Hey there!
Game Master Zylotrix here. I hope this message finds you doing well.
I'm truly sorry for any trouble this has caused you thusfar. I totally understand how frustrating it is when things won't cooperate when you just want to play! You're not asking for much right? Just smooth sailing. We totally agree! With that said, I want to thank you for being so cool about this and hanging in there with us.
The good news is that the process all starts with players like you taking the time to let us know about these odd issues! With that being said, I wanted to personally give you a heartfelt thanks for looking out for the game world and the community. At this point you’re probably wondering “Well that’s all super cool and awesome, but what does this mean for me now?” Read on!
Basically, once we get a report like this we (Game Masters) send a report to our Quality Assurance (QA) guys on your behalf, which will then go right up the chain to our developers so that they can begin the process of troubleshooting the bug and then laying out the groundwork for a fix that will likely come in a later patch. Because we can't give an estimated time as to when the developers can fix an issue like this, I recommend keeping an eye on the forums where any and all updates regarding the issue will be posted. You can find them here: <http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/>
For any bugs you may encounter in the future, the fastest and most efficient way to let us know would be to use the newly implemented 1-click report feature. Just click on the red question mark on your bar and then click "Submit Bug." This will go directly to the developers and contain specific game information on where you submitted the bug from, what stats your character had, etc. Basically it makes QA’s life much easier and therefore you’re likely to get a more quick fix for the bug you’re reporting (win-win situation!)
Thank you again for being one of the heroes to step up and get this type of information up to us to tackle; you have no idea how much of a help it is! Other than that, get back out there and score yourself some epic loot and legendary adventures!
To close out this ticket, simply press Message Read, and this will send you off to continue your journeys. If there's anything we can do for you in the future, don't be shy!
Best wishes,
Game Master Zylotrix
Blizzard Entertainment