For pet levelling, pets must be of the same breed and quality of the one currently in my collection. If I have an appropriate stone type available then you can purchase a stone to increase the pet quality. If I don't already have the pet you need at 25 to do an even trade let me know and I'll try to have it levelled sooner than later for exchange. I will only be doing pet levelling until I complete my collection

Btag - Dugoth#1259
Current Pricing (Illidan-H)
Levelled Pet - 1500g
BoE Stones - 3000g
Critter/Beast/Flying - 1000g
Other BoP stones - 500g
Have Available(Silver Hand-A)
Flawless Battle Stone (BoE) x3 (Silver Hand)
Dragonkin x10
Undead x5
Aquatic x13
Elemental x10
Humanoid x11
Magic x3
Mechanical x5
Critter x13
Beast x6
Flying x4
Looking For
Fetish Shaman (D3 CE)