My shammy did get the Magical Crawdad! I'm not sure exactly how the account wide pets will work, but hopefully getting any pet (even though it's not on my pet collector) will count towards future pet achievements. It's nice to be able to work on Salty for my shammy and help my pet collection, too, so I hope it will work that way. My mount collector got the Nether Ray Fry while working on that rep, so hopefully I'll never had to do that again, either, lol. And my actual pet collector, Lysi, finished the quests for Tiny Flamefly. So it's been a good week. :0)
My mount collector is up to 80 mounts, and I'm trying to figure out how to get to 100. I think I've finished the rep grinds that yield multiple mounts, so it's going to be one here one there and I'm trying to figure out the easiest path. I started working on the Winterspring mount today (it works like the Venomhide now), and started working on the Noblegarden mount. I'll be getting the Darkmoon bear next month. I tried running Culling of Stratholme with my husband once, after multiple fails alone, and we weren't fast enough, but I think we could do it with practice. I'm starting to think it's a myth Anzu drops a mount, lol. So, yeah, working on various mounts, between other projects. If you want to take a peek at my collection and heckle or whatever, lol, it's here, if I'm missing something easy please let me know (keep in mind, I have no skill and few people to help me, lol)