An Idea to petition Blizzard...?

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An Idea to petition Blizzard...?

Post by Thoraine » October 2nd, 2013, 6:58 pm

So I have been dreaming DREAMING of getting children pets. Not to battle with of course... who wouldn't want a BE girl like from Children's week. What if we made a petition? I know it might not work but they might get the idea at least.

Here is my idea, we gotta be exalted with the faction to adopt a child/children from the orphanage. It could even be a gold sink. I RP a lot, and I use my argent gruntling and I am working on my Nomi's bell for a pandaren kiddo.

What do you guys think?

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Re: An Idea to petition Blizzard...?

Post by Venun » October 3rd, 2013, 6:26 am

Pets are cool, but little children? I'd find that abit .. creepy tbh.

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Re: An Idea to petition Blizzard...?

Post by Graven » October 3rd, 2013, 7:31 am

Ditto that. More than "a bit" tbh.

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Re: An Idea to petition Blizzard...?

Post by Gromagrim » October 3rd, 2013, 7:57 am

As a father myself (actually, this would be true whether I was a parent or not), I'd rather not see 'children' as in game companions, it's just open to all sorts of abuse. I'm sure the OP had pure intentions, but trade chat can go to some very dark places very quickly, and I don't need to read 'Anal [Gnome Orphan]' anytime soon.

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Re: An Idea to petition Blizzard...?

Post by Thoraine » October 3rd, 2013, 12:53 pm

wow guys... make me sound like a pedophile. Lets not forget our Argent Gruntling who are a Orc/Human... And I have never seen anal jokes about the orpahans during childrens week. Anyways guess it was a lame idea.

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Re: An Idea to petition Blizzard...?

Post by Anasa » October 3rd, 2013, 3:20 pm

Thoraine wrote:wow guys... make me sound like a pedophile. Lets not forget our Argent Gruntling who are a Orc/Human... And I have never seen anal jokes about the orpahans during childrens week. Anyways guess it was a lame idea.
I think we're ok with those because they can't battle.

Battling little kids against each other and monsters is just... Wrong.

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Re: An Idea to petition Blizzard...?

Post by Ebil » October 3rd, 2013, 3:52 pm

I would like to see something along the lines of the Argent children( non- battle pets) but for your class. I would love to have a little warlock apprentice to teach the dark arts to. It would be nice if getting one was close to how they did the warlock quest for green fire but without the crazy end boss.

This reminds me that I still want a flying mount for my gruntling.

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Re: An Idea to petition Blizzard...?

Post by Dash » October 3rd, 2013, 6:31 pm

AFAIK you can't put a leash or throw a ball with gruntlings, so at least Blizz thought about it (they still carry a bunch of stuff and run our errands though)

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Re: An Idea to petition Blizzard...?

Post by Abashera » October 3rd, 2013, 9:27 pm

First off, the Argent Gruntling and the Squire are already children, and considered non-combat "pets". Though we could simply dub them "companions" if that sounds better. Being that Blizz has already given us non-combat children companions, they don't seem to see an issue.

Secondly, I'm not a pervert, and [this thought] would not have entered my mind. Seems to me that pervs will do perverted things no matter. Walking around with a child isn't perverted in itself; it's quite innocent, and rewarding. If someone thinks it's perverted for walking around with a child...

(I love children. And I really love that little girl, she's so darned cute with those big eyes.)

This reminds me of that joke:

A man goes to the psychiatrist. While there the psychiatrist shows the patient an Ink Blot, and asks him "What does this picture remind you of?" The man answers back "Sex." He shows him another: "What about this one?" The man responds "Sex." Another picture: "Sex", and another and another: "Sex, sex, sex." Every picture the doctor shows the man, he replies back "Sex."

Finally the psychiatrist says to the man: "Why is it every picture I show you reminds you of sex?"

The man says back to the doctor: "Don't look at me, you're the one drawing all the dirty pictures."

So if someone concludes that the idea of simply walking around with a child is somehow dirty, then maybe they need to check their own mind, because clean thoughts should be entering their minds (and coincidentally coming from their mouths). Stop watching so much porn or something, because some people can love children without perverting love in their minds.

I love that little elf girl, and have wanted one ever since the first time I did Children's Week—I was so disappointed when I found out she doesn't stay with me—I didn't want to chose another pet to keep. Further, I don't have children of my own, and I always wanted a girl.

Maybe it wouldn't be a good idea to petition Blizz; But making a thread about it couldn't hurt. Please let us know if you do, and provide a link. I will definitely keep my eye on it and comment. :D

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Re: An Idea to petition Blizzard...?

Post by Mehetabel » October 4th, 2013, 8:16 am

Venun wrote:Pets are cool, but little children? I'd find that abit .. creepy tbh.
Yeah I wouldn't be keen on the idea either.

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Re: An Idea to petition Blizzard...?

Post by Crazypants » October 4th, 2013, 11:05 am

Jamesdevlin wrote: I love that little elf girl, and have wanted one ever since the first time I did Children's Week—I was so disappointed when I found out she doesn't stay with me—I didn't want to chose another pet to keep. Further, I don't have children of my own, and I always wanted a girl.

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Re: An Idea to petition Blizzard...?

Post by Itsmnevis » October 4th, 2013, 11:21 am

Wolvar and Oracle children are OK because they don't have souls.

But seriously, I wouldn't try petitioning for child pets.

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Re: An Idea to petition Blizzard...?

Post by Ebil » October 4th, 2013, 12:25 pm

Children companions could work depending on how they are put into the game. The childrens week companions are just too child like where as the argent companion is more like an apprentice. We already have Nomi in the game and while she is not a true companion that is a child companion.

Children companions could also be a good gold, Justice Points, Valor, or Coin sink as well by letting players buy different up grades for them. Like with the pugs offer different colthing options, mounts, or perks like mailbox/ vendors for a cost. They could even set up a currency type for pets that players would use to buy the items.

Yes, there may be some that would do some creepy things with them. But if you make so that people have to put in an effort to get the companions that would cut down a lot on that. Something as simple as making it so that people have to have 50 level 25 pets to unlock the item or quest chain would be enough.

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Re: An Idea to petition Blizzard...?

Post by Angelwings626 » October 4th, 2013, 2:58 pm

NO. Because my pets die....A lot. I would feel awful when I let them die. XD that's a kid I put out there to fight that wolf/blob/undead creature etc. On the flip side XD I let my kid beat an animal to death....LOL what kind of parent am I !?

LOL Imagining the attacks and damages taken crack me up tho.

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Re: An Idea to petition Blizzard...?

Post by Sanzul » October 4th, 2013, 5:12 pm

Jamesdevlin wrote:First off, the Argent Gruntling and the Squire are already children, and considered non-combat "pets". Though we could simply dub them "companions" if that sounds better. Being that Blizz has already given us non-combat children companions, they don't seem to see an issue.
To be fair, they're squires. They carry your battle standard and help you out as part of their training to eventually become knights of the Argent Crusade. You get them under rather specific circumstances and they don't do battle (though if they did, I guess you could argue it's all part of their training).

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Re: An Idea to petition Blizzard...?

Post by Abashera » October 6th, 2013, 3:55 am

Sanzul wrote:
Jamesdevlin wrote:First off, the Argent Gruntling and the Squire are already children, and considered non-combat "pets". Though we could simply dub them "companions" if that sounds better. Being that Blizz has already given us non-combat children companions, they don't seem to see an issue.
To be fair, they're squires. They carry your battle standard and help you out as part of their training to eventually become knights of the Argent Crusade. You get them under rather specific circumstances and they don't do battle (though if they did, I guess you could argue it's all part of their training).
And yet they are still children... "to be fair."

And if the only thing holding Blizz back is to make them more useful, then have them sell me cookies like a girl scout or something. Problem solved! :D

And while they're at it, I've heard several people ask Blizz to make a "Mini-Me" pet - one that CAN battle. It would be pretty easy considering there are already several quests where you have to fight a copy of yourself—the duplicate even takes on your gear and weapons. So the algorithm is already in the game.

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Re: An Idea to petition Blizzard...?

Post by TippyKitt » October 6th, 2013, 10:09 pm

Thoraine wrote:Not to battle with of course...

I just think people are being unfair in ignoring what the OP actually said in favor of bashing the idea outright.

Your saying how having children "pets" is so bad and wrong and pedobear-ish. Then someone points out the Argent kids and you say "well they cant fight so its ok". But the OP already addressed this by saying they WOULDN'T want that.

I've always loved the orphans from children's week. There adorable. And thinking so dosn't make me a pedophile any more than thinking the Mountain Panda is adorable means I'm into Bestiality.

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