Retitled: Criticism >:(

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Retitled: Criticism >:(

Post by Index » May 24th, 2013, 5:32 pm

Right, I don't normally do this, but this patch has been nothing but a poke in the eye for pet collectors. Lets have a small re-cap:

20 new pets.

1 behind a HEROIC raid encounter. Thanks for that.
10 behind old raids, with a pretty crappy low drop rate + 1 as a bonus. Thanks for that.
1 Behind a long and boring grind collecting wood and other crap. Thanks for that.

See where I'm going with this??

1 behind farming dinosaurs, with a crappy low drop rate. THANKS FOR THAT!
1 behind PVP pet battles. Oh dear god the rage this has caused....
1 from the pet store. Yay, MORE ££££ to get a pet.
1 from farming (see. More farming) Slimes in Isle of Thunder.
1 from LFR. A small token of gratitude for us?
1 from Horridon. Doesn't say what raid level?
1 lets not even mention the Val'kyr, and the APPALING mechanics behind that one!!!

This is the most p****d off I have ever been in the time I have played this, it seems like they went "oh shit, we lost 1.3 million subs, let's make the poor suckers that are left suffer and keep them paying"

Am I the only one that feels this way?

My apologies to the admins on the site, you guys do a bang up job, I just wish Blizz would take a look in and realize people aren't happy with this at all.

Rant over.

Sorry :(

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Re: Retitled: Criticism >:(

Post by Quintessence » May 24th, 2013, 6:06 pm

Index wrote: 1 behind a HEROIC raid encounter. Thanks for that.
Unless they changed it last minute from the PTR, the Heroic mode only pet was changed to Normal and Heroic only. There's a second one that drops off the same boss (Primordius) and that's only available from LFR.

So I don't think there's a Heroic-only pet anymore, but correct me if I'm wrong.

Edit: Also, if a pet doesn't indicate a specific raid mode, it means it can come from all three. So for example, the pet off of Horridon can come from LFR, Normal and Heroic mode.
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Re: Retitled: Criticism >:(

Post by Clatong » May 24th, 2013, 6:43 pm

I know everyone finds different things fun/interesting, so some (many?) people are bound to not be happy about changes.

I prefer the way they did it to the opposite end of the spectrum, where I could easily solo all 20 new pets in a couple days, then get bored waiting for 5.4.

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Re: Retitled: Criticism >:(

Post by Anasa » May 24th, 2013, 7:20 pm

I guess my question is: How do you want to be able to get pets? You don't like the (soloable) old raids. You don't like the new raids. You don't like hunting for elusive wild pets (val'kyr). You don't like having to spend a couple hours questing (ghaz'rooki). You don't like "farming" or grinding. You don't want to buy them. You don't want to "PvP" (in a turn-based, no consequences way).

For something that's supposed to be a "mini-game," I can't figure out what you'd actually be willing to do to get some rare pets.

None of these pets are needed for anything at all (except one achievement). So I'll ask you again: What are you willing to do?

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Re: Retitled: Criticism >:(

Post by Tiggindy » May 24th, 2013, 9:26 pm

Index wrote:1 behind a HEROIC raid encounter. Thanks for that.
Still aggravating even if it is in normal or heroic. Not everyone is in a guild that can form raids. When we do raid as a guild, we've got probably 6 peeps, so it's LFR as a group.

However, it's tradeable. You can buy it, or trade for it, so it shouldn't be that big a deal.
10 behind old raids, with a pretty crappy low drop rate + 1 as a bonus. Thanks for that.
The drop rate isn't the issue (though it can be bad).

What is the issue are the mechanics gimmicks that made these things a challenge back in the day that prevent reasonable solo now. The chess event isn't too bad, but it's annoying. The first fight in BWL is a prime example of this. It blocks solo peeps from progressing in BWL to get at the other pets there. The fight vs Vashj is at least as annoying as the BWL fight, but at least this is at the end of the raid rather than the start.

If you have a friend, then 2 of the 3 are trivial, and the third is very doable as long as the friend understands the mechanic. :roll:
1 Behind a long and boring grind collecting wood and other crap. Thanks for that.
It's not that long if you do it right.

Follow the groups killing the Ko'kron Commanders, you'll get a decent stack of 3 kinds, and a large stack of the 4th. In between commanders, just farm as normal. The commanders spawn often enough that it goes fairly fast. Once I joined in doing that, I was finished much sooner than I'd initially anticipated.
See where I'm going with this??
While there are legitimate complaints, the intent isn't for you to get all the pets all at once (Blizzard still doesn't understand the players :roll: :lol: ). Blizzard wants stuff that keeps people playing, stuff that can't all be done in a single afternoon while they work furiously for months to put out the next content patch.
1 behind farming dinosaurs, with a crappy low drop rate. THANKS FOR THAT!
I don't think the drop rate is bad. I spent a couple hours there and got one. A guildie spent less time and got 2 (but he's a super-hunter and can solo the big ones and the little ones). I spoke to some other collectors on my realm and they got theirs in a couple hours too.
1 behind PVP pet battles. Oh dear god the rage this has caused....
If I wanted to PvP, I'd have been PvPing from the start.

However long and painful the slog to 1000 wins is going to be, I look at it as similar to the holiday meta achievements. I didn't want to PvP then, but I did it anyway (actually, I completed WaLSTIB on 8 toons before Cata).
1 from the pet store. Yay, MORE ££££ to get a pet.
Yeah, not thrilled, but they'll be getting my $$ anyway.
1 from farming (see. More farming) Slimes in Isle of Thunder.
The drop rate here is not bad. What would be a legitimate complaint is the fact that it was initially bugged. They really do need better QA at Blizzard.
1 from LFR. A small token of gratitude for us?
1 from Horridon. Doesn't say what raid level?
Both from LFR.

It's no different than the sandling, ji-kun hatchling or son of animus. All of those are tradeable, and if you wait a little bit, the prices will drop from newness-stupid to reasonable. Yes, not everyone has a ton of gold, but gold comes easier now than before, and if you do LFR yourself and somehow get dupes, then you can trade those for the ones you have.
1 lets not even mention the Val'kyr, and the APPALING mechanics behind that one!!!
I'm not a fan of the 27 spawn points across the continent, but is that really any worse than the other rare spawns?

Rather than hanging out in a single spot (along with eleventy-billion other peeps), you fly around. (and realize that there's 1-5 other peeps camping each of the spots because of CRZ. :o )

Other than the gimmick mechanics that should be adjusted for small group/solo of old raids, none of these is really all that awful.

Then again, my basis for comparison is camping all colors of whelplings for 13 different toons, with 3 others having 3 of the colors. Plus all the running around/camping/farming/&ct. I did to get multiples of dozens and dozens of other pets.

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Re: Retitled: Criticism >:(

Post by Index » May 25th, 2013, 7:00 am

Afternoon all.

Some interesting points made there, and I do agree, there's a lot of hard work involved in getting the pets!!

To the person that said what am I willing to do to get them:

all of it. Yes, all the grinds, the PVP nightmare, the farming, the whole lot. I was just disappointed that almost EVERY pet was hidden behind some sort of long haul, and there was no "easy" collecting to be had to break up the monotony ;)

My pets will come, but they could have given us a few more simple to find pets is what I guess i was trying to say.

Peace out, and back to the PVP ><


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Re: Retitled: Criticism >:(

Post by NathKnave » May 25th, 2013, 8:53 am

Tiggindy wrote:
Index wrote:1 behind a HEROIC raid encounter. Thanks for that.
Still aggravating even if it is in normal or heroic. Not everyone is in a guild that can form raids. When we do raid as a guild, we've got probably 6 peeps, so it's LFR as a group.
I really don't think it's the one from normal or heroic that people should be concerned about. Once Mists of Pandaria is behind us, those 6 peeps you can gather together will probably have no problem going back to Throne of Thunder and running through it on normal to try for pets. How easy do you think it's going to be to get into a raid finder group for ToT once a new expansion comes out? I have a feeling that in a few years it's the one from raid finder that becomes truly rare. Unless they change either how raid finder can be run or how this pet drops.

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Re: Retitled: Criticism >:(

Post by Quintessence » May 25th, 2013, 10:09 am

NathKnave wrote:I really don't think it's the one from normal or heroic that people should be concerned about. Once Mists of Pandaria is behind us, those 6 peeps you can gather together will probably have no problem going back to Throne of Thunder and running through it on normal to try for pets. How easy do you think it's going to be to get into a raid finder group for ToT once a new expansion comes out? I have a feeling that in a few years it's the one from raid finder that becomes truly rare. Unless they change either how raid finder can be run or how this pet drops.
This. So much this!

I'm also very concerned with the LFR-only pets/items as well. Unless they make them available some other way, once we out-level the current LFRs, we'll only be able to rely on alts that are the appropriate level. Even then, the queues will be painful as there won't be nearly as many queuing up.
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Re: Retitled: Criticism >:(

Post by Moonraise » May 25th, 2013, 10:52 am

In some respects I understand the way they do things, especially with the Val'kyr. Having one spot (IE: Minfernal) that you have a ton of people camped on is a bit ridiculous, not to mention the added cross realm shenanigans, this way if you power leveled a toon it's a good way to get your Loremaster title, not to mention battle pets you haven't in that area and do quests you skipped because 90 was a goal. Looking on the brighter side of things helps, because I really wanted to take a Blizz developers ear and jam it with ALL my complaints.

Not everyone would be happy, but it's hard to do in the gaming biz. =)

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Re: Retitled: Criticism >:(

Post by Index » May 25th, 2013, 12:47 pm

Having had some time to reflect (and chill a bit) I'm sorta coming round to things a bit. I'm still a bit hacked off with certain aspects, but in the words of Elmarc I complained to much ^^

I guess it could have been worse, like everything behind raids or PVP or both, but the fact is Blizz have to keep us hunting, and this was actually a bit more interesting than "go here, capture that" over and over.

Still, I feel they have lessons they could learn like for every 4-5 harder to get pets, give us 1 easier one to balance it out =)

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Re: Retitled: Criticism >:(

Post by Stormrow » May 25th, 2013, 1:05 pm

i shall say that the undead val'kyr just popped up for me and was dead easy ;p no pun intended:)

I have a few of the old raid pets now due to soloing kara, ssc and tk on each of my 90's and rather chuffed with myself for soloing the chess:D

I have bought 2 off the ah and will continue looking:) the collecting quest was ok because i killed lots of commanders with the rest of the 90's in the barrens.

Now im just waiting for the right moment to ask 2 mates to come to the isle of giants with me. As a disc priest, i cant really solo the elites:)

So, i understand the frustration as i want the pets NOW, but as a mature (?) player i believe in delayed gratification.... well, some of the time:D

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Re: Retitled: Criticism >:(

Post by Valielina » May 26th, 2013, 3:50 am

I can see your frustration with the raid drop pets. If you are not a raider you will have to resort to a guildie that is, or spending gold. But all of the other points you seemed upset about I don't really understand.

I realize that people like different things, and I respect that. But collections, of any kind, are meant to highlight something special. If there isn't something rare, or difficult to obtain what is the point. Sure I have all the pets that can be caught in the wild, except the summer pet of course. That was easy, and didn't really require any type of skill. I don't bring out my Amber Moth to show off, I bring out my Darkmoon Rabbit or my [pet]Unborn Val'kyr[/pet] or my Minfernal. All of those pets took a lot of hard work and patience. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

What is the point of collecting stuff if it is all easy to get? There is nothing to really strive for. When you do finally get all of the pets that you have worked towards, and toiled away searching for you will feel awesome, and appreciate them even more. While hunting for them, you will curse their existence and shake your frustrated fist at the screen....I did lol. But in the end I was thrilled and happy to have those experiences.

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Re: Retitled: Criticism >:(

Post by Dash » May 26th, 2013, 4:13 am

Quintessence wrote: This. So much this!

I'm also very concerned with the LFR-only pets/items as well. Unless they make them available some other way, once we out-level the current LFRs, we'll only be able to rely on alts that are the appropriate level. Even then, the queues will be painful as there won't be nearly as many queuing up.
Same here. I can't raid at the moment because of.. well, reasons ... and I'm a bit worried about if i'll be able to grab this guy before the next x-pack.
That said, it was roughly the same mechanics for the blue drake, dropping from random-LFG Occulus only, and now available on Malygos, satchels and I'm guessing BMAH.
But as other have been saying, there'll always be straight up buying from the AH and trading.

That said, all in all I'm quite content with the multiple ways to acquire new pets, it just shows how diverse this game is afterall. More importantly i'm super happy about the fact that Blizz gave us so many awesome new models!!

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Re: Retitled: Criticism >:(

Post by Elmarc » May 26th, 2013, 5:06 am

I like it how you raged the first few hours about pvp pet battles. and the next day you win everything :D You're having a better win rate as i have already. And i used to do a little pvp before patch even :) Either way it's good to spill your irritations sometimes to get a little relaxed :). Just dont rush all pets in 1-3 days, even though everyone would like to have them all asap, unfortunatly we can't. Keep up the collecting, you'll be fine matey.

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Re: Retitled: Criticism >:(

Post by Index » May 26th, 2013, 5:20 am

OK, current thoughts:

1 behind a HEROIC raid encounter.
Since they made it Normal or Heroic, I suspect a Higher chance of seeing it on the AH at some point soon. $$ fixes this one.

10 behind old raids, with a pretty crappy low drop rate + 1 as a bonus.
Since they removed the group thing to enter raids, apart from some horrid mechanics *looking at you Vash'J) I'm already at 9/10, so not as bad as I thought.

1 Behind a long and boring grind collecting wood and other crap.
As someone pointed out above, simply going with the others to kill the commanders, and picking up the odd overturned cart, this took me about an hour all in, again not as bad as I thought.

1 behind farming dinosaurs, with a crappy low drop rate.
Still hunting this one, and 3k bones towards the mount. the hunt goes on...

1 behind PVP pet battles. Oh dear god the rage this has caused....
This one I still hate, tho as Elmarc said I've turned round winning one in 10 to winning 1 in 3. Even got my 5 battles in a row with no dead pets somehow o0

1 from the pet store. Yay, MORE ££££ to get a pet.
Yep, they'll still get my $$ here too, just have to make sure the wife doesn't see it ;)

1 from farming (see. More farming) Slimes in Isle of Thunder.
Oh dear god I hate these slimes with a passion. 1k+ kills and counting, still no pet... Edit: just dropped. WOOT!

1 from LFR. A small token of gratitude for us?
I'll get this from the AH or if I'm lucky in the raid itself.

1 from Horridon. Doesn't say what raid level?
As above.

1 lets not even mention the Val'kyr, and the APPALING mechanics behind that one!!!
So, parking alts at all known positions, and randomly logging in netted me one at 2am Friday morning. Still a horrid mechanic, tho I prefer it to the Minfernal.

The OP was made after losing something like 50 PVP battles in a row, so was made in haste and anger. By mixing it up a little, and not focusing so hard on one thing, the rage has faded, and it's now quiet contemplation and looking forward to actually seeing the pets drop :)

Peace out!


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Re: Retitled: Criticism >:(

Post by Finkployd » May 26th, 2013, 9:48 am

Why does everyone expect to have all the pets right away. When you have them all there won't be anything to do. Why not just enjoy the hunt?

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Re: Retitled: Criticism >:(

Post by Tiggindy » May 26th, 2013, 11:53 am

Finkployd wrote:Why does everyone expect to have all the pets right away. When you have them all there won't be anything to do.
I can't speak for anyone else, but when I have them all there will just about everything to do.

I haven't leveled alts, done much with trade skills, I haven't finished reps (and dailies), I haven't worked on achievements. There's LOTS for me to do. ;)
Why not just enjoy the hunt?
Must have complete cuteness! nownownoWnOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOW! :lol:

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Re: Retitled: Criticism >:(

Post by Quintessence » May 26th, 2013, 1:42 pm

Finkployd wrote:Why does everyone expect to have all the pets right away. When you have them all there won't be anything to do. Why not just enjoy the hunt?
I don't expect to get pets as soon as they're released, but I do make every effort to get them ASAP. Why? Because whenever there are new pets to collect, I pretty much put all other WoW activities on hold (aside from raiding). The sooner I can collect all the new babies, the sooner I can get back to doing other things. I'm the type that ends up tunneling a specific task until it's complete. XD

On top of that, collecting all the new pets is far from being the end of the road now. Once upon a time, once you collected them, you'd be done with your adventure. But ever since Pet Battles was introduced, there are many more ways to use your pet collection. Level, upgrade, PVP, etc. Collecting is only a fraction of the entire task at hand imo! :P
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Re: Retitled: Criticism >:(

Post by Catalytic » May 28th, 2013, 8:33 am

What pet is from PvP battles?

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Re: Retitled: Criticism >:(

Post by GilroyKilroy » May 28th, 2013, 9:25 am

Catalytic wrote:What pet is from PvP battles?
Stunted Direhorn

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