Grumpy pvp battler

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Udorus » July 23rd, 2013, 12:01 pm

I only did 250 for the pet, the rewards for the time it took and the level of difficulty were very poor.

I could have levelled masses of pets or made thousands of gold to buy missing pets with the time spent, and the loss of char xp compared to battling wild pets was massive.

I don't have much time to do this so for me it was a negative experience but it has made me a much better pet battler and given me a great insight into team dynamics, weather effects etc, so not a total loss.

But I truly hope there are not any more pets dependant on pvp wins as the pvpers will do it anyway and we that don't want to shouldn't be forced to.

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Ravnhawk » July 23rd, 2013, 12:27 pm

I am one of those in it for the pet. But as I do more and more battles I am learning how to use my pets better for more wins. Last night I got luckier/better who really knows... LOL But won 4/7 battles. I am also one that wants all the achieves as well. I've been using an 86 or an 87 level toon for the xp I figure if I'm going to spend time doing this I might as well get a bit more then the bag at the end of the week. I would love more of the 50% treats or a way to get them as well... but pretty soon I won't be needing them and since i have about 100 or so of the 25% treats good for a while.

Still I am loving the pet battles and all the pets.

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Slab » July 23rd, 2013, 1:47 pm

Hit 250 wins last night. I have to admit I started to enjoy myself, but whenever I tried to play with team variations to keep up with trends, I lost a couple in a row and just went back to tried and true to grind it out. I got two more useless Uncommon stones in the last run, as well as my 4th Undead stone (when all my Undead are already rare. Gotta figure out this trading stones thing here :p). But I see no way I would invest enough to get to 1k, never mind 5k.

What I did at the "same time", btw, was park myself in Dalaran for books; 7 out of 8. Waiting for that last one is killing me; I've found 3 fakes so far...

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Peanutty » July 23rd, 2013, 4:49 pm

I did up to 250 for the pet and have starting making a point of doing the weekly quest. I don't enjoy PVP pet battles just as I don't enjoy PVP in general, but I do admit that it taught me to think a lot more carefully about team makeup, abilities and counters. So personally I don't really want to see more pets tied in with PVP but I do think that would keep more people involved in it. I'm anticipating that they will add more rewards at some point, which is why I'm continuing with the weekly quest at least.

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Poofah » July 23rd, 2013, 6:03 pm

The effort/reward is the issue. A PvP win is 3-5 minutes, but it's still not worth it to me. Maybe if pet PvP were your single favorite thing to do in the game, then it would be. But currently, you get very little bang for your buck. I find myself accumulating gold instead (which is incredibly boring), because gold buys me rare cageable pets and PvP doesn't.

What's going to happen to the PvP scene once all the people aiming for 250 wins get their Direhorn? There is very little to keep people coming back.
Dash wrote:People who say they enjoy pet battles, and yet refuse to come up with different, original teams and merely rely on FOTM / OP pets are just hypocrites and make boring opponents.
This is the opposite of true. I enjoy figuring out the best team for the metagame, and playing it well. I expect people to use the strongest possible pets/teams, and I want to figure out how to beat those teams--not just teams that adhere to arbitrary rules about 'FOTM/OP'.

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Tekulve2012 » July 23rd, 2013, 8:15 pm

This is a pet battles forum thread and I have a lot of respect for many of the informed battlers who post here. I enjoy pet pvp and love facing the 3direhorn teams or 3 s/s Fiendish imp teams to hand them their lunch. I've decided to go ahead for the Trainer title(at 550ish wins) only to eventually complete all the pet achievements (at 3800 for 5k wins).

I just noticed that as a pet game lover, the rewards could very easily be better at no 'cost' to the makeup of the WOW pet universe... Again... rewards should reflect time invested IMO

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Quintessence » July 24th, 2013, 9:35 am

Tekulve2012 wrote:rewards should reflect time invested IMO
I agree, and I'm sure Blizzard will add more rewards to pet PVP in time. I think they're just testing the waters at the moment to see how interested players are in pet PVP. If there's a growing demand, they'll definitely look into it.

That being said, I'm wary of supporting any "give pet PVP activities more rewards!" type of stance. The higher the chance of more pets being rewarded for PVP'ing, the more discouraged I get about pet collecting. If it's pet rewards like exp food, misc pet stuff, I think I'd be ok with that, though. Selfish of me, I know. :(

For the love of me, I just CANNOT get into pet PVP. I've tried it and won about half of my battles, yet it's just not enjoyable. I still haven't completed 250 wins for the direhorn companion yet. That's how miserable I feel whenever I PVP. So if they add more pets to the list that require X number of PVP wins, I'll be pretty depressed over it and my stupid inability to enjoy PVP.
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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Poofah » July 24th, 2013, 10:59 am

Quintessence wrote:That being said, I'm wary of supporting any "give pet PVP activities more rewards!" type of stance.
Rewards that are only from PvP are bad; I don't even like the implementation of the Stunted Direhorn. But PvP does need rewards. They've struck a reasonable balance in the regular game: you get the best rewards from PvP using PvP currency, but if you wait a patch you can get those same rewards with PvE currency (albeit at a slightly less efficient rate).

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Ebil » July 24th, 2013, 12:11 pm

I don't know how well this would work but why not just add a random chance for a pet bag to drop on a pet battle win. On each win the odds of having a bag drop increases and resets when a bag has dropped. The bag contents could be like the tamer bags but without the increased chance at getting stones from bags.

This being said I hate pvp pet battles and may use FOTM groups just so I can get the achievements while not feeling like a piece of crap for losing all the time.

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Dash » July 24th, 2013, 10:36 pm

Then again, if there was zero reward, only people who enjoy pet battles for the sake of it would do it, and (my favourite pet peeve), actually bother to play with a vast array of pets and not always the same 5 or 6. The purpose would be to have fun instead of mindlessly roflstomping everyone as fast as possible. I guess you can achieve that if you only play with your friends.

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Aquitas » July 24th, 2013, 10:45 pm

what does FOTM/OP mean? I am new to this and having a hard time winning PvP battles so I took a break from that to level more pets to make better teams.

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Tuatha » July 25th, 2013, 12:14 am

Mehetabel wrote:Why are you even in this thread?
Looks like he was invited:
Slab wrote:Hence, punks like Saa make their comments.
Name me in a thread, I'd take it as a personal invitation to respond. Don't want me involved? Don't name me. And I know it wasn't you who wrote it, Meh, but you put the question out there like Saa was personally attacking, instead of the other way around.
Aquitas wrote:what does FOTM/OP mean? I am new to this and having a hard time winning PvP battles so I took a break from that to level more pets to make better teams.
Flavor of the Month/Over Powered. Currently the fotm/op pets include, but are not limited to, direhorns, fiendish imps, bone spiders, and sandstorm pets. 5.4 nerfs all of these, so jump on the band wagon while it's still rolling, if that's your thing.

Also, check out [url=]this[/url] post to help make solid synergistic teams.

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Aquitas » July 25th, 2013, 12:50 am

Thank you, that guide was an interesting read.


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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Dash » July 25th, 2013, 5:04 am

Sorry for the acronym overload, I'm lazy.

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Slab » July 25th, 2013, 7:40 am

Tuatha1 wrote:
Mehetabel wrote:Why are you even in this thread?
Looks like he was invited:
Slab wrote:Hence, punks like Saa make their comments.
Name me in a thread, I'd take it as a personal invitation to respond. Don't want me involved? Don't name me. And I know it wasn't you who wrote it, Meh, but you put the question out there like Saa was personally attacking, instead of the other way around.
My comment invoking Saa's name was after Saa already posted with the tone that people are referring to.

It's a classic internet non-issue debate. Just drop it. Saa likes PVP and i claims to be super good at it. Several of us find it more tedious and only participate because the collector in us wants the pet, title, and/or achievement. Nothing to see here, please disperse.

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Tuatha » July 25th, 2013, 9:36 am

Slab wrote:My comment invoking Saa's name was after Saa already posted with the tone that people are referring to.
Derp, so it was. How'd I miss that?
Slab wrote:Nothing to see here, please disperse.
Moving on :)

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Doobjanka » July 28th, 2013, 6:46 am

I'm not a fan of the random PvP aspect, but I did use the 250 wins to level a toon to 90 so I'd feel I was getting a little more out of it. I also turned my all 25 pet grind into a leveling fest. Two birds, one stone.
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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Index » July 28th, 2013, 6:59 am

I was the ultimate grumpy bast**d when it came to this, but once i started looking at the positives, I just got down and dirty, rolled my sleeves up and started wading through it. Currently on 4297/5000 wins for the acheev. During this time I've gotten/gained:

4 toons to 90 that I'd have otherwise left at 85.
a crap ton of upgrade stones, allowing me to upgrade all pets to rare and have spares for future / selling
15 flawless stones to sell for $$
A fairly rare title
even more fairly rare pets :)

So all in all, not a bad net result for the chore it is.

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Ruzgofdi » July 28th, 2013, 11:11 am

Peanutty wrote:I'm anticipating that they will add more rewards at some point, which is why I'm continuing with the weekly quest at least.
A part of me agrees with you. Another part of me thinks the next time they add in another reward level achievement, it will have us starting from scratch like the Direhorn achievement did. Like winning 250 pvp pet battle with a full team of lvl 30 pets, so all our effort at 25 means squat.

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Peanutty » July 28th, 2013, 1:17 pm

Ruzgofdi wrote:
Peanutty wrote:I'm anticipating that they will add more rewards at some point, which is why I'm continuing with the weekly quest at least.
A part of me agrees with you. Another part of me thinks the next time they add in another reward level achievement, it will have us starting from scratch like the Direhorn achievement did. Like winning 250 pvp pet battle with a full team of lvl 30 pets, so all our effort at 25 means squat.
*shhh* I need to motivate myself to continue doing pet PVP so while you're likely correct, I'm going to pretend I didn't see it. :P

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