What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

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What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Chrth » June 6th, 2013, 7:35 am

Looking at the pets I still need, I can't help but notice Lashtail Hatchling sitting there. And Searing Scorchling. And it's like, my main already is up to the point where she just needs to kill Mandokir. And I have two toons with at least 15 marks of the world tree that need to do less than a day's worth of molten front dailies to have a shot, and at least four other toons that have already opened it up.

What about you? Any pets that are sitting on your to-do list and you've just been putting it off for no good reason?

EDIT: I don't include Crawling Claw in that assessment, because the amount of work to get it could be staggering, even if your toon already has Tol'vir Archaeology unlocked.
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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Dragonwizard » June 6th, 2013, 7:40 am

For me it's the Argent Gruntling. Doing that grind again on a third toon is just not going to be any fun. Never mind the fact that my highest level Horde toon is a 61 DK so I would still have to level at least to 80 on top of it.
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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Emi » June 6th, 2013, 7:42 am

Minfernal. Getting more rares. It's more mounts for me. The Argent Tourny mounts... I *really* don't want to do those dailies.

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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Shandu » June 6th, 2013, 8:10 am

All of the Tiny Carp, I just can't bring myself to go fishing again after getting the Turtle mount =( ...which is kind of odd as I did grind for the Crawling claw AND Tol'vir battle tank mount XD just getting lazy.

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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Gendou » June 6th, 2013, 8:54 am

Searing Scorchling:
Going back and doing the Molten Front dailies just isn't at the top of any list.
They take time, even at 90, and it's just annoying to do. I'd do it on an alt, but you have to have the entire Molten Front unlocked and finished (over a month of dailies) just to get started on getting a chance to get the pet.

Crawling Claw:
Another one I keep meaning to grind out and keep neglecting to do it in lieu of other stuff during my limited playtime. I'll probably wait until my Alchemist Druid hits 90 and grind it out on him using Pandaria sites - that way I have a shot at the Stone Drake recipe as well.

Tiny Red Carp, Tiny Blue Carp:
I keep meaning to go and grind these out, but I keep putting it off.
I used to check to see if their special fishing spots were up, but I keep forgetting to check.

Spectral Porcupette:
Need to get some guildies together to grind this out.
It's just too slow to do it on your own, even with a pet class like a Warlock.

[pet]Spawn of G'nathus[/pet]:
Another one I need to get some guildies together to go get.

This one wouldn't be so bad if I'd just get out there and do it.
I just keep putting it off.

I could also add all of the Throne of Thunder raid pets into this list.
I burned myself out running all four wings of LFR ToT every reset.
Now I dread the thought of going back in there, even though I need so many more Secrets of the Empire
And I still haven't seen a single raid pet drop. :(

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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Yellowlab » June 6th, 2013, 9:06 am

I have put pretty much 0 effort into getting the unborn val'kyr. I actually have put effort in the raiding for leashes 2 pets, but the drop rate is TERRIBLE and I only have 1 level 90 toon, so it looks like I have done nothing. I just don't want to pay for them :p

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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Chrth » June 6th, 2013, 9:07 am

Gendou wrote:Searing Scorchling:
Going back and doing the Molten Front dailies just isn't at the top of any list.
They take time, even at 90, and it's just annoying to do. I'd do it on an alt, but you have to have the entire Molten Front unlocked and finished (over a month of dailies) just to get started on getting a chance to get the pet.
Whoa, that's not true at all! You're thinking of the Hyjal Bear Cub. You can buy the bag the Scorchling might be in on day 1 or 2, and I think you can get 2 bags every 3 days if you complete all the dailies.

EDIT: For the Spectral Porcupette, I didn't find it too bad to grind it myself. Maybe did it in six or seven sessions while queued for LFRs.
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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Gendou » June 6th, 2013, 9:16 am

Chrth wrote:Whoa, that's not true at all! You're thinking of the Hyjal Bear Cub. You can buy the bag the Scorchling might be in on day 1 or 2, and I think you can get 2 bags every 3 days if you complete all the dailies.
Did they change it?
Back during Cataclysm, I unlocked the Molten Front dailies on an alt, ground out the 30 marks, but it wouldn't let me spend them on a cache until I had unlocked all of the vendors. Believe me, I tried.

This [url=http://www.wowhead.com/item=71631#comments:id=1839801]Wowhead Comment posted just a couple of months ago[/url] confirms my experience.

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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Chrth » June 6th, 2013, 10:03 am

Gendou wrote: Did they change it?
Back during Cataclysm, I unlocked the Molten Front dailies on an alt, ground out the 30 marks, but it wouldn't let me spend them on a cache until I had unlocked all of the vendors. Believe me, I tried.

This [url=http://www.wowhead.com/item=71631#comments:id=1839801]Wowhead Comment posted just a couple of months ago[/url] confirms my experience.
My apologies then! For some reason I didn't think that was necessary.

DAMMIT, guess my main has more work to do.
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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Tahsfenz » June 6th, 2013, 11:41 am

I was lazy with Molten Front. Now I'm lazy with the lashtail, pebble and the fox kit.

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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Gwenolyn » June 6th, 2013, 11:55 am

The new Dino from PVP... haven't even started :(

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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Anasa » June 6th, 2013, 1:49 pm

Wild pets. I am lazy about making sure I collect something in every zone, or every type of wild pet.

Also, Crawling Claw.

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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Quintessence » June 6th, 2013, 3:31 pm

Gwenolyn wrote:The new Dino from PVP... haven't even started :(
Ditto. Despite reading AWESOME guides/tips/info from all of our seasoned battlers here on WarcraftPets, I still haven't gathered enough desire to do it. PVP is just.... bleh for me. I probably won't see the pet from the achievement for a while. :(
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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Ishildur » June 6th, 2013, 4:30 pm

Clock 'em. I'm pretty sure I can reach rank 4 fairly easily by now, I just haven't found myself motivated enough to do the brawler's guild yet. Having to wait in line to get to do the fights is a factor as well. It's not a long wait exactly for each fight, it's just that I can't do anything else while waiting.

Sumprush Rodent. I have all I need to buy the crate, and I have the partial excuse that I'm waiting for some guildies to level their pet teams so they can also get the pet. The truth is though that I just haven't felt like picking the pet up now that I'm done with the grind for the currency. It's like when I'm almost done with a game and just have the final battle left... then can never get around to doing that final battle.

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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by NathKnave » June 6th, 2013, 5:16 pm

For me it was the Enchanted Lantern. As I mainly play Alliance (I've never had a Horde toon at max level until last month), this Horde-only enchanting pet had always eluded me. I've had a toon Horde-side that knew enchanting, but just wasn't high enough to learn the recipe. Every time I saw it on the auction house, it just seemed like too much to pay, since "I just need to level that toon and learn it." Finally, last week, I actually saw one that was too cheap to pass up, 12g or something like that.

Now that I have that, I'd have to say it's down to the Spectral Porcupette and the Direhorn Runt from the Isle of Giants. Grinding the bones to purchase the Pocupette just hasn't worked out for me so far. I can solo most of the dinosaurs on the island, but it takes all of my cooldowns and then I have to wait for them all to be ready again, pretty boring. I play on a pretty dead server with about five good friends, but I can't seem get them interested in helping me out.

PvP'ing for the Stunted Direhorn is something I just can't seem to get myself into. I was hoping the weekly quest would be enough to get me started, but I looked at the rewards and I can get about 10 times that in a day with PvE dailies. And 250 wins seems so far away that I can justify putting it off.

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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Yalina » June 6th, 2013, 6:42 pm

I've been stalling on Clock'Em. I have the Brawler's Guild invite, but when I went to check out the place, I got far too intimidated when I realized how many people were there watching. And then someone laughed at me, so I hearthed out of there. Need to either learn to ignore the spectators or try this at 3 am.

I went bone farming on Sunday afternoon, and got 450ish bones (and 3 runts) in a few hours. Beary & I can take out the direhorn hatchlings (without crazy cooldown use), and the smaller devilsaurs (with crazy cooldown use). Just need to head back and finish it off.

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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Livingdeath » June 6th, 2013, 7:01 pm

Clock'Em. Mainly because my gear sucked.

When MoP hit I leveled my main to 90 and collected pets along the way. I used to PvP and PvE, but since pet battling came I totally let both of them lapse and I decided to spend this xpac getting my collection in shape. So most of my time was spent collecting as many rare & unique pets as possible. It took a while to collect most of the pets in game, but eventually I did and I found I had a lot of free time because I wasn't farming for pets anymore. I then spent all my time leveling them, which as you might guess, is a bit mind numbing. In fact I'm close to having my entire collection leveled now, which means I've been thinking about what I should do next.

This past week I settled on finally gearing my toon up. As a side note I figured it would also help with Brawler's Guild and it has. I'm almost done with Rank 2 now. I still want to fix up my main's gear because I've been super lazy about it this expansion, but I have to admit it's been nice to avoid the whole capping conquest / valor thing for the last few months. :D

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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Threnody » June 6th, 2013, 7:57 pm

Fox Kit. Sigh. I'm a week away from having enough tokens but I've been saying that for a couple of months now :D I hate dailies! Even though the TB dailies just take around 15 minutes to complete.

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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Maizing » June 6th, 2013, 8:26 pm

[pet]Clock'em[/pet]... I have managed to get to Rank 3 with the Brawler's Guild and only have 4 fights left to get to Rank 4, but the first of those 4 fights has been too hard for me, I have tried a few times, but after my last wipe, I have just been putting off trying again. It doesn't help that my gear sucks.

Otherwise, I have been picking up what pets I can (that are too hard for me to get, such as the new Raid pets) on the auction house. I even bought my Tiny White Carp from the auction house. If [pet]Clock'em[/pet] could be caged, I would get it off the auction house too. Bleah! :roll:

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Re: What Pets Have You Been Lazy in Getting?

Post by Dash » June 6th, 2013, 10:57 pm

I'm too lazy to battle pets in the wild and grind those last 5 stones I'm missing (3 beasts, 2 mecha). I should just skip the daily tamers, which I do religiously, and spend the time battling those specific families of pets instead. The odds of me getting just the stones I need from tamer bags are just so slim, although admittedly I've been really lucky since 5.3 dropped.
All I need is a specific, beasts filled spot like we have with birds in Dragonblight, and Krasarang wilds doesn't really do it for me. I need the kind of spot where you just don't move and chain battles. Yup, you can call that lazy :D

On the other hand, this post just gave me an idea ... :D

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