possible Spectral Tiger Cub dupes?

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Re: possible Spectral Tiger Cub dupes?

Post by Azraela » July 28th, 2013, 7:15 pm

The item is being dupped. I bought one for 70k on Mal'Ganis. The dude is caging a lvl 6 cub and caging it without it leaving his pet journal he even told me. The dupe is easy to do and before you know it everyone will be doing it. Just hope I get my gold back lol.

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Re: possible Spectral Tiger Cub dupes?

Post by Adumbledore » July 28th, 2013, 9:32 pm

I don't have 50k, let alone 70k so I definitely won't be buying this one. lol

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Re: possible Spectral Tiger Cub dupes?

Post by Ackbah » July 31st, 2013, 6:45 pm

Its so lame at this point that there are people yelling in trade that they are looking for Duped cubs...One guy last night was auctioning them at 25k every 5 seconds to try to get the dupers to lower their prices...

Ack )

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Re: possible Spectral Tiger Cub dupes?

Post by Angelwings626 » August 1st, 2013, 2:50 pm

No, they don't appear to be duped.... I bought two so far. One was lvl 1 and one was lvl 6. (bother are now lvl 25 =) . Seems like the prices are getting a lot lower now. I bought one for 150k......2nd for 90k..... and now They're on the AH for 60k. (Kil'Jaden).

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Re: possible Spectral Tiger Cub dupes?

Post by Imeagle » August 1st, 2013, 3:18 pm

Angelwings626 wrote:No, they don't appear to be duped.... I bought two so far. One was lvl 1 and one was lvl 6. (bother are now lvl 25 =) . Seems like the prices are getting a lot lower now. I bought one for 150k......2nd for 90k..... and now They're on the AH for 60k. (Kil'Jaden).
They may not be duped, but some cheat is involved there are just too many of them on the different servers, look at the numbers on the undermine journal there are servers that have never had one posted on the AH and now they have 5 or 6 of them. Lots of servers have 4, 5, 6 or more level 1 toons in Trade chat trying to sell them. There doesn't seem to be as large of an increase in the other rare TGC card pets or mounts as with this one. Something is definitely up. I'm glad you could afford to buy a couple of them and Blizzard probably won't take it away but I think I'll wait until we hear from Blizzard about this increase just in case.

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Re: possible Spectral Tiger Cub dupes?

Post by Peanutty » August 1st, 2013, 4:05 pm

Ackbah wrote:Its so lame at this point that there are people yelling in trade that they are looking for Duped cubs
I've seen that too! They specifically want duped ones because they're cheaper.

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Re: possible Spectral Tiger Cub dupes?

Post by Adumbledore » August 1st, 2013, 5:26 pm

Even if I had the money, I wouldn't buy it. I'm not going to risk Blizzard taking the pet and my gold. lol

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Re: possible Spectral Tiger Cub dupes?

Post by Gilneas » August 1st, 2013, 6:07 pm

Adumbledore wrote:Even if I had the money, I wouldn't buy it. I'm not going to risk Blizzard taking the pet and my gold. lol
They wouldn't.

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Re: possible Spectral Tiger Cub dupes?

Post by Adumbledore » August 1st, 2013, 8:21 pm

Gilneas wrote:
Adumbledore wrote:Even if I had the money, I wouldn't buy it. I'm not going to risk Blizzard taking the pet and my gold. lol
They wouldn't.
Maybe if they are in the AH, they wouldn't. If not, they might. In a guild I used to be in, someone bought a duped pet directly from the seller and Blizzard kept both the pet and their gold.

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Re: possible Spectral Tiger Cub dupes?

Post by Azrile » August 3rd, 2013, 1:22 am

I am just curious what is the significance of ´lvl 6´...

FWIW.. I finally broke down and bought one today for 60k from the AH. No idea if it is duped or not, but this has been going on for a few weeks. The prices of the non-duped ones are being affected, so you can´t even tell unless it is lvl 6.

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Re: possible Spectral Tiger Cub dupes?

Post by Poofah » August 3rd, 2013, 2:06 pm

The significance of lvl 6 is basically this:

there's two possible ways that a Cub could become level 6: either a) somebody got a lvl 1 and leveled it exactly to 6, or b) somebody got a lvl 6 and made a copy.

so what are the chances for each possibility? If you look across various servers' AHs, you can see that for random pets, less than 1% are being sold at level 6. So, if the Cubs are behaving like normal pets, then you'd expect <1% to be level 6. But, if you look at Cubs across those same AHs, you see that >50% are level 6. I did this math in a wow forum thread, here -- http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/9479017955. It's statistically impossible that the Cubs are behaving like normal pets: they are occurring as level 6 far too frequently.

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Re: possible Spectral Tiger Cub dupes?

Post by Kingseamus » August 5th, 2013, 2:31 am

I know the official response is "they're are no dupe's" HOWEVER logic and about 2 seconds of research suggests otherwise.

If you are a person on a low pop server, make an alt on Illidan- horde side. You may be able to find a seller who is willing to trade you a pet on your main server.
(your gold on your home server from their account bound book)

I was looking for pets on illidan as suggested for finding rares when I came across a 90 selling pets there who said they would sell to me on my home server.
I wasn't surprised about the low price because their AH had TONS of rare pets and they were all a fraction of the cost on my server.
The person spoke english fine, When we got to my server the toon was guilded, but it was a level 1.
He sold me the pet for 59k-
He then asked if I wanted another- I didn't- and I was surprised he had 2, but figured he was an AH mogul who was flipping items. And Illidan had almost EVERY single rare TCG and In-game pet on the AH in multiples, ones i've never seen in game period were stacked on the AH, so I wasn't taken back by 2 cubs.

A fellow pet collector bought the other one and that was it.
A few days later the guy came back and said he had more for sale- I didn't buy any but a friend had the funds to buy one more to re-sell it.
That was the first time the "level 6" came up. I did notice on mine, but when she said hers from the other day was level 6, and now this one.. I knew something wasn't right.
Its then I should have looked on the web, but It wasn't some big concern- the guy was gone again and there was only a single cub on the AH.
Fast forward 2 weeks (today)- I log on to a whisper of "I bought 4 more" and they had gotten them for less than last time.
I asked immediately if they were all level 6? The answer was yes..

We talked about it for a moment, and how there is the new TCG "god packs" and people could be weighing the booster boxes to cherry pick.. but even if that was the case, 6 in 2 weeks on my low population server, and you lowered the price? No way..

A quick google of "spectral cub level 6" confirmed it.

I was on most the day, at various times I saw- "I just bought 10" an hour later "I got 3" and so on.

A look at the undermine journals item history also show almost no quantity before July, and today its almost 100. The market price was valued at 300k, but their posted on realms all over for 50-70k

There is an obvious exploit happening, period.

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Re: possible Spectral Tiger Cub dupes?

Post by Moneypenny » August 5th, 2013, 4:58 am

ok not sound to stupid can someone please explain the dupes how they work i know a dupe is duplicate.. but i dont get how this works or what it does, when you buy it your money get taken but you get no item?? sorry to sound dumb but it confuses me.. i feel sorry if people are being ripped off by this method im still working on mine but i want a legit one.

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Re: possible Spectral Tiger Cub dupes?

Post by Index » August 5th, 2013, 5:05 am

Moneypenny wrote:ok not sound to stupid can someone please explain the dupes how they work i know a dupe is duplicate.. but i dont get how this works or what it does, when you buy it your money get taken but you get no item?? sorry to sound dumb but it confuses me.. i feel sorry if people are being ripped off by this method im still working on mine but i want a legit one.
Basically, someone has found a way to replicate an item over and over again, by utilizing some form of "cheat" or "hack". These items should not exist, so when Blizz investigate, any of the pets "duped" by these people have a likely-hood to be removed, as they were created by dubious means...

Edit: oddly enough, I've not seen ANY of these on EU servers, and I have alts stationed on a few of the bigger pet trading realms...

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Re: possible Spectral Tiger Cub dupes?

Post by Moneypenny » August 5th, 2013, 5:13 am

ty INdex so bit like when someone found a way to make heaps of the red gems in cata and sell them cheap and fast.. ty for explaining wish i was clever like that .. so how do people then get a baneling if the account is in use already? cause they didnt come with a code and yet people ask for the code ( allgood my mate told me they get the account lol)

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Re: possible Spectral Tiger Cub dupes?

Post by Kingseamus » August 5th, 2013, 8:46 am

I had been pretty naive about the extent of cheating going on in WoW, I have been playing for 10 years and always thought that it was limited to gold selling, account hacks and minimal bots, I was sorely mistaken.

I just got back to wow after a 6 month break about 3 weeks ago. I have 2 guild banks and decided I wanted to level them so I started searching for tips. The 3rd result down on google was for a site called "honor buddy" (should be dishonor..) It took me to a page with people talking about what bots to use for 5mans, and questing so you can level your guild in a matter of days.

I went to the main page of the site, and there are countless threads on current cheats, most are hidden from public view and reserved for those players who pay a sub fee to the site.

Anyway, to answer your Question Moneypenny there are people there selling entire account duplication, full mount duplication including the legendary AQ mount. All for the low, low price of $1500+

There isnt just one cheat, or bot there are 100's. They also keep track of what bot scripts Blizz has caught onto in their "banned" thread, where the QQ about getting caught cheating.

I put an enormous amount of time and effort into earning my gold, I was never great at the AH so it came kinda slowly. In the last 3 weeks I went from 200k to 10k buying the pets I needed, 60k of that, more than 1/4 of my 10 years of wow gold went to pay some dirty cheater.. It really takes the wind out of your sails.

I don't know if they will be deleted or not, my guess is that it's not likely for people who get one, but people who have 3/3 in their books and 20 more in their bags are likely going to be sorry.

There isn't anything we can do to stop this as players, and I don't think you should take advantage of it either by trying to make 300k off of innocent people who are out of the loop.

I have no guilt about having mine, and if its something you would really want to add to your collection I would suggest making an alt on a place like Illidan, and ask one of the people to sell it to you on your realm.
Do it on an alt so they can't harass you non-stop.
Don't pay too much, they didn't..
Don't buy 10 so you can rob other people.
There is no guarantee that if they are duped items blizz won't delete them, however history on similar issues show they delete the offenders, not the purchases, with little to no exception from what I could find.

P.S this is only my 2nd post, I hope I didn't cross any lines here, I am not suggesting people go cheat- but for serious collectors I see no problem with buying an item thats going to exist with, or without you.

Putting my account at risk is not something I would ever consider period, I don't recommend others do either.

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Re: possible Spectral Tiger Cub dupes?

Post by Adumbledore » August 5th, 2013, 7:07 pm

Kingseamus wrote:I had been pretty naive about the extent of cheating going on in WoW, I have been playing for 10 years and always thought that it was limited to gold selling, account hacks and minimal bots, I was sorely mistaken.

I just got back to wow after a 6 month break about 3 weeks ago. I have 2 guild banks and decided I wanted to level them so I started searching for tips. The 3rd result down on google was for a site called "honor buddy" (should be dishonor..) It took me to a page with people talking about what bots to use for 5mans, and questing so you can level your guild in a matter of days.

I went to the main page of the site, and there are countless threads on current cheats, most are hidden from public view and reserved for those players who pay a sub fee to the site.

Anyway, to answer your Question Moneypenny there are people there selling entire account duplication, full mount duplication including the legendary AQ mount. All for the low, low price of $1500+

There isnt just one cheat, or bot there are 100's. They also keep track of what bot scripts Blizz has caught onto in their "banned" thread, where the QQ about getting caught cheating.

I put an enormous amount of time and effort into earning my gold, I was never great at the AH so it came kinda slowly. In the last 3 weeks I went from 200k to 10k buying the pets I needed, 60k of that, more than 1/4 of my 10 years of wow gold went to pay some dirty cheater.. It really takes the wind out of your sails.

I don't know if they will be deleted or not, my guess is that it's not likely for people who get one, but people who have 3/3 in their books and 20 more in their bags are likely going to be sorry.

There isn't anything we can do to stop this as players, and I don't think you should take advantage of it either by trying to make 300k off of innocent people who are out of the loop.

I have no guilt about having mine, and if its something you would really want to add to your collection I would suggest making an alt on a place like Illidan, and ask one of the people to sell it to you on your realm.
Do it on an alt so they can't harass you non-stop.
Don't pay too much, they didn't..
Don't buy 10 so you can rob other people.
There is no guarantee that if they are duped items blizz won't delete them, however history on similar issues show they delete the offenders, not the purchases, with little to no exception from what I could find.

P.S this is only my 2nd post, I hope I didn't cross any lines here, I am not suggesting people go cheat- but for serious collectors I see no problem with buying an item thats going to exist with, or without you.

Putting my account at risk is not something I would ever consider period, I don't recommend others do either.
^This, and if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. ;)

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Re: possible Spectral Tiger Cub dupes?

Post by Imeagle » August 18th, 2013, 10:52 am

Has anybody heard anything new about this? I'm still seeing tons of these in chat and on the AH. I can't believe Blizz is still allowing it.

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Re: possible Spectral Tiger Cub dupes?

Post by Papazol » August 18th, 2013, 1:10 pm

I asked GM esterday. Answer was "No, they not dupes. Yes, you can buy from AH and be sure it, never will be removed."
May be it have sence with future Crazy of cats achiev.

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Re: possible Spectral Tiger Cub dupes?

Post by Imeagle » August 18th, 2013, 1:23 pm

Papazol wrote:I asked GM esterday. Answer was "No, they not dupes. Yes, you can buy from AH and be sure it, never will be removed."
May be it have sence with future Crazy of cats achiev.
They are sure cheap now, on some servers. I'm seeing them for 35k on some servers while others are still at 300k+
Last edited by Imeagle on September 17th, 2013, 7:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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