1) What is it? Why is it there?
2) Getting there?
3) Places of Interest
4) Treasure Mark NPCs
5) Treasure Mark Items
6) Treasure Map Quests
7) Wild Mobs!
8) Scenario Trainers and Pets
9) New Faction
What is it? Why is it there?
Currently on the PTR, it is not possible to get within even looking range of the island. Any attempt to fly over will teleport you back to the Jade Forest coastline as soon as you zone in.
What is it? Why is it there?
Currently, you can fly out to the island from the Jade Forest coast, as listed above. Disconnecting just before hitting the coast will allow you a good thirty seconds of grace to fly around the island. The gap between the Jade Forest and The Isle is also narrow enough to corpse-run. Finally, you can find one of the following safe points, where you will not fatigue or get teleported away, and from there use a remote viewing skill like Far Sight or Eye of Kilrogg to survey the island.
Code: Select all
/way The Jade Forest 88.76 74.54
/way Pandaria 86.87 76.49
/way Pandaria 88.94 77.21
Places of Interest
There are flight points on the island for both Horde and Alliance. This presumably means that the island won't be scenario only, since you don't need to fly to scenarios.
The main courtyard is large and empty, but is cornered by four towering columns. Each of these is carved to resemble one of the four god spirits of Pandaria; the ox, the crane, the serpent and the tiger. Below each is a large NPC of the respective god:
These are confirmed to be world bosses, and their dungeon journal entries can be viewed in this news post on Wowhead:
The temple on the northern side of the island seems to be inaccessible by foot, as the broken bridge on the map is truly broken. The door is visible from the end of the bridge, and is an actionable item, currently labelled as Doodad_PA_Western_Ox_Temple_Door001. Perhaps this "Western Ox" is the Yaungol Fire God who has shown up living in the temple.
Ordos the Fire God is another world boss that is only for people who have completed the Legendary cloak questline. Movesets etc are on Wowhead, here:
The raised area next to the temple appears empty, though it has a large courtyard area that is likely, imo, to get some content. Just another pet trainer? A rare spawn? Speculation!
NEW ORE! I found my first Timeless Trillium Vein in this cave, but there are a few others that I have noticed since scattered across the rest of the island. Speculate on the purpose of this. Go!
As of the update on July 2nd, there are apparently also Timeless versions of Ghost Iron Ore, as well as Fools Cap, Green Tea and Rain Poppy for herbalists.
There are also a number of little X-marks that appear on the minimap while over the island, marked with such titles as "Sunken Hozen Treasure", "Really Skunky Beer" and "Scary Ghosts and Nice Sprites". Some of the X-marks indicate people, e.g. "Master Kukuru". Each of these X-marks has a "tracking" quest associated with it, as for many other activities that can be done daily. There is also one of these tracking quests called "Avatar of Flame", which I have not found a check mark for, but may have something to do with the Yaungol Fire God on the island. All the X-marks I have found (I think) are detailed below.
Avatar of Flame tracking quests:
Treasure Mark NPCs
-- Scary Ghosts and Nice Sprites
Well, I found the nice sprites, at least. The ghosts are nowhere to be seen... perhaps they will only appear when someone is within aggro range, or some such mechanic.
-- Zesqua
A big water elemental. That's all I know...
-- "Tom" Bone Apart
The NPC is actually called "Tomb Bone Apart", with a shiny subtitle to clarify the pronunciation. He lives in a cave that is populated by yet more elementals, as well as some mist walker-type fellows. There is also a chest in there that does not have it's own X-mark.
-- Master Kukuru
Ok, Master Kukuru is the most exciting NPC so far, I think. He is surrounded by tons of chests, of varying designs, which each require a "Kukuru's Kache Key" to open. Seems likely that we get one key every [day/week/month] and get to pick a chest to use it on for a chance at something nifty.
But wait! Wowhead PTR details indicate that the key is purchasable with 5 Timeless Coins. Hmmmm...
-- Tiger
Not there, as far as I can see. Summonable?
-- Fin Longpaw
In the PTR build on July 2nd, a tracking quest was added called "Fishing with Fin". He has also had an X-mark added to his location.
(Screenshot coming)
Treasure Mark Items
-- Sunken Hozen Treasure
This X is off the southern coast, above a sunken ship. Inside, I found... more diving helmets, and Hozen diver mobs wearing them. Make of that what you will.
-- Ghost Pirate Treasure
http://ptr.wowhead.com/quest=32958 ?
http://ptr.wowhead.com/quest=32956 ?
This X is off the western coast, and is in an undersea cave, along with several spectral pirate mobs and some of the interactive "Damaged Diving Helmets".
-- Battle of the Barnacle
Yet another sunken ship, this time is two pieces, with both friendly and hostile mobs in combat. I didn't see a chest here.
-- Humming Crane Statue
There it is, on the large bluff just before the broken end of the bridge. Nothing else there right now, not much to say!
-- Gleaming Treasure Chest and Rope-Bound Treasure Chest
http://ptr.wowhead.com/quest=32969 ?
http://ptr.wowhead.com/quest=32968 ?
Both of these are up in the air, lifted by pillars. Does that mean we'll be able to fly on the Isle? I can't see how they'll be accessible otherwise.
-- Gleaming Treasure Satchel
This one took me a good while to spot. It's hanging off the boom of the ship moored on the eastern coast of the island. Near the giant frogs. Oh, and the ship is Alliance.
-- Really Skunky Beer
A big barrel surrounded by Skunky Alementals. Should be fun...
-- Turtle Shell
The "Conspicuously Empty Shell" lies here, north of the Horde flight master and surrounded by Mist Dancers. Yeah, I don't know either.
-- Cave In
This cave-in is... oddly enough, a literal cave-in. There is a handy rock-breaking hammer nearby, that is interactive, so the process there is fairly clear. I wonder what will be inside!
Treasure Map Quests
On the Wowhead PTR, there are three quests listed on the Timeless Isle zone page, called "[PH] Treasure Map" 1, 2 and 3.
Edit: These quests are now titled "Rolo's Riddle". I can't find any NPC called "Rolo", though.
Each lists "Solve the riddle" as the requirement, with details as listed below:
1) http://ptr.wowhead.com/quest=32974
Code: Select all
On the isle of time are tall men four
Round and strong and nothing more
Of these brothers the shortest be
Where the trail leads to me.
Code: Select all
Somewhere hope stands tall and proud
From its feet turn to the south
Pass beyond an ancient gate
Behind a stone pair, I await.
This one I have checked over, since it's fairly obvious where it refers to (The upper lake east of the temple). Nothing to be found right now, so probably only visible when actually on the quest.
Code: Select all
The final step, my treasure calls
Above the place where water falls
Beneath the shade on vantage high
No path to follow but air and sky.
Wild Mobs!
-- Turtles!
-- Cranes!
Including a pink one... no more unique Patrannache?
-- Giant Frogs!
Scenario Trainers and Pets
The 2nd of July brought a patch that added a huge number of pet NPCs to the game database. The ones that are linked to the Celestial Tournament are listed below with their respective trainers (as far as I can guess). The rest of the pets that were added in the update can be found being discussed in this thread:
http://www.warcraftpets.com/community/f ... f=2&t=5188
My attempt to match up the trainers with their pets:
Blingtron 4000
1) Au - Elemental - http://ptr.wowhead.com/npc=72098
Wrathion - Confident
1) Dah'da - Dragonkin - http://ptr.wowhead.com/npc=72116
2) Alex - Dragonkin - http://ptr.wowhead.com/npc=72117
3) Cindy - Undead - http://ptr.wowhead.com/npc=72118
Lorewalker Cho
1) Patience - Magic - http://ptr.wowhead.com/npc=72104
3) Wisdom - Flying - http://ptr.wowhead.com/npc=72106
Chen Stormstout
3) Brewly - Elemental - http://ptr.wowhead.com/npc=72103
Wise Mari
1)Carpe Diem - Aquatic - http://ptr.wowhead.com/npc=72113
3) Spirus - Magic - http://ptr.wowhead.com/npc=72115
Shademaster Kiryn
1) Stormoen - Beast - http://ptr.wowhead.com/npc=71898
Sully "The Pickle" McLeary
1) Socks - Undead(!) - http://ptr.wowhead.com/npc=72107
3) Monte - Critter - http://ptr.wowhead.com/npc=72109
Taran Zhu
1) Bolo - Humanoid - http://ptr.wowhead.com/npc=72110
3) Yen - Humanoid - http://ptr.wowhead.com/npc=72112
Dr Ion Goldbloom - Confident
1) Trike - Beast - http://ptr.wowhead.com/npc=72053
2) Screamer - Flying - http://ptr.wowhead.com/npc=72054
3) Chaos - Magic - http://ptr.wowhead.com/npc=72055
Xu-Fu, Cub of Xuen - Duh
1) Xu-Fu, Cub of Xuen - Beast - http://ptr.wowhead.com/npc=72009
Chi-Chi, Hatchling of Chi-Ji
Xao, Calfling of Niuzao
Yu'La, Broodling of Yu'Lon - Duh
1) Yu'La, Broodling of Yu'Lon - Dragonkin - http://ptr.wowhead.com/npc=72291
New Faction
There was a new faction added to the PTR game files on the 9th of July. It is called the Shaohao:
There are two items currently associated with the faction, the "Path of Shaohao" and the the "Tabard of the Shaohan". The former increases mounted Timeless Isle movement by 25%, and the latter teleports the user to the Isle.
Please ask if there's anything you want more info on, and I'll endeavour to have a look.