Grumpy pvp battler

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Drudatz » August 10th, 2013, 5:45 pm

Quintessence wrote:
Tekulve2012 wrote:rewards should reflect time invested IMO
I agree, and I'm sure Blizzard will add more rewards to pet PVP in time. I think they're just testing the waters at the moment to see how interested players are in pet PVP. If there's a growing demand, they'll definitely look into it.
Im more thinking after MoP aside from adding new FotM-Pets they will continue to ignore Pet Battles. Just look at how loveless they implemented it: every pet battle pvp msg gets put out as an error msg, absolut zero documentation about the battles (try to make an addon that writes after fight wich you won and wich you lost...)

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Drudatz » August 10th, 2013, 5:46 pm

Slab wrote:The problem is that exactly .. a lot of us are only doing the PVP to get to the pet. We're completionists. We only are doing it to get the pet. Hence, punks like Saa make their comments. So now let's flip it to the alternative ... can you imagine if there was a reward that was level appropriate for 5k wins? If it was even vaguely worth it (read in: another pet), then the people who say that they want to earn every pet would now be "obligated" to do it, and those of us who dislike the PVP would have a much steeper hill to climb and a LOT more complaining to do on the way up.
So you think that the 5k archi has ZERO reward besides the Archi Points is okay?

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Tekulve2012 » August 11th, 2013, 6:41 pm

Let's face it, 1000 pet pvp wins amounts to about 75 hours work ... This increases for low pop servers where the queue wait is longer. What you get in return is a word hovering by your character's name ... but I'm a sucker and now 930 wins in and should get it this week.

The 5k wins is less of a grind IMO because leveling pets and trying to get rares will garner 5k eventually almost by default, I have 120 or so pets at max level and 507 total and that's brought me to about 4300 wins without battling for the purpose of getting that achievement. Many many others are well past my level of work put in to my pet squad and I have loads of esteem for them ... It has been fun. I agree with the last post though that these long haul achieves merit some worthy reward. Heck, why not a flawless stone of your choice for 500 wins of any kind... I like the pet treats a lot since I like to level pets... Just some rewards to keep it fun and interesting

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Tuatha » August 12th, 2013, 1:02 am

Tekulve2012 wrote:The 5k wins is less of a grind IMO because leveling pets and trying to get rares will garner 5k eventually almost by default
Apples and oranges. Everyone else is talking about 5k pvppb. You're talking about 5k pvepb.

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Digem » August 12th, 2013, 5:09 am

What some like Saa for an example were missing the point of the thread.
Polished battle stones (which I had had like 50 of) as a reward for pvp pet battling is weak.
How many pvp pet battlers had any pets less than uncommon to even use that on?
I for one did not. They should reward minimumly the rare stones just make the drop rate low.

As for me the way to keep grinding in the pvp pet battles is to use it to level Alts.
Got two to 90 so far and only 400 wins on so the grind continues.

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Draconigena » August 12th, 2013, 5:32 am

Poofah wrote:
Saa wrote:crying because people put more effort into meta gaming and understanding which pets do what and how to counter it,
Nobody in this thread is crying about the difficulty of PvPing. The effort/reward is the issue. A PvP win is 3-5 minutes, but it's still not worth it to me. Maybe if pet PvP were your single favorite thing to do in the game, then it would be. But currently, you get very little bang for your buck. I find myself accumulating gold instead (which is incredibly boring), because gold buys me rare cageable pets and PvP doesn't.

What's going to happen to the PvP scene once all the people aiming for 250 wins get their Direhorn? There is very little to keep people coming back.
Dash wrote:People who say they enjoy pet battles, and yet refuse to come up with different, original teams and merely rely on FOTM / OP pets are just hypocrites and make boring opponents.
This is the opposite of true. I enjoy figuring out the best team for the metagame, and playing it well. I expect people to use the strongest possible pets/teams, and I want to figure out how to beat those teams--not just teams that adhere to arbitrary rules about 'FOTM/OP'.
I don't think the effort vs reward is the problem. i.m.o it is the entitlement people feel that they have to be rewarded big time for what they do.
Why is it wrong to have something in game that was meant to be very casual but does not give big rewards?

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Rosalyne » August 12th, 2013, 2:07 pm

Digem wrote:What some like Saa for an example were missing the point of the thread.
Polished battle stones (which I had had like 50 of) as a reward for pvp pet battling is weak.
How many pvp pet battlers had any pets less than uncommon to even use that on?
I for one did not. They should reward minimumly the rare stones just make the drop rate low.
I had 4 white pets. I now have all Uncommon or better and 11 stones in the bank (120 pvp wins so far). I agree that the polished stones are a pretty weak reward. Someone in another thread suggested allowing us to trade a higher number of them for a Marked Flawless (10 to 1). That would be a decent solution imo.

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Poofah » August 12th, 2013, 5:17 pm

Draconigena wrote:I don't think the effort vs reward is the problem. i.m.o it is the entitlement people feel that they have to be rewarded big time for what they do.
Why is it wrong to have something in game that was meant to be very casual but does not give big rewards?
The issue is not "I do pet pvp so I want some rewards." The issue is "pet pvp has no rewards, so I don't bother with it."

The reason it's wrong not to have pet pvp rewards is simple. Look at the other aspects of the game: PvE rewards PvE items; PvP rewards PvP items. Pet PvE rewards literally hundreds of unique pets plus blue-quality battlestones. What does pet PvP reward? One pet and green-quality battlestones. Half of pet battle 'endgame' is basically unsupported. If pet PvP isn't an avenue to improving pet collections or the ability to do pet battles, people will simply stop doing it.

Considering how much time they've spent developing and implementing pet battles and pet PvP, what is the argument for not supporting pet PvP with rewards?

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Tuatha » August 12th, 2013, 8:30 pm

Poofah wrote:The issue is not "I do pet pvp so I want some rewards." The issue is "pet pvp has no rewards, so I don't bother with it."
A fair statement, imo. Although it might be more accurate to say "pvp has few rewards." I'll be doing pet pvp until I get the 5k achievement, then I'll be done. But it's not all as bleak a picture as you paint it. In the nearly 3k pet pvp wins I've accumulated on my alli toon, getting him to level 76 since xp was rewarded, making it so I don't know if I'll hit the 5k or the Dbl Agent achievement first, I've received well over 40 flawless stones--most of them still in the bank, waiting to get better breeds of wild pets and making them easier to count. Do they come as fast as pve? Maybe not, but they do come, and what's more, 9 of them have been the non-breed-specific type. I'm not sure, but that may be one benefit to pvp.

Oh, sure, I have 150 polished stones in the bank, waiting to see if Blizzard will do something about them, but that's not the issue. The flawless stones and achievements are reward enough for me, for the moment.

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Se5s » August 12th, 2013, 11:47 pm

oh, high win %? must be nice. i don't mind complainers, but you're complaining about winning. maybe you should pvp for the sake of winning, and not for the items. those are more frequently gotten from npc tamers anyway. complain more about winning. thnx for posting about how awesome you are and how little you get for being aweseom. cuz being awesome isn't good enough for you. gg.

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Tuatha » August 13th, 2013, 12:20 am

Hrm. That wasn't actually my point, but I probably deserved your response. I was just clumbsily trying to lay down some credentials. I wasn't complaining about the items, I was pointing out that there are rewards from pet pvp. Not a lot, but not the claim of nothing I was responding to. Sorry if I came across as haughty.

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Rosalyne » August 13th, 2013, 2:14 pm

Tuatha1 wrote:Hrm. That wasn't actually my point, but I probably deserved your response. I was just clumbsily trying to lay down some credentials. I wasn't complaining about the items, I was pointing out that there are rewards from pet pvp. Not a lot, but not the claim of nothing I was responding to. Sorry if I came across as haughty.
For what it's worth, I don't think you sounded haughty at all. You actually provided some great information, imo. I've been doing my pvp battles on my main simply because I never thought of doing it on an alt for xp. But after reading your post, I've decided I might as well kill two birds with one stone and start doing them on an alt. That way if I get discouraged about the lack of battle-stones, I am still getting a "reward" for the fights (character xp).

Every post made by Se5s has been whining in some manner, so I wouldn't pay much attention to him/her.

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Kpb321 » August 13th, 2013, 4:57 pm

I'll have to add doing PVP battles on my Pandaran monk to my list of things to do eventually. So far he's been leveling mostly by doing Antari and the Monk daily. I'm not sure if I'll go for 5k but 250 for the pet is a good goal to work slowly towards.

I don't think trading up polished stones is a bad idea but I'm not sure 10 for 1 makes sense. Seems a little low if getting a non-breed specific stone or you can pick a specific breeds stone but maybe a bit high if it is a random breed specific stone. Maybe I'll change my mind once I start doing pet PVP battles and see how many stones you get that way.

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Se5s » August 13th, 2013, 8:06 pm

i'm not saying you sound haughty. i'm just saying that winning itself should be the reward. if it's not, then maybe you should rethink why you're doing it to begin with. the point of the achievement is to say "this is how much i enjoy this." not "this is how much time i've spent doing this."

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Tuatha » August 14th, 2013, 9:59 am

Bah, people will play for whatever reason motivates them. And there are more than a few reasons to pvp.

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Maizing » August 14th, 2013, 10:25 am

Se5s wrote:i'm not saying you sound haughty. i'm just saying that winning itself should be the reward. if it's not, then maybe you should rethink why you're doing it to begin with. the point of the achievement is to say "this is how much i enjoy this." not "this is how much time i've spent doing this."
Part of the problem is that many people do not enjoy any kind of PvP... not even pet battle PvP. I certainly do not. Currently, my ONLY incentive to do pet battle PvP IS the rewards.

...and no, winning itself is not enough of a reward. I would much rather do pet battle PvE. This is why I have not yet gotten even 50 wins towards the pet.

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Silverstarr » August 15th, 2013, 11:12 am

I am one of those who does not enjoy pet pvp (or any pvp). I absolutely hated that I had to get 250 wins for a pet. To me it felt like a huge waste of time, and it was the first time that I dreaded logging onto WoW. If I won the battle, I was only glad that I had one less battle to do, and felt sorry for the one who lost. If I lost, it made the 250 wins even farther away. I can see how some people enjoy it, and am not opposed to those people earning various rewards. Just PLEASE do not ask for a new pet! I'm sure some of you understand those of us who will do just about anything for our collections, including being miserable for several days doing something we hate. :) Now that I have the pet I'm hoping never to do pet battle pvp again!

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Tekulve2012 » August 15th, 2013, 1:57 pm

I just earned the Trainer title today. I'm happy with how I learned and played to get to 1000W but I also didn't enjoy taking a win from another 'live' player. I have no interest in Wow pvp and I can't ever see completing 5k pet pvp since that's probably 500 hours of time and I want to do other things in WOW

I think even a pet pvp loss should be worth something (if noone flees).

I don't think 250 wins is too extreme for the direhorn. I think the game is fun for collectors and pvp fans and I think the celestial tourney is a great format ... Looking forward to it

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Kagalii » August 15th, 2013, 3:35 pm

I HATE HATE HATE pet pvp. I recently tried it and it's like pulling teeth. All I ever run into are fiendish imps, kun lai runts/snowmen, etc etc. I tried using all the recommended teams and while I play as well as I can with them, it's always major misses and stuff that break my battles. I hate it and I wish they would make pets like stunted direhorn available through another method of acquisition because I am starting to lose my mind from how many times I run into the same op teams and either get roflstomped or die when my opponent has like 40 hp on his last pet. Really sick of it, probably will never get to 250 wins at this rate.

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Re: Grumpy pvp battler

Post by Imthedci » August 16th, 2013, 10:52 am

I'm kinda lucky in that on my server (Gilneas) I don't really run into that many people with the same teams. There's a lot of individuality, which is nice. (Doesn't stop people from kicking my butt though. :lol: ) That being said, I'm not really a fan of pvp and am only really doing it for the direhorn...

As for the uncommon battlestones, I think it would be really nice if there was a stone trader that let you exchange uncommon stones for rare ones at a 10 to 1 or so ratio...

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