Viscous Horror
I'm looking to buy a Viscous Horror.
Can anyone who has purchased one let me know what you paid for it, so I can build up an accurate picture of what it seems to go for.
Thanks for your help,
Can anyone who has purchased one let me know what you paid for it, so I can build up an accurate picture of what it seems to go for.
Thanks for your help,
Re: Viscous Horror
All over the place. I spammed trade trying to buy one for about 2 hours at 50k but no one would go below 65.
Later tonight at around 2AM I just happened to see one on the AH for 6k.
About a week ago, I had seen them around 35k and now they usually get listed at 70-85k.
I would say on the busier servers, currently (before 5.4), 30-50 is a good price. Probably higher on the lower pop. servers.
Later tonight at around 2AM I just happened to see one on the AH for 6k.
About a week ago, I had seen them around 35k and now they usually get listed at 70-85k.
I would say on the busier servers, currently (before 5.4), 30-50 is a good price. Probably higher on the lower pop. servers.
- Aislinge
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Re: Viscous Horror
I know someone on my server willing to pay 50k, but I haven't seen one come up on 3 servers yet (both sides).
It's a hard call. Personally, I'm now waiting for those pets after being stung (ever so slightly) on a Crawling Claw (10k out, I'll recover). With Connected Realms, the markets will adjust and if you're married up with more people, you can expect to see prices decline a little.
It's a hard call. Personally, I'm now waiting for those pets after being stung (ever so slightly) on a Crawling Claw (10k out, I'll recover). With Connected Realms, the markets will adjust and if you're married up with more people, you can expect to see prices decline a little.
Re: Viscous Horror ... ecies=1244
that link is for Illidan(H), but if you scroll to the bottom it has a chart with recent AH prices from all US realms. there's not a lot of these out there, so the price is all over the place: knowledgeable sellers tend to put them on AH for a lot of gold and wait for a buyer, since there's little to no competition; whereas I've seen less knowledgeable sellers offer them in /trade for <10k.
that link is for Illidan(H), but if you scroll to the bottom it has a chart with recent AH prices from all US realms. there's not a lot of these out there, so the price is all over the place: knowledgeable sellers tend to put them on AH for a lot of gold and wait for a buyer, since there's little to no competition; whereas I've seen less knowledgeable sellers offer them in /trade for <10k.
Re: Viscous Horror
After watching US Illidan (H) for a week or so while working out various trades so I could get one, I found that the average price of the Horror was about 100k. I had one person willing to drop to 75k for a one time offer, while I was still trying to sell other things to make enough gold. They put it on the AH for 90, and it was gone quickly. I've seen one sit for 3-4 days at 120k and not sell during that time, and another was just up for 200k for the past two days, obviously not selling.
I'm sure some sold for less that I missed, and I know in the past I've seen them closer to the 200k mark on the AH. The above is just a snapshot of the past week or so.
I did see lots of people offering to buy them for 50k in trade chat during that time. The same people were still asking a week later.
I know some people believe they'll be cheaper and easier to get in 5.4, with bonus rolls allowing a chance for the pet. I personally felt it would be the opposite, that a lot less people will be running normal mode Throne in 5.4, especially given the new flex mode for Siege and LFR Siege gear out performing the Throne gear.
I'm sure some sold for less that I missed, and I know in the past I've seen them closer to the 200k mark on the AH. The above is just a snapshot of the past week or so.
I did see lots of people offering to buy them for 50k in trade chat during that time. The same people were still asking a week later.
I know some people believe they'll be cheaper and easier to get in 5.4, with bonus rolls allowing a chance for the pet. I personally felt it would be the opposite, that a lot less people will be running normal mode Throne in 5.4, especially given the new flex mode for Siege and LFR Siege gear out performing the Throne gear.
Re: Viscous Horror
Thanks for all the replies, very helpful.
So, based on what you all said, I jumped in and bought one for 90K. I have a fear that they will become even less common when the new raid comes out and coupled with the comments about people wanting to buy one for 50K but getting no bites, I thought it would be best to pay up now and cross this one off the list!
So, based on what you all said, I jumped in and bought one for 90K. I have a fear that they will become even less common when the new raid comes out and coupled with the comments about people wanting to buy one for 50K but getting no bites, I thought it would be best to pay up now and cross this one off the list!
Re: Viscous Horror
In 5.4, TOT will become cross-realm. The other thing is that TOT was been fairly difficult for casual guilds, a lot on my server still aren´t clearing it. More than likely they will continue to run it when SoO launches.Saite wrote:Thanks for all the replies, very helpful.
So, based on what you all said, I jumped in and bought one for 90K. I have a fear that they will become even less common when the new raid comes out and coupled with the comments about people wanting to buy one for 50K but getting no bites, I thought it would be best to pay up now and cross this one off the list!
That said, I think you made a good deal. I would buy one if I could ever move 90k to a server that has them listed. I´ve never seen one on my server.
- Tiggindy
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Re: Viscous Horror
Well, don't I feel silly.
I paid 150k for one this morning
, but on my realm I hadn't seen it on the AH for anything under 200k.

I paid 150k for one this morning

Re: Viscous Horror
Yeah, we will have to see which way it will go. As others have said, despite the Cross-Realm stuff and the changes in 5.4, it is possible there will be less of these pets about. I think there will be less ToT runs overall in 5.4, and quite a lot less. There will be a lot of pug runs, but not as many runs as there are currently. Also, the problem with this pet is that anyone getting into a pug in 5.4 because of this pet will learn it instantly and it won't turn up for sale on the AH.In 5.4, TOT will become cross-realm. The other thing is that TOT was been fairly difficult for casual guilds, a lot on my server still aren´t clearing it. More than likely they will continue to run it when SoO launches.

As for getting the gold across to another server, what I did was buy a couple of Banana's and one Dragon Kite when they were up on the BMAH on my low pop server (where all my gold is). Then I caged them and sold them on a level 1 I created on a very high pop server. That gave me enough gold to pick up the Viscous Horror and a few TGC pets. I also pick up any other pets on the BMAH when I can (Crimson Whelp, Disgusting Oozling etc) for the same reason. It's an easy way to get gold across. Oh and I sometimes pay a little over the odds at the BMAH, just to make sure I win. It is worth it if it means you can transfer the pet over. All that gold on a server with not many decent pets for sale is an issue! This solves it without the need to do Character Transfers or a Guild Transfer.
Good luck...
- Kagalii
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Re: Viscous Horror
I have seen them go between 150-200k on my server, but I traded a Dragon Kite for it. There are like 4-5 kites and no horrors in the last few days on the AH.
Re: Viscous Horror
So, just aheads up.. a blue post was on mmo recently stating the horror WILL be coinable in 5.4, so im not to sure there going to be as rare as you guys might think, considering people will be running that TOT in reg and lfr to gear out for Siege, the way they run TOES and HOF still in LFR and reg. So im thinking it will settle somehwere in the 40-75k range. As is, i have seen them vary on Moon Guard anywhere from 40k-120k. Speaking of wich, Im still looking for one on Moon guard, Elfuego, 536 Horde mage, hit me up if you have one at a reasonable price.
Re: Viscous Horror
While I agree that the coin issue is interesting, you are forgetting one point - Viscous Horror does NOT drop in LFR. It only drops in Normal and Heroic.
I agree that tons of people will still run ToT LFR, but the pet won't drop in that version of the instance. My feeling is that the ToT Normal and Heroic runs will drop massively, so, despite the coin issue, this pet can only get even scarcer in my opinion.
I agree that tons of people will still run ToT LFR, but the pet won't drop in that version of the instance. My feeling is that the ToT Normal and Heroic runs will drop massively, so, despite the coin issue, this pet can only get even scarcer in my opinion.
Re: Viscous Horror
That is exactly how I got all the TCG pets. I won a dragon kite, robo chick and bananas on my BMAH, then sold them on a high population server, and then bought about 30 pets that never show up on my own AH and ones I didn´t feel like farming ( the fish etc). I also dump all my extra spirit pets and panda bears on the high pop AH. I doubt even after 5.4 and connected servers we will see stuff like the Visc horror show up much on the AH.Saite wrote:Yeah, we will have to see which way it will go. As others have said, despite the Cross-Realm stuff and the changes in 5.4, it is possible there will be less of these pets about. I think there will be less ToT runs overall in 5.4, and quite a lot less. There will be a lot of pug runs, but not as many runs as there are currently. Also, the problem with this pet is that anyone getting into a pug in 5.4 because of this pet will learn it instantly and it won't turn up for sale on the AH.In 5.4, TOT will become cross-realm. The other thing is that TOT was been fairly difficult for casual guilds, a lot on my server still aren´t clearing it. More than likely they will continue to run it when SoO launches.
As for getting the gold across to another server, what I did was buy a couple of Banana's and one Dragon Kite when they were up on the BMAH on my low pop server (where all my gold is). Then I caged them and sold them on a level 1 I created on a very high pop server. That gave me enough gold to pick up the Viscous Horror and a few TGC pets. I also pick up any other pets on the BMAH when I can (Crimson Whelp, Disgusting Oozling etc) for the same reason. It's an easy way to get gold across. Oh and I sometimes pay a little over the odds at the BMAH, just to make sure I win. It is worth it if it means you can transfer the pet over. All that gold on a server with not many decent pets for sale is an issue! This solves it without the need to do Character Transfers or a Guild Transfer.
Good luck...
- Restofarian
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Re: Viscous Horror
we could easily form a crz raind once 5.4 hit and farm it every week, can even use coins. just like open raid does it.
Re: Viscous Horror
Yeah, you could farm it that way. Bear in mind that it is a 1% drop, so it could take 100 weeks to see it drop. If you raid with the same 10 people each week then it is going to take a few years for all 10 to get theirs. Coins are going to reduce that time frame obviously, but still, this is going to stay a scarce pet for a long time I think.