Top 5 best pets for PVP

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Top 5 best pets for PVP

Post by Yzhang33 » August 18th, 2013, 7:31 pm

I know it's pointless to ask which pet team is the best since all pets have counters. So I thought a better question would be which 5 pets do you think are the best for PVP in GENERAL. Please list them and I will update counts from time to time. Thanks for the help!

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Re: Top 5 best pets for PVP

Post by Shakesbeard » August 19th, 2013, 9:10 am

i use a variety, 5 teams that i switch btwn. i'll name 5 that i see in pvp a lot.

Direhorn Runt (look out little guy, nerfbat!
Anubisath Idol
Kun-Lai Runt
Lil' Ragnaros
Corefire Imp

of the 5, i only use Direhorn in my pvp teams (three Direhorn types all on one team :P ) ... but my Direhorn team is retired in 5.4. i only use it to break losing streaks.

and I'll add this: the specific pets are not as important as switching pets when needed, and also pets with synergy can be much more powerful when on the same team.
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Re: Top 5 best pets for PVP

Post by Iamwhatis » August 19th, 2013, 11:03 am

Fiendish Imp is better than Corefire Imp in my opinion. I've played them both plenty. The Fiendish Imp is on several of my PVP teams.

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Re: Top 5 best pets for PVP

Post by Violetfemme » August 19th, 2013, 12:08 pm

I agree with the Direhorn Runt, Lil Ragnaros and Anub being popular in PvP, but I have a different list of 5 that I like to use and think they work great for PvP.

Darkmoon Zeppelin
Feline Familiar
Scourged Whelpling
Infinite Whelpling
Curious Wolvar Pup

I don't always win with my various teams made of these guys, but using the right combo of moves and right other team members makes for a great battle!

One major thing to note is breed. I used to have a B/B Direhorn Runt and never seemed to do great with it. When I saw a H/P one for sale at AH, I bought it and leveled it. I have much better luck with that one.

Another note is that certain weather effect teams are great in PvP. I, personally, like to use lightning and arcane storm on different teams (using Wild Jade Hatchling and Nexus Whelpling).

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Re: Top 5 best pets for PVP

Post by Shakesbeard » August 19th, 2013, 12:39 pm

Iamwhatis wrote:Fiendish Imp is better than Corefire Imp in my opinion. I've played them both plenty. The Fiendish Imp is on several of my PVP teams.
agreed. i use fiendish on my mine-swap team

but i see more corefire imps than fiendish, and i was listing the 5 i see the most on other teams... since i was first :D

although the OP question was what do I think are best, so i guess i failed

my personal mvp's are
Bone Spider
Blue Clockwork Bot
Living Sandling
Son of Animus
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Re: Top 5 best pets for PVP

Post by Azrile » August 19th, 2013, 7:39 pm

Shakesbeard wrote:i use a variety, 5 teams that i switch btwn. i'll name 5 that i see in pvp a lot.

Direhorn Runt (look out little guy, nerfbat!
Anubisath Idol
Kun-Lai Runt
Lil' Ragnaros
Corefire Imp

of the 5, i only use Direhorn in my pvp teams (three Direhorn types all on one team :P ) ... but my Direhorn team is retired in 5.4. i only use it to break losing streaks.

and I'll add this: the specific pets are not as important as switching pets when needed, and also pets with synergy can be much more powerful when on the same team.
Fiendish Imp instead of Corefire Imp. But the other 4.. yeah.

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Re: Top 5 best pets for PVP

Post by Azrile » August 19th, 2013, 7:45 pm

but really, if you want to be successful, it is all about the ´team´ part of it. With the exception of the KL Runt and the Direhorns, almost every other pet requires some good timing and team synergies to win.

I personally think the Bone Spider and Fiendish Imp are the two deadlist pets together. Just the ability have to so much passive damage going on at the same time and being able to force your opponent to miss turns. Plus you have the BS with 2xleach healing and the Imp healing from the backline... all the while you have dots and immolution ticking everywhere.

I use a direhorn in the 3rd slot, but almost every fight is already determined before I ever need to use him.

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Re: Top 5 best pets for PVP

Post by Wolfson » August 24th, 2013, 12:29 am

Surprised no one's mentioned Emperor Crab yet; I use him on my team and he's definitely on my list.

My top 5:
Emperor Crab
Anubisath Idol
any Direhorn
Magical Crawdad
Kun'lai Runt

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Re: Top 5 best pets for PVP

Post by Ligre » August 24th, 2013, 1:54 am

Gonna have to agree with Azrile's evaluation. Warbots are pretty crazy, too, with the Minefields. Enchanted Brooms are right up there with Imps when synergized properly. I also agree that Magical Crawdads...again, when synergized properly...are mucho annoying. :P

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Re: Top 5 best pets for PVP

Post by Kobh » August 25th, 2013, 5:13 pm

Kun-Lai Runt
Scourged Whelpling
Core Hound Pup
Celestial Dragon

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Re: Top 5 best pets for PVP

Post by Maniack » August 27th, 2013, 12:09 pm

Crawling Claw
Flayer Youngling
Scalded Basilisk Hatchling
Enchanted Broom
Direhorn Runt

Those are the best pvp pets right now.
With a good player behind them, the ammount of distruption and damage these pets can output is too damn high!

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Re: Top 5 best pets for PVP

Post by Kpb321 » August 27th, 2013, 3:43 pm

I'm assuming you'd play the basilisk as another swap pet with a h/s (9,19) breed and either 2,2,2 or 2,2,1 as their first abilities for their first two slots aren't unique at all.

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Re: Top 5 best pets for PVP

Post by Tuatha » August 29th, 2013, 12:38 am

Jeeze... 5 best, or my 5 favs? Either way, as mentioned above, it depends on the team. I'll go with my favs, because some of the best are simply annoying to play (whether they're mine or theirs).

[url=]Ghostly Skull[/url] Because it works with a Darkness team or a !sandstorm team, and undead are just fun.
[url=]Spirit Crab[/url] Because it has attacks other than undead, and critters are incredibly scarce in the age of the Direhorn, and undead are just fun.
[url=]Fiendish Imp[/url] Because a 333 speed nether gate is just so much better than a 325 kick (sorry [url=]Flayer Youngling[/url])
[url=]Tiny Snowman[/url] Because there has to be a pet to demonstrate a b/b with a unique moveset is playable. He does it.
[url=]Crow[/url] Because... Darkness and speed. And F your Crawdad.

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Re: Top 5 best pets for PVP

Post by Alfonzzo » September 3rd, 2013, 7:43 pm

Kpb321 wrote:
I'm assuming you'd play the basilisk as another swap pet with a h/s (9,19) breed and either 2,2,2 or 2,2,1 as their first abilities for their first two slots aren't unique at all.
On my way to 250 wins, the 305 speed basilisk was my MVP.
Go Crystal Prison, Feign Death, Thrash

The unique thing about the basilisk is the combo of speed, stun and feign making him strong offensively and defensively. And with the beast racial, Thrash is 100% hit and can hit like a truck.

His weakness is versus faster pets, but at 305 speed he's faster than most pets out there.

you do want to put some thought into your team so when the basilisk feigns you're happy with whatever pet swaps in.

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Re: Top 5 best pets for PVP

Post by Mwebly » September 8th, 2013, 9:49 pm

I agree that the very best PvP teams are those that take advantage of synergy to make the total greater than the sum of the parts. That said, here are 5 great stand alone pets who can hold their own against almost anything but their family weakness, and sometimes even that.

Darkmoon Rabbit(S/S breed)
Yellow Moth(P/P breed)
Sunreaver Micro-Sentry
Emerald Proto-Drake(P/P breed)
Blighthawk(H/P breed)

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Re: Top 5 best pets for PVP

Post by Spary » September 9th, 2013, 9:44 am

I am surprised no one mentioned Gregarious Grell.

289 speed, Burn/Phase Shift/Cauterize

He can take a lot of damage, is 3 rounds out of 5 simply imune to damage (when faster), and can be a pain to kill. He may not look that special, but he is my favorite pet atm. Cauterize lets him eat any damage spike, when phase shift is on CD (or especially used for the expected incoming bomb, rarely since there aren't many pets that are heavy hitters while being faster). I have won against teams while only playing the Grell (not so often the last time, since the direhorns out there force some switching ;) ), don't wanna miss him ;)

PS: I know its a TCG-Pet - but its a very cheap one fore real money nad even in wow-gold (often enough in the ah on my server at least)

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Re: Top 5 best pets for PVP

Post by Luc80 » September 9th, 2013, 10:57 am

id say :

Direhorn Runt
Anubisath Idol
Kun-Lai Runt
Lil' Ragnaros
Corefire Imp

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Re: Top 5 best pets for PVP

Post by Shikon01 » September 10th, 2013, 10:03 am

Shakesbeard wrote:i use a variety, 5 teams that i switch btwn. i'll name 5 that i see in pvp a lot.

[url=]Direhorn Runt[/url] (look out little guy, nerfbat!
[url=]Anubisath Idol[/url]
[url=]Kun-Lai Runt[/url]
[url=]Lil' Ragnaros[/url]
[url=]Corefire Imp[/url]

of the 5, i only use Direhorn in my pvp teams (three Direhorn types all on one team :P ) ... but my Direhorn team is retired in 5.4. i only use it to break losing streaks.

and I'll add this: the specific pets are not as important as switching pets when needed, and also pets with synergy can be much more powerful when on the same team.
Add the fiendish imp to the list and that makes the common teams on Bonechewer...VERY FRUSTRATING. Lil Rag gave me problems last night...whip my broom out and just power tanked the hell out of everything else. Wish I had a kunt lai runt in my collection the damage just kills me. I have the above pets but not leveled up yet...not that it would do me any good. Beware of flyers because some can do serious damage to mech

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