Pets with no set place yet

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Pets with no set place yet

Post by Doobjanka » May 1st, 2012, 9:03 am

Only two left with no info. The rest were removed.

Gilnean Raven - Darkshore Vendor
The Gurkster (I'm thinking somewhere in Vashj'ir)
Xelnath (I still don't think he'll be a pet!)
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Re: Pets with no set place yet

Post by Safina » May 1st, 2012, 9:19 am

weren't there like murlocs in the list too?

like pink, purple, green murlocs? I swear I saw something about them when I was checking the journal.

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Re: Pets with no set place yet

Post by Doobjanka » May 1st, 2012, 9:20 am

They are gone from the pet journal.
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Re: Pets with no set place yet

Post by Mortis_darkskull » May 1st, 2012, 9:30 am

Doobjanka wrote:Hardboiled Egg (Been in the game files since Cata.)
I believe hardboiled egg is one of the skills used by "captain" cookie in deadmines.... it's a food he throws at you that spawns a dancing baby murloc :P

edit: I hope I'm wrong though :3

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Re: Pets with no set place yet

Post by Doobjanka » May 1st, 2012, 10:52 am

Mortis_darkskull wrote:
I believe hardboiled egg is one of the skills used by "captain" cookie in deadmines.... it's a food he throws at you that spawns a dancing baby murloc :P

edit: I hope I'm wrong though :3
I admit, I've gone in there on normal and just let him hit me with food hoping to somehow get that pet!
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Re: Pets with no set place yet

Post by Safina » May 1st, 2012, 11:04 am

Doobjanka wrote:They are gone from the pet journal.
oh well that isn't fun D=<. when will they let us poor pet freaks get one without having to fly around the world to go to a blizzcon or spend 60 some bucks for one from an online ticket T.T.

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Re: Pets with no set place yet

Post by Lysi » May 1st, 2012, 12:49 pm

Safina wrote:
Doobjanka wrote:They are gone from the pet journal.
oh well that isn't fun D=<. when will they let us poor pet freaks get one without having to fly around the world to go to a blizzcon or spend 60 some bucks for one from an online ticket T.T.
No murlocs?! *cry*
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Re: Pets with no set place yet

Post by Dementron » May 1st, 2012, 8:59 pm

Doobjanka wrote:There are a few pets we're all excited about that don't have a zone or any info, so lets compile those into a list we can update when we finally find them.

Baby Shark
Bronze Whelpling
Bubbles (Although rumor says it's Fishy)
Bush Chicken
Crimson Serpent
Gilnean Raven (But to be fair, it's probably in Gilneas!)
Hardboiled Egg (Been in the game files since Cata.)
The Gurkster (I'm thinking somewhere in Vashj'ir)
Xelnath (I still don't think he'll be a pet!)

Any I've missed? The named ones might be the rares they are talking about that only spawn randomly.
The Gilnean Raven and The Gurkster have full sets of abilities and will probably be pets, but the others are probably relics or there for testing purposes. I've just checked the Journal in the beta, and all the pets on this list besides these two and Xelnath have disappeared.

Murki was added in patch 1.12.1, but has never been seen, and its purpose is unknown. It would be awesome to finally have a baby murloc available in-game, but Blizzard seems set on making baby murlocs something available only through promotions. Like Murki, the Bronze Whelpling has also been around since 1.12.1, though I'm sure it will become a pet eventually, since it's the only whelpling from the main five flights that we don't have yet. The Crimson Serpent is probably the npc summoned when a JC uses Figurine - Crimson Serpent, though I'd hoped it might be a JC craftable pet. I had high hopes for the Baby Shark, since I recall it having full battle abilities and we have other aquatic pets now, but it has been in the files since 3.0.1, and sadly the little guy is gone from the journal. Hopefully at some point we'll get the toothy little guy back.

Judging by the comments at the Hardboiled Egg seems to have been a part of the Cookie encounter in Cata Deadmines that was later removed (I'm guessing it was only available during the beta). According to the comments, the pet was only temporary anyway. Lizzy has also been in the files for the duration of Cata, but seems to be an actual companion pet, unlike the Hardboiled Egg. We may see Lizzy at some point, but if I remember correctly, she is the same color as the wild Warp Stalker Hatchling, and Blizzard seems to be avoiding making the wild pets duplicates of pets that are still available through other means. The Bush Chicken seems like a good candidate for a wild pet, since there are wild critters with that model and it's not available any other way. Maybe that will make a comeback at some point.

I'm pretty sure Xelnath is a placeholder or some developer's test pet (like PattyMack).

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