Your first pet ever?

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Skulwolf » August 30th, 2012, 5:19 pm

i remember my first pet like it was yesterday. just started playing wow just few months b4 wotlk came out. a lil dranei shammy looking for lil exploring to do in new world. along side my hubby and his bros. when i reach exodar my hubby led me to a moth trainer and bought all 3 for me. but from the 3 the first i called out was blue moth which now i call cobalt <3. he was there w/me while i lv and learn and now he gonna be 1 of my 3 champs to b the first lv 25 of all my battle pets follow by worg pup howler and emerald whelp emmy <3

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Chrisski » August 30th, 2012, 5:33 pm

My first toon was a night elf, but, waited til i got to the cat lady's house to buy me some cats before i learned any pets. So one of those 4-5 kitties was my first...of many many many many more.

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Cropher » August 31st, 2012, 11:29 am

Mine was my Mechanical Squirrel, that I made myself. Fun with engineering!

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Opallena » September 1st, 2012, 11:24 am

I've been playing a long time but i think my first was actually the mechanical squirrel i bought in my 40s or 50s.

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Taru » September 2nd, 2012, 9:34 am

My first pet ever was the Brown Prairie Dog. I was new and I heard of that prarie dog but I just couldn't find the vendor and was totally lost in thunderbluff, as I asked if anyone could tell me where he is a totally awesome person gave one to me. That was such a suprise :)

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Piratewench » September 10th, 2012, 10:33 am

It's been soooo long that I don't remember! (in like, vanilla WoW) The only thing I remember is that i visited the cat lady's house as soon as I could with my starting human, and I think I bought as many cats as I could afford lol

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Coy » September 11th, 2012, 9:13 am

The Westfall Chicken! My brother-in-law told me if I spammed /chicken long enough, something would happen...

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Avalee » September 25th, 2012, 1:10 pm

Withers. Not a real exiting story for that one as I just did some quests and I got it. Kept it for quite some time until I replaced it with a parrot.

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Bindibear » September 25th, 2012, 5:02 pm

I don't have my first toon anymore, but she was an engineer and I was pretty obsessive about obscure recipes, so probably an old engineer pet of some kind.

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Wolfphyre87 » September 25th, 2012, 8:06 pm

My first pet was the mechanical squirrel. I made it when I was a noob to wow. I was so proud to get it at the time lol.

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Brienna » September 26th, 2012, 4:23 pm

My first pet ever was one of the snakes from Org. I was brand new to the game and playing a hunter. I thought the snakes were something I could use in battle as a hunter. I was pretty disappointed at first but that 1 snake exploded into quite an addiction after that, lol

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Gossamrblade » September 27th, 2012, 2:08 pm

The two owls from Darnassus and the mechanical squirrel came at around the same time, not sure which was first.

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Smadronia » September 27th, 2012, 2:31 pm

My first pet was a panda. I remember getting it on my very first character, my rogue, and that panda followed me everywhere for a long, long time.

The panda is still one of my favorite pets, all these years later.

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by NathKnave » September 27th, 2012, 2:53 pm

I hadn't really put much thought into what my first pet was. I just remembered that the Tranquil Mechanical Yeti was the first pet that I actually worked for. I completed the quest that gave the schematic for it long before I switched to Engineering, so I had to go back and get it from the quest-giver.

When I trained Pet Battles on live realms for the first time something really made me think though. I remember on the beta it put a random pet in the first battle pet slot and not thinking about it all. But when I trained it on live, I looked and there was Willy in that first slot. "That's weird," I thought, "that's the same pet it gave me on the beta. What's so special about him?"

Maybe it's not random. Thinking about this made me remember my first days of raiding Karazhan with friends. Two friends in particular that were pet collectors. Both had a bunch of pets, and I never really cared too much for them until they put the Children's Week quest in Shattrath. They both picked up Eggbert from the quest and I thought "Ha! Here's my chance to get a pet that neither of them have!"

So now I'm thinking that somehow the game knows what my first pet was. How can I possibly verify this? I thought about an addon I had downloaded for pet battles.

During the beta, going back to capture pets after leveling a few to 25 caused problems with low-level pets being just destroyed before they could be captured. I would use pets near the same level as what I was trying to capture, and finding pets of a certain level in a list of 200+ pets was time-consuming. Enter PetJournal Enhanced which lets you sort by level among other things. One of the other sort options is "Added to Pet Journal" which I hadn't even thought of using at all since "well, they all got added at the same time, right? When patch 5.0.4. hit."

I gave that a try and, lo and behold, there was Willy, sitting right at the top of the list.

Having them sorted this way was a trip down memory lane. There were the original pets that I deemed worthy of taking up bag space: Willy, Tranquil Mechanical Yeti, Sprite Darter Hatchling, Wolpertinger, and Mechanical Squirrel. Scrolling down I could see when they made pets learnable and I went and bought all the Alliance vendor pets. Picking up the Horde vendor pets from the AH. The Argent Tournament pets. This is the coolest thing ever.

Obviously it's not perfect. The game remembers which order you learned the pets, not which order you picked up the items before they were learned. I'm also unsure how it will handle pets learned by different characters, as I've only ever collected on one. But for me it brought back the memory of my first pet ever.

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Re: Your first pet ever?

Post by Vissers » September 28th, 2012, 7:41 am

The westfall chicken from the hidden quest was my first. Got it in vanilla wow, almost noone knew about it back then :D

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