • If in combat and a fishing pole is equipped, it will swap back weapons.
    (I don't have a flying in my macro because I have a different macro handling my mounts)
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Re: New Carps

Post by Zythehealer » March 13th, 2013, 4:08 pm

Got my Tiny White Carp today at Chibipriest's final location, small lake to the south of Temple of the White Tiger. Open water, Kalu'ak Fishing Pole, Weatherbeaten Fishing Hat.

I have to admit, I wonder if there is something to these spots. I fished for hours at other locations in the VoEB and VotFW for the blue and green carps. Chibi says she and a guildy both had good results with her spots. So either there is something to them or all three of us got very, very lucky.

This kind of makes up for all the crappy luck I've had with the pandas and battlestones :lol: RNG has HATED me for flawless stones. . .

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Re: New Carps

Post by Pwncess » March 13th, 2013, 4:57 pm

I was trying to fish up one in Townlong and about 20 minutes in I fished up the Sea Turtle.
It may take a while to get a carp, but I can't complain now, lol. :lol:

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Re: New Carps

Post by Hellfiredoom » March 14th, 2013, 11:01 am

Just adding my experience on catching these:

Blue - was in Townlong finishing up zone quests on an alt and saw the swarm spawned in the small lake by the Temple. Tried my luck and got the carp after around 15 mins.

White - fished the Octopus swarm off the coast of Jade Forest, caught after 10 mins.

Green - caught after roughly 5 hours in Valley: 3 hours flying up and down the Yah-Zhe river stopping at every pool, then another 2 hours from open water standing on Fish Fellreed's dock.

Red - 1 hour in Dread Wastes, 2 hours fishing the swarm in Kun Lai (finally got the sea turtle after giving up on that years ago), and another 3 hours yesterday at the Temple Lake in Townlong. After 6 hours still no luck, but today I plan on camping Townlong until this last one is in my bags! :lol:

EDIT: updating so I have one spot tracking my efforts. Another 6 hours at the Temple lake in Townlong... no red fishie yet. Brings total to 12 hours on red alone.

EDIT2: just got the red after 1 hour at Temple lake fishing open water during swarms (too lazy to move to pools), so total 13 hours on red.

Final tally: roughly 18.5 hours to get all 4 carp. Zowie!
Last edited by Hellfiredoom on March 16th, 2013, 4:50 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: New Carps

Post by Breehit » March 14th, 2013, 1:14 pm

I suppose that I am just unlucky. Still fishing for 1-2 hours a day since 5.2 launched, and no luck. Must be at least 1000 casts by now, probably more.

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Re: New Carps

Post by Gwenolyn » March 14th, 2013, 1:51 pm

Fished about 2500 casts for the first 3 (blue, green, and white) combined.

Then I started counting for the red:
553 Sha-touched spinefish
644 Brew Frenzied salmon
131 pools at Niazao lake
730 open water at Niazao lake (287 of which were Golden Carp)

Finally caught in open water at the lake near Temple of Niazao in open water with fishing between 790 and 820 (depending on if my spear was up and when I ran out of lager). All pool fishing was with the Charm. I fished for the red in sha-touched pools for about 90 mins before I started counting... so ya... long one. But now it's over :) Hope this helps someone else!

Good hunting!

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Re: New Carps

Post by Korphi » March 14th, 2013, 2:32 pm

I got the sea turtle.

I have not managed to catch the red carp yet. -.-

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Re: New Carps

Post by Formerruling » March 14th, 2013, 2:40 pm

Korphi wrote:I got the sea turtle.

I have not managed to catch the red carp yet. -.-
This. I got the turtle at about 1200 casts (about 700 being from pools), still not the first carp of all color.

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Re: New Carps

Post by Zingela » March 14th, 2013, 6:37 pm

Caught the first Tiny Carp I set out for--Tiny Red Carp. Followed some advice and fished from the small lake near Niuzao Temple, ended up catching mine in open water there after maybe two hours of fishing. I wasn't counting casts (sorry!), but I was using the Pandaren Fishing Charm and the item appeared as a secondary fish. I'll try for the other three later tonight.

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Re: New Carps

Post by Peanutty » March 15th, 2013, 2:36 am

Been lucky with carps so far, sitting at 3 of 4. Usually have horrible loot luck but I think battle pets like me or something. :)

Caught green on second or third day of patch while trying out the new FIsh of the Day feature, in 3 casts. I thought they'd upped the drop rate from PTR or something, but wasn't sure. Caught white the next day in about 30 casts (Reef Octopus north of Sri La village, which seems to be where everyone goes), and I was *sure* they'd upped the drop rate... and then I saw this thread. And then came the drought...

Since I have the fishing charm I followed the advice on El's Extreme Angling and went for Fish of the Day pools that matched what I was looking for. Spent three days fishing in Vale of Eternal Blossom off and on for maybe 30 min to 1 hour at a time, two of which were Fish of the Day for jewel danio. Today I spent about an hour there and finally fished up blue along with some 10 stacks of jewel danio.

Now just have to get some red friendly Fish of the Day pools going!

Only advice I can give is to take advantage of Fish of the Day spawns and to fish in moderation. I always try to read or do something else on the side while fishing, to just keep it relaxed as possible.

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Re: New Carps

Post by Zingela » March 15th, 2013, 4:23 am

Amadia wrote:
How are people getting secondary fish from open water? I thought the charm only granted extra fish from pools?
You're correct--the charm likely didn't help me on the catch then.

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