Warcraftpets mod import not working now.. :(

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Warcraftpets mod import not working now.. :(

Post by Diamondsoul » October 3rd, 2012, 9:55 pm

I just tried to update using the mod to import - it took my 268 unique pets down to 7. Yes. 7 pets... Not thinking that is working as intended...

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Re: Warcraftpets mod import not working now.. :(

Post by BlueFlameWolf » October 4th, 2012, 10:09 am

it took mine down to 0 but i dont think its all warcraftpets fault. The WoW armory seems to be having some trouble to. Several armories (including my own) lists 0 pets/mounts for people an seems to be currently unkown as to why but it is being looked into. Have you tried checking your armory lately?

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Re: Warcraftpets mod import not working now.. :(

Post by Diamondsoul » October 4th, 2012, 9:38 pm

Normally the mod works beautifully - I blame Blizzard. I have not had the chance to log in yet today - here is hoping it got fixed with magic, bubblegum and duct tape.

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Re: Warcraftpets mod import not working now.. :(

Post by Breanni » October 5th, 2012, 7:28 pm

There was a bug in the addon where it would only count those pets VISIBLE in your Pet Journal. So if you had filtered the journal in any way, anything not showing when you activated the addon wouldn't be exported to our site.

Good news -- we've fixed this. Here is the latest version of the addon:

http://www.warcraftpets.com/downloads/w ... ets_addon/

Give it a shot and please let us know, either by contacting us or in this thread, if you still have trouble with it.

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Re: Warcraftpets mod import not working now.. :(

Post by Diamondsoul » October 8th, 2012, 3:44 am

Looks like it is working again! Thanks so much!

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Re: Warcraftpets mod import not working now.. :(

Post by Faela » October 8th, 2012, 5:17 am

I managed to use the addon import fine yesterday, but today I'm getting an error that says:
Unrecognised collection code, please make sure you have copied the complete code.
I'm definitely copying the complete code. Any ideas?

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Re: Warcraftpets mod import not working now.. :(

Post by Diamondsoul » October 8th, 2012, 10:59 pm

I just noticed that the code that is copied shows me at 355 pets but I have 359 at the time of the copy. I checked for for filters - did not have it filtered. No error though. I guess I can check to see what the missing 4 are...

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Re: Warcraftpets mod import not working now.. :(

Post by Breanni » October 11th, 2012, 8:00 am

Diamondsoul wrote:I just noticed that the code that is copied shows me at 355 pets but I have 359 at the time of the copy. I checked for for filters - did not have it filtered. No error though. I guess I can check to see what the missing 4 are...
Please check and let us know in this thread. That will help us troubleshoot on our end.

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Re: Warcraftpets mod import not working now.. :(

Post by Myrlaurind » October 18th, 2012, 12:08 pm

I am having the the add on add a pet to my collection that i don't have. In game I have 282 Unique pets the addon is saying its 283, I think there may be a issue with the wow side of things as the armory does not update the pets correct. Just a thought

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Re: Warcraftpets mod import not working now.. :(

Post by Breanni » October 19th, 2012, 9:57 am

Probably the Darkmoon Balloon. It's been buggy on the Armory for months.

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Re: Warcraftpets mod import not working now.. :(

Post by Mushalor » October 24th, 2012, 5:08 am

I just tried this addon tonight (downloaded from Curse), and had to keep fiddling with my other pet addons plus this one. Tried filtering, tried not filtering, the same results kept showing up. With Pet Theory, Pet Tabs, and Pet Tracker up, it would show me at 321 pets. With them turned off, it would show me at 322 pets. I currently have 323!

Either way, after careful and tedious deduction, I discovered the ones it kept nixing in my collection were Wharf Rat and Crimson Moth.

I hope this helps with troubleshooting.

Edit: I forgot to add that I also tried uploading from WoW Armoury, with the same results.

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Re: Warcraftpets mod import not working now.. :(

Post by Iskander » October 25th, 2012, 4:50 pm

I've had the same problem for a couple of days now. At the moment, when copying the code it tells me i got 239 pets while I got 244. I'm not using any filters, but still after several times it wont add my new pets. I have to exit WoW, restart it and then it will add the latest pets that I got.

EDIT: I just noticed that when doing a /reloadui it also works. At least this time....

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Re: Warcraftpets mod import not working now.. :(

Post by Breanni » October 26th, 2012, 5:02 am

Perhaps this issue arises when you collect a bunch of pets during the same play session and then generate the Express Code without first logging out or reloading the UI. I've noticed that the Armory Import won't register any new pets I've collected until I actually log out AND SHUT DOWN WoW entirely before importing.

So for those of you whose pet count is off after using your Express Code...

A) Does it correct itself when you log out and get a new code? What about when you shut down and reboot WoW entirely?
B) Are the pets you're missing the ones you've most recently collected?

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Re: Warcraftpets mod import not working now.. :(

Post by Mushalor » October 26th, 2012, 1:10 pm

Breanni wrote:Perhaps this issue arises when you collect a bunch of pets during the same play session and then generate the Express Code without first logging out or reloading the UI. I've noticed that the Armory Import won't register any new pets I've collected until I actually log out AND SHUT DOWN WoW entirely before importing.

So for those of you whose pet count is off after using your Express Code...

A) Does it correct itself when you log out and get a new code? What about when you shut down and reboot WoW entirely?
B) Are the pets you're missing the ones you've most recently collected?
As for A, when I recall the steps I took, I did exit out completely in order to even download the addon in the first place, because doing otherwise messes up my addons/game files. After that, when I discovered that it was giving an incorrect pet count, I uninstalled (exiting out again to do so), and reinstalled. Then, when it was still giving the same incorrect results, I fiddled with addons. At that point, I was no longer exiting out completely, and did end up with different (still incorrect) results.

For B, personally, it wasn't nixing any currently caught pets on my end. I was in Terokkar Forest at that time, hunting up the pets in that zone. Crimson Moth and Wharf Rat come from elsewhere, and I got both quite a while ago.

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Re: Warcraftpets mod import not working now.. :(

Post by Kharsis » October 28th, 2012, 5:32 pm

I have noticed that the add on update will still show you having pets you no longer have. For example i went through and released my poor quality captures. I have since refreshed my cache yet the WPE addon still shows the pets I no longer have. For me the Armoury update option is working perfectly

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Re: Warcraftpets mod import not working now.. :(

Post by Iskander » November 6th, 2012, 6:25 pm

Sorry for my late reply.
The problem I seem to have is that the addon doesn't add the latest caught pets, unless I do a /reloadui or log out and log back in.
Lets say I start with 300 pets, I catch 5 and then go and grab the code. On the site it will tell me I still only have 300 pets. When I do a /reloadui and then grab the code, then the site will tell me I have 305 pets. I'm not sure if it's addon related or if it's actually WoW not updating untill you reload. The pets do show in my list before the reload though.

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Re: Warcraftpets mod import not working now.. :(

Post by Kharsis » November 13th, 2012, 12:46 am

Kharsis wrote:I have noticed that the add on update will still show you having pets you no longer have. For example i went through and released my poor quality captures. I have since refreshed my cache yet the WPE addon still shows the pets I no longer have. For me the Armoury update option is working perfectly

Any fixes for this problem yet?

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Re: Warcraftpets mod import not working now.. :(

Post by Perbrethil » November 13th, 2012, 3:38 am

I was pethunting yesterday and i accidentally found the solution. I was going zone by zone and updating my collection after every land, but it wouldnt update my pets.

if you do a /reload, and then go to the addon to get the code, it'll work again. sadly enough i had to do that every time i wanted a new code, but hey at least it works ;)

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Re: Warcraftpets mod import not working now.. :(

Post by Breanni » November 15th, 2012, 1:42 pm

Perbrethil wrote:I was pethunting yesterday and i accidentally found the solution. I was going zone by zone and updating my collection after every land, but it wouldnt update my pets.

if you do a /reload, and then go to the addon to get the code, it'll work again. sadly enough i had to do that every time i wanted a new code, but hey at least it works ;)
The addon was created as more of a way to transfer collections for new WarcraftPets accounts, as opposed to a collection maintenance tool. But with the Armory import a little wonky due to bugs in Blizzard's API, the addon has grown in popularity.

My advice (until we iron out these bugs) is to use /reloadui prior to obtaining the code whenever you've collected 3 or more pets during your current play session. If you've only collected a couple pets, just [url=http://www.warcraftpets.com/search/]search for them[/url] and go to their pet profiles to add them one by one. Easy as pie.

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